Everything seems perfect for Elena Gilbert once she married the mayor of this small town but what people don't know is when she's stuck with him behind closed doors, all he does is treats her like trash. She tries her best to hide the bruises she has all over her body physically and mentally but what happens when an old friend who is back from the army for good, figures out what has been going on in her life after he left years ago.

Everyone envied Elena Gilbert for multiple reasons- some people disliked her just because she had the best clothes, the powerful husband, a beautiful family and the fact that she herself was considered a very resourceful woman. She sighed at the reflection of herself in the mirror kind of disgusted with the woman she had turned into, she didn't want this life, where it was all about glamour and getting the next best thing for her and her daughter. It was never suppose to be this way, Damon was meant to come back to her- he was her bestfriend and for one night he turned into her lover, that night she got to experience such a wonderful new view of making love with a man. She might've been only 19 when it happened but she had never regretted it, after all she did end up with a very beautiful bundle of joy as a memory of him. She smiled as she began to remember the last night she had with him before he was sent off to war.

August 12, 1996

She smiled slightly as she felt two strong arms wrap themselves around her belly, he bent his head next to her ear and whispered "I'm going to miss you Lena."

she took in a deep breath as she felt a waterfall of tears stream down gracefully from her doe eyes " I'll miss you too Damon" she whispered Laying her back into his fair muscled chest.

He let out a sigh getting a fiery sensation from her dainty hands rubbing his bulky ones, he closed his eyes as he felt her body turn around in his arms. "why can't you just not go, I'm pretty sure they can find someone else to replace you." she said with a little bit of faith in her own words.

He chuckled softly and re-opened his ocean orbs to look at the beauty in front of him "Lena... You know it doesn't work that way." he said softly as he tightened his hold around her.

"Yeah I know." she whispered through her plum lips as she placed a sweet kiss on his cheek.

He took in another deep breath snaking his soft hands under her baggy shirt to get a feel of her heated skin. "I wish I would've never signed up for this but I promised my mother on her deathbed that I would follow my fathers footsteps and I won't go back on my words." he said flinching a little at the mention of his mother in the sentence he recently spoke.

She nodded her head holding back anymore of the tears that were fighting to shed from her eyes "All I want you to known is I love you Damon Salvatore." she said sadly as she laid her arms around his neck and played with his short curly hair.

A smile placed it's way on his thin lips "I love you too Elena Gilbert ." he confessed after all those years of hiding his true feelings towards his bestfriend.

She sighed in complete satisfaction of hearing the 3 lettered words she has been waiting for him to say, a slight shiver went throughout her spine once she felt her bra has been snapped open and his hands could freely examine the bare skin of her back. He stepped away from her to slowly free her shirt and black laced bra away from her skin so he could get a better view of the goddess he has fallen in love with.

She felt a light blush pass on both side of her cheeks knowing that the top part of her body was naked for his eyes to feast on. He Chuckled lightly seeing how nervous she seemed.

"You know I have seen you in your bra before." he said in a husky voice feeling her small hands take off his T-shirt, she bit her bottom lip not able to get a response make it's way out of her mouth.

Damon came towards her again and laced his hands around her upper half and breathed on her shoulder "No need to be nervous." after that was said he placed a light kiss on her shoulder, he kept his pace making it all the way to her neck where he nibbled his teeth on her bare skin. She closed her eyes getting a sensation in between her legs that she had never experienced before, she had no idea what to do at a time like this especially when she knew she had to find someway to bring pleasure to him-but her heart and hormones where controlling her actions more than her brain could be able to do so.

He brought her body over his broad shoulder earning a giggle to escape her lips, after he placed her on the queen sized mattress they discarded their clothes off each other leaving them nude so their eyes could see for the first time what it was like being this exposed on front of each other. "You're beautiful." he breathed as she felt his hands study her whole body while she kissed all over his neck then went down to his muscled chest.

"No one has ever said that to me before." she said in a breathless tone trying so hard not to moan by just his magical hands making it's way to her untouched womanhood. "I'm glad to be the first of many to tell you." he said next to her ear while two of his fingers where exploring inside of her, that simple move earned unstoppable moans from her mouth. After minutes of teasing and satisfying each other, he placed his hard, long length inside her finally getting the ultimate chance to show Elena how much he loved her before he had to leave and get into this devastating war for the next few years of his life.

AN: This is the very short first chapter of one of the many stories I have in mind, since you guys like where I have been going so far with Let it Slide. I thought I would give out one of my new stories I have in mind. Tell me what you think by reviewing and I hope you guys liked this :)