Well, here you go, guys! Nearly everyone voted for the rated M chapter, so here it is. ^^ It's more... detailed than the last one, but i hope you all enjoy it and let me know what you think. This is the final chapter, so i'd like to thank everyone who's reviewed, favorited, and followed. *bows* you are all one hell of a group and perhaps i'll post another Black butler fanfic sometime. I've got a few that i've started, but i'd rather get a bit further along in them before i post one. but anyway, please review for me! like i said before, it's a bit tough for me to write more mature chapters, so i hope i did okay on this...

Warning: Very mature content.

"Sebastian." I groaned, not pleased with him suddenly pinning me to the counter of his private kitchen; all ideas of making a cake for Ciel's desert forgotten. "Is now really the time? I'm still sore, you know."

He growled lowly in his throat, his mouth by my ear and blowing a hot breath on it as he spoke. "You died, Damon."

I winced at his words, knowing that it would be a long while before I forget the pain of the Undertaker's scythe. Already, my pulse quickened in fear as Sebastian gripped my waist tightly and pressed my lower back harder against the edge of the counter, making me cringe as my back ached in protest.

"That hurts, Sebastian."

His low grumble and the feeling of his teeth tugging on my ear informed me he hardly cared, and I almost gave in, if it wasn't for the fact that the bell to Ciel's study was ringing. In an instant, Sebastian let out a frustrated growl and zoomed off, giving me a chance to make a bolt for it too. As I hurried through the halls though, I silently wondered why I was running from him. I honestly should be happy that he wants to… well, you know, but a part of me was hesitant and I was struggling to figure out why. Maybe it's because I've changed. I winced at the words, ducking behind a corner upon spotting Mey-Rin in the hall. He was forced into making a level three contract with me just to keep me alive. I mean, it's nice and all that I'm alive and that he was willing to risk that for me, but doesn't that mean I'm even more of a monster than before?

I continued to struggle with this because—to explain—a level three contract was the highest level contract a demon could have with another demon. Capable of even bringing a demon back from the dead, if only for a while. Most only last a few weeks before the second part of the contract needs to be fulfilled. I've only got a few more days. Basically, what the level three contract does is something incredible. I only knew the details of it because Sebastian had explained it to me once I'd woken up—rather confused as to how I was alive in the first place. Only some of the highest ranking demons were capable of it, in fact, and they were only able to do it once. What they had to do, was give up a part of their soul to the other person. Depending on how the high of a rank the demon was, they were able to control how much of their soul they could give the other. Most only did a minute amount, but when giving it to a deceased demon, it required much more. So much more, that most demons weren't able to stop from giving up their entire soul to the other. Sebastian though, had given me half of his soul and because I'd only been dead for a few moments when he did this, I still had the tiniest bit of my own soul left.

In other words, I was no longer mostly a wolf demon with a bit of cat mixed in. Now, I was mostly a crow with bits of the other two. This meant, that I could no longer transform into my more powerful forms. No panther, no cat, no ginormous wolf. Just my regular wolf size and a crow; still preferring my wolf qualities over them all due to how comfortable I was with that form. This, made me weak. I was far weaker than I had been before and I suppose that was a big part of the reason why I was currently hiding from Sebastian in the dumbwaiter on the second floor. Then there was the other downside to this contract...

"Damon, stop playing in the dumbwaiter and get over here."

We were even more connected than before. To the point that we could tell where the other was at, at any given moment; making hiding from the demon that much more difficult. It became less of a hide-and-seek game, and more of a game of tag; with me having to do my best to outrun and avoid him as much as I possibly could. As I escaped the dumbwaiter on the first floor and ran for my life back upstairs, I groaned as that stirring feeling in my stomach telling me to go back to Sebastian. Because yeah, dammit. I really wanted to have sex with him again, alright? I'll admit it and just throw that out there bluntly. I mean, who wouldn't? Not to mention that this time would definitely be more intense than the second level contract we made ages ago.

This time, there would be blood exchange between the both of us and I would get to put a contract on him to make sure we were fully connected. Of course, this also meant that we'd be so full of lust that anything could happen and I'd rather not have the blood of one of the servants on our hands should one of them interrupt due to Sebastian being far too eager for this to happen. Hence, my running. Already though, I was starting to wear down. That was yet another downside to everything. Thanks to the shinigami blade I'd been stabbed by in the heart—third level contract or not—healing that sort of injury completely was impossible. Yes, I was alive and grateful that I was, but my heart could only handle so much of a workout before it tired out and even ached, painfully.

I stopped in a hallway and panted with my back against the wall; a hand clenched in the fabric of my shirt. I was on the third floor and Sebastian was down in his kitchen, so I had some time to catch my breath, if only for a minute or two. I clenched my eyes shut as a bolt of pain went through my chest, feeling that reluctance to go through with this whole thing rear it's ugly head again. I may have acted confident and snarky before, but… why would he want to do this? Why would he want to seal the deal when I'm obviously not the same person I was before? Why would he want to do this with damaged goods? I can't even run for more than half an hour with feeling like my heart will rip itself apart. I pushed off the wall with a cringe as one last painful ache went through my chest, before I started walking to my room. Once there, I stripped off the layers to my butler outfit and just flopped back onto the bed with a long sigh in my shirt and boxer shorts, much more relaxed now that I was surrounded by my own scent. With my tail and ears out, I got myself comfortable and only just started to drift to sleep when a hand slipped under my shirt and someone began nipping lightly on my wolf ear. I groaned, still half asleep and not really thinking as the hand went up further and began to fondle my breast as a breath brushed over my ear.

"You didn't actually think you'd get away from this, did you, Damon?"

My eyes snapped open as I realized that I wasn't dreaming and I immediately tried to bolt away from Sebastian, only for him to pull me back to his chest with his arm wrapped around my waist.

"Now, now, now. Where are you going?" He hummed, obviously amused as I continued to struggle to get away from him; trailing his tongue up my neck and to my ear.

"Away from you, you crazy hormonal demon!" I snapped, but in an instant, his teasing demeanor changed and I was slammed back onto the bed violently; him pinning me down effortlessly and his eyes flashing pink as he frowned down at me.

"Let's try that again." He said, voice low as he adjusted his grip on my hands above my head and his other hand snaked up to my jaw to hold it tightly. "Why are you running from me, Damon? Are you that against forming a contract with me?"

He must have seen the hesitation in my eyes, because he frowned and his grip suddenly loosened as he got up and moved towards the door.

"Very well. I will not force you into anything you do not wish to do." He said as I felt guilt well up in me. "If you wish to die after all of this, then so be it."

I groaned loudly and pulled a hand through my hair as I sat up. "God! You know I hate it when you guilt trip me like that! I just… I don't understand it, okay?"

He paused and looked back at me in confusion. "I've explained how the third contract works, Damon. Were you not listening when I did so?"

"Not that." I grumbled, looking away in shame. "I don't understand… why." I looked back at him, eyes narrowed and frowning. "Why do you even want me? I'm weak now. I can't even change into that damn cat form you liked so much."

I had mumbled the last bit, but I didn't expect the response I'd gotten from Sebastian; his deep laughter echoing around the room.

"I-It's not funny!" I argued, face turning red in embarrassment. "Stop laughing! I'm being serious!"

He sauntered back over with a big grin on his face, making me nervous as he started to remove his gloves with his teeth.

"That was what you were so worried about?"

"Y-Yes?" I stuttered out, not liking the predatory way he was looking at me like I was his next meal.

He chuckled deeply, eyes glowing as the room darkened and he crawled onto the bed; making me lean back the closer he got to me.

"I find it amusing that you lost all your self-confidence now of all times. Did you never question why a higher ranking demon such as I liked you in the first place?"

I blinked, realizing I hadn't ever thought of that, and I was forced to stop backing up as my back met with the headboard.

"Whether you are physically strong or not, does not matter to me, Damon." He continued, hovering over me now with his knee between my legs and a hand on my side; the other on the wall beside my head as hie nose brushed against mine. "Whether you can change into your other forms or not, does not bother me. What does matter..."

My eyes were glued to his, his scent overwhelming as my own eyes started to glow a light pink shade as well; no longer the glowing yellow they used to be.

He smirked. "...is my love for your stupid, ridiculous self."

I frowned. "Oi! I'm not stu—"

I was cut off as his mouth smothered mine, myself letting out a groan of protest for not being able to say what I wanted, but he used that opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues danced, fighting for dominance in each others' mouths, before his hand wrapped around my ankle and pulled me down to lie flat on the bed, making me gasp in surprise at the sudden movement. This meant he won our little kissing battle, but I didn't have time to think about that before his knee pressed up between my legs and forced me to growl lowly in my throat at the friction. I felt my lip sting then, the metallic scent of my own blood filling my nostrils as Sebastian sucked on the wound on my bottom lip with his own groan before he pulled back with an animalistic look in his eyes and bit a wound into his own lip before pressing them back to mine.

With the blood exchange done, I knew I needed to work fast on making the seal on him before we were both lost to the lust the sharing of blood caused. So I quickly brought one leg up around his waist and knocked his arm out from under him to flip our positions. Already, the temperature in the room seemed to skyrocket as I ground my hips into his and worked on removing the many layers of his uniform. With a growl, I glared at him as I pulled up to breathe.

"Honestly, if you knew we were going to do this..." I stifled a groan as he ground up against me. "…you should've removed all these layers first."

He chuckled. "But then I wouldn't get to watch you struggle."

I growled in annoyance, finally getting the offending articles of clothing off him and rubbing my hands down his chest and abs, trying to find the best place to put the contract. I finally chose to place it just above his left hip and as my eyes glowed a vibrant pink, I carved the symbol into his flesh, feeling my own symbol on my lower back burn as Sebastian growled. I swiped my tongue slowly over the bleeding wound, feeling the heat in my stomach grow as I panted and struggled to keep some sense of myself as we both started to loose ourselves. My hand brushed against the bulge in his pants, but before I could so much as attempt to do anything, he grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me back up to his mouth to get another taste of my blood before he flipped us once more.

He wasn't as careful with my shirt as I was with his, but I hardly noticed when he started biting and sucking on my sensitive ears, tearing through my chest bandages with ease and immediately fondling my breast as I growled lowly and raked my nails down his back. His other hand trailed below the waistline of my boxers and I stifled a gasp when one of his fingers slipped into me, quickly finding a bundle of nerves that made my back arch up. Another one was added when I bite down harshly onto the nape of his neck and tangled a hand in his hair and tugged hard at the hairs on base of his neck. I ground my hips against him as he pumped his fingers into me, but then a sharp pain went through my chest and I cringed; doing my best to ignore my heart's protests. Sebastian didn't notice and slipped his fingers out and pulled down my boxer shorts as I started to work on his pants; but it seemed that wasn't what he was aiming for.

"Not yet." He growled out, dragging his tongue down my neck to my breast where he nipped and sucked on it while I grumbled in frustration at not being allowed to do anything for him.

I wasn't able to complain for long though, because his mouth soon left my breast and traveled down my stomach and over my navel, all the way to the inside of my thigh. Seeing what he was planning, I immediately tried to back out of his reach, but he grabbed my leg just above my knee with a devilish smirk and slid his tongue up the inside of my leg teasingly as I turned a bright cherry red and tried to shove him off with my other foot.

"Don't you do it." I snarled. "I've seen what that thing can do in my mouth and I don't want your crazy demon tongue anywhere near tha—"

I held back a moan as he completely ignored what I just said and slid his tongue over my entrance, making my leg shake in his hand as he teased me relentlessly.

"Y-You damn… ngh, sadistic… son of a—"

He cut me off by actually sticking the wet appendage into me and I bit the inside of my cheek as I whimpered and tried to keep my head from spinning at the euphoric feeling.

"D-Damn your t-tongue is skilled." I mentally said, unable to get my voice to work as Sebastian did his magic with a deep chuckle, only making things even more unbearable than they already were.

He pulled out and moved back up to capture my mouth, tasting slightly salty before the metallic taste of his blood interfered and any and all restraint of mine went out the window as my canines grew slightly and I immediately knocked Sebastian down, grinding against the bulge in his pants as I worked on getting them off and ravishing his mouth the entire time. Once they were off, it was my turn to tease him as I used my hand to work on his length and his hand kneaded my breast as we groaned into each others' mouths; tongues sloppily fighting each other before I changed tactics and began using my mouth on his lower half instead. I would occasionally drag my teeth against it, enticing a groan from Sebastian as head reached down and held my head before bucking his hips. Growling lowly, I bit down—harshly enough to make him stop and cringe, but not enough to actually hurt him as I lifted my head and glared. He frowned in return, obviously not pleased about my stopping him, but I gave him something else to think about when I tackled him back onto the bed and bit his neck hard, drawing blood as my nails did the same along his chest, stomach and sides.

I was loosing it fast. The air around us full of our scents and the aphrodisiac effect it was having on me was probably ten times that of what Sebastian felt. I needed more and he knew it too, if his deep throated chuckle meant anything. That, and the fact that I was now pinned to the bed face-down and struggling against his grip with snarls as he tied my hands above me to the bedpost with his previously discarded tie.

"Now, now, Damon. Have some self control." He said, leaning over me and fondling my breast as he ground his hips against mine; his hot breath brushing over my ears. "It's unbecoming of you otherwise."

Eye flashing dangerously, I pulled against my restraints and went to snap at him—literally—teeth gnashing as I snarled, before he went and reached up; grabbing a hold of my jaw tightly and slipping two fingers into my mouth. I tried to bite him, but he was stronger and painfully pulled my lower jaw down as his other hand slipped towards my entrance to tease me once more. Eventually, I gave in and growled quietly as I sucked his fingers and his stretched me out before I felt him press against me as he removed his fingers from my mouth and lower body.

"Hm, that's better." He hummed approvingly, grinding against me as I let out a groan as he prepared himself; giving me no warning before he entered me completely in one fell thrust.

I grunted in pain, gritting my teeth and trying to adjust, but he gave me no chance before he pulled out nearly all the way and slammed into me again. I couldn't help the pitiful noises I made as he did so, soon getting into a steady rhythm, before suddenly stopping and making me let out a grunt of annoyance. I didn't expect him to suddenly flip me over while still inside me and throw my legs over his shoulders before starting up again. I grimaced at the sudden new angle, trying to figure out what the hell he was doing by suddenly switching positions like that, before he did it again. This time I was on my side with a leg hooked around his own side.

"What are… ngh, you… doing?!" I snapped at him as he hummed like nothing was wrong.

"Searching for something."

I was about to snap at him again, but he switch positions again with me on my back, except for one thing. He pulled me up so that only my shoulders were still on the bed, my legs up and around his neck. I growled and went to pull away from him, but when he thrust into me, he hit that bundle of nerves and I couldn't help the moan that escaped my throat as he smirked smugly.

"Found it.~" He hummed, quickly adjusting himself to have a better hold on me before starting up that quick-paced aggressive rhythm he'd started before.

I was nearly ready, when that sharp pain went through my chest again and I cringed. He continued, not noticing my pained expression and obviously very close himself, except I couldn't help the pained whimper that escaped my throat as I gripped at the left side of my chest. With one more thrust though, I came and he followed soon after, already pulling out and preparing to go another round, but I couldn't ignore the pain anymore. I rolled onto my side and curled into a fetal position with my ears back and my tail wrapped around me as I panted and grimaced in pain. Sebastian, realizing something was wrong quickly leaned over me and checked my pulse with a frown before wiping some sweat from off my brow.

"Breathe, Damon. Slowly."

I struggled, but he covered my mouth and nose with his hand and I was forced to take deep breathes if only to keep from passing out. Finally, I began to relax and Sebastian sighed softly before pulling the blankets up over us and lying down behind me; brushing a hand through my hair softly as I half-heartedly glared at him.

"Better?" He smirked, knowing that I wasn't exactly pleased about the near heart-attack our activities caused and I scoffed, turning away from him.

"You just had to try everything, didn't you?" I grumbled, face red as he chuckled; the vibrations of his chest rumbling on my back as he pulled me closer to him by the waist.

"While I didn't mean to cause you physical pain—"

I scoffed again, knowing that that was exactly what he wanted.

"—I surely had to perform my best for you."

I eyed him suspiciously over my shoulder, cautious of his nice words and his shit-eating grin, but I could sense the truth in them and huffed, pouting childishly.


"Oh? You don't wish to know why?" He hummed, leaning over me slightly and breathing a hot breath over my ears; sending a shiver up my spine.

"Why?" I begrudgingly gave in.

"Because..." He reached over and turned my face towards him to kiss me deeply, pulling away as his eyes glowed magenta once more. "...I am simply one hell of a lover."

I couldn't help but laugh at that and the two of us intertwined ourselves once more; the butler of the Phantomhive household, and his untamed mutt apprentice.