Author's note: Uh…hi again? This is me trying to write from Demyx's point of view and hopefully not failing miserably. Apart from our mutually dashing good looks (har har), he and I have nothing in common. I mean, I took piano lessons when I was, like, six, but otherwise? No.

This is another prompt-fic, one that I should've said no to since I'd only offered to write a drabble/one-shot and the prompt was a little too complex to fit into a piece of writing so short. Instead, I took it on and it morphed into this weird little homage to movies like "Saved" and "The Wise Kids", and hopefully offers a fresh take on what happens when a gay kid ends up at a conservative Christian high school and is just trying to start over, fit in, and stay true to both his faith and identity.

Reviews: I'm happy for any comments you might feel inclined to leave on this fic. I'm particularly interested to hear from readers who might've had an experience in a religious high school as to whether I'm accurately portraying it. I grew up in a conservative religious environment but my only experience with religious high schools was a three-week stint in a Christian boarding school at 14 (don't ask). Otherwise, it's been mostly public schools for me, so I'm mostly just pantsing it with this fic.

Rating: Overall, T for non-explicit mature themes, including but not limited to light sexual innuendos, swearing, debate over a character's suicidal/self-harm ideation, references to religious anti-gay bigotry and other anti-LGBT sentiments. I'd say most readers in their teens or older can handle the content in this fic without much issue. It's pretty tame.

Prompt: By kingdom-hearts-babe on dA: "demyx just moved to twilight town and axel is the popular guy and falls in love with demy but demy doesn't think its real love so axel has to prove to dem that he truly loves him." ( see how there's no way in heck I could've managed this as a one-shot? Yeah. I tried to stick to the spirit of the request as well as I could, although I took some liberties with the "falls in love" bit just for the sake of keeping it realistic.)

"Welcome to Holy Hearts Academy, where a great education is taught from a strong Christian foundation!"

Demyx blinked, stared across at the perky, red-haired girl standing in front of him, just within the doorframe of the administrator's office for new arrivals. She hadn't even let him introduce himself, had just chirped right up, smile pasted on her face, wine-colored hair bobbing gently in the loose ponytail it was held back in.

Clearing his throat, Demyx approached, his empty book bag slung casually over the side of one oxford shirt-clad shoulder. "Uh, hi," he said, meaning to continue, but getting cut off almost immediately.

"Hi! How can I help you this morning at Holy Hearts Academy?"

Demyx hesitated, put off by the almost robotic quality of the girl's inflection. Wow, if ever there was a case for brain-washing…

He forced the thought aside. Not now. Not on his first day. Sometimes he just couldn't help himself. Now, at a moment when he could, he bit his tongue.

"Yeah, so I'm new here, and I need—"

"Oh! You're new!"

Demyx shot her a perturbed look. That's what I said, yeah.

His exasperation was lost on the girl as her head dipped under the counter she was standing behind. Sounds of rummaging soon drifted up to him, as did the click of an opening door.

"Got it," she trilled, pulling out a few files. "Are you… Demyx or Olette?" Again the bright smile. Again, the incredulous look appeared on a dirty blond haired newcomer's face. Was she being serious?

"Jesus, Kai," a low voice drawled from behind them. "Does he really look like an Olette now? Hair's not long enough."

Counter girl's smile froze on her lips as she apparently took in the new arrival's presence. Out of the corner of his eye, Demyx noted long, red hair in a color that couldn't possibly be natural. Something told him the tattoos on that guy's face weren't exactly all that god-given either…

His mouth still half-open, ready to respond to the girl's original question, Demyx's voice died in his throat as he got a better look at the newcomer.

Frack. He'd always had a weakness for green eyes.

An impatient sound snapped his head back toward the desk.

"Axellll!" Wine red hair bobbed in synchronization with raised shoulders as the girl crossed her arms over her chest, pursing her lips in the process. "Isn't it a little early for you to be at school?"

The red-head sauntered forward, his stance practically screaming indifference as he took in the girl. It was a surprisingly unpredatory look for someone Demyx figured had very little difficulty getting what he wanted.

With those eyes

Stepping up to his side, the red-head — Axel, apparently — ignored Demyx entirely, pulling a slip of paper out of his tight, neatly pressed khaki pants. "I'm here on official business today, dear sister."

Ah. Well, one mystery solved, Demyx supposed.

Snatching the note up, the girl's eyes traveled over it quickly, her expression becoming increasingly livid as seconds passed. Eyes skyward for a moment, she clasped her hands. "Lord, give me strength," she muttered.

Axel copied the motion, his tone far less reverent. "Lord, get me out of detention."

Turning her back to Demyx, the girl's expression darkened. "I can't believe…I mean, of all people…" she began sputtering, her words edging toward something a little beyond exasperation. Then, as though remembering herself, a motherly expression replaced one of frustration. "Why Roxas? Can I ask?"

Axel blinked, expressionless, green eyes simply regarding her. Then, a quick glance at Demyx and back again. "Really, Kairi. Let's not give the newbie a bad impression of our upstanding academic institution. It's only his first day. He's still got textbooks to acquire, schedules to memorize, confessions to make about all the sinful things he's done recently."

Turning his eyes to Demyx, Axel shot him a suggestive look, moving his gaze lower, over Demyx's untucked oxford shirt, then up again. "Not to presume, of course."

A tingling heat burst through Demyx's chest, forcing him to bite the inside of his lip to keep the gaze he returned a level one.

The girl huffed. "Don't be disgusting, Axel. It goes against God. And Jesus."

Axel scoffed a little. "Yeah, well so do your ear piercings."

The girl's face was an open book from Demyx's vantage point, and right now it was clearly a mixture between annoyed and just plain baffled.

Leaning toward Demyx conspiratorially, Axel lowered his voice to a whisper. A loud whisper that was easily audible from where Kairi stood. "Leviticus 19:28."

A second later, Axel turned back to the desk, a serious look now gracing his features. "I'd be more than happy to be his guide for the day."

From the looks of things on Demyx's end, it seemed like the girl who'd been called both Kai and Kairi was about to blow a fuse. Her lips transformed into a tight, thin line as she stared up at the red-head.

"Absolutely not. You only have two classes together. I've already aligned his schedule with someone else's."

A ginger eyebrow lifted a bit. "Whose?"

Kairi straightened, expression resolute. "None of your business."

If Demyx had expected Axel to protest, he was well off the mark. The taller boy shrugged, all expression replaced by that same nonchalant indifference, not even bothering to say good-bye as he sauntered out the door and back into the hall. Demyx found his eyes fixed on the last place Axel had been, as if in a daze.

It was the younger girl's voice that brought him back to his senses.

"I'm so sorry about that," she said, her pitch still high, apparently at the end of her tether. "My brother's a good guy. He just needs a bit more of the Lord's guidance than most, I'm afraid."

"Right." Demyx drew the word out, keeping his tone as neutral as possible.

"And he's not even right about that stupid verse," she burst out. "The New Testament obviously absolves our need to follow all those outdated laws."

Demyx merely nodded. Yeah, except when it comes to being gay.

That one still got people pretty riled up. Especially his parents. And they'd said this was his last chance…

He closed his eyes, shook his head once, willing the memory of that conversation away. Not now. Not here.

"Anyway," Kairi continued, oblivious to the turmoil that was bubbling right beneath the surface of the sandy blond haired, blue eyed newcomer's outward expression. "Sorry for the interruption." She looked down at the file in front of her. "So you're…Demyx then?"

Holy Hearts' newest senior nodded in the affirmative, acutely aware of the sound of a door opening once again.

He and Kairi looked up in unison, Demyx expectantly, Kairi with pursed lips. A moment later, she broke out into a smile.

"Ah, great. Your guide."

Wide blue eyes looked up at him out from under a shock of messy brown hair. The boy was compact but looked athletic in his school uniform, a stark contrast to the fiery tresses, tall lankiness, and challenging expression held in eyes of acid green just moments before.

The boy approached with a quiet confidence, looking Demyx over curiously but without any apparent investment in his new charge.

"Demyx," Kairi said. "This is Sora. He'll be in all of your classes, unless you add on band last period, since he has choir that hour."

It was probably good Kairi didn't see the blond flinch at the mention of band, yet flinch he did, as the image of blue eyes and complimenting slate hair emerged from the recesses of his memories.

"Sora is an honor roll student, and our head pastor's nephew," Kairi continued, completely oblivious to Demyx's momentary emotional slip. "He'll help show you your locker, get you your textbooks, and make sure you settle in."

Sora nodded after each activity Kairi checked off her mental list and reached across the desk to take a sheet of paper Kairi was holding up for him. Then it was back to business for Kairi. Or maybe just back to being a robot.

She smiled automatically, eyes distant as though her mind was already elsewhere.

"Nice to have you at Holy Hearts, and welcome to Twilight Town!"