one, welcome all to...
I made up Kenewyore by combining the first three letters of a few states here in the U.S.A. A hundred imaginary cookies for the first reviewer to guess which states! ...they have sprinkles.
Anyways, I will have some original Pokemon, and practically everyone is an original character. I may have some characters from the anime and games, but mostly as cameos. Oh! I almost forgot!
DISCLAIMER! The characters copyrighted by Pokemon, Nintendo or whoever isn't me don't belong to me. However, I do own my OC's, such as Storm, Bane, my original Pokemon that I will point out, etc...
So, without further ado, the story begins!
...This world is an unusual place... One inhabited by Humans and Pokemon alike... We live together in this world... Connected by invisible threads that link our world together... But, sometimes... some people fail to see the beautiful harmony we have in this world... Some wish to rule it, for personal gain... Some think that the world is incomplete, and wish to change it by force... Others think that we should not live side by side, humans and Pokemon... Some think that the humans should capture all Pokemon, bringing them into submission... Others believe that the Pokemon should rule, such as Ho-oh, and Arceus, and the like... They have cut themselves from the threads that unify our world... However, some still see and appreciate the beautiful harmony in which we live... Of course, there are still those people whom do not appreciate the harmonious balance... They seek to change and twist it, for their own distorted views... But some, brave and valiant, rise to protect this balance from those who would distort it. Over the years the balance has shifted somewhat, fluctuated, if you will, as balances do... The balance was never broken, however... Until one fateful, terrible day...
However, I'm getting ahead of myself, as they say... Let us go back to the beginning of all this madness...
Our story shall begin in a quaint little town, named Puzzlin, near the center of a region known as Kenewyore. Haven't heard of it? Few have. Their government never really had a stable connection with the other regions nearby. Perhaps this is why their land had rather unique and unusual Pokemon. Of course, the occasional overseas traveler would pop up every now and then. But, listen to me! I'm going on like an old fool, when there's a story to be told! I believe I shall leave the storytelling to a young lad, from the town I had mentioned earlier. He may not seem like much, but believe me, his talents far exceed his appearance. Now, let us truly begin this marvelous tale...
I was in a large empty place. (yeah, I'm real articulate) Anyways, I was looking all around, trying to find something, or anything, in this vast nothingness. I started running, just running through the darkness. Suddenly I saw a light. It seemed to call to me, so I ran toward it. But the closer I seemed to get, the farther it appeared to be. So I kept running. Running...
Then the light grew and grew. I heard a voice talking to me, but I couldn't quite make out what it was saying. As I kept running, I knew I was getting close. As I got so close that I could touch the light, I reached out toward it and the light faded away at my touch. What was before me was now an egg. It stopped, hovering before me in midair, and I stopped to observe it. It was completely white. Weird for a Pokemon egg, I thought. Most eggs have stripes or patterns. I heard a strange voice call from nowhere. I thought it was the same one from earlier. It seemed to come from everywhere at once, and yet it was quiet, like the whisper of a child.
"Who are you?" I asked the space, looking around for the source of this voice.
I it said weakly. Was whatever this voice belonged to injured?
"But, where is 'here'?" I asked again. As you could imagine, I was pretty confused.
The voice seemed to laugh, faintly. Then it replied, Can't you see me? I'm right here.
I was pretty stumped until something clicked in my mind. I turned to the egg and said, "Are you... this egg?"
The voice laughed a little. Yes, I'm an egg right now. But that doesn't mean I'm any less here than you are.
I nodded, trying to make sense of this. "So, you're an egg?"
"And you're talking to me?"
"In a big, black empty space?"
"And... Wait, what?" the something's reply caught me by surprise.
I'm just in your head! the unidentified voice replied cheerfully.
"You're telling me." I mumbled, but it seemed to hear me.
I mean you're dreaming. it clarified.
I felt a huge weight drift off my shoulders, just to be replaced with confusion. "But, I've never had a dream this vivid before. And I feel like I understand things well. Not like my other dreams where I mostly just observe what's going on. I feel...awake." I explained awkwardly.
Well, that's not unusual. the being replied. You're not unconscious, just asleep.
"Oh, that clears everything up." I sarcastically muttered. Yet again, it heard me, despite my lowered volume.
You mind is awake, but your body is asleep. it further explained, still sounding like it was injured or something.
"Hey, are you okay? You don't sound too good." I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me.
You're right, I am injured... I was hurt, somehow. Then I fell asleep and saw you here, so I tried to get your attention and started glowing.
"Then you led me over here." I finished its explanation.
Yes, and now we're here. And you are very nice. it said. I could feel a wave of warmth washing over me.
"Thanks. You're nice too." I told it with a smile.
I wish... I could find a trainer... As nice as you... As it said this, the world began to fade away.
"Wait! Who are you? What's going on?" I called after it. No reply came. I felt myself slowly being pulled back into consciousness, as one phrase repeated itself, in my mind.
Okay – important update for anyone wanting to continue reading this!
I've now begun a rewrite of this story (as of March 13, 2014) and will be posting it shortly if you don't see it yet. (same title – Pokémon: Storm in Kenewyore)
Once you reach this story's 56th chapter, it will end abruptly with little-to-no-hope of continuing.
THIS STORY IS NOT OVER! I will continue to write and complete it – this will all be in the rewrite – just a bit more cleaned up and with some extra details that it needed (also, it includes over 85 original pokémon!). So, thanks for bearing with me and enjoy the story!
P.S. The rewrite will include three chapters when it's up!