"Do I seriously have to wear this all night?" A voice called from the bathroom.
"Of course! What would be the point of wearing it for half of the night?" Another voice replied.
"I look like an idiot."
"You do not. You look handsome."
"Handsome? You need to think of a better adjective or I'm not wearing this at all."
"Baby, come out here, I need to see you before I can think of another adjective, I need to evaluate your costume again."
Slowly the bathroom door opened and the tall blonde emerged in her costume. The small brunette sat on the edge of the bed and tried to banish her growing smile and laughter. The blonde frowned at the brunette who was failing to suppress the laughter. Eventually she gave in and her laughter erupted. The room was filled with shrill laughter and it only stopped when the blonde swooped down and captured the brunette's lips in a deep kiss.
"Rachel Berry, you are so damn lucky that I love you. Otherwise I would not go through with...this" she said pointing at the Christmas tree outfit Rachel had chosen for her. "You are aware how many 'whipped' comments I'm going to get tonight, aren't you?" The brunette nodded in response. "How come I have this awful coloured costume that does nothing but clash with whatever is in the room and you...you get the beautiful colour that goes with just about anything?" The blonde continued, indicating to the costume her girlfriend was wearing. "We've had this discussion on several occasions; don't make me remind you, again!" The brunette replied.
"I think it's going to be necessary if you expect me to go out looking like this!"
"Fine! You are dressed up as a beautiful Christmas tree and I am your gold star. You told me on our first date that I've always been your gold star because even on my saddest day I still shine. I shine brighter than anything or anyone you've ever known."
"My gold star" the blonde repeated softly as she stared into the brown eyes right in front of her.
"So, basically, tonight you're my bitch? What's a Christmas tree without a gold star?" The blonde joked breaking the comfortable silence.
"No chance, you should know by now how this relationship works...You are soooo my bitch." The brunette mocked.
"I can always look for an angel to accompany my tree." The blonde joked, enjoying the reaction she was getting from the brunette.
"If you keep this up, you're sleeping in the guest room, regardless of the fact it's Christmas."
"Oooh. A threat, I like it when you're feisty. You should know that by now!" The blonde winked.
"Trust me, I do know that, but right now's not really the time...Our guests will be getting restless downstairs, they're waiting for our grand entrance." The brunette blushed.
"Let's go make an appearance then... I still can't believe that I'm wearing this thing!"
"I'd rather you weren't wearing it, but again, now's not really the time." The brunette said as she rose from the bed, leaning up and capturing the blonde's lips in a brief but loving kiss. She locked their hands together as they made their way to the stairs. "I hope someone has got a more embarrassing costume than me, although I know I'm going to be berated regardless." The blonde mumbled. "Quinn Fabray! Stop mumbling like a child." The brunette scolded.
"How did I end up being bossed around by you again?"
"I think that's a story we'd all like to hear." A voice replied from the bottom of the stairs. The two turned to face the voice.
Kurt Hummel stood facing the pair dressed up as Rudolph with a questioning look on his face. "Oh Kurt!" Rachel gushed as she rushed down the stairs. "It feels like we haven't seen each other in years!"
"Rachel, I only moved out three months ago! It was the best move I ever made! Now I can get a decent night's sleep!" He joked. Rachel playfully slapped him on the arm. "Anyway, Mr Hummel, you know the story of Quinn and I, why would you want to hear it again? The first time we told you it, you almost threw up."
"I'm sorry; I didn't expect the former head cheerleader who tortured you, to be so well...nice." He replied. "Sorry Quinn." He added as she approached the two of them, she stopped and stood behind Rachel.
"For what?" She asked, oblivious to what the two were discussing.
"Oh, for almost vomiting when Rachel told me the story of you two."
"Hey, that's an epic love story." Quinn replied, arching her eyebrow and wrapping her arms around Rachel's waist. Rachel nodded in enthusiastic agreement.
"I'm not arguing I just didn't expect it." He quickly replied.
"We didn't expect it either, but here we are..." Rachel added.
"...As happy and as in love as possible" Quinn finished, tightening her arms around the smaller woman's waist. She lent down and gently brushed her lips against the brunette's neck, sending small shivers up her spine. "Ok, ok, ok. If I'm going to be spending my evening watching that, I'm definitely going to need another drink. Blaine! Blaine! Where are you? Get me another drink!" Kurt ordered, turning on his heel sharply to find his boyfriend.
"I have an amazing idea, it may make this night just that little bit more interesting." Quinn whispered.
"Ooooh! I like games!"
"I think we need to play the 'Lets make Kurt uncomfortable game'. We haven't played it since he moved out..."
"That's not a fair game..."
"You want to play though, don't you?" Quinn replied. The brunette struggled to suppress her growing smile. "I knew it." Quinn added smirking.
"You know Quinn, I much prefer being on your team, than being your opposition." Rachel whispered.
"Me too, but this game's fun!" Quinn replied.
"I prefer games where there is strategy and thinking involved, not simple games such as th-" She began, but was cut off when Quinn bent down and kissed her.
"1-0, Berry." Quinn whispered in her ear as she pulled away. Rachel turned around to see Kurt quickly looking away with a red blush in his cheeks.
"Oh game on Fabray!" Rachel ordered. With that she dragged Quinn over to the couch and sat down on Quinn's lap. "Story time!" She shouted gaining everyone's attention. The guests all sat down in the lounge, some on their loved one's knees like Rachel, others on the floor and some just loitered in any space they could find. Quinn scanned the room for Kurt who was sat on the floor eagerly anticipating what was coming.
"I thought that since this is the first of the annual Berry-Fabray Christmas parties-" Rachel began but was cut off by Quinn, "It's Fabray-Berry."
"I think not, may I remind you who's wearing the Christmas tree to my Gold Star this evening?" She jibed back. The room chuckled when they realised Rachel had a valid point. "Can I continue now?" Rachel added mockingly. Quinn simply nodded her head. "Before I was rudely interrupted, I wanted to welcome you all to the first annual Christmas party and I thought that since many of you in the room haven't seen us properly in years, that it'd be a great idea to fill you all in on how we all got to be here this fine evening." Quinn turned to see Kurt go a slight shade of pink in anticipation for the story he'd already heard. Quinn made a mental note that Rachel was a very strategic game player but Quinn had a few sneaky surprises hidden up her sleeve. Game on Berry, she thought.