Hi everyone! :D i have trying very hard to continue my work by my own. I am still looking for a beta reader. Why is so hard? I really appreciate your patience. And ( just for fun! nothing more ) I hope you imagine that you are reading what Fleur wrote. :)) ! Thank you a lot! Here the new chap! Next chap we knew how the trio planned to break in Gringgott. Now we shall know what will happen.
Chap 9: A trip to the hell cave
Tomorrow morning, they gathered in garden to say goodbye to Ollivander. He seemed to be better after resting here few days and strong enough to apparate. Dean and Luna accompanied him so that Ollivander could make them their new wands. They moved to Muriel's house – Ron's aunt. Her house was bigger and enough rooms for everyone.
-"Goodbye everyone! Goodbye Mr. Potter!" – The wand maker looked at him sadly. –"I'm so sorr …"
-"Don't be like that. I understand" – said Harry. Then he smiled. –"Actually, you can help me do something".
-"Of course! Mr. Potter! Anything if I can" – replied the old man.
Harry whispered something in his ear. –"Of course! ! It's no difficult to me. I have never forgotten any wand I made". – Ollivander nodded.
-"Thank you very much!" – said Harry. –"When it's done, Luna and Dean can bring it to us".
Ollivander walked toward Dean, Luna and Bill. He grabbed their shoulders and said goodbye to everyone and vanished with a small faint pop. Bill backed after few minutes and they were all ready to go.
Number 10 Downing Street was a small antique store. The owner was a bit crazy. However, this store was quite famous in the world of antiquarians in England because of two things. Firstly, they could find easily an item which was unique and valuable. Secondly, thieve had never stolen successfully anything in this store.
But today, 4 people sneaked in the store without making any alert.
-"Why don't you tell me about the last fire-trap? It almost killed us and burned the store" – grumbled Hermione.
-"It's Ok Hermione!" – said Harry. –"I just don't understand how you could notice it". Hermione glared at him but not grumbled anymore.
-"The owner is a wizard?" – asked Ron.
-"No! He is a Squib." - Replied Griphook. –"We do not let the magical man make transactions with Muggle".
-"So the owner wasn't our problem" – said Harry. –"But how does the Squib active the key-port?"
-"This …" – The goblin pointed at the red telephone placed on the bar table. –"Pick it up! Dial 18001570 and dial 1! This is how the key-port works".
-"What an unforgettable number!" – murmured Ron.
-"Come!" – said Harry. –"Because the owner isn't here, we don't need to greet him" –he joked. –"Put your hand here, Griphook and we shall travel to hell. And there is anything that you need to tell me?" – Harry stared at the goblin's eyes.
-"Just give me the sword when it's done" – muttered the goblin.
His words reminded him about what Bill had said to him about the deal with goblin in the cottage. Now He and his wife were drinking coffee in the Diagon Alley. They were the trio's reinforcement.
-"Let go!" – They putted their fingers on the phone. Harry dialed and as usual they were pressed very hard in any direction. Finally, they fell on the ground.
Harry stood up first. Only by feeling, they were in a tight space. They were trapped in a marble room. –"Where is it, Griphook?" – asked Harry.
-"This is the warehouse behind the staff's room, " – replied Griphook.
-"Where is the door?" – asked Ron. –"The door will appear whenever a goblin in Gringgotts puts his hand in this wall" – said the goblin as walking toward the wall. Harry followed him. The goblin putted his hand on the wall. … . Nothing happened. –"Oh no! My named was deleted from staff list". – exclaimed the Goblin.
-"What should we do now?" – asked Ron. –"Is there any way out?"
-"Griphook! We need an explanation now" – Her wand was ready.
-"The shipment must be moved to this area, this is the isolated area." - The goblin said slowly. - "Before shipping, the owner sends an owl to inform. A goblin waits here for a check before moving cargos. I don't know my named was deleted".
-"Is there any way out?" – asked Hermione. –"I'm sorry! The key-port cannot bring us back".
-"We cannot go back!" – said Harry firmly. –"We must go through this wall. How is this wall thick?"
-"About 300 inches" – Griphook answered. –"Marble, very hard, if you blew this room, it would like let the whole world know that you are here".
Ron fell on the ground and sighed. Harry shook his head. He can smash this wall but if he did that, an army would be waiting for him. Looking at his friends, Harry bit his lip. He could not let Ron and Hermione die here.
-"Wait! Harry!" – said suddenly Hermione. –"You told me that you can control the fire and ice powers, right?" – asked her.
-"Yes!" – replied him, hoping Hermione had found out the solution.
-"Do as I say" – She used her wand to draw an arc on the marble wall which was small enough for one man to pass through. –"You will heat this part as possible as you can. Then you will freeze it. The sudden change of temperature will make it easier to break. This way isn't going to make any noise".
-"Does anyone often be here?" – She asked the goblin
-"Rarely!" – answered the Goblin. – "This warehouse is used to store the cargo waiting for being identified. There is not many cargo transported here, especially this time".
Harry said nothing. He completely believed in her. He focused then a red halo appeared on his right hand, while on the left was a silver-white halo. Waving his right hand gently, the stream of red halo shone the part which was marked by Hermione. In a moment, this part became gray then red.
-"Now!" - ordered Hermione. Harry closed his right hand and pulled it back. The red halo faded away and disappeared. Then his left hand released a white halo. The audible noises came out with smoke. The marked-part became dark-gray.
Hermione waved her wand, cleared the smoke. Harry putted his hand on the wall. It broken, created a small hole. The wind and light ran into the warehouse. –"I go first" – Harry said as lying and crept out before Hermione said anything. Outside was a small room. On the left was a staircase which led them go up.
-"Where does this staircase lead to?" – Harry asked Griphook, ignored Hermione's glance.
-"To the Control room, only one goblin is often here"
-"OK! Go!" – Harry went first quickly, followed by Hermione. The goblin was the third. Ron was behind the goblin. He wanted to watch the goblin, made sure Griphook didn't betray them.
There was a small room up there. An old goblin was listening to the radio, enjoyed a goblet of red wine. He didn't seem to notice someone was watching him.
-"Wonderful! Bogrod!" –whispered the goblin. –"An incompetent who had been almost fired but then was sent down there.
-"What is our advantage?" – asked Harry.
-"He never passes the Anti-Imperius test" – The goblin grinned.
No time to wait, Harry pulled out his hand toward Bogrod. And the first time in his life, he murmured –"Imperio". – A stream of power ran from his mind, released through his hand. Then he could see the goblin's mind which was full of desires and the dark-shadows, cruel but weak. Harry controlled the old goblin's mind completely.
There was another door in this room. –"It's OK" – Harry thought. –"We will need the CLANKERS, tell him to take it" – demanded Griphook. –"And he will follow us. We need him to control the cart. I no longer have the authority".
The old goblin followed exactly what Harry ordered him. He walked toward the small safe, opened it and brought out a leather bag that seemed to be full of jangling metal. Then they walked toward the door gently. Behind that door was a long corridor in a huge cave which was shined by the hanging torches. On the left side were rocky walls, while the chasm on the other. The banisters was full of moss, seemed to be easy to break. Griphook went first with Bogrod., while the trio was under the Cloak of Invisibility.
They met no difficulties on their way to the end of the corridor. Harry had just had a sigh of relief then suddenly, there were 2 voices stabbed his ears. One was a wizard and the other was a young goblin. Nowhere to hide, the trio and the goblins just stood where they were. When the strangers came closer, Hermione whispered. –"He is Travers. He came and got us in Luna's house. I remember his face".
-"We have just gotten a big trouble" – Harry thought. Didn't let him have enough time to think, the young goblin pointed his finger at Griphook and said. –"What are you doing here, Griphook? You were failed last month".
-"STUPEFY" – Harry acted immediately. Travers didn't have enough time to pull out his wand. The red light punched his face, knocked out him. Ron acted a bit later. His curse flew toward the young goblin. What Griphook told them about the goblin of Gringgotts wasn't exaggeration. The goblin, who was absolutely well-trained, responded faster than they had expected. He jumped on the left and putted his hand on the rocky wall. The rock revealed a small hole which was enough for only one goblin. Then he disappeared like a ghost.
-"Hurry" – screamed Griphook. –"The bank will be alert in 1 minute. Take a cart, destroy the others. It will stop them a bit".
Harry nodded his head at Bogrod, who whistled to summon the carts that came trundling along the tracks toward them out of the darkness. Hermione, Ron pointed their wands at the others carts. Released the colorful lights, they destroyed all the carts except the first one. They clambered into it. Bogrod in front of Griphook, Harry, Ron, and Hermione crammed together in the back.
With a jerk the cart moved off, gathering speed. Then the cart began twisting and turning through over the rattling of the cart on the track. This is the longest trip which he traveled by this cart. Harry could not hear anything over the rattling of the cart on the tracks. His hair flew behind him as they swerved between stalactites, flying ever deeper into the earth. Suddenly, the dark space in front of them showed up a bright silvery waterfall pouring over the track.
-"NO" – Harry heard Griphook exclaimed. –"The HELL'S DOWNFALL. We are going to die!"
Having no ideas what it was, he was only sure that the downfall was very dangerous. His mind ordered his body. Harry raised his hands and released 2 bright-white-haloes. For a moment, the cave froze, the silvery downfall turned into a white icy wall.
-"Reducto" – Screamed Hermione. The curse created a hole in the icy wall, enough for the cart.
-"Do not let the ices touch our body" – The goblin shouted at his ears. Hermione and Ron create a Shield Charms to cover both sides of the cart, while Harry covered their heads.
The cart ran through the hole in high speed. Suddenly, the cart tumbled toward, made them fly out the cart, and fell down.
-"MOBILICORPUS!" – Harry screamed as falling. Hermione, Ron and the goblins suddenly stopped falling like they were tied with the ceiling by the invisibility ropes. Turned to himself, Harry realized he was only few meters to the ground. Not enough time to do anything, he closed his eyes, waiting for the fatal collision.
Then he fell on something soft, elastic. He bounced and rolled on the cold rocky floor. Harry sprang to his feet, turned his head around to find Hermione. She was unharmed except her face was white as ghost. Although, her body suspended in the air, her wand somehow still pointed at him.
Harry waved his hand gently, released them from being hung in the air. Harry looked at her thankfully; however, she refused to stare him back. –"Are you OK?" – asked Harry and received Ron's nod. Harry nodded back and walked toward the cart to have a clearer view. Its wheels seemed to be corroded and broke off.
-"Hell Downfall" – said Griphook. – "As acid in Muggle world! But no only erodes every matter but also magical. Freezing is the only way to resist. You have seen the result of the wheels. I'm sure they rolled over the rail and melted some piece of ices".
Harry startled. What would happen if this "thing" poured over Hermione … them. Harry asked Griphook. –"This trap …" – "is the ultimate. We are the first people not being killed by this trap for 1200 years. The Bellatrix vault was only 10 meters away.
-"Lucky!" – Harry heard Hermione murmured behind him. –"Lucky always comes to idiots who don't take care themselves"
Ignored her words, Harry said out loud. –"Let's move!".
Harry led them. He focused his mind really hard. And he could smell Hermione's scent next to him. Ron was behind a bit, his wand was ready. The lasts were Griphook and the old goblin.
They turned a last corner and saw the thing which made them root to the spots. Althought he had faced the Hungarian Horntail in his fourth-year, Harry was still horrified by the Dragon … which was standing in front of him now. Grabbed Hermione hand, he pulled her back and stood in front of her.
-"Silent! This is Mongolia King-mountain. A flame gush was more than 20 meters in length. It is partially blind". – panted Griphook. –"But even more savage for that"
-"We will just stand here and stare at it?" – Harry asked.
-"We have the means to control it. It has learnt what to expect when the Clankers come. Give them to me."
Ron passed the bag to griphook, and the Goblin pulled out a number of small metal instruments that when shaken made a long ringing noise. They advanced around the corner again, shaking the Clankers, and the noise echoed off the rocky walls, grossly magnified. The dragon let out another hoarse roar, then retreated.
-"Make him press his hand to the door" – Griphook urged Harry, who turned his hand again upon Bogrod. The old goblin obeyed, pressing his palm to the wood, and the door of the vault melted away to reveal a cavelike opening crammed from the floor to ceiling with golden coins and goblets, silver armor and lots of valuable things.
Harry had described Hufflepuff's cup to Ron and Hermione. They glanced around; trying to find the small cup in the vault like this seemed to be as difficult as focusing in Pro. Bill's lecture.
-"Harry, could this be …? Aargh!" – Hermione screamed in pain, and Harry turned to her in time to see a jeweled goblet tumbling from her grip. But as tit fell, it split, became a shower of goblets so that a second later, with a great clatter, the floor was covered in identical cups rolling in every direction, the original impossible to discern amongst them.
-"It burned me!" – moaned Hermione. Harry waved his hand. A silvery mist appeared and covered her hand. She smiled at him thankfully and turned to Griphook with a curious look.
-"They have added Germino and Flagrante Curses!" – said Griphook. –"Everything you touch will burn and multiply, but the copies are worthless."
-"Let me handle this! Don't move!" – ordered Harry. He waved his hand upon the fake goblets. The red light was released and made those goblets vanish.
Harry closed his eyes as focusing. Everything in this room created their own senses. But the part of Voldemort's soul must be different from everything. It was cold, dark, desolate … and familiar to him".
-"It's there, it's up there!" – Ron and Hermione pointed there wands at it, so that the Helga Gufflepuff, which had passed into a two-way spotlight: the cup that had passed into the possession of Hepzibah Smith, from whom it had been stolen by Tom Riddle.
-"And how the hell are we going to get up there without touching anything?" – asked Ron.
-"Can anything touch things here without making them multiply?" – asked Harry.
-"Anything but life creatures" – replied Griphook. Harry turned to Hermione – "Give me the sword! Hurry!".
Hermione fumbled insider her robes, drew out a beaded bag, rummaged for a few seconds, then removed the shining sword. Harry seized it by its rubied hilt and touched the tip of the blade to a silver flagon nearby, which did not multiply.
Pointing the sword toward the small cup, Harry thrust the sword through the handle of Hufflepuff's cup, hooking it onto the blade. Harry held the cup in his hand. The cup burned in his hand but his hand created a small cold mist covered the cup and cooled it immediately. He putted it back into Hermione's bag.
-"Let get out of here!" – ordered Harry. When he had just stepped out of the vault, he suddenly stopped. From the tunnel where they had passed, lots of noises came along with absolutely lots of people.
Harry frowned as thinking, turned back to Griphook. Seeing Harry moved toward with the sword in his hand, the goblin stepped back, stared at him. Harry understood Griphook's reaction. He turned the sword's grasp to Griphook. –"Here! It's your as the deal!"
-"You are the greatest wizard, Harry Potter!" – Griphook said as taking the sword back. –"You just simply thrust at me and it's done"
-"I knew!" – Said Harry as smiling.-"But I don't want to end this war and live in peace with its torments. Besides, she doesn't want me to do this" – Harry glanced at her. –"You just hide in here. We shall lead them to other way".
-"Thank you! Mr. Potter!" – Griphook hesitated. –"We are allies. But Can I be your friend?"
-"I appreciate that!" – said Harry as pulled out his hand. Shaking his hand, the goblin said. –"You don't need to use the old way. Down the left corridor, there is a cave led to a large chasm. This is where we brought that Dragon down here. Even being overwhelmed, you are still able to find it. The rocky wall is white, unlike the others. Becarefull! Under the chasm was the Hell stream".
-"Thanks" – Harry ran back to Ron and Hermione. From where they were standing, they can see clearly many goblins armed with knives and the tall black guys. The red, green lights flew over the goblin and directed to the trio.
Harry raised his hand, prepared for the blasting curse. Suddenly his scar burned, held his head by both hands. Harry almost fell on the ground.
-"Are you OK?" – She grabbed his hands, held him stay still. Her voices ran to his ears.
-"I'm fine!" – whispered Harry. –"Buy me times, I felt something has happened to him. Something I need to know. He was very happy or angry, only when I let him in my head".
-"Count on us!" – said Hermione and stood up, released some red lights toward the crowd. The vault, the smell of wet rock, the sound of crowd were extinguished. Pain cleaved his head like a sword stroke. Harry closed his eyes then saw by other eyes, in other view.
He-Voldemort walked on, around the edge of the lake, taking in the outlines of the beloved castle, his first kingdom, his birthright …
And here it was, beside the lake, reflected in the dark waters. The white marble tomb, he felt again that ruch of controlled euphoria, that heady sense of purpose in destruction. He raised the old yew wand.
The tomb split open from head to foot. The shrouded figure was as long as thin as it had been in life. He raised the wand again.
The wrapping fell open. –"He wasn't change, still tall, thin, old, … He was just lying as sleeping" – And his eyes met it – The Elder Wand – buried with Dumbledore. Voldemort grabbed the wand. Staring at the wand with his eyes was full of greediness. His head was racing as choosing carefully which magic he should do first. Raised the wand over his head, he whisper the incantation then suddenly –"CHIT" – a louder voices rang out. The wand turned into … a giant rubber mouse. A genuine product of Fred and George could not be missed.
Harry felt the terrible rage before the mind-connect was shut off. He dumped as laughing crazily.
-"What had happened to you? Are you mad? We are going to die!" – Ron exclaimed. Harry looked at his friends were fighting against the dozens of goblin and wizard. He tried to stop laughing. –"I am fine. I am going to tell you later!" – then He shouted at the crowd. –"Your Dark Lord is just a loser!"
Harry raised both his arms as saying. He released 2 great lights. Two red light hit each other, created many smaller light flew toward the crowd. The goblins dodged almost all lights just by crouching, while many wizards were knocked out, flew against the rocky walls. The crowd stopped a bit.
-"We need the other way out" – said Ron. The dragon's roars attracted Harry's attention. Looking at it, Harry raised his arm and shouted –"Relashio". The cuffs which shackled the dragon's legs broke open with loud bangs. In his left, Hermione pulled back her wand.
-"Hurry!" –Harry yelled, and still shooting stunning spells at the advancing goblins, he sprinted toward the blind dragon. Harry stretched out an arm; Hermione hoisted herself up; Ron climbed on behind them.
-"C'mon baby! Move! You are free now" – Harry transferred his mind to the dragon. Then the dragon let out a roar, and a gush of flame flew over the goblins, created a fire-wall separated the trio with the goblins and guards.
-"To the left" – Harry controlled the dragon. He didn't want to create a bloody-way to escape. The dragon obeyed his order, moved slowly on the corridor. Then he saw what Griphook had told him – a white rocky wall. It was big enough to fit the dragon. Harry pointed his hand at the wall and released a great power which destroyed the wall. He could feel the wind flew through this big hole. –"There is a way out"
The dragon could feel the wind, too. It followed the wind, passed through the hole and jumped down the chasm. The wings opened and began to clap. Harry suddenly had an idea, transferred his order to the dragon. It didn't fly up but spiraled down gently. Under the chasm was the silver stream. –"Give me the Horcux" – yelled Harry. Receiving the cup from Hermione, he threw it. The light flashed as the cup met the water's surface. The trio could saw the dark shadow writhed, tried to escape the stream but in vain. The shadow, the cup all vanished in the water, lost their trails.
-"The fourth" – whispered Harry. He ordered the dragon to fly up. –"Now we shall back with shine and sky" – yelled Harry.
Thank you a lot for finish reading! Hope it's better. :D