Chapter 4
Author's Note: Hey everyone! I'm back by popular demand! Well, about 3 people asked for it, but that's a lot for me.
Also, I made a deal with my beta. In exchange for more fanfic, I picked a song for her to cover on her Klaine Christmas Fluff fic. If you guys haven't already checked out her work (D. H. Spy), then go now! (Wait, read this first!)
So thank you to D. H. for beta-ing this for me! :D
Disclaimer: I do not own Glee. I don't even own the picture. Although I would very much like to. Any budding artists out there? Draw it and email it to me at… (remove the spaces) alexagirl18 hotmail . co . uk
Kurt opened his eyes slightly. He could hear Finn's music blaring from the room next door. Good, that meant he hadn't left yet. He nuzzled deeper into his pillow and pulled the cover over his head.
Wait, since when was there buttons on his comforter? Kurt opened his eyes fully and sat up, looking at what he'd just been resting his head on.
Blaine. He'd been resting his head on Blaine's stomach. And Kurt didn't even remember falling asleep. What if someone had drugged him or something...?
"Ouch!" In Kurt's frenzied state he'd accidentally hit Blaine. Blaine sat up and smiled at Kurt, but still rubbing his knee where Kurt had hit it.
Boy, does he look adorable, Kurt thought to himself. Blaine's hair had broken free of his helmet of gel and he had that cute goofy grin on his face.
"What are you smiling at?" Blaine asked.
"You. You're just so… DAMN! I've missed Glee practice! Naww, I was gonna do that Celine Dion mash-up with Rachel!"
"Hey, calm down," Blaine whispered, putting his arm around Kurt and pulling him back onto the pillows. "Here, I'll let you share my pillow."
Kurt attempted to make a sarcastic remark but Blaine silenced him by kissing his nose.
"I could get used to this," Blaine sighed, snuggling up to Kurt.
You think I'm pretty, without any make up on,
The opening bars of Teenage Dream playing out of Blaine's phone. Blaine groaned, knowing that this was his cue to start the journey home.
"Sorry Kurt, that's my curfew," he said, sitting up. "Wait, 1 unread message from an unrecognized number?"
Blaine opened the text and read its contents aloud.
Get some, Anderson!
"What?" Blaine asked, confused. Kurt picked up his own phone and noticed the mass of unread messages. He quickly scrolled through them, looking for a matching text from Santana that inevitably read "Get some, Hummel!"
"What… the hell…?" Kurt began, reading some of the other messages, all from various members of the New Directions.
Where were you? We were supposed to –
Kurt deleted Rachel's reply immediately.
You never told me Blaine was a dolphin. – Brittany
You and Blaine make an adorable couple – Quinn.
Wait, since when did Lauren have his number?
"Have your friends been… spying on us, or something?" Blaine asked, reading Kurt's texts from over his shoulder.
"I honestly have no idea," Kurt replied, opening the final message from Mercedes. It was a picture. A picture of himself and Blaine, lying on Kurt's bed. Looking at the top of the message, Kurt could see it was from Finn and had been sent to the entire Glee club excluding him.
"Finn Hudson! You are so DEAD!"
This is the last chapter here. Aaaah, my first finished fanfic!
Thanks to everyone who has read this or put it on their favourites list… it means a lot to a teenage fangirl who has to wait until the room is empty so she can write her fanfic on the computer.
And a big thank you to D. H. Spy, my beta and close friend. You're awesome! :P