December 18 - 7 Days till Christmas
Christmas spirit tickled the wintry air of this fine Sunday, spreading a bit of holiday cheer throughout the students of the Peace Main Boarding school. Just like the year before, several of the students were unable to go home for the holidays, so they remained within the comfortable confines of the campus.
Everyone was milling about, enjoying the freshly fallen snow, or hurrying along to get to the lunchroom before it closed for the holidays.
However, despite everyone's apparent cheer, there was one gloomy soul that had locked himself up in his room and was nestled beneath the sheets, refusing to greet the day.
"Oi! Zoro!" There was a knock on the door before Luffy came barging in. "Let's hurry up and go to get lunch before they close!" He looked down at the lump on the bed and sighed. "You can't stay in here forever."
"Shut up. Go away." Zoro mumbled, rolling over so he faced the wall before pulling the blankets up over his head.
"Hey now," Luffy quirked an eyebrow, "how long are you gonna be upset like this for?"
"I said go away."
Luffy plopped down next to the irritated lump and gently punched him in the back a few times. "You can't stay depressed forever."
"Luffy, just leave me alone. Go get food by yourself. 'M not hungry."
Luffy sighed exasperatedly, "Just because he broke up with you that doesn't mean you should lock yourself up in your room." He pulled the blankets off the sulking marimo. "It's been over a week now. This isn't like you."
Zoro rolled back over onto his back and looked up at Luffy sadly. "Yeah, I know." He rubbed his hands over his face.
Luffy smiled a little sadly down at his friend. Zoro had been head over heels for his older brother, Ace, and they'd been together, up until a week ago that is, since about October of last year. Luffy still didn't understand why, perhaps it had to do with Ace now being at college, but Ace had decided to break it off 2 weeks before Christmas, leaving Zoro down in the dumps ever since.
"Come on. Get dressed and we'll go eat, kay?" He smiled one of his big smiles, wanting Zoro to get back to life and not wallow by himself all day. Plus, his roommate, who had also stayed during the break, was beginning to feel just as down as Zoro was.
Zoro looked up at his friend who was a good 2 years younger than he, a sophomore. This was Zoro's senior, and final, year at school; he didn't want to waste it in bed. He smiled a little at his friend. "Yeah, alright, I'll be ready in 2 minutes."
"Honey, I'm home~!"
Sanji whirled around, shirt halfway up his arms as he prepared to put it on. He looked at the guy standing in his doorway and was pretty sure he had no idea who this nut job was. His face twisted up into a look of 'what the fuck' as the guy stood in the doorway, looking just as awkward as Sanji felt.
"S-Sorry, I, uh, got the wrong room...uh, do you know where Zoro lives?"
Sanji slipped the shirt over his head before answering. "Same room one floor up." The man in his doorway blushed and muttered a quick 'thanks' before he hastily apologized and closed the door to Sanji's room. 'What the hell was that?'
Sanji slipped his button down over his t-shirt and fastened 3 of the buttons as he looked for his belt. He looked at the clock on his dresser: 1:17. He was going to be late if he didn't seriously haul ass. He slipped on his boots and coat, grabbed his keys and wallet, and hurried out the door, almost forgetting to lock his door. As he headed towards the stairs, he saw Zoro, Luffy, and that weird guy from before heading down the stairs just ahead of him.
Sanji decided to just silently walk behind them, pretending his was fully absorbed in a message on his phone. Luffy was talking amicably to the two other guys, gesticulating wildly as he always did. The weird guy threw his arm around Zoro's shoulder and brought him in close, laughing about something or other.
Why did Zoro seem to surround himself with such weird people? Sanji sighed, ducking out the side door to avoid a possible confrontation. He didn't have time to worry about Zoro or his weird friend. He had to get to work.
Sanji worked at the Sky café in town. Normally he'd go to work only after school hours, but since school had let out, he was getting in a few extra hours before the holidays to earn a bit of extra cash.
He hopped in his car and hurried to try and make in time. He was grateful to the owner for allowing him to work a little extra; he didn't want to be rude and show up late.
He burst inside, quickly making his way back into the staff room and shedding his coat. He punched his time card—1:28, barely safe—and grabbed his apron and cap from his locker before heading back out to go behind the counter. Just in time too, there was a cute girl waiting to be served.
"Hello pretty lady, how can I help you?" He asked with the air of a perfect gentleman.
"Oh, um, I'll have..." She took a moment to look over the menu. "I think I'll have the Cappuccino, medium, skim, please." The pretty blonde girl looked to be about Sanji's age. She had her hair tied back into twin braids and wore a light pink sweater dress with white woolen tights and snow boots. She'd shed her peacoat and was holding it draped in her arms, but she'd left her grey beanie on. She was very cute indeed.
"Alright, coming right up Miss..." He smiled and squinted a bit, as if he was trying to remember her name.
"Ah, I'm Conis." She smiled, "And you are...?"
Sanji chuckled and pointed at his nametag. "Sanji." He grabbed the medium cup and got to work on her drink. "So what school do you go to? I think I'd remember seeing you around if you went to Peace Main."
She tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "No, I go to the local school, Morgania High." She walked around to the register and waited for her drink. "So you go to that boarding school? Then I'm guessing you're not from around here. Where are you from?"
The bell over the door jangled loudly, and the first thing Sanji noticed was how familiar the voice was.
"Maaaan~ that suuuucks~ I can't believe they closed at one." Sanji looked over just as Luffy pulled an annoyed face, "What kinda crap is that?"
"Sorry about that." Sanji turned and saw Zoro walking in, he was facing someone that had yet to be seen as he held the door.
"It's alright." That weird guy from before walked in and looked over at Sanji. Their eyes made awkward contact and both quickly looked away, remembering the events earlier that day. They were both more than surprised to see each other again after having departed only a half hour ago.
Sanji finished preparing Conis' drink and handed it to her, giving the lady a charming smile. "That'll be an even 300 Belli, please."
"Wow, it never comes out even!" She chuckled as she reached into her bag for her wallet.
"We incorporated the tax into the prices so it's more convenient." He handed the girl her drink as she handed him the money.
"Thank you."
"No, thank you, Conis-chan." He smiled again and watched her walk over to a table and sit down.
"Alright, what can I get you bastards?" Sanji teased, a smirk at the corner of his mouth.
"Sanji! I forgot you worked here." Luffy smiled broadly, hiding his little white lie behind it.
"Yeah, I'm workin through Friday and then I've got the weekend free. So what do you want?" He rolled the cuffs of his white sleeves further up his arm. Sanji had been periodically glancing over Luffy's shoulders at Zoro, who seemed to be looking in every which way except over the counter. Sanji quirked an internal eyebrow at the odd behavior. His gaze briefly shifted to the mysterious man, who appeared to be giving him a look over.
"Mmm~ I'll have a large hot chocolate with extra whipped cream and the chocolate shaved things on top. And I'll take two ham sandwiches." He threw up his fingers, making sure Sanji knew exactly how many sandwiches he wanted.
"I should've known. Are you guys together or separate?" He asked as he began to punch in the order.
"Oh, he's paying." Luffy indicated the unfamiliar guy with a jerk of the thumb.
"Alright, Mr. Marimo, what'll it be? I'm afraid we're fresh out of Miracle-Gro, but I'm sure I can find a substitute out back."
Zoro scowled, "I'll light up that mosquito incense you've got growing on your face if you don't shut up and take my order, curly-curly love cook."
"Alright, so that'll be one medium coffee for the agitated plant, and what'll you have?" Sanji asked the man whose name he still didn't know, but the longer he looked, the more he felt like he'd seen this guy before.
"I'll have a medium Americano, please." He responded politely. He even went so far as to offer a small smile.
"Alright, that comes to 2900 Belli even."
"2900 Belli? You serious? The hell makes it so pricey." Zoro complained, despite not being the one paying.
"You can thank Luffy for that one. Half of that bill is his." Sanji took the money from the guy and got to work on their drinks. He watched out of the corner of his eye as the three of them went and sat down.
The guy and Zoro sat down next to each other in the slightly smaller than average booths, seeming to be more than comfortable with invading each others bubbles. Sanji couldn't help but feel like there was something...there.
Sanji's eyes darted over to where Conis was sitting and was delighted to discover that she'd been looking at him before turning away shyly. Sanji had never been so happy to work in a coffee shop in his life.
"Hey, Zoro, is that the guy you were telling me about?"
Zoro leaned a little closer to his friend. "Yeah, that's Sanji. He's the one you walked in on right?" Zoro looked over at his best friend, Saga, smirking a bit.
"It wasn't funny! It was awkward as hell!" He punched Zoro in the arm gently, not appreciating having that embarrassing moment brought up.
"Haha, you did?" Luffy laughed through a bite of his sandwich.
"Yeah, right before he screamed 'Honey, I'm home.' Most traumatizing moment of my year." Sanji had come over with a tray, holding all their drinks and Luffy's food in one hand as if it were nothing.
Luffy laughed uproariously as he always did. "That's hilarious!"
Zoro turned and looked at Saga, smiling fondly at his friend. "You're a dumbass, you know that?"
"Yeah, but you're stuck with me till the ends of time, whether you like it or not." Saga threw an arm around Zoro's neck and brought him in close, hugging him.
Sanji grit his teeth a bit before almost slamming the tray down in annoyance. "I have to get back to the register. I'll see you guys later."
"See ya, Sanji!" Luffy offered a wave as Sanji left the table, empty tray in hand.
"What's the matter with him?" Saga asked, arm still slung around Zoro's shoulders.
"What isn't wrong with him?" Zoro joked.
"I heard that, baka Marimo!" All Sanji got in return was a laugh from the trio sitting at the table. 'Just hurry up and leave, assholes.'
"Excuse me?" Sanji turned and was delighted to see Conis standing at the counter again. "I was wondering..." She bit her lip before reaching into her bag and pulling out a pen. She took a napkin and scrawled out her number. "Would it be alright to ask you to call me sometime?" Her brows were knit with uneasiness as she handed him the note with a slight smile.
Sanji could hardly believe his luck. "Y-Yes! Yes, I would love that very much!" He tried to keep his inner perverted old man persona buried deep down, but it was seriously struggling to get free.
"Wonderful! I'll see you later then, Sanji-kun!"
"Good-bye, Conis-chan~" Sanji looked down at the napkin. He couldn't wait for his shift to be over.
Zoro and Saga were chilling in Zoro's room along with Zoro's roommate, Law, and Sanji as they played old school video games, encouraging on their characters as if they could hear them.
"Why the hell did you chose Ken? He doesn't stand a chance against Ryu!" Zoro laughed pompously
"Cause blondes are always better." Sanji argued back, wincing as he watched his hp steadily dropping. He hadn't played street fighter in...gosh, it'd been years. The nostalgia was what had prompted him to play, but now he wasn't so sure since Zoro was thoroughly kicking his ass.
"Clearly." Zoro snarked.
Saga put a hand on his friend's shoulder, encouraging him to win. "Finish him!"
"That's Mortal Combat." Law corrected, sitting on the other side of Sanji.
"They're all the same to me. I grew up without games."
"HA! Beat you!" Zoro turned to Sanji and pointed in his face, getting within inches of the irritated blonde. His eyes were wide and filled with childish excitement at having totally destroyed Sanji. "In your face, cook!"
Sanji was taken aback by how...normal Zoro was acting. They'd gotten on a bit better since last Christmas, but they still fought a good deal. He brushed off the useless thoughts and fought back. "Yeah well I don't sit on my ass all day playing games. I bet I could kick your ass next time, Marimo!" Sanji challenged, smirking confidently.
"You're on, dartboard!" Zoro turned back around to start up another round when a loud yawn interrupted him.
"Yeah, I think not. It's already almost three. Should head to bed soon."
"What are you, my mother?" Zoro snarked, yawning again.
"Alright, we're all heading to bed." Law decided, standing up and stretching.
"Yeah, sounds good." Sanji stood up as well, "I'll see you guys later." Sanji closed the door on their goodbyes and goodnights before heading back downstairs. As he lay in bed, thoughts of that purple-haired man kept floating into his head, and he didn't like it. His thoughts kept drifting to how close he and Zoro were. How was that even possible? Getting that close to someone marimo-ish. Whatever it was that Saga and Zoro had, Sanji found himself wanting it more and more, until thoughts of the green haired man lulled him to sleep.
Author's Note
First chapter of my Christmas special :D hope you enjoy ^^~