Hey guys! here's my new story! I don't know if I can finish this before Christmas, but I will try! :)

So I wish you'll like it! This will only be 5-6 chapter long, I guess, so I really wish I could finish it! Gray is soooo hard to write! T_T so sorry if you find him OOC! as well as every other character included in this story,, NO OC's my friends! :)

Genre: Romance, Family, Drama, Friendship, some Humor I guess..

Pairings: GrayXLucy, NaysuXLisanna, JellalXErza, LevyXGajeel

Summary: It's a short story about a girl who seeks for true happiness in life and found it in a person who she least expected; a boy who didn't believe in wishes-do-come-true until he met her. Do wishes come true? Do you believe in them?

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairytail or any of its characters. I am NOT Hiro Mashima!

Here's Chapter 1! Enjoy! :)


Everybody has their own wish kept within their hearts. Some wishes are for themselves, some for their family, some are good, and some are just as bad. Little kids wish for toys, some will be grateful just to have food to eat, because some are lucky and the others will think they're unblessed. Many of us wishes to have world peace and some just don't care.

If I were to wish as well, will it be granted?

They say that all I need is within my reach but, is it really? They say I will have everything I wished for but, why do I feel lonely? There is this one single wish I had in mind, one single wish that can't seem to come true. It's not money. It's not material things that most people wanted to have. All I wish for is true happiness. Can I attain this? If I wish for my father to love me again, is it going to happen? I don't know. I love him, yes but, he loving me is a different story. If I wish for my mother to live again will it come true? Of course not.

How can I attain my happiness when it's already gone?

Friends? How can I have friends if I'm locked up in my room only to be allowed to go out when my father wants to see me in his office or if there is a gathering? He won't let me explore the outside world. In short, my world is simply the four corners of my room. My studies you say? I'm home schooled. My father doesn't want me to socialize with people who have low social standards in the society. He doesn't even want me to study in a prestigious school even though the people who go there are all wealthy. He thinks all of them will befriend me only to be closer to our family to gain power. He doesn't want that.

What kind of happiness will you attain if all you have in you is money? I don't understand.

Mother always tells me stories. One story caught my interest. It is a story about a girl who never gave up, always wishing to the stars to finally gain her happiness. She never loses hope. There were times when she needs to struggle a bit but that never bothered her instead it made her stronger until she obtained her happiness.

Will I ever obtain mine as well?

I'm a seventeen year old girl who, like everybody in the world, has a wish for their own. A girl who simply wants to go out and explore, make friends, have fun, and find love; a girl who everybody thought of as 'Lucky'; a girl who only wished for true happiness, Lucy Heartfilia, that's me.

Today, my father ordered me to dress up properly. There's a gathering and he wants me to be there. He didn't say anything anymore, just to get dressed and be there, that is all. He didn't even look back at his daughter. I nodded and went back to my room.

Will I let myself be controlled forever? Will I not stand for myself? Will I follow every order my father commanded me for the rest of my life?

No. I don't want that! All my life, I've been a puppet. A mere puppet doing everything he wanted me to do, against my own will. If mom's here, she won't allow this to happen. She will tell me to do what I want to do, to reach my dreams, and make her proud. She'll tell me to live my life what I want it to be, to be free from all this, to stay strong even though I'm weak, to experience life without obeying or carrying out a command or instructions of how I live my life, to be the person I want to be, to have an ordinary life, and I know she'll tell me that she'll accept me for whoever I am. I won't let this continue on. I want to live my life the way I wanted it to be. But how?

One thing crosses my mind asking me this question, running away. But can I actually do it? Leaving the place I call my home for seventeen years, can I do it?

Yes. I can do it, no, I WILL do it! I want to be free from all this right? Then I should do it.

With these thoughts, I nodded in determination. I throw the gown, which I was about to change into, on my bed and took out my suitcase inside my closet. I put all my regular clothes there, my shoes and sandals, a photo of me and my family, the jewelleries I inherited from my mom and other needed things. I took my savings with me, which father somehow given me. I sure hope that it'll be enough though. I don't know how to handle money, I don't know how much is much, that's what I'm scared of. But if I ever lose all my money, I guess I need to find a job. But before all this, my biggest problem is my father finding out I ran away. What will he do? Is he going to find me? I guess I'll figure it out after doing this.

I'm almost done packing when my door suddenly opened and revealed an old woman looking shocked at whatever I'm doing. I was so scared. What if she tells father about this?

"M-M-Mrs. Supetto...I-" I couldn't help but stutter. Looking at her bewildered eyes, I could tell she knows what I was doing and what I was about to do. She knows me pretty well, being my nanny for the past 10 years. She looked directly at my eyes then turning to the suitcase I was holding in my hands and closing it. She heaved a sigh before looking at me again, flinching.

"There's an apartment you can rent on the other side of town that your father won't dare to look for you at." She stated and smiled. I was confused. Why is she telling me this?

"M-Mrs. Supetto...why?" I asked looking down at the suitcase in my hands.

"You're tired aren't you? You're suffocated with all the puppeteering your father has done to you. I know all of it. I was waiting for you to make up your mind. I know that you're not the kind of girl who wants to live her life like this. I know you want to be exposed to the reality of life. I know all of this because I've been with you for 10 years." She said, tears leaking through her eyes, voice shaking but in spite of all of that, smiling. I ran and hugged her.

"Thank you, Mrs. Supetto. I won't forget you." I said leaking tears like my nanny. She broke the hug before we engulf ourselves with sadness.

"Now go. You still have 3 hours to escape. The party will start in 3 hours so you better get going while everybody in the household, including your father, is busy." She said clearly unhappy of the idea of me leaving. I nodded my head at her and escaped through the back of the mansion which Mrs. Supetto instructed me.

Running is tiring. But stepping for the first time outside the mansion, feeling the wind through my skin and inhaling the fresh air feels so good. I didn't care if I was tired. I'm happy.

I'm FREE! But for how long I wonder?


I rented the apartment that Mrs. Supetto told me about. It was small compared to my room at the mansion but, I don't care. It's clean and the landlady told me that this apartment is owned by Mrs. Supetto herself before. That explains why it clean. All the furniture and equipment that was hers was still here and usable.

I wonder how my father will react knowing I've ran away? I hope Mrs. Supetto won't tell him I'm here. I hope she won't get fired if ever my father finds out that she knows I'm running away yet she didn't stopped me. I hope she'll be alright. I won't forgive myself if ever that happens. I love my nanny like my own mother.

Christmas is almost here. 12 days to go then Christmas will finally arrive.

I wish, this Christmas, I will be able to finally find my happiness, to walk the path to tomorrow with somebody by my side and to never be alone, again.

I decided to walk and familiarize myself with the surrounding until I ended up at a place called 'Magnolia Park'. So this is a park eh? I asked myself and smiled. I never thought a park will look this good. I found all the pictures of parks in my books beautiful but never this wonderful.

When I was walking I mentally noted what I want to do before Christmas. It's not bad to wish so many, right?

Then I didn't notice but, I found myself staring at something at the ground.


Wish, huh?

I don't believe wishes do come true. If a person really wants something then that person should try to do his best to attain it, right?

Why wish for something you'll never ever get?

Family? There are always there right beside you. Friends? They're all over the place. Why bother look for them if they're right beside you?

I don't understand. Why do people tend to wish on a star?

What? Does a star has magic in them that when you ask them to give you this or that it will give it to you? Pathetic. My sister actually believes that something like that is true. I couldn't help but laugh at her idiotic fantasies. How can a star grant wishes?

I was on my way to my friends' house. My parents gave me permission to spend the holidays with my friends promising them that I'll be back for Christmas Eve. Loke will surely be surprised at my arrival. I can imagine him pointing a finger at me asking what the hell I'm doing in front of his house with a bag full of my clothes. Ha! That'll be a total entertainment for me. Why aren't I ashamed you ask? That's because he lives alone. His parents worked overseas and he doesn't have any siblings, lucky him.

And now like what I imagined him would do, I really do know him. I quickly went inside, with Loke frozen stiff on his spot, and dropped my bags to the sides and heavily flops my body to the sofa.

"What are you doing here, Gray?" He asked, finally regaining his consciousness, walking towards the living room where I was at.

"I'm here for the holidays, what does it look to you?" I said without wavering at his not-so-scary glare that he's sending me. He sighed in defeat. He knows that I'm stubborn and will not let anyone, for that matter, to win against my will.

"Why did you choose to stay here? Natsu's father will be more than pleased if you stayed there instead of here." He asked as he seated across me, crossed legged, cupping his chin with his hand and elbow leaning against his knees. Is he really asking me that? He knows I'm not so good; rather I'm in bad terms with the walking matchstick. Why the hell would he ask me that? Seriously!

All I have to do is send him a 'you're-really-asking-me-that?' look of mine to give him my point. He shrugs off his previous question and waves his hands as he surrenders.

"You know sometimes I wish for you to be more friendly to him." It really pissed me off hearing this statement not only did it say I'm not friendly enough towards Natsu but also with that word 'Wish' in it. I've tried being friendly for that ash brained-fool but to no avail, he would be happier if we stayed distant from each other. But of course even though this is true, Natsu is still my friend. Well not really, more like, Frienemy. But what really pissed me off is that wish thing again. I didn't beg my parents' permission to stay here for the holidays just to hear this wish thing again. Heck, the reason why I'm here in the first place is to have a break from all of those wishing stuff. I didn't think that I will hear it from Loke. So he believed in wishes as well huh? I don't know if there's a person in this world, other than myself, who never believe in such things. I sighed and stood up from where I was sitting. Loke frowned at me in confusion.

"Just put my bag on my room. I'll be out for a bit." I said before walking out of the room. I saw his jaw dropped and I mentally smirk.

"Who the hell are you to order me around like that?" he yelled at me once I was out. I couldn't just walk out right? I'm a good person so "THANK YOU!" I yelled back before running towards the park. I'm such a nice person.

Christmas is coming huh? 12 days to go. I wonder what kind of interesting stuff I should do these 12 days. With this though in mind I never realized I was at the park already. Someone suddenly spoke that caused me to stop. I didn't get what the voice said. It was not that audible, a whisper if I must say. I followed where the voice came from and saw a blonde girl sitting and looking at something on the ground. She seems to be thinking about something serious. Then she repeated and now I understand what she said earlier.

"Do wishes come true?"


So what do you think? Is it good? Or bad? Sigh. I'm really not confident with myself.. :)

So next chapter: Wishing

I really hope you enjoyed reading! and You'll continue reading until the very end.. it's short after all,, :)

Review your thoughts and I accept constructed criticisms,, :)
