AN: Not even going to excuse not updating for two years so just sit back, relax, and enjoy!

Chapter 11: Beetlejuice!

It's been a week since news broke out that Santana was pregnant and all of Lima was on high alert even the teachers. No one wanted to face the wrath of Santana especially after seeing her chew out some lowly freshman for accidentally bumping into her.

Every student made it their goal to avoid the cheerleader at all cost. Whenever she walked down the hall the crowds parted and not even Jewfro was dumb enough to approach her.

Hell the only one that seemed to profiting off of this was Brittany. Where ever Santana was the blonde was only a few steps behind and was always sporting the same shit eating grin.

Brittany was loving her life right now. Not only did she and Santana make up, but they've been having some of the hottest sex they ever had. Apparently a vengeful Santana was a horny Santana. Hell Brittany didn't even have to say anything and the raven haired goddess would be on her knees or riding her hard in seconds.

Plus all of Lima was bowing to her every whim. Anything she wanted she got. If she needed a hall pass the student aids were quick to give her one without putting it on her record. If she needed a pencil every kid in her class will offer theirs. If it wasn't for the drama she wouldn't mind living her life like this.

"I say we just get up and go apologize" Tina whispered in the eerily quiet lunch room. She was tired of looking over her shoulder and being scared. She just wanted whatever that was going to happen to her happen so she could move on with her life.

"I agree" Artie whispered.

"Look you can apologize all you want, but it's not going to work" Quinn shrugged hating the fact that she's been resigned to sitting with the glee squad. Her and Puck both.

The cheerleaders had taken sides with Santana to avoid her wrath, and the jocks wanted to keep their girlfriends and hook-ups happy so that left Puck with no choice, but to sit with the gleeks as well.

"I say we just tell" Finn offered getting a lot of dumbfounded looks from everybody except Rachel.

"What are we supposed to say Fuckerman?" Puck questioned wondering how stupid the boy could actually be. "That we lied and say Santana was pregnant and now she's plotting her revenge on us."

"That's sounds good" Finn nodded not catching on to his sarcasm.

"You're an idiot" Quinn muttered stabbing her salad. God she doesn't know why she let herself get caught up with these idiots. She should be sitting with the cheerleaders and running this school.

"I don't see you coming up with anything Quinn" Rachel taunted defending her boyfriend. Sure they messed up, but they needed to stay optimistic about things. Santana couldn't hurt them that bad.

"Whatever" the blonde scoffed ending the conversation. They silently ate their lunch thinking about all the things Santana could do to them until a sobbing Kurt entered the cafeteria.

"Why? Why?! WHY?!" the eccentric boy cried as Mercedes guided him to the table.

"What the hell is wrong with him?" Puck asked as the entire cafeteria watched the dramatic scene play out. Well everyone except Santana and Brittany who were quietly chatting to themselves.

"I think the better question is why Kurt is in sweats?" Artie asked. He had never seen Kurt in anything but something that looked like it belongs on a fashion show. To see the eccentric boy in sweat pants, t-shirt, and a McKinley hat was weird. He wasn't even sporting his usual high priced shows just some old tennis shoes.

"Oh god!" Kurt cried collapsing at the table.

"Someone broke into his home last night and ruined all his clothes while we were hanging out" Mercedes informed.

"All of them?" Quinn asked in shock. She had been to Kurt's place a couple of times and knew how much clothes that boy had. He had the largest closest she's ever seen and even then it looked like he needed more room.

"Yeah" Mercedes nodded. "They even snapped every heal he had and burned his signed Beyoncé poster."

"I'm so sorry Kurt" Rachel sighed only to get the boys sobs in return. She knows how much that Beyoncé poster meant to him. He wouldn't even let her touch it and sometimes wouldn't even allow her to see it.

"If that's not bad they messed with some of his hair products as well" Mercedes said adding to the growing list of things.

"What did they do?" Finn questioned.

"This?!" Kurt sobbed snatching off his hat to the surprise of half the cafeteria who was still watching him. Everybody knew how religious Kurt was about his hair hell he kept some of his products in his locker. So to see what used to be well conditioned brown locks now a vivid lime green was a shocker.

"Oh dear" Rachel gasped her eyes wide in surprise.

"Sorry bro" Puck shrugged trying hard not to laugh. He had to give whoever did this there prop. Ruining Kurt's clothes was one thing, but to dye his hair lime green was on a whole 'nother level.

"Why would someone do this to me?!" Kurt cried.

"Hey Beetlejuice!" Karfosky yelled his pack of follower's right behind him pointing and laughing at the sobbing singer.

"Leave us alone Karfosky" Finn demanded.

"Hey you don't have to tell me twice I just thought that Beetlejuice would like to know about his car" the tall athlete said.

"M-my car?" Kurt sniffed.

"If you can call it that anymore" Azimo laughed before they all walked away cracking up.

"What the hell are you talking about Karfosky?!" Puck yelled after the footballer only getting the finger in response.

"What happened to my car?" Kurt panic getting up and running out of the cafeteria with the Glee club and about half of McKinley not too far behind. They quickly made their way through the halls and out to the parking lot, and to Kurt's car freezing at the sight that greeted them.

His car was in shambles if you could even call it a car anymore. The wheels were taken off and now sat on cinderblocks. The doors where missing, the seats were shredded; the front and back windshields were shattered. And if that wasn't bad whoever did this had taken multiple cans of spray paint and covered the car at random, and had even carved derogatory words all over it.

Azimo was right there was nothing left of his car. His baby was ruin, vandalized, destroyed. He had spent thousands on that car and now it stood on cinderblocks with words like "faggot" "prancer" "liar" and "bitch" mocking him.

"Kurt" Rachel whispered reaching out to comfort the silent singer.

"Why?" Kurt whimpered before passing out luckily Rachel was there to catch him and Finn was right behind her to catch both of them.

"Damn" Santana devilishly smirked walking up to the group the cheerleaders and Brittany right behind her. "I guess Kurtie here is going to be taking the bus for a while" she added winking at the crew before walking away swaying her devious hips as she did so.

"We are so fucked" Puck said as everyone except him and Quinn tried to help the passed out singer watching the Latina walk away.

"Baby I thought Kurt was going to be one of the last?" Brittany asked laying across the Latinas bed.

The news about Kurt had been the talk of the school the entire day. It even made the front page of Jewfro's blog. Everybody was wondering who destroyed his clothes, hair, and car. Well everybody except Santana and Brittany.

Oh yes Santana and Brittany had everything to do with the Beyoncé lover's demise; well more so Santana then Brittany. The raven haired girl had spent the entire week planning everything so it all went down without a hitch and none of it could be traced back to her, and she was proud of her work.

But she couldn't have done it without Kurt of course. Had he not gone to Mercedes house for their little sleepover and then post it on Facebook she would have had to change her whole plan. She also had to thank Mr. Hummel for working late at the garage of course she didn't want to forget to mention that he was working on her car under the promise of extra money if he finished it early.

Sneaking in the boy's house was easy all she really had to do was get her cousin who owned a pool cleaning business and worked for the Hummel's to give her the access code, and finding the hide-a-key was simple. From there she went to work making sure she destroyed every piece of clothing she could fine. Which she proudly did with multiple buckets of bleach and a sharp pair of scissors.

She then snapped every heel he had dumped them in the bath tub and she maybe started a small, but controllable fire. Once she finished that she put all the clothes up making sure that not a trace of her would be found before leaving the house in victory.

She then called her cousin Diego and once she explained the situation to him he was more than happy to get some of his friends to destroy Kurt's car. Diego was one of Santana's closest cousins and knew everything about the girl including about Brittany.

It was Diego who questioned the intentions of Brittany when news broke out that they were dating, and it was Diego that caught them two going at it so he knew about the blondes secret.

So when Santana told him what the Glee club did he didn't hesitate to help his cousin out with her plan. Sure it was crazy and somewhat evil, but Santana and Brittany were like family to him so he did it.

"Yeah, but everything just feel into place and I couldn't help myself" Santana giddily responded. Brittany laughed ever since lunch the Latina had been overly happy almost Rachel kind of happy. She even went easy on the girls today at practice. Well everyone except Quinn who went home with more than enough bruises after they were done.

"Well I'm happy you got your revenge baby"

"Mm oh babe I'm just getting started" the Latina purred crawling on her bed and straddling her girlfriend.

"I can't wait till see what you have next" Brittany moaned as Santana grinded down on her center. Like she said a vengeful Santana was a horny Santana and she was more than happy to accommodate.

"It's going to be good" the raven haired girl replied unbuckling the blonde's jeans and putting her hand in.

"Mm" Brittany moaned as the Latinas soft hands gripped her hardening cock.

"Baby" Santana said. "Take your pants off" she ordered sitting up on her knees.

She didn't have to tell Brittany twice as she quickly rid of her pants as well as her shirt and bra for added measure.

"I see someone's eager" Santana laughed pulling off her top letting her large breast spill out. Ever since lunch she had been soaking wet and dying for the blondes touch. And now that she had her to herself and her parents were god knows where she was going to ride Brittany till the blonde begged her to stop.

"You have no idea" the dancer replied grabbing on the Latinas hips as she rolled her cotton covered slickness against her length. She was so ready to get inside the blonde. "Take them off" Brittany begged.

"Mm" Santana moaned slowly riding the blonde's girth as she caressed her nipples. "Why don't you do it for me?"

Brittany once again didn't need to be told twice before she ripped her girl's panties snatching the shreds away and throw them to the floor. Her dick twitched in excitement as the distinct smell of Santana's pussy reached her nose. God she wouldn't mind breathing that smell in everyday because it meant that her girl was soaking wet and needed her dick.

"You feel so good" Santana moaned her head thrown back as her slick lips glided across the blonde's hard shaft. "Baby put it in" she begged.

"What about a condom?" Brittany questioned. The pregnancy rumor was a rumor, but she wasn't trying to make it true anytime soon.

"Baby I'm on birth control" Santana promised. "And I'll let you spread your seed all over me if you want just give me you dick" she growled as her fingers teased her nipples.

"Lift your hips babe" Brittany ordered tapping on the Latinas strong thighs. She gripped her dick running the tip of herself along her girls wet slit before placing less than an inch of herself in the place she liked to think of as a second home.

"So good baby" Santana moaned slowly sinking down on the Brittany's hard rod every inch filling her up. God she loved the blonde so much, but her dick was a close second. There were days she wanted to spend just relaxing with Brittany as long as she was filled. They didn't even have to be having sex as long as the blonde was buried deep insider her.

Hell who was she kidding of course they had to be having sex. There is no way Brittany would ever be inside her without them trying to go at it. They both loved sex way to much not be having it every chance they got.

"I love you so much" the blonde moaned sitting up and latching her lips on the Latinas neck.

"God yes baby" Santana groaned wrapping her hands through her loves blonde tresses as she rode her hard dick. She loved having Brittany like this because the blonde could hit every spot inside her.

Brittany's hand slipped from the Latinas hips to her ass gripping it tight as she slowed her girl down. "Just like that."


"Just trust me baby" the blonde replied slowly grinding her hips up matching the pace of the tanned ones on top of her. Santana looked like a goddess naked and on top of her. Her tight and well worked out body quivering in her lap as small strands of her raven locks stuck to her forehead. If she could she would take a picture of this moment and post it for everyone to see how amazingly beautiful her girl was.

"Baby" Santana whined.

"Yes" Brittany mumbled her lips wrapped around the Latinas nipple sucking hard on the girl's nub.

"Right there babe" the Latina gasped her nails buried dip in the dancers back as she was guided slowly down the blondes shaft as the blondes tip slowly brushed against her g-spot. "Mm just like that babe."

Brittany continued her oral assault on Santana's body as she marked her neck, chest, and breast in kisses as they slowly worked themselves off. There was no greater feeling than Santana pussy wrapped tight around her bare dick.

Her Latina was hot and even hotter inside and she was trying hard not to spill her seed, but they had been going at it for a while and she was about ready to burst.

"Cum with me babe" Brittany urge pulling up her legs and speeding up her thrust.

"Oh god" Santana whimpered as the blonde spread her cheeks and slipped the tip of her finger in her backdoor. They had messed around with anal sex a few times and although at first Santana hated it she slowly grew to love it, but only allowed Brittany to do it on special occasions. "Yes babe!" she screamed slamming down on the hard shaft reaching her peak.

"You feel so good" Brittany whimpered as the Latina came around her dick. She furiously pounded into the blonde her ab muscles burning in response.

"Baby cum" Santana begged needing to feel the blonde's seed. Brittany could always keep her cumming mainly because she knew exactly where to touch the Latina to get her off.

"Fuck" the blonde hissed flipping her girl over. She quickly grabbed the Latinas leg and placed it on her shoulder pounding relentlessly inside her.

"Britt!" Santana screamed as the new position allowed to blonde to go deeper. She pushed her hips back slamming her pussy on the blonde's dick giving herself right back to the blonde as the dancer relentlessly pounded her. Her back grew sweaty from the exertion as Brittany's hip worked her into the mattress.

"San!" Brittany groaned burying her face in the Latinas neck as she pushed herself balls deep inside the cheerleaders cum soaked pussy large spurts of her seed bursting out of her tip.

"I love it when you do that" the Latina whimpered as the blondes warm seed filled her up.

"I love it when you let me do that" Brittany panted slowly rolling her hips prolonging her orgasm.

"I love you" Santana whispered her hands wrapping around the blondes neck.

"I love you too" Brittany softly replied leaning down and capturing her girl's swollen lips in a soft kiss. It was times like these that she knew that Santana was the one.

Sure they had their fights, but when they were wrapped up in each other's arms as the scent of their lovemaking filled the air she knew that no matter how mad they got at each other that she would always keep coming back.

AN: I thought since it's been so long I'll treat you guys to a little love scene. Tell me what you thought.

Also I haven't watch Glee in years (After season 2 I just got tired of the useless drama) so a lot of the things/people/places that are mentioned are going to be based on that. So I'm going to need you guys help on the revenge part I already know what I'm going to do for Puck, Rachel, and Quinn I just need help with the rest of the characters.