It Was Just a Dream

He stood there for a moment, before he looked at me, bringing his stained hand up to his burning cheek. He removed it and began to walk toward me slowly, eyes narrowed at my scared form.

"Michael…what are you doing?" I said while backing myself up, hitting the counter of the sink with my lower back.

He reached out his hand and placed it on my hip, squeezing tightly. "There's no stopping me now Princess Echo. It's too late, I've gone too far." He placed his other hand on my other hip and leaned in close to my face, staring me straight in the eyes.

"W-what?" I was confused by him, and his close proximity was making my whole body heat up from the blush that was spreading like wildfire. I truly hated my body for reacting this way, this was not me, this was mere human reactions.

"Tonight…I make you mine, whether you like it or not." He closed the gap between us and kissed me, forcing himself onto me. It was at that exact moment I realized what he had meant. He pulled away and started to back up, bringing me with him toward the door.

No, I wasn't going to let myself be lost like this. I want to lose it out of love! This isn't love, this is something else, this is plain desire that's overtaken him. I have to get away before it's too late!

"No!" I pushed on his chest hard and was actually able to startle him a bit, making me have just enough time to run through the door and down the hallway. I hadn't made it very far before I felt myself being tackled to the floor. He pinned my hands above my head and I struggled to get away from his grip.

"I told you, whether you like it or not Princess. From now on, you're mine. No man will look at you the way I will and if they do, I'll kill them. No man shall touch you and no man shall ever take you away from me." He whispered into my ear, licking the lobe of it sensually, before biting down on it. I hated the way chills shot down my spine from that action.

"Please…don't." I begged for him to just let me be, but he wouldn't have it. He scooped me up and placed me over his shoulder, taking me to a part of the manor that I had never seen before. "No Michael, please! Don't do this to me! You can't do this!"

I screamed while pounding on his back, kicking my feet and hoping that maybe I would hit him in the chin and he would drop me. I heard him kick in the door to somewhere and realized that we were in a bedroom.

"Please Michael ; please don't do this to me. I-I can't handle it. Not like this." I felt a fresh stream of tears make their way down my cheeks as I continued to pound on his back, sobbing and hiccupping uncontrollably. He grabbed my hips and set me on my feet, but it was no use, I fell to my knees helplessly, crying and praying to avoid the inevitable.

I felt a gloved hand on my cheek and his thumb rubbed it softly, as if he was now trying to sooth me. "Don't worry ,My love" He picked me up bridal style and set me down on the bed, leaning his head into mine and whispering in my ear. "It'll be the best night of your life. I promise." He kissed my cheek softly, but it was no good.

"No, it won't. It'll be the worst, why can't you just let me go?"

He said nothing, only taking off his gloves and advancing toward me with a certain gleam in his eyes as he started to undo one buttons on his jacket one at a time, eventually leaving it open as he continued his advances.

"Michael, no…please! No Michael! Don't do this to me!"

My screams bounced off the walls of the Castle that night, loud enough for anyone to hear them. But no one came. My last though was, 'Why the hell did he call me Princess Echo?'

"My lady, please wake up" Alexander pleaded as he shook his Mistress softly.

The young girl gasped as she awaken, she shot up and screamed.

"My lady! Its alright, its only me"

The girl jumped from her bed and went straight into Alexander's. She started to sob. The butler can faintly hear her mutter 'rape' and 'help'.

He frowned and soothed his mistress the best way he could. The girl finally calmed down a bit and all you heard were hiccups and her heavy breathing.

"My lady, are you okay?"


"How about I get you some coffee, with sugar in it?"

"Yes, Please go get me some, I need it"

"Alright, I'll bring Alice in to fix you bath"

The butler left and then entered the maid, She bowed and helped her mistress and took her to the bathroom. She filled the tub with water and waited for her to take off her nightgown.

She gave the made her nightgown and got in the tub. She almost moaned in pleasure, the water made her slightly comfortable and happy.

Sighing in complete content she rubbed her sore muscles. 'Who the hell is Princess Echo?'. Michaela heard the door open and automatically knew that it was Alexander.

The girl opened her eyes and stood up, her naked body exposed to everyone in the room which consisted of her butler and herself.

The contract symbol was visible on her breast and the star tattoo visible on the back of her neck. Every female carried this symbol on the back of their necks, it was tradition for them, it represented independence and loyalty to the Stones.

The butler grabbed a white towel and dried the girl off, Michaela stood there as she sipped on her coffee.

When Michaela was fully dress, the butler began talking to her about the things she needed to do for today.

"I Think we need to visit Lau, I need information"

A/n: Next Chapter is Ciel's Point of View. Review :D