Arrancar Wars

Fraccions and Teams

Also please take a look my Author Note at the end, that will help describe some things. So now please enjoy.

Hueco Mundo is an endless white desert, which is the home of hollows. It's always night and the moon is alway in a lunar phase. There are some trees, but they are form of quartz. The one main livable place there is the night palace, Las Noches the home of the Arrancar, hollows that have remove their mask and gain Soul Reaper powers.

The Current Leader of Las Noches is a soul reaper name Sosuke Aizen and with the Hogyoku, his ultimate weapon. He want to crush the Soul Society and become the new Spirit King.

We find everyone is a large training/battle room. Up on a high balcony, sat Aizen on his throne-like chair. Sanding on both side of him were his fell soul reapers, Gin Ichimaru and Kaname Tosen. A bit off to the side sat the ten Espada, the most powerful arrancar in Las Noches. Their number go from zero to nine, zero being the strongest and nine being the weakest, but they are all still powerful and respect by many of the other arrancar. Also sitting with them was the Captain of the Exequias, even though the leader was strong enough to be an Espada, the Captain picked this position to protect Las Noches for intruders or others that would want to try to hurt the Captain's fellow comrades.

On the training ground were a lot of arrancars, they were the Numeros. Their number go for 10 to 99, 10 being the oldest and 99 being the youngest. Numeros were also aloud to have their own number tattoos like the Espada, of what number they were born as an arrancar. Half of them did want one, while the other half did not.

Aizen then got up form his seat and walk to the edge of the balcony. "My dear Numeros, today the Espada will pick any of you to become their fraccion." said Aizen. "So you all will have a tournament to show off your skills and powers. Also during the fight, I wish all of you to fight strong, but try your very best to not kill you opponent. I don't want to lose any strong Numeros." Aizen went back to his chair and Gin came forward with what look like a pretty big hat. Inside the hat were small fold up sheets of paper with number of them.

Gin will pick out two number and who ever have those number will fight. Also Aizen knew that there will be some death and that is why he had some other Numeros in reserve to take over the place and number of any one that would die. Then Gin would put that number back in the hat for the new Numeros to fight. So all the Numeros went to all the side of the field and wait to their number to be called. Some Numeros were hoping to fight weak opponents, while other want to fight a strong opponent to show the Espada they were worthy to be their fraccion. Some Numeros felt like they need their release form to win, while other thought they were strong enough to win without their release forms.

Soon the fight started the Espada and Exequias Captain watch with interests. Though half of them already have chosen some already because they had old travel partners went they were still hollows. They still watch to see if there were any other Numeros that they would like or would be useful to them.

First there is the Noveno or 9th Espada, Aaroniero Arruruerie. His aspect of death is Greed, even though he did not seem greedy. His hollow hole is on his left thigh area. He wore a eight hole mask to hide his true face, though their were some of the other Espada that befriended him and don't say any rude comments about his face. He also wore a customized uniform; a dress garb that covers his entire body as opposed to a normal jacket and hakama. He also wears a frilly nobles coat that act as his replacement jacket and has a single white gentleman's glove. His true face was a large cylindrical capsule filled with red liquid and two small, floating hollow heads in it.

His mask remains are on both of his heads, the upper head with a deep voice, had three-quarters of his head covered with the mask and the lower head with a high-pitched, child-like voice, covered only half of its head with the mask. His Zanpakuto takes the form of a deformed brown tentacled appendage with a gaping maw at the center surrounded by various tentacles. His number nine tattoo was on both of his heads. He watch the fights, but was not sure if he want a fraccion because he might eat them.

Next is the Octava or 8th Espada, Szayel Aporro Granz. He is a fine looking man with shoulder-lenth pink hair and amber eyes. He was the head of Las Noches Research and Development Apartment and the head researcher and spiritual weapons development specialist. His aspect is Insanity/Maddness, which work with him very well being a mad scientist. His hollow hole is on his well...glans. A place were all the other Espada think it kind of creepy and wrong. He also wears a normal jacket and a long shirt that covers his entire torso up to the top of his neck. He has three stripes on his uniform, each starting at his collar with one running to the left side of his chest, one to the right side of his chest, and one down the middle. He wears the regular pants with a slight length taken away. He also wears white gloves. His face is the only part of his body that is exposed in this uniform.

His mask remains take the form of rectangular-framed glasses. There were rumors that he was able to remove his glasses, but no one was really sure. His Zanpakuto is a standard katana with a greyish-blue handle, grey sheath, and its guard is similar to the nucleus of an atom. His number eight tattoo was on his right hip. He already knew what arrancars he wanted as his fraccion because a good number of Numeros were hollows created by Szayel before becoming arrancars, he didn't care if they won or lose, but still Szayel watch to see if their were any other Numeros that could be useful to him.

On Szayel's shoulder is a strange small hollow/arrancar. It had an insect like body, with six insectoid bladed like legs. It had small arms ,hands, and head with two antennas, red eyes and wore lens like glasses, which he could remove if he likes. His name was Sukaru Peru (Scalpel) or also called 'El Médico' (The Doctor). He had a Germanic accent and a murderous personality. Both Szayel and Sukaru are great friends because the both are so similar and like to experiment on others.

Next is the Septima or 7th Espada, Cirucci Sanderwicci. She is a young beautiful woman with short purple hair, purple eyes, and light purple teardrop markings on both of her cheeks. Her aspect is Love because all she want was to be loved or find someone to love her, in which she did find her love. Her hollow hole was still unknown. Some say it was located on the center part of her mask remains or on the center of her chest, but the only someone who really know where it was her love. She wears a Gothic lolita style uniform: a frilly dress with large, poofy sleeves that cut off at her shoulder and a pair of knee-high boots. She also wears fingerless, evening-style gloves, as well as leg warmers that attach to garters at her thighs. She also had wings on her back to help her fly and show emotions. Up when happy, down when sad, and when they fluttering is means she either embarrass or excited.

Her mask remains was positioned on her hair right above the left side of her forehead and resemble a spiked hairpin. Her Zanpakuto takes the form of a whip with a disc-shaped blade. Her number seven tattoo was position below her chest. Cirucci already had four Numeros to be her fraccions because they were part of her group when she was a Vasto Lorde. She and her group travel around Hueco Mundo with her love and his group. She meet her love went she was still an Adjuchas, but after defeating and devouring, an arrogant, but powerful hollow named Zommari Rureaux with the help of her love, she become a Vasto Lorde. She watch the fights with interests to see if there were any other good Numeros to be her fraccion.

Next is the Sexta or 6th Espada, Dordoni Alessandro Del Socaccio. A goofy, but strong arrancar with black hair, blue eyes, a van-dyke beard and mustache. His uniform is customized to fit his eclectic personally with fringes on his forearm portion of the sleeves, shouder pads, openings down the front that reveal his black undershirt, and is the only arrancar to wear a red sash. His aspect is Pride because he had a lot of pride for being an Espada and for his strength. His hollow hole was unknown, but some thought it was located on the center of his chest. His mask remains was consist of a small plate on his forehead that has horns.

His Zanpakuto takes the form of a standard katana with a purple hilt and green sheath with a long downward-curved cross guard. His number six tattoo was on the back of his neck. Dordoni is also a Vasto Lorde level arrancar, after he defeated and devour, a foolish hollow named Luppi Antenor, who dare to challenge Dordoni. He already knew one Numeros, he want to be his partner because he was Dordoni's best friend. He still watch to see if there were any interesting Numeros that he would like to be his fraccion.

Next is the Quinto or 5th Espada, Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez. A powerful muscular man with light blue spiky hair and light blue eyes with green lines below them. He wears a white hakama and a black sash along with a white open jacket. His aspect is Destruction, which work with him pretty well. His hollow hole is located on his abdomen. His mask remains consist of his right jawbone. His Zanpakuto is a standard katana with a crooked "S" guard, while the sheath and handle are light blue. His number five tattoo is located on his back, near the right side of his hollow hole.

He was also a Vasto Lorde before becoming an arrancar, after barely defeating and devouring, a powerful hollow named Nnoitra Gilga. Grimmjow already had five Numeros to be his fraccion, they were part of his pack and Grimmjow would never admit it to them or anyone, but they were also Grimmjow's best friends. Grimmjow still watch the fights for two reasons. One being he like watching awesome fights and two to see if their are any strong and powerful Numeros that would be great to be part of his fraccion.

Next is the Captain/Leader of the Exequias, Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck. A beautiful, busty, slightly muscular woman with long aqua hair, hazel eyes, and a crimson line running across her face. She also wears her customized uniform with a black line starting at the collar and going down the left side of her uniform and a thin sash. She also had a bit of a childish personality. Her hollow hole was unknown, but few thought it was located in the center of her chest. Her mask remain is on top of her head and looks like an antelope's skull. Her Zanpakuto is a katana with a green sheath and the guard resembles a pair of crescent moons joined together at the back.

On her back, she had a tattoo of a large 'Ex' show her stature of be the Exequias leader. She had two Numeros picked out to be in her squad, since they were her old traveling partners and very best friends, but she know, she need more strong Numeros, to help her protect Las Noches. So she watch to see if there were any Numeros she would like to be part of the Exequias.

Next is the Cuatro or 4th Espada, Ulquiorra Cifer. A slender, yet fairly muscular man with fairly short, messy black hair, pale white skin, green eyes, and teal line that descend from his eyes. He wears a typical uniform: a white jacket, black sash, and a white hakama. However, his jacket seems to have longer coattails then other. He also had a cold personality. His aspect was Nihilism/Nothingness/Emptiness. His hollow hole is located on his sternum. His mask remains was on top of his head, forming a broken horned helmet.

His Zanpakuto is a standard katana with a green handle and sheath. The guard has two curved extensions from its long sides with a line going through both sides to give it an eye-like appearance. His number four tattoo is located on the left side of his chest. Ulquiorra watched the fights with an emotionless face, he know his old traveling partner will not stop bugging him until he was aloud to be Ulquiorra's parnter, but he still watched to see if any Numeros would caught his interests.

Next is the Tercera or 3rd Espada, Tia Harribel. She's a beautiful woman with tan-skin, green eyes, and messy short blond hair. She wears a customized uniform with a jacket with a zipper. The jacket's sleeves completely envelop her arms, terminating in black glove-like extensions at her extremities, resembling the appearance of a cat's paw. Her hakama show off her hips too. Her aspect was Sacrifice, since all she wants was to protect the one she cares about. Her hollow hole is located on her lower abdomen. Her mask remains cover her lower half of her face, her neck, and the upper part of her chest, but hidden because for her jacket.

Her Zanpakuto takes an interesting form of a blade with a completely hollow in the middle. The handle is purple and the guard is as wide as the blade with three small holes on either end. Her number three tattoo was located on her chest. Harribel already had four Numeros to have as her fraccions. They were her part of her group went she was still a Vasto Lorde. She still watch to see if there were an Numeros that she would like to be part of her fraccion.

Next is the Segunda or 2nd Espada, Baraggan Luisenbarn, the former King of Hueco Mundo. He's a muscular elder man with a white mustache and white hair. He has scars on the left side of his chin and across his right eye. He wears a regal white leather coat with black fur lining; he has short sleeves and three black fur stripes running along the bottom. He also wears a golden wrist band on both wrists and a belt which consists of three thick chains attached to a large metal disk with a sun emblem. His uniform appearance is like that of a barbarian lord. His aspect was Aging/Time, which what ever he touches ages older.

His hollow hole is located in the center of his chest. His Zanpakuto takes the form of a large, double-headed battle axe with a pair of rounded blades and a slit-eye pendant in the middle of its focal point. His mask remains took the form of a five pointed crown just above his forehead. His number two tattoo was located on his right forearm. Baraggan watch the Numeros fights to see if any were strong and worth enough to serve as his as fraccion.

Next is the Primera or 1st Espada, Skullak Tuma, a kind and honorable arrancar. He is a fairly muscular, handsome young man with short brown hair and blue eyes. He wears a standard customized uniform, which is a long sleeve shirt with a black line starting at the collar and curving down to his right hip, white hakama, and a black sash. His aspect was Loneliness because during his many of years as a Vasto Lorde, Skullak was a powerful Vasto Lorde and all hollows around him always died when they got close to him. A few years later, he save several strong hollows that were strong each to be near him with out dyeing. Soon enough he met the love of his live and mate Cirucci. Their two groups became one and they travel around Hueco Mundo together, until they met Aizen and became arrancars.

His hollow hole was unknown, but some say it was located in the center of his chest, but was only the size of a quarter. The only one who truly knew where it was is Cirucci. His mask remains is on the left side of his head, which looked like a broken gladiator helmet. His Zanpakuto is a katana with a black sheath, black hilt, and a golden circle guard. His number one tattoo is located on the front left side of his neck. He already had six Numeros to be his fraccions because they were part of his group when his was still a Vasto Lorde. Skullak still watch the fights with interests to find any other Numeros that he would like to be a part of his fraccions.

Finally is the Cero or Zero Espada, Coyote Starrk, the strong and lazy arrancar that like to sleep a lot. He's a handsome man with blue-grey eyes, wany, shoulder-length brown hair, and a faded goatee. He wears a typical uniform a white jacket outlined in black, though altered with the collar upturned. A black sash is worn in a manner similar to a matador around his waist. He also wears white gloves. His other half Lilynette Gingerback, a hyper action girl that like to wake Starrk in painfully ways. She's a young girl with light green hair and her right eye is light pink. Her outfit consists of white-colored briefs with a black line positioned in the middle, arm-warmers, a revealing vest with a high collar, and thigh-high, fur-lined boots.

His aspect was Solitude because he was a powerful Vasto Lorde and when other hollows were around him, they died. In his saddens he slit his soul in half into two individual bodies and they were natural made arrancar. After their transformation, Harribel and his follow bear witness to it. She offer a them a chance to join up with her group, which they did. Years later, Starrk had to leave because his spiritual powers return and if he didn't, he would of kill Harribel's follows by ascendent, so Starrk and Lilynette left, which made Harribel sad to see him leave, but they met again went she became an arrancar.

His hollow hole is on his sternum, while his other half, her is positioned in the center of her stomach. His mask remains consist of a fanged bottom jaw that is position on his neck as if it was a necklace. His counter part mask remains is a helmet with two horns on to top of her head. The left horn looks if it had been cut off, and left half of her mask covered her left eye. He equipped with a standard katana with a pewter-colored rectangular guard with small protrusions on each corner and a sun-like design wrapped around the hilt's collar, while she's equipped with a scimiter with a standard katana hilt and an oblong guard. His number zero tattoo was on the back of his left hand, which was conceal with a glove. His partner's tattoo was on her back. Starrk watch the fights tiredly and if he drifted off to sleep Lilynette would kick him in the leg to wake him. He still watch to see if their were any good Numeros to be his fraccion and to get Lilynette off his back while sleeping.

The fights with Numeros were getting good. One who looked like a giant smashed his opponent. Another had a interesting fire ability to win. Another who yelled at Szayel saying that he was his older and will show his little brother that he was worth to be a fraccion. Another blast his opponent to win, while another used his fists to win. Another went to release form right away and blast his opponent with steel feathers.

Another fought with great skill and said, 'No es exacto' at his opponent ever time he did something wrong. Another might have been short, but he had great speed and power. Another used poison as a weapon to help her fight. Another didn't brother release or even using his own sword, he crushed his opponent with his bare hands. Another had an ability to create soldiers to fight for/with him.

So enough the tournament was over for the Numeros. There were some death, in which the arrancar who kill his/her opponent begged Lord Aizen for givens. Aizen mostly wave them off and brought in a new Numeros to take the please and number of the deceased arrancar.

All the Numeros were now standing in several lines. Standing before them was Aizen, the Espada, and Exequias Captain. Half the Numeros fell like they did great and would get to be fraccion, while some were hope and praying to get to be fraccion. "Everyone fought hard and well." said Aizen. "Now the Espada and Exequias captain will chose however they want to serve as their fraccion."

Aizen turn to the Espada and said "Aaroniero do you want any fraccion?" Aaroniero held his hand up and shook his head. Aizen nodded and looked at Szayel.

"How about you Szayel?" Szayel looked at the Numeros and point at the ones he wanted, which were all the ones he created. Soon enough Szayel had at least twelve fraccion. His two main fraccion were two round arrancar name Lumina and Verona. "Is there anyone else you would like?" asked Aizen. Szayel look at the Numeros and shook his head.

Aizen looked at Cirucci and ask "How about you Miss Sanderwicci?" Cirucci wave over the four Numeros that were in her group, all look like teenage girls.

First is a slender, young teenage-looking girl with black hair with two long pigtails and visible right eye is pink. Cirucci though her hollow hole was in her left eye area in the middle of her mask remain. Her mask remain cover her left eye, which is shaped around her eye with teeth dotted along the bottom of her mask and there is an extension from her mask into her hair which gives the appearance of a hair tie. She is arrancar 33, Loly Aivirrne.

She wears a school-themed uniform includes a frilled skirt with a small black bow on the front, white half-sleeves worn from the elbows down to the wrists, and what appears to be thigh-length black-colored, white-outlined boots. She wears what appears to be white bracelets on her arms, and she also wears a white-colored, black-outlined material that ties around her neck, which reveals a fair portion of her stomach as well as her chest. Her Zanpakuto takes the form of a small dagger, which resembles a tantō. Her number thirdy-three tattoo was located on her left hip.

Next is a teenage-looking girl with a tomboyish appearance with short, spiky, blonde hair and visible left green eye. Her attire consists of a white dress with short sleeves, which are slit and run slightly past her elbows, and an upturned collar. Her dress is also unzipped at the front revealing her chest. Her dress also exposes her waist and part of her thighs on both sides of her body. A black sash is worn loosely around her hips. As with most Arrancar, she wears black tabi socks and low-heel sandals. Completing her outfit with a white, segmented choker and a series of white bracelets on her arms. Her hollow hole and mask remain were identical to Loly, but were located on her right eye. She is arrancar 34, Menoly Mallia. Her Zanpakuto takes the form of a short katana with a light green hilt. Her number thirdy-four tattoo was on her left elbow.

Finally were two twin looking girls, one with short red hair and one with long blue hair. Both their hollow hole were located in the center of their chest. They both wears similar matching outfits. A sleeveless white jacket, elbow-length gloves, white bracelets on each wrist, sock-like stockings, black high heeled Arrancar-themed boots, and short schoolgirl-themed skirts. Of this the skirt, stockings and gloves are coloured to represent their element. Their mask remain act as headband, which goes vertically down the middle of their head before reaching their eyebrows. They are arrancar 37 and 38, Yin and Yang Tachibana. Before meeting Cirucci they were young Vasto Lorde. Yang's Zanpakuto is a flaming sword and Ying'a Zanpakuto is a long whip that generates electricity. Went becoming arrancar they were not strong enough to be part of the Espada. All four girls looked up to Cirucci like she was an older sister, they even like to call her nee-san.

"Is there anyone else you want as your fraccions?" ask Aizen. Cirucci looked at the Numeros and she saw one that caught her eye. She call them over and asked "I've took an interest in you and ask if you would like to be part of my fraccions." The arrancar nodded and slightly bowed. "Then please tell me your name." ask Cirucci.

The arrancar is a woman with shoulder length black hair, red eyes, and wore purple lipstick. She wore a tight purple shirt, grey pants with a black belt and high heel dark aqua color boots. Her Zanpakuto takes the form of a short katana with purple hilt. Her mask remain were jet like wings coming out from her back. "I'm arrancar 53. My name is Surippu Sutorimu (Slipstream)." She is playful, ironic, a little short tempered, and flirtatious around good looking men.

When Cirucci was done, Dordoni was next and waved over his oldest and best friend. He is an orange hair man with an afro-style haircut, brown eyes, and a goatee. His outfit has been modified to match his particular style, which includes large frills on his collar and thighs. His mask remain are a sunglasses-shaped on his forehead with four teeth coming out above each eye and a star in the center of his mask fragment. He is arrancar 12, Gantenbainne Mosqueda. His Zanpakuto takes the form of a pair of two-pronged punch daggers. His number twelve tattoo was on his left shoulder.

"Is there anyone you would like as your fraccion?" ask Aizen. Dordoni look at the Numeros and saw one and called him over. "Ok Nino, I've choose you to be my fraccion. Please tell my your name," ask Dordoni.

The Arrancar had white hair and pale grey eyes. His features match that of an 18 year old. His mask remain is an arrow point up on his forehead and he wears a similar uniform as Dordoni, expect he had a black sash. His Zanpakuto is a katana with lime green hilt. "Sir, I'm Arrancar 36, Fran Santonio and I'm extremely honor to be your fraccion Lord Dordoni!" said Fran excited.

Dordoni smile at his new fraccion, while Gantenbainne rolled his eyes because he wound it ironic for his buddy Dordoni to have someone that looked up to him. So Dordoni gave Aizen the Ok signal to show he was done.

"Very well, Grimmjow how about you?" ask Aizen. Grimmjow waved over five male Numeros that were part of his traveling pack.

The first is a serious man with black hair, which was braided and wore a standard arrancar uniform. His hollow hole was located center of his abdomen and his mask remain is on top of his head, with a portion dropping down to cover his upper-left half oh his face and a long spike that points to his right. He is arrancar 11, Shawlong Kufang. His Znapakuto is a starndard katana with a guard shaped like to oval with a gap down the middle and hollow corners. His number eleven tattoo was some how under his mask remain above his left eye.

Next is a large guy, with long red hair; however, half of his hair is shaved and black. He wears a standard uniform and his hollow hole in on his chest. His mask remain are merely the eye holes, which rest on his nose and looked like unusual glasses. He is arrancar 13, Edrad Liones. His Zanpakuto is a regular katana with a hexagonal-shaped guard. His number thirteen tattoo was on his left shoulder.

The next was large man with brown eyes and wears a standard uniform. He had dark brown hair and has a bowl hairstyle. His hollow hole was center of his chest and his mask remain covered exactly half of his face. He is arrancar 14, Nakeem Grindina. His Zanpakuto is a standard katana.

Next is a handsome man with red eye and long blond hair. He wears a standard uniform and his hollow hole is center of his chest. His mask remain is on top of his head and looked like a broken helmet. He is Szayel Aporro Granz's older brother and arrancar 15, Yylfordt Granz. His Zanpakuto is a regular katana with a diamond-shaped guard. His number fifteen tattoo was his right shoulder.

The last arrancar looked like the youngest in the group. He had short gray hair and has square, shark-like teeth. He wears a similar uniform as Grimmjow. His hollow hole was in the center of his chest and his mask remain is a bulky helmet. The right-hand side of his mask is wrapped in aqua colored bandages, which obscures his right eye. He is arrancar 16, Di Roy Linker. His Zanpakuto is a katana with a white hilt and sheath. His number sixteen tattoo was located under his right eye, which was very hard to see.

Grimmjow looked at his group and turned to Aizen. "Anyone else you want?" ask Aizen. Grimmjow nodded and looked at the Numeros. He remembered four strong male Numeros he wanted went they were fighting and picked them out to come over. The four stood before Grimmjow and he said "Alright you four, I've pick you because I like how strong you guys were and how you fight. So tell me your names."

The first is early 20s looking, slim, lean-built man with piecing emerald eyes and black messy, shoulder length hair. He wore a standard arrancar attire, a bit similar to Ulquiorra's. His hollow hole is on his lower abs right below his chest and his mask remain is a shark jaw on his neck. He Zanpakuto is a katana with a royal blue hilt and a four pointed crown shaped guard. He was a easy going guy with a lot of pride. He would a bit of a ladies man and was about to lure then in with his seductive grin. "I'm arrancar 32, Rey Tiburon and I'm ready to have some fun in your group." His thirdy-two tattoo was right under his neck. Grimmjow smirked to the guy and took a liking to him.

The next arrancar is a young, slim man with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes, but wore an eyepatch over his right eye. He had an odd turquoise marking on his right cheek and his uniform looks like a lab coat, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and what appears to be medals sewn across his chest. He also wears black gloves and boots. His mask remain appear to be a thin upper jaw which forms a circlet around his forehead. "Sir, I'm arrancar 50, Tesla Lindocruz, at your serves." His Zanpakuto takes an unusual form of a rapier with a chakram embedded into the blade just above the hilt and spike on the hilt rim. The guard seens to be made of a kind of scaled ribbing. His number fifty tattoo was under his right eye, but could not see it because of his eyepatch. Grimmjow nodded, see Tesla as a loyal soldier.

The next arrancar appears as a young western looking man with short golden hair and red eyes. He wears a white shirt, white pants, a green vest, black cowboy boots, and a brown belt. He also wears a brown western hat time to time. His mask remain in on the back of his head that the shape of a cobra's hood. His zanpakuto takes the form of two western pistols that he holds on his belt. His personallty is that he's a spasmodic, violent, trigger-happy cowboy that shoots first and ask questions never. He also talk in a western accent. "Ah'm arrancar 40, the name is Kuikku Sutoraiku (Quickstrike) and really for some action boss man. " Grimmjow looked at the guy and title his head to the side because he found is guy a bit stranger, but was still prefect to be part of his fraccion.

That last guy had light brown hair, red eyes, and a goatee on his chin. He wore an army style brown uniform and for his left hand and arm up to his elbow it was all robotic. His Zanpakuto is a katana with a brown hilt. Grimmjow pick his because he showed no mercy to his opponent. At for glans, he looks like a calm guy, but truth this arrancar had a major hate issue. He hates everything and has epic levels of frustration and misery. "I'm arrancar 39 and the name Bonku Rassha (Bonecrusher) and don't you forget it because I hate people when they do and I HATE YOU ALL AND EVERYTHING!" he yelled. "O...K?" said Grimmjow. Some arrancars took a few step back, while most of the female arrancars were hide behind a guy. Rey leaned over to Tesla and whispered "Is it even possible of someone to hate everything?" Tesla shrugged his shoulders and did not know.

Grimmjow the nodded to Aizen to show that he was done. Aizen turn to Nelliel the Captain of the Exequias and ask "Now Miss Odelschwank are their any Numeros you would like to be part of you squad?" Nelliel nodded and wave over her two male Numeros friends.

The first is a pale handsome young man with blond hair. He wears a customized uniform, his hollow hole is positioned near his stomach, and his mask remain were shaped like a beetle. He is arrancar 41, Pesche Guatiche. His Zanpakuto is a katana with a hilt vaguely phallic in appearance and its guard consists of two crescents that face outward. His number forty-one tattoo was on his left arm.

The other is a brown hair man that has a large, heavyset, but dumpy body with short appendages with small, white hands. He also wears his own customized uniform and his mask remain this a looks like a tiki mask that cover the top left side of his face. He is arrancar 42, Dondochakka Birstanne. His Zanpakuto is a large club with several spikes on it.

After Nelliel got her two friends, she look over the other Numeros and picked five male Numeros, but didn't see another one coming to her. Standing before her were the five Numeros she pick and was about to speak went she felt a tug on her pants. Looking down Nelliel saw a happy, cute, light brown fur puppy with a hollow mask, which has large eye sockets and two small horns. It's hollow hole was on his upper back and it's number 35 tattoo was just below it.

Nelliel keeled down and said "Hello little guy, what are you doing?" The dog sat proudly, with his head raised high. Nelliel though it wanted to join her and she remember that dogs are quite skilled trackers. "Very well you can join and be my scout." said Nelliel. The barked happy and Nelliel said "Now you need a name, how about...Kukkapuro." The dog nodded happy and Nelliel stood back up and look at the Numeros she pick.

"Ok, I've pick you because you've shown good skills that can be useful in my squad." said Nelliel. "Our duty is to protect Las Noches from intruders and other hostel enemies, understand." The five guy nodded knowing what their job was going to be. "Now please tell me you names." said Nelliel.

The first is a muscular guy with ice blue eyes and long wavy purple hair. His uniform is customized with feminine motifs and his mask remain is a small tiara with horns. "I am arrancar 20, the beautiful and fabulous Charlotte Chuhlhourne." His Zanpakuto is a katana with a purple handle and sheath, with a guard shaped like a flower with holes in the petals. His number twenty tattoo was on the back of his neck. Severely other Numeros groan annoyed because of him, but Nelliel just smiled very nicely at him.

Next is a young good looking man with black, spiky, down hair and red eyes. He wore a white shirt, a dark blue jacket with the frase "To Punish and Enslave..." on the his right upper arm of the jacket, a black belt, and dark gray pants. He also has a tattoo of the number 643 on his neck and a gray line tattoo starting at the 6 and going around his neck and stops at the 3. His mask remain took the form of a star shape badge on his shirt. His Zanpakuto takes the form of a nightstick. He look like a nice guy, which he was when he was not fighting. In battle, he shows no mercy to his opponents. "I am arrancar 44, Bari Kedo (Barricade) reporting of duty ma'am." Nelliel noded at him, see he would work hard in her squad.

Next is a boy with silver hair, though the back of his hair was down, the front was spiky and up. He had blue eyes and wore silver uniform. His mask remain were four spike blades on his cheeks and pointed to the center of his face. Two stop above his mouth, while the other two stop below his month. His Zanpakuto is a short blade with silver hilt. He was sneaky and had a hyer-active twitching with his his eye. "I'm arrancar 45, Furen Ji (Frenzy) the best spy there is." Nelliel thought he would be useful when spying on intruders.

Next is another young good looked man with silver hair and red eyes. He wore a black and silver uniform with a bit of red on it. His mask remain were a plate on his forehead and had spike that made a V-shape on it. His Zanpakuto took the form of a saw bladed sword. He was not strong, but pretty smart. Some would call him a coward, but he believe it's better to flee, then to fight and to live and fight another day. "I'm arrancar 47 Saido Weizu (Sideways), ma'am."

The last arrancar is a man who wears a standard customized uniform similar to Skullak's, but with black gloves and mask remains cover his head with a bull-shaped skull. "Ma'am, I am arrancar 61, Rudobon Chelute." His Zanpakuto is a standard katana with a white handle. His number sixty-one tattoo was on his right front side of his neck, which was hidden under his collar.

Nelliel stand in front of him and said, "Rudobon I've saw you power that let you make an unlimited number of soldiers. So I'm making you my second in command of the Exequias, but I want you to also respect your fellow comrades too." "Yes, Lady Odelschwank, I understand." said Rudobon. Nelliel nodded and turn to Aizen to tell him that she was done. Rudobon looked over to one of the other Espada Skullak, who nodded at him. Rudobon was part of Skullak group when he was still a hollow, but he know that his powers would be a lot more useful in the Exequias and his good friend Skullak understand it.

Then Aizen turn to Ulquiorra and ask "How about you?" Ulquiorra looked over at the Numeros, until he hear someone yelling his name.

It was a giant arrancar that was waving a Ulquiorra and pointing at himself. He is a giant man with a thin black ponytail, orange eye brows, and red markings under his eyes. He wears a standard uniform with the jacket alway open, his hollow hole is on his chest, and his mask remain is the jawbone, which rests on his chin. He is arrancar 10, Yammy Llargo. His Zanpakuto is a large katana with a red handle and the guard looks like a rounded rectangle with protrusions on each side. His number ten tattoo was on his left sholder.

Ulquiorra sighed and said, "Very well, Yammy you can still be my partner." Yammy yelled, "Suerte!" and walked over to his old traveling partner side.

Ulquiorra nodded and turn to Aizen to show that he was done. Aizen turned to Harribel and ask "How about you Miss Harribel?" Harribel nodded and waved over four Numeros, three were women and one was a man, they were part over her old traveling group.

The first is a tomboyish girl with heterochromia, meaning she has two different colored eyes; her right eye is ice blue, while her left eye is amber with a red outline around it. She wears a standard uniform, but it is customized with shoulder length sleeves. She has dark blue jaw-length hair and her mask remain is on the top of her head with horn in the middle. She is arrancar 54, Emilou Apacci. Her Zanpakuto is very different from other arrancars, they are the collars that she wears over her wrists. Her fifty-four tattoo was on her left of her chest.

Next is a dark-skinned woman with long, thick wavy brown hair and green eyes and wears an amazon style uniform. Her hollow hole is positioned midway between her navel and chest. Her mask remain form a three-sectioned crown around her head and a think necklace. She is arrancar 55, Franceska Mila Rose. Her Zanpakuto takes the form of a broad sword. Her number fifty-five tattoo was on her bottoms right side.

Next is a slender young woman with long, flowing olive-green hair and lavender-colored eyes. She wears a long dress uniform with long sleeve and two thin belts that criss-cross around her waist. Her mask remain create a three hair clip-like extensions on the right side of her bangs. She is arrancar 56, Cyan Sung-sun. Her Zanpakuto takes the form of a sai. Her number fifty-six tattoo was just above her stomach.

Lastly is a young man with smooth blond hair and crimson red eyes. He wears a standard uniform with his hakama tucked into his short boots. His mask remain is around his eyes in the shape of a visor. He is arrancar 57 and Harribel's adoptive son, Sheelal Harribel. His Zanpakuto is a standard katana with a red hilt and a grey sheath. His number fifty-seven tattoo was on his left shoulder.

"Is there anyone else you see that you want to be part of your fraccions?" ask Aizen. Harribel looked at the Numeros and picked one more out to come over. The arrancar is a man with blue and white hair, red eyes, and shark like teeth. He wore a blue and white military general uniform and his mask remain are on his shoulders and took the form of shark fin shoulder blades. His Zanpakuto is a katana with a blue hilt and the guard took the shape of a shark's mouth with teeth. He had a interesting personality, he was a gentleman, had a brilliant mind, a born second-in-command, and a heart in poet, but like Haikus the most.

When he was in front of Harribel, he kneeled down and bow to her, which surprised her a bit. "Please tell my your name." ask Harribel. The arrancar lifted his head and said "Lady Harribel, please call me Geru Shaku (Sky-Byte) and all I want is to be your humble and loyal second-in-command like I used to serve in your family as an Almirante (Admiral)."

Then he grabbed Harribel's hand and kiss it like a gentleman. Everyone was surprised, Appaci and Mila Rose were outraged, but Sheelal and Sung-sun were holding them back. For Harribel herself, she was really surprised. There were not that many arrancar that acted like gentleman and her was also blushing under her mask. When Geru finished, he stood back up and smiled. Harribel was speechless and only nodded at him and Aizen to show she was done.

With Starrk, he mighty look calm, though his right eye was twitching. He was try his best to stay calm because Starrk was feeling jealousy to Geru for kiss his woman hand. He ever made a mental image in his mind of if he lost it, though he know Skullak would hold him back for hurting the fraccion.

Then Geru said, "Wait can you also aloud my men that serve me join too?" Harribel look at Geru and said, "Very well, but they will be your responsibility." Geru smile and waved over three other Arrancars.

The first is a dark-skin man with black hair with a long ponytail and blue eyes. He wear a black and yellow uniform and his mask remain is a two pointed mask that cover the upper part of his face. His Zanpakuto is a clever balde with a yellow hilt. He quite smart and pretty clever too.

Second is a freaky looking man with short maroon hair and blue eyes. He wears a red and black uniform and his mask remain is a helmet. His Zanpakuto is katana with a maroon hilt. He dim-witted and smart enough to have a cruel sense of humor. He also manages to combine stealth and stupidity together somehow.

Lastly is a man with blue hair and yellow eyes. He wears blue uniform and his mask remain are shaped like long claws on his shoulders. His Zanpakuto is a katana with a sliver hilt and he has sheathed on his back. He a bumbling oaf, but still loyal. He has an almost innocent sense of humor, enjoys singing, and actually attempts to help out his commander.

"Please aloud me to introduce Gasu Kanku (Gas Skunk ), Gusshā (Slapper), and Girudō (Dark Scream)." Three Arrancars bow to Harribel to show their respect to her. To Harribel, she thought the three looked a bit weird, but wasn't going to say anything.

Aizen then turn to Baraggan and ask "How about you Baraggan, see any Numeros you want to serve as your fraccions?" Baraggan nodded and step froward. He picked out ten male Numeros. Who approached Lord Baraggan and kneeled and bowed to their King. "I've chosen you because your all are strong and worth to serve under me. I don't want any of you to fail and let me down, understand." said Baraggan. "Yes, your majesty Lord Baraggan, we understand and will not let you down, your majesty." they all said. Baraggan nodded and said "Now rise and tell me your names." and with that said all ten fraccion stood up.

The first is a man with long black hair and dark golden eyes. His uniform is two sleeves on his wrists, a black sash, and a hakama. He had numerous red tattoos across his chest and his mask remain take the form of a beak like helmet on top of his head. " Sir, I am arrancar 22, Avirama Redder and send me into battle and I'll crush any enemy in my way." His Zanpakuto is a standard red katana with an oval-shaped guard with a protrusion on four sides. His number twenty-two was on is forehead, under his mask helmet.

He next guy is the tallest out all ten fraccion. He had light green eyes and dark brown hair in a monk hairstyle. He wears a standard uniform, but is customized to look like a Chinese garb. His mask remain consist of a large plate across his chin with two horn-like appendages. He also has two green triangle-like lines running through each of his cheeks that form inner circles. "My lord, I am arrancar 25, Choe Neng Poww and I am honored to serve you, my lord." His Zanpakuto is a wakizashi with a light purple handle and sheath with a guard shaped like a half-oval on each side. His number twenty-five tattoo was on his left shoulder.

Next is a large man with wavy, short blond hair and four short squiggly lines descending from each of his dark red eyes. He wears his own customized uniform and his mask remain consists of a thick helmet with short tusks protruding from the sides. "I'm arrancar 27, Nirgge Parduoc and I'm ready to serve you, sir." His Zanpakuto is a katana with a silver oval-like guard and a light-green handle. His number twenty-seven tattoo was on his right shoulder.

The next guy had slicked back blue hair, a thin mustache, and notably sunken eyes. He wears a similar uniform to Ulquiorra, but with a high cut in the jacket that bares his hollow hole. His hollow hole is on his stomach and his mask remain cover the left half if his upper face. "Sir, I'm arrancar 28, Patros and I'm ready to serve you, sir." His Zanpakuto is a standard katana with a diamond-shaped guard and a yellow hilt and sheath. His number twenty-eight tattoo was right below his neck.

The next guy was tall and bulky with black spiked up hair and wears a standard uniform. His mask remain is a skull with a bull like horn and covers the upper-left quarter of his face. "I'm arrancar 29, Aldegor, sir." His Zanpakuto is a katana with a long pink handle and a flower patterned guard. His number twenty-nine tattoo was on his left shoulder.

The next arrancar is a youthful, young man with spiked red hair with the end in a braid and amber eyes. His wears customized uniform with a sleeveless shirt exposes his mid-drift and his sash hangs below his left hip. His hollow hole was in the center of his chest and his mask remain is a jaw which rests on the upper-left side of his head. "I'm arrancar 30, Menis, sir and I'm ready to rock." His Zanpauto is a katana with a green handle and a guard that has a half circle on both sides. His number thirty tattoo was on his back, just below his neck.

Next is another young man with blond hair, which covered his black eyes. He wore a plate over his chest and a white hakama with a black sash. On his wrists were grey shark like fin guards and his hollow hole is on the upper part of his abs. His mask remain is a hammerhead shape helmet in his head with a large scared gap on it that goes down to his left eye. "My Lord, I'm arrancar 31, Lance Tiburon and I swear to never fail you ever again." His Zanpakuto is a katana with a dark blue hilt. His number thirty-one tattoo was on the back of his left shoulder.

The next arrancar is a man that appeared to look around his 30s. He had smooth gray hair with dark blue highlights and red eyes. He wore a standard uniform that was gray and dark blue and wore a cape over his right shoulder and down his back. His Zanpakuto takes the form of a metal staff and his mask remain were around his botton half of his face and took an oval-like shape on his mouth and lower part of his nose. He was very loyal and fallowed order by the letter. He also had a slightly robotic voice. "My Lord, call me Magna and I swear my loyalty and life to serve you."

The next arrancar appears as a man with short silver hair and red eyes. He wears a red standard uniform and his mask remain take the shape of a ant jaws that are hanging around his neck. His Zanpakuto is a katana with a red hilt. His personally is that he's insane, yet insanely loyal and pyromaniac. He also has a bit of an ant's personally too. "Royalty! I'm arrancar 46, Inferuno (Inferno) and pledge my loyalty to you." Baraggan seemed to like the title he was called.

For the last guy, if Poww as the tallest, Nirgge weight the most, is guy would be the most muscular in the group. He is a bold man with a big jaw and red eyes, but wears a red visor over them. He wore a purple and gray uniform and his Zanpakuto takes the form of a large double sided hammer. His mask remain was a plate on top of his head. He was one of the last hollow how served under Baraggan when he still king. He is one hundred percent loyal to Baraggan and would do anything to please and for his master. "Oh, Grand and Glorious Lord Baraggan, It's I your most loyal follower Ragun Attsu (Lugnut), here to serve you and crush all how apposes you, my lord." Baraggan smile to see him most powerful and loyal follower by his again. Baraggan by returning back in line with the other Espada.

Aizen turn to Skullak and said "Now then Skullak, how about you?" Skullak waved over six male Numeros that were part of his old group.

The first one is a rather handsome silver hair man with three dark blue diamond shaped marks above his left eye. He wears his own customized uniform with a cape that covers the upper part of his uniform and his mask remain is a crest along the right-side if his head. He is arrancar 17, Aisslinger Wernarr. His Zanpakuto is a katana with a dark blue handle and a silver sheath. His number seventeen tattoo was on his right cheek.

Next is fairly muscular man with brown hair and a dread-locked hairstyle with several ornaments and outstanding earrings at the end of them. He also has two lines tattooed down his cheeks, wears a standard uniform, and his mask remain cover the top of his face. He is arrancar 18, Demoura Zodd. His Zanpakuto is a katana with a dark purple handle and sheath.

Next is a tall and slender build man. He had short light brown hair that is swept back, creating peak at either side of his head. He wears his own customized uniform that consists of a long, white, double-breasted trench coat that features shoulder straps and is tied using a black belt at its waist, which is adorned with a decorative buckle. This is worn over white trousers and trench boots. His mask remain is a three hole mask that covered his left eye. He is arrancar 19, Asgularo Ebern. His Zanpakuto is a katana with a grey hilt.

Next is a man with his eyebrows and hair are dark on the right and white on the left side. His hair reaches down to his shoulders. He wears his own customized uniform that consists of a long, white robes over which he wears a waist length white robe. A thin black sash goes from the left epaulette to the right side of his waist. His mask remain was a series of circular marks on his face above and below his eyes. He is arrancar 21, Luders Friegen. His Zanpakuto is a katana with a green hilt.

Next is a slim good looking man with long, flowing blond hair and light purple marking around his gray eyes. His uniform resembles a Spanish soldier. His is customized with shoulder pads, knee-high boots and knife like protrusion on both his sleeves that extend along the top of his hands. He wears his hakama in a style with the legs tucked into his boots. His mask remain consist os a smooth helmet coving his upper half of his face with eye holes and a row of teeth sewn across his chin like a strap. He is arrancar 24, Findor Carias. His Zanpakuto is a standard katana with a pink handle and a guard that resembles a rapier. His number twenty-four tattoo was on the left side of his neck.

The last one is a young looking man with scruffy black hair, a short braided ponytail, and golden eyes. He wears a standard customized uniform is customized and partly resembles a mandarin-style jacket with a small opening at his chest area, sleeves rolled up to his elbows, an upturned collar and hakama; all of which like other Arrancar's clothing are white. His shoes are also similar to Poww's, resembling traditional martial arts training shoes. His hakama are also slightly different from normal, as the legs are rather close-fitting and lack the creases normal hakama have. His mask remain resemble the skull of a Saber-tooth tiger that is worn on the top of his head like a helmet. He is arrancar 26, Ggio Vega. His Zanpakuto's hilt resembles a normal katana with a light yellow handle and silver oval-shpaed guard with slits going down the middle of both ends and an unusual double-egded straight blade that's squared-off. His number twenty-six tattoo was on his left shoulder.

"Is there anyone else you want?" ask Aizen. Skullak looked at the Numeros and pick out five other male Numeros to come over. Went they were standing in front of Skullak, they bowed politely. Then Skullak said, "I've chosen you five because you have strong warrior spirits and a sense of honor. So please tell me your names."

The first one is a man with black hair and orange eyes. He wore a black, orange, and white uniform and his mask remain took the form of horns on both side of his head. His Zanpakuto takes the form of a double-sided sword. "Sir, I'm Noizu Meizu (Noisemaze or Cybertron Sideways) and have an ability that no other arrancar has." "Oh and want would that be?" ask Skullak. "I have the power to become a soul reaper," he said. Everyone stared to him with shock. "Impossible, no arrancar can do that," said Skullak. "Ah, then a demonstration then," said Noizu.

He grabbed his mask remains and took it out, then open his uniform were his hollow hole was and watch it close up. Now he spiritual pressure did feel like a soul reaper's. "When I'm a Soul Reaper, I can still open Garganta, but can't release my sword because if I do, I will go into my release form, so I lye to Soul Reapers and tell them that my sword is stuck in it's shikai state. I the best spy/double agent there is." he said.

Everyone was still surprised and Skullak final said, "Amazing, I've never scene anyone with an ability like that. Very well, I'll make you make you my spy in Soul Society, so we know want the Soul Reapers a planning." Noizu bowed showing his respect to Skullak, before becoming an arrancar again. " Is that fine with you Lord Aizen?" ask Skullak. Aizen nodded seeing that they might need a spy in Soul Society.

Next man had black hair, red eyes, and wore a clear red monocle. He wore a tan, purple, and black german soldier uniform and spoke in a German accent. His Zanpakuto takes the form of a German sword. His mask remain was on his chin and had strip on both side of it going up his face. "Zir, I am Burittsu Uingu (Blitzwing),and don't you for get it or I'll, express my feeling in song." Skullak just looked at the guy and ask "...What was that?" "Zorry zir, I have a split personalities. So said anything about it or I'll crush you even if you are an Espada. OH, I'm going to have so must funny being par of your fraccion!" "O...K?" said Skullak.

Another thing when he change personality was, when he was calm he wears a monocle, when anger he wears visor, and when crazy wears none thing. "Zorry zir, I will try to keep my serious self in control." siad Burittsu. "Please try." said Skullak. "Oh, we going to have so must funny." he said laughing and clapping his hands. Skullak sigh and thought thing were going to be very interesting in his fraccions.

The next arrancar appears as a young and rather handsome man with short green hair and purple eyes. He wears a green standard uniform and a black and yellow stripe sash. His Zanpakuto is a katana with a black and green striped hilt. His mask remain consist on his jawline. His personally is that he talks in third person and talk with a buzz in his voice. Said z in words with s. He isn't that bright, but he does has his moments. "I'm arrancar 51. My name izzz Wasupītā (Waspinator), zzzir. I'm happy to zzzerve you azzz a fraccion." Skullak raise his eyebrow at the Wasupītā's strange buzzing speech pattern.

Next is a boy with light brown hair with a scorpion tail-shape ponytail and red eyes. He wore a light brown and gray uniform. His Zanpakuto takes form of a katana with a brown handle and the guard that the shape of two trangle shape spear pointing outward. His mask remain took the form of four fangs, two on his cheeks and the other on both side of his chin. He look like a nice kid, but deep down he has the skill of a dangerous hunter. "I am arrancar 49. Sukorupo Nokku (Scorponok), sir."

The last arrancar is a good looking man with silver-gray hair with two long ponytails going down his back and red eyes. He wore a gray high officer uniform and his Zanpakuto takes the form of a copter blade, that can spilt apart form the sides to make five other blades. His mask remain is on his forehead and took the form of two V- shape spikes, one outer, one inner, and one other spike between the inner V spiky. He a smart, strong, clever, and had his own sense of honor and very skilled swordsman with his copter blade weapon. "I'm arrancar 43, Burak Kuauto (Blackout), ready to serve you, sir."

Skullak nodded at his fraccion and to Aizen to show that his was done. "Finally Starrk, is there anyone you like to be your fraccion?" ask Aizen. Starrk looked at Aizen, then to Lilynette, who was giving him a serous look to at least pick one. Starrk sigh and look at the Numeros. He remember that one caught his eye and ask the Numeros to came over.

"Alright, I've pick you to be our fraccion, so please tell me your name." said Starrk. Standing before him is a teenage girl with shoulder-length blown hair and blue eyes. She wore a custom female uniform and her mask remain took the form of a wolf shaped helmet. Her Zanpakuto is a wakizashi with a shaphire hilt. "Sir, I'm Luna and I'm honored to be you fraccion." Starrk smile at the girl and nodded at Aizen to show he was done.

"Congratulation to all Numeros that were chosen to be fraccion." said Aizen. "All Numeros that were not chosen, please keep training hard, so you can maybe become fraccion later." Aizen dismissed the Numeros, but asked one to stay behind, but surprisingly many others also stay behind and were in groups.

The one Arrancar standing before Aizen is a boy with light blond hair and bright purple eyes. He wears his own customized uniform with a jacket with a hole in the middle. The outfit also has large arm cuffs on the sleeves. His hollow hole is in the center of his chest and his mask remain consist a three-point tiara on top of his head. His Zanpakuto is a large purple sword strapped to his back, about as tall as he is. The hilt resembles a western long sword rather than the more common katana, although the familiar hilt weaving is present, whilst the guard resembles an Egyptian eye. From a back view the sheath represents a zweihander or claymore. He is arrancar 77, Wonderweiss Margela.

"Tosen, this is Wonderweiss." said Aizen. "It seen he has took a liking to you and I want you to take care of him." "Yes, sir." said Tosen and bowed.

Then Tosen sense something and turn and saw three others kneeling before him. "What are you three doing?" asked Tosen. "Lord Tosen we wish to serve you as your fraccions, fraccions," said one with looking like has a speech problem. "How interesting! I'm a bit surprised since I thought you Arrancars hated me," said Tosen. "Why should I let you?"

"Because sir, we will only follow the strongest," said one talk seriously. "We follower our instincts, which tell us to follow you." Tosen had a small smile and said, "Very well, you three will serve as my fraccions. Raise and tell my your names."

The first is a man with short-length black hair, red eyes, wears a black uniform with purple arm sleeves. His mask remain are a pair of curved horns on his back. His Zanpakuto is a katana with a purple hilt. He also has a bit of a speech problem every last word he said in a sentence he repeats. "I am arrancar 74, the name is Shāpuneru (Shrapnel). Really to serve you my Lord, Lord."

The second is a muscular man with short dark silver hair and red eyes. He wears a purple and silver uniform and his mask remain is a horn on top of his head. His Zanpakuto is a broadsword with a black hilt. He was the smartest out of the three. "Sir, I'm arrancar 75, call me Bonbu Sheru (Bombshell)."

The last one is a man with long black hair, red eyes, and black and yellow uniform. His mask remain are a pair of antennas that are above his ears. His Zanpakuto is a katana with a yellow hilt. He was smiling crazy and was also specialize in espionage. "I'm arrancar 76, Kikku Bakku (Kickback) and I'm ready for some action!"

Aizen was a bit surprised it see Tosen taking fraccions, but it didn't bother him at all. He the turn to the many team groups and said, "It looks like you all different from other Numeros. Please introduce yourself and tell what your team specializes in."

Then the leader of the first team, which consist of 7 men step forward. He had blond hair, red eyes, and wore a yellow uniform. His mask remain took a triangle shape on his cheeks and stop at the bottom end of his nose. His Zanpakuto is a katana with a yellow hilt. He a skilled leader and very smart. "Sir, we are the Construcción (Construction) team high trained builders and our skill are the best in Hueco Mundo. We can fix almost anything. I'm the leader Suku Rappa (Scrapper). Now allow my men to introduce themselves."

The first man is the tallest in the group. He was wears a red and white uniform. He had black hair with red highlight in it and reddish-orange eyes. His mask remain is on both of his cheeks and took a triangle shape that reached down to his chin. His Zanpakuto takes the form of a shovel bladed weapon. He is strong, pretty smart, and the calmest member. "My name is Suka Benja (Scavenger)."

The next man is the quite member in the group and rarely talk, but talk only went spoken too. He had red hair, yellow eyes, and wore a red uniform. His mask remain cover his chin. His Zanpakuto is a stander katana with a red hilt. "I'm Obarodo (Overload)."

The next man had black and blond hair with light orange eyes and wore a black and yellow uniform. His mask remain covered his whole face and look like a hockey mask. His Zanpakuto takes the form of a wrecking ball on a chain. He the most loyal member in the group like to agree with the leader most the time. "You can call me Haitawa (Hightower)."

The next man had black and red hair, oranges-yellow eyes, and wore a red uniform, which is similar to what Grimmjow has, so show far his muscular body. The reason his uniform is red is because it is stain with the blood of everyone he has killed in a fight. His mask remain cover both of his cheeks and both side of his chin. His Zanpakuto takes the form of two steel whips hanging on his both side of his belt. He is pretty violent and leave a trail of destruction when he wreck through Hueco Mundo as a hollow. "I'm Ranpeji (Rampage)," he said plain and simple, since he didn't look like he was in a good mood.

The next man had dark gray hair, red eyes, and wore a white, gray, and black uniform. His mask remain looked his fangs that were on both side of his cheeks and go down to the bottom of his face. He was a genius chemist and as skilled weapon designer, but he was a very crazy too. His Zanpakuto is a katana with a grey hilt. " I'm Mikkusu Masuta (Mixmaster) and ready to get to work."

The last man is muscular, but a bit bulgy guy. He had dark green hair, red eyes, and wore a green uniform. His mask remain is on the sides of his head, above his ears. He was a bit grumpy because he almost never get a chance to fight because he's alway the one who caring his other teammates gear and stuff around, but he really just want to fight and a pretty nice guy went you get to know him. His Zanpakuto is a broadsword with a green hilt. "I'm Rongu Hauru (Long Haul)."

Aizen nodded and said, "Very interesting. A building team would be very uses for during the war." He then put out several folders for his jacket and said, "These are all documents of the blueprints for all of Las Noches. I trust you Suku to hold on to them, keep them safe, and use them when needed." Suku took them and said, "Don't worry my Lord. Their safe in my hands."

Then the leader of the next group step forward. He appeared as a handsome man in his early thirties with red eyes and shoulder-length flowing white hair. He wears a black, white and aqua uniform and his mask remain is shape like a ninja mask that cover his lower part of his face. His Zanpakuto consist of two katanas with aqua color hilt and are kelp in a double side white sheath on his back. He is very honorable too. He extremely skilled and only fight to kill opponents that he respect in battle or let them live to do battle again. He also has a soft side of children and don't like make war and enemies with them. He also one who don't fear death at all and if his time come he wants to go out with honor. He also believes that life is only worth living for as long as there are opponents who can challenge him.

"I'm Sikkusu Shotto (Sixshot), leader/commander of the Sigilo Ninja de Fuerza (Stealth Ninja Force)." Standing behind Sikkusu were several arrancars wearing ninja uniform similar to the member of the Stealth Force in Soul Society, expect they wore white. "Interesting, so you based a Arrancar group version of the Stealth Force," said Aizen. "I can use a group like your very much too help."

Then the member of the next team step forward. He appeared as a tall man with short purple hair, teal eyes, and wears a white uniform with a cape that resembles dragon wings. His mask remain take the form of a helmet that covers all his head with exception of his face. His Zanpakuto takes the form of a katana with purple hilt. He is a master strategist, but is also prettty stubborn too. "I am Han Guru (Hun-Gurrr), the leader of the Los Monstruos (The Monsters). We are a power Arrancar Elite team ready to serve and defeat any enemies. Now allow my men to introduce themselves."

The first is a man with yellow eyes and shoulder length blue hair. He wears a gray unform and his mask remain take the form of a shark fin in his back. His Zanpakuto takes the form of a trident. He is the most calm of the Los Monstruos team and a distant cousin of Rey. "I'm Rippa Sunappa Tiburon (Rippersnapper)." He also saw his cousin Rey and waved to him, while Rey waved back happy to see another Tiburon family member. Although Lance didn't care at all and didn't bother acknowledging him.

Next is a man that wasn't that tall, but he is quite muscular. He has long lavender colored hair, red eyes, and he wears a navy blue scientist uniform. His mask remain take the form of a three-pointed thin circlet around his head. His Zanpakuto takes the form of a cleaver. He is quite cocky, crazy, and is a professional scientist. "I'm Butto (Blot), at your serves."

The next is a slim man with spiky light blue hair, yellow eyes, sharp teeth, and he wears a yellow uniform. His Zanpakuto takes the form of a wakizashi with golden blade. Despite his slim and harmless appearance he is pretty strong and also have pretty agressive and troublemaker personality. "Call me, Shina Tsuin (Sinnertwin)."

The last man had long blonde hair and red eyes. His mask remain his lower bird jaw in his chin and he wears blue grayish uniform. His Zanpakutos takes the form of a pair of Butterfly swords. He is pretty bloodthirsty and savage with his brother being the only person in the world being capable of calming him down. "The name is Katto Suroto Redder (Cutthroat) and don't anyone for get it."

Avirama facepalm himself because he didn't expect to see his crazes little brother here. As for Aizen he thought team could be useful.

Then a member of a next team step forward. He appeared as a tall muscular man with the physical age in his thirties. He has long black hair and blue eyes. He wears a black uniform with a dark blue trench coat and cape and his mask remain take the form of a square helmet. His Zanpakuto takes the form of a broadsword with a purple hilt. He is cold and arrogant. "I am Motoru Masuta (Motermaster), leader of the Stuntrons. We are from the worst parts of Hueco Mundo and we are some of the most rustless warriors that specialized in spying and fighting. Now let my men to introduce themselves."

The first appeared as a sixteen years old boy with spiky purple hair and blue eyes. He wears a yellow uniform and his Zanpakuto takes the form of a katana with purple hilt. Despite his innocent appearance he cannot be underestimated because he is a strong and fast Arrancar more than capable of fighting and defeating his opponents, he is quite ironic and cocky during when he is winning the battles. "The name is Doragu Sutripa (Drag Strip) got it!"

The next man had the pyshical age in his twenties. He had shoulder length black hair and purple eyes. He wears a Crimson and Black uniform and his Zanpakutos are a pair of daggers with silver hilt and black blades. He has a personal spy net that allows him to know everything about everything, and he is analytical and cold. He is also quite narcissist thinking that he is the most beautiful and it is the most seductive among man and that he is the girls' favorite guy, he spents a high quantity of time in the bathroom trying to preserve his beauty, and he is also gets a little pessimist when one of his friends get hurt during a mission. "I'm Desu Endu (Dead End), guess I work for you."

The next one is a young man with short black hair with a ponytail and blue eyes. He wears a black and Crimson chinese outifit. His Zanpakuto takes the form of a Katana with a circular shaped guard. He is quite impulsive and he gets competitive during his fights and he likes to test his strength with the other Arrancars in friendly fights. "The name is Uaiodu Raida (Wildrider) and I'm ready for some action."

The final member is a good looking man in his tirties. He had long dark blue hair and red eyes. He wears a dark blue and white uniform and his mask remain take the form of an eyepatch that covers his left eye. His Zanpakuto takes the form of a katana with navy blue hilt. He is a fight-lover and is also a little paranoid about the Soul Reapers, thinking that they are plotting to create some kind of Super-Weapon that would wipe out every living being in the Hueco Mundo. "I'm Bureiko Daun (Brakedown)."

Aizen also thought this team would also be useful too. If they were as tough as they are them they can be useful in the war.

Then a member of the next team step forward. He appears as a handsome man with shoulder-length blond hair, red eyes, and wears a black and yellow uniform. His mask remain is a lion's skull shape like a helmet on his head. His Zanpakuto takes the form of a broad sword with a golden hilt and a guard shaped like a lion's head. He a master hunter, tracker, and is an intelligent leader, but he does have a kind side when it come to his young sister. "I am Rēzā Kurō Mila-Rose (Razorclaw), leader of the Los Cazadores (The Hunters). We are master hunter that can track down any target and are able to capture or kill with out failing. Now let my men introduce themselves." Rēzā looked over to where his little sister Franceska. She was happy to see her big brother again, while he had a small smile and was also happy to see his sister was Ok.

The first is a muscular man with short black, red eyes, and wears red and yellow uniform. His mask remain takes the shape of a rhino's upper skull on the back of his head. His Zanpakuto takes the form of a broadsword. He quite stubborn and argues. "The name is Heddosu Torongu (Headstrong) got it!"

The next guy appears as a tough looking man with short black hair, yellow eyes, and wears a orange and black uniform. His mask remain are a pair of horns on the side of his head. His Zanpakuto is a broadsword. His short-temper and gets into fights easily. "I'm Tantoramu Granz (Tantrum) and don't forget it." He nodded to Yylfordt, who also nodded back, but he ignore Szayel completely.

The next member appeared as a quite good looking guy with long black hair, red eyes and wears a orange, yellow, and black uniform. His mask remain is shape like a helmet of an eagle skull. His Zanpakuto is a katana with a guard shaped like wings. He one of the clam and collective member is the group and has his own bit of honor himself. He also the group's eye in the shy went tracking targets. "I'm Daimu Bomu Redder (Divebomb), ready to take flight." Avirama was also happy to see his older brother again, while Katto didn't seen to care.

The final member is the youngest in the group. He appears as a young man with yellow eyes, red hair, and wears a red and orange uniform. His mask remain is a plate that cover on bottom half of his face. His Zanpakuto is a katana with a red hilt. His also calm and more of the silent type who only speak with spoken too. He also enjoys with human television cartoon to calm himself down. "Ramupēji Vega (G1 Rampage) at your services." Ggio was both surprised and happy to he his cousin again.

"A hunting team you say," said Aizen. "I believe your team will be very useful to us if anyone try to betray use."

Then a member of the next team step froward. He is a man with short brown hair, orange-yellow eyes, and wears a blue military uniform. His mask remain is a mask plate that cover on his chin, mouth, and lower part of his nose. Hie Zanpauto take the form of a massive rectangular shape double sided hammer. He is a brilliant military tactician and one of the only arrancar that his at Aizen's level of genius. He's a master of strategies, learned ever military strategies, and can almost out smart almost anyone in battle. "Sir, I'm Onsurōto (Onslaught) the leader of the Los Comandos (the Commandos)," he said saluting. "We are a high trained and skilled military team that are ready for any mission give to use. Now allow my men to introduce themselves."

The first is a muscular man with red eyes and short black hair in a military style. He wore a green military style uniform and on both side of his left wrist were two claw like blade that can be folded back. His mask remain were on his back and look like two cannon that appear over his shoulders. He was not really smart, but who needs smart like he, who is very powerful and follow orders loyally as long as he get to fight and destroys his enemies. His Zanpatuto take the for of a massive spiked covered hammer, which is strapped to his back, but he rarely uses it because his think he so powerful that there are no Soul Reapers that are strong enough to take him on. "! (Brawl)"

The next man had black hair, purple eyes and wears a yellow cowboy like uniform. His mask remain is a plate on the back of his neck. His Zanpakuto is a katana with a yellow hilt, but he half the time forget that he has one, since he has some many devices. He a co-man that don't really care about the war, but do care about trying to make a profit or sell during it. He's very greed and knows con almost everyone ever Soul Reapers. "The name's Swindoru (Swindle) and if there is anything you need, I'm the man that probably have it and give it to you for the right prices."

The next man had short black hair, grey eyes and wears a brown uniform. His mask remain is an mask plate that covers the whole lower part of his face. His zanpakuto takes the form of an standard katana with a brown hilt and a blaster. He's a master in aerial combat and has not been beaten before. He's good in both close and far range combat. "I'm Buresuto Ofu (Blast Off), the aerial ace in the team."

The last man had shoulder-length black hair, red eyes, and wears a gray uniform. His mask remain take the shape of a v-shape blades on his black. His Zanpakuto takes the form of a katana with a grey hilt and the blade takes the shape of a copter blade. He was the interrogator and their hasn't been anyone that he was able to brake and get information from. His methods are a mystery, but arrancar said he about to make prisoner speak without doing anything or they their screams and please for mercy. He enjoys his job and as much as fighting. "I'm Borutā (Vortex), the Interrogador (Interrogator)."

"Hmm, I believe you team would be very useful," said Aizen. "Their probably will be future mission that your team will be useful to completely."

Finally a member of the last team step forward. He is a muscular man with shoulder length black hair and yellow eyes. He wears a teal admiral uniform and his hollow mask remain takes the form of two cannons in his back. His Zanpakuto takes the form of a tri-pointed broadsword. He is a calm, cool, and he is one of the best strategists in whole Hueco Mundo. "I am Hafu Sheru (Halfshell) and leader of the Equipo de Ataque Marino (Marine Attack Team). We are great fighter in all terrains, but we specialized to fight in water the best. Now allow my men to introduce themselves." Tia was happy to see her old childhood bodyguard again and Hafu was as happy to see Tia too.

The first member is a slim yet slightly muscular man with blonde hair with a black streak in an emo hairstyle and red eyes. His mask remain takes the form of two arthropod mandibles that comes from his cheeks. His Zanpakuto takes the form of a silver steel war fan with some blue outlines. He at first look, he looks cold and antisocial, but in fact his quite friendly and reliable. He always is their to help his friends or relatives, and he is also Hafu's seccond in command. He also famous for being a seductor womanizer and this made him flirt with women. "Robu Kuro Carias (Nautilator) second in command of this team." Findor was happy to see his brother again and the same was for Robu.

The next member is a tan skin young man with spiky shoulder length blonde hair and red eyes. His mask remain take the form of a shark head with a fin in the top that surrounds his head. His Zanpakuto takes the form of a Chinese great sword with red hilt. He is agressive and impulsive. He is also pretty arrogant and rude with the others, but he shows a more kind side of his personality when near his sister. " I'm Oba Baito Harribel (Overbite) and I'm ready for some action." Tia was a bit worried to see one of her young bothers here and hope he won't get into trouble.

The next man had green eyes and blue short hair. He wears a white scientist coat over a blue marine uniform and his mask remain take the form of a bone fragment in his chin. His Zanpakuto takes the form of a Chinese Snake Spear. He is usually serious about his duties, but he does knows how to have fun. "I'm Garufu (Skalor) the team's inventor/scientist."

The next member is a slim man with shoulder length black hair and blue yellowish eyes. His mask remain take the form of a small fragment above his right eye. He wears a navy blue uniform and slightly effeminate appearance. His Zanpaluto takes the form of a Katana with navy blue hilt. He may seem harmless behind his friendly and calm personality, but lies a cold, fierce, ruthless, mercyless warrior because of this personality, he spent most of his years as one of the most feared and efficient bounty hunter in all of Hueco Mundo. "I'm Tenta Kiru Antenor (Tentakil)."

The final member is a man with long gray hair and yellow eyes. His mask remain take the form of two manta ray wings in his back and he wears a blueish gray uniform. His Zanpakuto takes the form of a long sting shaped harpoon. He is Tenta Kiru's best friend and they worked together for years as a pair of bounty hunters. He is also playful and cocky in battle but he lacks the cold personality of Tenta, but what he lacks in size and strength he compensates with speed and agility. "I'm Kuraken (Seawing) reporting for duty."

"Interesting," said Aizen. "I think this team would be also useful and I think is team has potential too."

Aizen turn to the Espada, Fraccions , Exequias and all the teams and said, "Now then, you are all dismiss. Please show you fraccions around you domains and please have then ready for the war. As for all the leaders of the teams, you'll all have your own special room for you and your men to be in. " Everyone nodded and left with their fraccion to their palace's, while the team leader left with their men to their only rooms. All preparations are complete for now. The war with Soul Society will be coming soon.

Ok everyone I really hope you like it. Also to make thing clear Nnoitra, Luppi, and Zommari are gone and will not be coming back. They were used to help Grimmjow, Dordoni, and Cirucci become Vasto Lorde before becoming Arrancar. So for the Espada, there are eight Vasto Lordes, one Adjuchas, and one Gillian.

As for the Decepticons, I used their Japanese names. Also if you want to see the Decepticons as human, look in Deviantart to see them, that is were I got some of their human looking ideas.

So thank you for reading and please review.