Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or its characters - these were created by Eric Kripke - I'm just borrowing them. I'm not making any commercial gain. No harm or infringement intended.

E/O Challenge: Pour. 'Morning After' a 100-word drabble. "What happens in the bar, stays in the bar. Repeat." Set in an optimistic post-S7 future - so this probably counts as AU then! No spoilers. Implied Dean/Cas.


Morning After

"Okay, guys?" called a waiting Sam, as Dean slunk into the diner, followed by Cas exactly two minutes later.

Dean just grunted and sat opposite. Sam noted his brother's swollen lips with increasing surprise as an awkward, disheveled looking Cas sat next to Sam instead.

No way!

"So... late night at the bar was it?"

Cas, avoiding eye-contact, fiddled with the condiments.

Dean gulped his coffee, only to gag spectacularly on the vile, bitter sludge.

"You, okay?" whispered Cas, anxiously.

Dean gave an embarrassed scowl.


"Hey, Cas. I think you need to pour some sugar on him," Sam chuckled.



Don't ask me, I've no idea what they were doing (I don't think they're that sure themselves) - I'll leave that up to you to decide! ;)

I always hated sugar pourers, not that you see them anymore, as I always seemed to end up with sugar on my chips and salt in my tea.

And now I've got that darn song stuck in my head…

Happy Christmas everyone!