I sighed, checking my watch for possibly the tenth time that night. It was a quarter until nine, or in other other words, forty-five minutes after James said he would be here. I awkwardly sat alone at our reserved table for two, looking at the other couples around me talk and smile at each other like they were having the best time in the world.
They all made me sick.
My frowned deepened when I saw another couple across the restaurant cheer and celebrate together at the acceptance of a proposal. The rest of the nearby patrons applauded for them. Except for me. They were just another couple that get to live 'happily ever after' with each other until they die.
I thought as I raised my wineglass to them before gulping the rest of it down. I reached for the bottle again (I had the waiter leave it at the table a long time ago), and sighed heavily when I found that it was empty. It was completely out of character for me to drink a whole bottle of wine. It was in fact odd for me to take more than a few sips. It wasn't how I was raised to behave, so when I felt the alcohol taking its affect on me it felt strange and wonderful. I liked it.
I sat back in my chair and continued to watch the newly engaged couple talk animatedly with each other. Probably about wedding plans and who was going to just die when they heard and how much they loved each other. I checked my watch again and found it to be nine already which could mean that James forgot about our date or just didn't care enough to show up. Either way, it made him an asshole.
I quickly got the check and used James' credit card to pay for not only the bottle of wine I drank but the meal of the happily engaged couple a few tables ahead of me. I also sent them the most expensive bottle of wine on the menu.
Because I was just that kind.
Maybe I was a little bitter. This wasn't the first time James had stood me up. He was probably out at a party, drinking, and flirting with some snobby rich girl. He'll probably show up at home at three in the morning, piss drunk and horny. He'll try to seduce me up until he passes out and then I'll have to drag him to the couch and lay him on his side to prevent him from choking on his own vomit. Because as bad a boyfriend as James is, he didn't deserve to die from his own regurgitated stomach contents. He was still my friend.
Though I don't know exactly why I'm so bitter. It's not because I love James. I'm not even sure if I love James. I care about him, sure—I wouldn't waste my time watching over him in a drunken state if I didn't—but I don't love him. I assume James feels the same from the way he acts so aloof. We have been friends for years and I know him better than he does—spoiled, slightly arrogant and self absorbed, too dependent on money for his own good. Needless to say, James isn't really my type.
We wouldn't be together if it weren't for our parents setting us up in hopes that we would get married someday. When we both came out to our parents as liking guys—as well as girls, in James' case—they immediately thought we should be together. It wasn't because they thought James would be good for me, no, my parents found him as temperamentally fickle as I did. "It would so good to have a Diamond on your arm, sweetie. Even if he is a man," my mother had told me. "To have the Mitchell and Diamond name combined would do wonders for our reputation."
Unable to disappoint my mother, I went with it. I had always been taught that image is everything and my mom was correct; having a Diamond on my arm made me, and my whole family, look great. The same went for James with me. After that we kind of just...put up with each other. Despite the others faults, no matter how irritating, we stayed together. We never spoke ill of one another or complained outside of our own home. During family visits James was 'darling' and 'the sweetest' and we were 'in love', but it was all a lie made up to keep the perfect, wholesome, upscale image our parents had created for us.
And I was sick of it.
"Sir?" A soft soft voice interrupted my thoughts. I looked up the the blond waiter who had once again made his way to my table. Concern for me shone in his green eyes just like every time he had approached. "Do you need anything else?"
I gave a smile, maybe a bit to large, in return. The wine must have been getting to me. "I actually do need something." I used my foot to kick out the other chair beside me and patted it. The waiter raised a ridiculously thick eyebrow at me and I giggle. "Don't be shy. I don't bite."
The blond chuckled, flashing me a pair of gorgeous dimples that could rival my own. "Sir, I'm working." He said softly.
I pouted a bit. "But as my waiter you're supposed to serve me, right?"
"Yes, sir."
"Give me whatever I ask for and to make me happy?"
The server sighed, but he still kept a smile. "Yes, sir."
"Well, then..." I smiled, patting the seat invitingly again. I don't know why I wanted him to join me so badly. Spite, maybe? Perhaps I wanted another excuse so that I could put more charges on James' card. Maybe I was hoping that James would walk in that door after all and see that I could get anyone I wanted as well, that I would be just fine without him. Then he would clean up his act and be the boyfriend he was supposed to be, and then I might actually fall for him.
Then again, maybe I was just lonely and tired. I was tired of living this lie and I wanted something different.
When he continued to hesitate I poked out my bottom lip and gave him the best puppy dog face I could manage under the influence of alcohol. "Please?" I asked again, running my hand over the seat of the chair whilst batting my eyes a bit, hoping that would entice him.
I smiled when he chuckled and took the seat. "I've never been able to say no to a puppy dog pout." He shook his head. "My boss isn't going to like this."
I giggled again though what he said wasn't funny at all. I blame the alcohol. "Well, if he comes by I'll just explain to him that you're on a date and cannot be disturbed." The blond gave me a surprised look but I ignored it. "So, waiter...person-"
"You can call me Kendall."
I smiled to myself. He had a nice name. "Okay, Kendall, what do you think I should order tonight?" I leaned my elbows on the table and rested my chin in my hands. I probably looked like a ten year old waiting on the most interesting explanation in the world.
Kendall laughed at me again. I supposed I would be laughing too if I could see myself. "I don't know...I don't really eat here." He answered sheepishly.
"So where do you eat?" I inquired.
I noticed his eyes light up. "There's this bar that serves the best burgers in town." Kendall made a longing, kind of, groaning noise as his head fell back. He was muttering things I couldn't understand—it sounded like pure gibberish—but I could tell it was something good from the large smile on his face and his tongue poking from the side of his mouth. I laughed at it. "I eat there every day for breakfast, lunch, and dinner."
I couldn't stop giggling at this man.
"You like to laugh, don't you?" He was giving me that dimply smile again.
"I don't know." I flashed him my own dimples. "I think I'm drunk."
His brow lifted. "You think?"
"I've never been drunk before." I admitted.
"Well from being your server tonight I know you've had a whole bottle of wine," He reached over and tipped the bottle of wine over to show that no wine was left in the bottle. "and since this your first time consuming this much, I think you are drunk." He smirked. He glanced at my stomach when it let out a loud growl. "And hungry." He added with a smile.
"I am." With a sigh I glanced at the menu beside me, suddenly not finding any of this appealing. "Let's go to your place."
Both of his eyebrows shot up and the look of shock was on his face again. "My place?"
"Not your place." I rolled my eyes. "Your place. The burger...bar place. Take me there."
"I-I'm still working." He looked around nervously as if someone was watching us right now.
I rolled my eyes again. "Don't worry about it." I grabbed his hand and pulled on it as I stood. "Please?" I gave him the puppy dog pout again.
"Okay," He gave in a lot quicker this time. "Since you're my date for this evening, I guess I should make sure you have a good time." He smirked. I could feel heat rushing to my cheeks as he did. "I have to go change first. I can't go to Fifth Avenue looking like a penguin."
He walked passed me just as my smile fell. "Wait." I turned to face him. "We're going to Fifth Avenue?" My voice went high with nerves.
"Yeah." He turned to look at me, wearing a teasing smile. "Is that going to be a problem?"
I gulped. Fifth Avenue was on the other side of town that was known as the south side of town. It was the polar opposite of the north side—the side I grew up on. The south side was the party side of town. It was full of clubs that were full of sex and drugs. The people that lived there were dirty goons that drank everyday, committed crimes, and put shame on the city.
...At least that's what my mother says.
I didn't believe her...completely. Honestly the thought had always slightly intrigued me. What was the south side like? Were the people as bad as my mom and her circle of friends made them out to be? Could it just be snotty rich people turning their nose up at the less fortunate like they were 'better' than them or something? It wouldn't surprise me. Now I have this perfect opportunity to find out for myself. Plus, Kendall seemed pretty trustworthy. He would protect me.
"No," I said bravely. "No problem at all."
Kendall smirked again and left me alone at the table. He came back a few minutes later dressed in a black and white plaid shirt, a pair of jeans, and some worn out Vans. I couldn't help but think he looked so much better in his street clothes than in that, as he put it, 'penguin' suit. I just hoped my vest and button down looked okay. "Ready?" Kendall asked.
I nodded, following him out of the restaurant and down the sidewalk, towards the parking lot. "How are we getting there? I'm not exactly in any condition to drive." I reminded.
"Don't worry." Kendall wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "We're taking the bus."
I paused for a moment but Kendall continued to pull me along. "The bus?" I squeaked.
"Yeah, you know, the big loud thing that takes people where they want to go."
"I know what the bus is!" I slightly glared at him. "I just didn't know they ran over here."
"Sure do." Kendall pulled me along quickly to catch the bus that was at the bus stop right then. He paid for both of us before continuing to drag me to a seat in the middle. It was silent and I was partially glad the bus was almost empty. It gave me some time to let this whole situation soak in. I was letting a stranger take me out for burgers in South Side. The wine must have given me some sort of confidence boost because any other day I wouldn't have ever done this.
"I've never ridden the bus before." I finally breathes out after moments of silence.
"Seriously?" Kendall laughed.
I shook my head again. "I've had a car since I was sixteen. Any other time I was driven around."
The blond made an 'oh' sound as he nodded. We continued to ride in silence. "Wow." I breathed, looking with utter fascination out the window. The soft lights and calm atmosphere was slowly being replaced with different hues of flashing florescent lights and busy streets. The people were running around, selling things, socializing, and having a good time.
It wasn't at all like my mother had told me. It wasn't dirty. It was breath-taking. The people didn't look like criminals or thugs. They looked like normal people living normal lives and just having fun, more fun than I've ever had at home. "How are you liking it so far?"
I turned to face Kendall who was smirking at my reaction. "It's looks amazing." I grinned, directing my gaze back to the sight outside my window.
"It looks even better when you're off the bus." I glanced around to see the vehicle had come to a stop and Kendall was stretching his hand out to me. With slight hesitation I took it and allowed him to continue to lead me around.
Kendall was right. It was even better up close than behind a glass. The lights, the people...even the smell. "What is that?" I asked, sniffing the air.
Kendall sniffed too, smiling to himself. "It's the bakery." He pointed out the source of the delicious smelling pastries up ahead. He pulled me up to the window to let me look inside at the line up of breads, cakes, and cookies. "My friend Carlos' mother owns it. She makes the best chocolate chip cookies...in the world."
That I wasn't so sure about. I had quite a sweet tooth, so I had tasted some pretty good chocolate chips cookies in my day. "I'll be the judge of that." I responded with a smirk.
Kendall raised a brow at me. I noticed that he did that a lot, but it works for him. "You doubt my judgment?" He chuckled.
"Our personal chefs made some awesome cookies when I was growing up." Gustavo and Kelly were amazing in the kitchen. I would go in there for snacks all the time. Sometimes Gustavo would yell at me, but Kelly always sneaked me and James a cookie off his baking tray before sending us away.
"Well, after your burger, you have to have one. These will blow every other cookie you've ever had out of the water." Kendall continued to pull me along. It was then I realized that he was still holding my hand, but I wasn't about to make him let go.
I took two large steps to catch up with his pace. "How far is this place?"
"Not much further." He pointed at a small diner and bar looking building with a blinking 'open' sign just across the street from us.
We quickly crossed the road, Kendall holding my hand the entire way, and made out way through the door of the building. It wasn't empty but it wasn't crowded and busy either. It was the perfect amount of people. I was comfortable here. "Jen!" Kendall yelled as he entered. A read-headed woman in a waitress uniform popped up from behind the counter. "Two specials."
"Coming up." She responded.
Kendall lead me to a booth offering me one side with a bow, which I giggled at, before taking his own seat across from me. "Having fun yet?" He questioned with a small smile.
"Way more than back at the restaurant." I smiled back. "So, you take the bus here everyday? For every meal?"
Kendall chuckled. "I don't need to take the bus here."
"You walk?"
"Isn't that sort of a long walk from North Side to here?"
Kendall laughed again and I tilted my head in confusion. "I don't live on the north side." He finally said. I was even more confused now. "I live right down the street from here." He gestured vaguely with his hand to somewhere outside.
My eyes went wide. "You live here?" I leaned in and whispered.
Kendall leaned in as well. "It's not a secret." He whispered back. I rolled my eyes, letting my behind fall back to its seat. "I take the bus to work in that fancy place you rich kids call a restaurant."
"But why?"
Kendall shrugged. "It pays better." He answered simply.
I would have continued to question him if the woman, who's name I learned was Jen, came over with two burgers. "Two specials." She announce setting the food in front of us and sliding into the booth beside Kendall. I wasn't sure why, but seeing them sitting so close really irked me. Kendall was supposed to be my date. Of course, we were only calling it that as a joke and I had a boyfriend but—besides, this woman had to be at least thirty! Was she some kind of cougar who went after men in their twenties? I had heard of women like that. In fact, my mom was friends with quite a few. I guess the south side wasn't that different from the north after all.
"Thanks, mom." Kendall kissed Jen's cheek before digging into the sandwich.
My eyes darted between them momentarily. "Mom?"
Kendall swallowed. "Yeah, this is my mom. She owns the diner." He explained. I felt a rush a relief from the news and even a tiny bit of guilt from judging the waitress so harshly before really getting to know her. "Mom, this is..." Kendall trailed off, looking to me.
Through all this commotion, and my slightly drunken state, I hadn't even noticed that I had forgotten to give Kendall my name. I smiled up at his mother, offering my hand in the respectful way I had always been taught. "My name is Logan." I noticed Kendall smiling wider at me from the corner of my eye.
Jen grinned, shaking my hand in return. "Hi, sweetheart." She looked to Kendall again. "He's cute." She whispered, making us both blush.
"Mom!" Kendall whined.
"I'm sorry. You go off to work this morning and come back early with a date. It's adorable." She giggled.
"Yeah, well," Kendall went on, obviously trying to ignore his mother's commentary. "I was kind of recruited to be his date for the night." He smirked at me and I ducked my head to hide the growing blush on my face. "Speaking of which, you haven't even tried your burger yet." I looked down at the sandwich in front of me, taking it in my hands, and carefully inspecting it. "Don't tell me you've never had a burger before, either?" Kendall chuckled from across the table.
"I have!" I shot a glare at him, but then laughed. "Just...never like this."
"This isn't your fancy zero calorie eggplant veggie burger. This is the real deal." Kendall told me excitedly.
I gulped, mentally preparing myself for this. I opened my mouth, allowing the food to move past my lips and my teeth to sink into it. Kendall and Jen watched me closely as I chewed the first bite slowly. It was juicier and definitely messier than I was used to, but it all that didn't matter because it tasted fantastic! I swallowed, giving the two a smile. "It's good."
"Just good?" Kendall asked, quirking his brow and smiling cockily once again.
"Okay, it's amazing and I'll never doubt your burger tastes again." I laughed at Kendall's triumphant smile, taking another bite.
"You two are too cute." Jen gushed.
"Mom!" Kendall whined again, only making her laugh and pinch his cheek as she stood to leave.
"Enjoy the rest of your date, you two."
"Bye, mom." Kendall said quickly, using his hand to hide the blush on his face which I couldn't help but giggle at. He looked so cute. He finally looked up again when Jen was out of earshot and shot me a sheepish smile. "Sorry about that. She can be a little embarrassing."
"I think she's nice." I shrugged.
"Yeah, but she kept teasing us about the whole date thing." He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "I-I know we joked about it a lot, but I know this isn't a real date."
I shrugged again. "It kind of is." I said simply.
Kendall gave me another surprised face. I didn't blame him. I was surprised with myself. Alcohol must give me a sort of bold confidence I've never had before. It was the perfect contrast to my sober self—boring, nerdy, plain ol' Hortense. I only wish I could be like this all the time, but, despite how much I love my drunken personality, I couldn't be drunk all the time. There was no way my mother would approve of that, or this kind of behavior, even while sober.
"Kendall!" A new voice joined us and I looked up to see a short, Latino boy running towards us. "Guess what!" He was bouncing excitedly when he reached us.
"I was walking over here and I passed by Jim's cart..."
"Jim?" Kendall chuckled.
"The corndog guy!" The boy continued as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Anyway, I'm walking by and Jim is choking. So I gave him that heemlick thing."
I tilted my head at the strange word before it clicked. "You mean the Heimlich?" I spoke up.
"Yeah, that!" He pointed at me then continued his story. "Anyway, I gave him the heemlick..." Kendall and I rolled our eyes. "and now I get corndogs for free!"
"That's great, buddy." Kendall patted his shoulder with a smile.
"I know!" The short boy bounced again before looking to me suddenly. "Who's the guy?"
Kendall chuckled, turning to look at me again. "This is Logan. I met him at work. Logan, this is my friend Carlos."
I nodded, extending my hand. "Nice to meet you."
"You too." Carlos grabbed my hands with both of his and shook almost viciously. I had to hold onto my seat to keep from falling. He when he let go, he immediately scooted into my side of the booth and started talking so quickly, I almost couldn't keep up. "You seem really cool. Of course, you have to be if Kendall likes you. Kendall has good taste. He says he can read people. I'm not sure what that means though, but he knows nice people. Are you nice? I think you are. You're friends with Kendall. You have to be. Kendall only likes nice people. He doesn't like his job though. He says the people he works with are asses. Do you work with Kendall? You're not an ass, right?"
And that was just the few sentences I caught. He probably said a lot more. I chuckled, now slightly nervous from this new person. I looked to Kendall who only shrugged and smiled at us. "Um, I don't think I'm an...ass, as you so kindly put it." I said softly. I guess even under the influence of alcohol I was still the shy kid from North Side.
"Carlos, Logan doesn't work with me." Kendall pointed out.
"Yeah, I was having dinner there." I explained further. "At least I was supposed to." I mumbled to myself bitterly after remembering that James hadn't even bothered to show up or even call or—
"Oh!" Carlos nodded. "So, you're a Label, huh?"
"Uh...a Label?"
"Stop it, Carlos." Kendall rolled his eyes.
"Wait, what's a Label?"
Kendall sighed. "It's what some people here call the people in North Side. You know, people obsessed with labels—from material things to social labels. So they're labeled them as what they want to be. A label."
I really should have been offended, but that was a pretty accurate depiction of exactly how everyone on the other side of town acted. "Don't get upset." Kendall continued. "I don't think you're like that. You're different." I felt the corners of my mouth twitch upward into a smile at his words and I was pretty sure another blush had made its way to my cheeks.
"Besides, it's not like you guys don't have a name for us." Carlos mentioned.
"Just your general equivalence of thugs and delinquents." I said quietly. "I don't know of a special kind of name for you."
To my surprise, Carlos looked disappointed. "Aw."
Kendall laughed at his friend's reaction before changing the subject. "Hey, Carlos. Logan here doesn't think your mom's cookies are the greatest in the history of the world."
Carlos let out a loud gasp and faced me. "Are you fucking kidding me? They're the best!" He exclaimed.
"That's what I said!" Kendall looked at me with his smirk again. "He thinks his personal chef does a better job."
The Latino made a 'pffft' sound. "No fucking way does he know cookies better than my mom."
"Well, Gustavo studied culinary arts for ten years in Paris. That's the top culinary capital of the world."
"Dude," Carlos snorted. "I don't know what any of that means, but I do know that my mom is a mom and that automatically makes her the best chef ever!"
"Shall we prove it?" Kendall suggested.
"Yes!" Carlos was jumping up and running out the door before I even blinked.
Kendall chuckled and stood up as well, taking hold of my hand and following after Carlos. We struggled to keep up with him as he ran down the sidewalk. Kendall had to tell him more than once to slow down and wait for us. "He sure has a lot of energy." I commented, watching him pick up his pace to a run again.
"That's Carlos." He shrugged. "You'll get used to it."
I bit back a smile at the implication that he expected to see me a lot more. If I were honest with myself I'd say that I was hoping for the same thing.
It was definitely an interesting experience meeting Carlos' family. I met his mother and three younger brothers. I had also learned that his dad was a cop and was at work at the time. I had expected them all to be hyper and full of energy like Carlos, but they were a lot calmer though just a happy. And Kendall had been right...again. They were the best chocolate chip cookies in the history of the world. Maybe the whole universe! "Just goes to show you that getting a free ride in a fancy car doesn't make you any better than anyone." Kendall said reaching into my to-go bag full of Mrs. Garcia's cookies.
We walked down the sidewalk to who knows where, just talking about anything and everything that came to mind. "Okay, you were right. You're always right. Is that what you wanted to hear?" I teased.
Kendall smirked smugly. "I'm impressed. It usually takes people a lot longer to figure that out." He teased back, throwing an arm around my shoulder.
I laughed at the blond's cockiness, a trait he and James had in common. Though on James, he just came off as obnoxious. Somehow, on Kendall it worked. I couldn't help but compare the two to each other. I had known James for years. We had been dating since we were seventeen—almost five years. I have never gotten along with James or even liked him as much as I did Kendall. Everything with Kendall was so easy and with James...it was all forced.
I wasn't in love with James and I don't think I ever could love him in that way, but I could see myself falling for Kendall.
"What are you thinking about?" Kendall's voice cut into my thoughts.
I looked at him with wide eyes. "Hm?"
"You've been kind of quiet for a while." He pulled me closer to his body and I snuggled even closer. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah," I grinned up at him. "Just...this has been the best sort-of-date I have ever been on."
Kendall grinned back. "Me too."
We stopped walking and just stared at each other. Kendall slowly started to lean in and my breath caught when his lips touched mine. It was short and simple but it sent more sparks through my body than an electric shock. I never felt this way with James. This feeling of weightlessness and elation. I was left in a daze when his lips left mine, but I could still feel them there. "Wow." I breathed, eyes fluttering open to meet the emerald eyes in front of me.
"Was that your first kiss?" Kendall chuckled, cradling my cheek in his hand. I leaned into his touch once again, not even bothered by his teasing now because in so many ways it was my first kiss. We continued to stare into each others eyes. Kendall's were burning with an undeniable intensity as he looked at me. "I have to see you again." He whispered.
"I..." A vibration in my pocket broke us of our moment. I quickly reached for it and saw that it was an incoming call from James. I glared at the picture of my boyfriend flashing across the screen, debating on whether I should answer to see what he wanted or if I should ignore him and show him that I will no longer be at his every beck and call. I fingered the device in my hand, still thinking.
"Who is it?"
"My, uh..." I swallowed looking up at the blond with an apologetic look. "My boyfriend." I answered quietly. I quickly stepped away, averting my gaze, not wanting to see the disappointed look that was sure to be in Kendall's eyes. I finally decided I had nothing left to lose and answered my phone. "Hey, James."
"Sweetheart, where are you?" He didn't sound drunk or anything and the background noise was minimal.
"I'm..." I paused, trying to find the right words to explain. "I went for a walk."
"Honey, it's late. You should come home. I miss you." I sighed heavily. Typical James. Trying to act sweet and innocent one moment and then an inconsiderate jackass the next. "Do you need a ride? I'll come get you."
"No!" I said a little too loudly. "I mean, don't worry about it. I'll just get a cab home."
"A cab?" James almost sounded disgusted.
"It's no big deal, James." I sighed. "I'll see you at home." I hung up before James could say anything else. I stood there a moment longer, afraid of what I might see if I turned around. Would Kendall be sad, angry, disappointed? Possibly a combination of all three.
Maybe Kendall wouldn't even be there.
I let out a breath of relief when I turned around and Kendall was still there. His face was expressionless, which scared me more than anything else I had thought. "I'm sorry," was the first thing out of my mouth.
"Don't worry, I get it."
"No, I think I get it." Kendall chuckled though there was no trace of humor in his voice at all. "Your little boyfriend didn't show up for your date, so you decided to do this out of spite!" I let my gaze fall to the ground guiltily. I couldn't deny that it crossed my mind tonight. "God, I can't believe I actually thought you were different." Kendall continued. "You're just like all the other Labels—ignorant, spoiled, manipulative..."
"Wait, a minute." My head shot up, a glare adorning my face. I wasn't about to let him stand there and assume these awful things about me. "You don't know anything about me."
"I know enough." Kendall's face twisted in what looked like disgust. "I'm out of here." The blond shook his head, turning around and walking away from me.
"Kendall!" I called desperately after him, but he didn't turn around. I let out a loud groan of frustration. How could he be so stubborn? He wouldn't even let me explain. Though I didn't have much to explain. What was I going to tell him? That the only reason I didn't tell I had a boyfriend was because I didn't love him, and that I was only with him was because of his family name? Kendall had me pegged pretty well. I wasn't any different from the people I grew up with.
"Taxi!" I waved my hand to catch the passing yellow vehicle. I sighed with relief when it pulled up and quickly climbed in.
"Where are you headed?" The taxi driver's gruff voice asked.
"1614 Treasure View." I told him buckling my seat belt.
"That's a long way out." He responded with a look of surprise as he started driving. "All the way in North Side."
"I have the money."
"I bet you do." He mumbled under his breath, but I could still hear him.
I shook my head, no longer having the energy to put up with insulting comments. Kendall's words had left me more shaken up than I was comfortable with. Maybe this was for the best. Even if Kendall and I had something, my mother would never approve. Dating someone from the other side of town wasn't exactly socially accepted. It was just easier to date James than starting something complicated with Kendall.
After almost forty-five minutes I was arriving outside of the house mine and James' parents had insisted on buying us for our third anniversary. "It will be like you're already married," Mrs. Diamond told us excitedly. It was another subtle hint that they wanted us to tie the knot...and soon.
"1614 Treasure View." The cab driver announced, putting the car in park.
I looked at the meter and saw that I owed him a little over thirty dollars. I dug into my pocket and handed him a fifty. "Keep the change." I mumbled. I pushed my way out of the car, ignoring the man's comments about letting him keep the change. I approached the house, pulling out my key to open the door, only to have the door swing open. I jumped slightly, not expecting James to appear like that. He stood tall in the doorway, brunet hair looking perfect as usual and his smile wide and dazzling. I could see how any one could fall for him. So what was wrong with me? "Hi," I said.
"Hi, darling." James smiled pulling me inside then into a hug.
I cringed at the nickname, truly hating every one of them he used. "Could you stop that, please?"
James leaned back, giving me a confused face. "Stop what, sweetheart?"
"That! We've known each other our whole lives, and you calling me sweetheart and darling is just...weird." I frowned, pushing from his embrace and moving to the kitchen.
I could hear James' footsteps behind me. "Logan, I know you don't mean that. You're probably just on edge from me missing dinner." James wrapped his arms around me from behind and kissed my neck affectionately which was weird because James was never this affectionate in private, unless he wanted to entice me into going upstairs.
That must have been it.
I shrugged him off. I wasn't in the mood for this. "Speaking of missing dinner: why did you miss dinner?"
James didn't even seemed fazed by my actions. He just continued to grin at me. "I was meeting with our parents tonight. We lost track of the time. I assumed you would come right home." I scoffed, rolling my eyes at him. "Don't be like that." James leaned forward, pressing his lips to mine. I didn't move. "I promise to make it all up to you tomorrow afternoon."
My forehead wrinkled in confusion. "What's tomorrow afternoon?"
James gave me a face as if to say I were missing something obvious. "Brunch. With our parents and their friends. They've been planning this for weeks. Did you forget?"
I honestly had.
"It's tomorrow at one. Wear something nice."
"Yeah, okay." I breathed, not really caring about the brunch thing.
I opened the bag of cookies I had brought home with me, immediately digging into them. Maybe the best cookies in the history of the world will help me out of my sudden funk. "What's that?"
"Cookies." I answered simply.
James studied the bag, nose wrinkling. "Where did you go?" He stared at it inquisitively. "This isn't any bakery I've ever heard of."
I swallowed, not sure how to explain to James that had gone on a date with a waiter from South Side and that's where I had been this evening. Because as bad of a boyfriend James has been...
He's never cheated on me.
"It's, uh...new." I spoke brokenly. When James continued to give me an odd look, I lost my appetite. "I'm going to go to bed." I tossed away the cookie I was eating and put the others away.
James smirked at me. "Maybe I should join you."
I rolled my eyes again, not bothering to respond to the lewd remark. I went to my bedroom, stripping off my clothes. I didn't bother putting on my pajamas and just climbed into bed. I was so exhausted! Tonight went nothing like I planned. I just expected another boring dinner with James and then to go home. The last thing I expected was to go to the other side of town with a guy I barely knew. Had I learned nothing from my mother when she taught me not to talk to strangers?
Though talking to strangers had taught me a lot more than my mother ever had. Like that I shouldn't date someone just because my parents want me to, or because we 'look good together'. I shouldn't be with someone I don't love and know that I could never love. I should be with someone that makes me laugh, that teaches me new things, that's easy to get along with. I should be with...
But that was too hard! Being with James wasn't a walk in the park but it was easy. No one would give me dirty looks for being with James. No one would judge me for being with James. I rubbed my hands over my face in frustration. But I didn't need easy. My whole life had been easy. I was used to it. Easy might be what I wanted, but maybe Kendall is want I needed.
"Logan!" My mother squealed when the house keeper lead us to the living room where brunch was being held.
Everything in the house was just as it was when I was growing up. All the furniture was still an array of whites, off-whites, eggshell...pretty much every other names for white anyone could think of. It was still spotless. My guess, it was thanks to the maid who had been working there since I was a kid, Kelly. The curtains to the windows were left open, letting in the bright sun to make the room even brighter and cleaner than it already was. It also gave a perfect view of the perfect lawn that the gardener-slash-landscaper, Robert (or Buddha Bob as he preferred), worked so hard to maintain. They had even temporarily rehired Gustavo and his waitstaff to prepare today's brunch. So as per usual, my parents never had to lift a finger. My mother smiled widely at me arms outstretched, her expensive white dress and shoes matching perfectly with the furniture, and wine glass already in her hand.
"Hello, mother." I smiled at her, reaching to hug her but her hands stopped me.
"Oh, be careful, honey. This dress wrinkles easily." She giggled.
I sighed, nodding, and settling for a light kiss to each cheek.
No, nothing had changed at all.
"James!" My mother moved to the taller brunet beside me. Her grin had become almost ten times bigger. I tried not to show hurt when she let James hug her and then starting making such a fuss over how good he looked.
I sighed, shaking off bitter feelings. Knowing what happened the last time, I didn't want to end up drunk in front of my parents and their company. Lord knows that I wouldn't want to tarnish their reputation. Just thinking of last night's events reminded of something I had to do. "Mother, where's Gustavo?" I tapped her shoulder.
"In the kitchen, dear. The kitchen." She waved me away before continuing to talk to James.
With a roll of my eyes, I pushed my way through the growing crowd of people in my parent's house as I headed toward the kitchen. I gave Kelly a little wave on my way there, letting her stop me and gush at how much I had grown since she last saw me before I kept going. I entered the room, to see it crowded and busier than ever. The other chefs were sweating, trying to hurriedly prepare dishes that met the satisfaction of their boss, and head chef, Gustavo. Waiters and waitresses were rushing to get the food on a tray and presentation approved by Gustavo to go out the door.
I ducked under trays and dodged people until I made it behind the round man who happened to be yelling at a waiter for making his art look like common diner food. I didn't get a good look at the person's face before he was mumbling, "I'm sorry, Chef Rocque," and ducking away. I took a breath before taking a chance and tapping Gustavo's shoulder.
The angry man whipped his head around, his face still sporting a, what I thought was permanent, frown. "Logan!" He shouted, or maybe that was his inside voice. It was hard to tell. "What is the mutt doing in my kitchen?"
"Uh, it's nice to see you again, too, Gustavo." I gave him a smile, but he continued to frown at me.
"I saw you yesterday. Now what do you want?"
I didn't waste time getting to my point then. Gustavo obviously wasn't in a good mood...or maybe he was. I've seen him worse. This was probably one of his better days. "I just wanted to tell you that I had one of your employees leave your restaurant early yesterday. So, please don't eat him."
"You WHAT?"
"I'm sorry. It was all my fault and will never happen again. Just...please don't take it out on him." I begged.
"Fine! I don't care. I do, however, care that you can't get a simple fan right!" I looked at Gustavo confused before I realized that he was talking to a waiter again. "How hard is it to FAN A CHEESE PLATTER? It's cheese!"
I looked over Gustavo's shoulder at the boy being scorned. I could feel my eyes growing in size and my jaw unhinging at the sight of the familiar blond hair and green eyes. "Kendall?" I gaped at the blond who was once again dressed in his penguin uniform.
Kendall's head snapped up "Logan?" He sounded surprised. I was as well. I hadn't expected to run into Kendall again, at least not this soon.
Gustavo looked between us, frown deepening and voice growing softer. "Oh I'm sorry. Am I interrupting your big reunion?" His facetious tone was unappreciated.
"Gustavo, this is the waiter I let off last night."
"I don't care." The large chef said again, loud and angry tone returning. "Dog, out of my kitchen. Blondie, you're on napkin duty. Think you can handle that?"
Kendall's eyes closed briefly, taking in a deep breath. I could tell he was getting frustrated but didn't want to show it. He must really need this job. "Yes, sir, Chef Rocque." He sighed.
"Good. Now, get out there and FOLD!"
Gustavo took the tray from Kendall, running it over to another waiter, demanding that he'd be 'more competent than blondie'. Kendall took another deep breath, shooting me a glare before walking out of the kitchen. "Kendall!" I groaned, following after him. I finally caught up with him at the drink table where he was angrily folding napkins. "Kendall, I'm sorry."
"So, I've heard." He mumbled.
"But Kendall..."
"But nothing!" Kendall hissed as he slammed down a napkin and glared at me. "You used me, Logan. For what? To get back at your boyfriend for standing you up on a date?"
"You don't know the whole story."
"I don't care. Nothing justifies what you did to me and I'm done talking about it." Kendall went back to aggressively fold the napkins.
I felt myself pouting when he did this, but then grinned when the light bulb above me head went off. "Kendall..." I gently touched his shoulder to gain his attention. He glanced up at me and I immediately pulled the best Puppy Dog Pout I could manage. "Please?"
Kendall's scowl faltered before he turned his head away. I was almost afraid it wouldn't work, but when Kendall turned back wearing a small smile, I grinned. "Cheap shot." He chuckled.
"But it worked."
"Yeah," Kendall sighed. "But I'm still mad at you. You really hurt me, Logie."
I raised my brows at the nickname. "Logie?"
"Uh..." That adorable blush was back, dusting over his cheeks as he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Yeah, I kind of just...it's dumb and—"
"I like it." I interrupted him with a reassuring smile. Kendall gave a smile of relief. "So...can we talk now?" Kendall nodded, letting me take hold of his hand and lead him to the guest bathroom. I sighed, shutting the door behind us and locking it. "First of all, you have to know that I had no intentions of hurting you or even having these feelings for you that I do."
Kendall raised a brow at me, a small smirk curling at his lips. "You have feelings for me?"
I was blushing now, laughing softly. "I thought it was obvious."
Kendall shrugged, smirk growing smug. "It was." He took a step closer to me, hands going to my hips. "I just like hearing you say it."
I gasped softly when I felt his lips press to mine. My eyes fluttered shut, hands going to his shoulders to pull him closer. I felt Kendall's teeth nipping at my bottom lip, down my jaw, and back up to my lips to continue our kiss. It was just like the night before except the kiss was longer, more heated. I felt all the sparks and fireworks and more. Kendall's chest was pressed tightly to mine. His hands were roaming all over and seating my body on fire. I was nearly breathless when we finally separated.
Kendall was smirking down at me. I was more than sure that he was enjoying the look of me so flustered from the intensity of the kiss. "So, pretty boy out there—is he your boyfriend?"
It took me a moment to realize he was talking about James. I guess it was obvious. James and I were the youngest people here. "Yeah, he is." I whispered.
Kendall leaned forward, kissing and biting at the sensitive skin around my ear. I shuddered involuntarily, but Kendall held me tightly. "You would really choose him over me?" The blond pulled back, lip poking out slightly in his own version of the puppy dog pout.
"I...I don't know." I told him honestly. "It would be so much easier to be with James considering how I was brought up and my parents." I sighed, looking deep into those green eyes. "Then there's you."
"What about me?"
"You're everything I never knew I wanted...maybe even need." I swallowed. "But you're definitely the riskier choice."
Kendall moved forward to press another kiss to my lips, evicting a small moan from me. "I think I'm worth the risk." He mumbled against my lips.
"I have to..." A kiss. "I have..." Another. "I have to think." I finally got out.
"What's to think about?" Kendall moved back to stare at me, eyes wide and scared. "Unless you love him..."
"No." I answered immediately. "I don't love him, but...it's complicated."
Kendall continued to look at me, that intense gaze was boring into me once again, and I just wished I could tell what he was thinking. He finally sighed, gently running his hand over my cheek. "Take all the time you need." He whispered.
"I can't pressure you into choosing me." Kendall chuckled. "If you want me, I want you to be sure."
I smiled gratefully, pulling the blond into another soft kiss before parting. Kendall allowed me to leave first. He stayed behind, thinking it would be too obvious if the two of us left the bathroom together. I agreed, knowing that everyone at this party loved to gossip. If anyone saw me step out of the bathroom with a member of the waitstaff then they would assume all kinds of crazy things. Even if those things were true, I didn't want my business spreading around the city like a stomach virus.
I strolled back into the living room where my parents, James' parents, and James were all seated on the couch. "Oh, look, there's Logan." My mom was grinning hugely at me.
"Logan, sweetheart, come sit." Mrs. Diamond pulled me into the seat next to her. She was also smiling widely at me. It was actually kind of creepy.
Upon further inspection of the room, I could see everyone crowding around and settling down their own conversations. "What's going on?" My forehead was wrinkled in confusion as I continued to study the situation.
"James, has an announcement." Mrs. Diamond whispered to me, still smiling.
"Okay..." I looked to James, wondering what all the fuss was about.
James cleared his throat, flashing his million watt smile at everyone. "I would first like to thank all of you for coming. It means so much to me that you could be here to share this moment with me and I'm sure Logan will feel the same." James turned to me then. "Logan, I've known you since we were three, we've been dating since we were seventeen, and I can't imagine myself with anyone else. So, what I'm asking today is..."
My eyes would have fallen out of my sockets if it were possible as I watched James fall to one knew in front of me. "James..." I whispered.
He went on, pulling a ring from the jacket of his blazer. "Logan, will you-"
"Please, stop." I could feel the tears coming, and I knew I wouldn't be able to stop them from falling.
James kept going, my protests going unheard. "-marry me?"
I heard a small chorus of aw's from somewhere in the room and my mom and Mrs. Diamond were squealing, urging me to say yes, but all I could focus on was the blond that had just walked out of the bathroom, looking at the scene with sad eyes as he trudged off to the back of the room where the bar was.
I looked back to James and everyone else, who all looked at me expectantly. I swallowed, eyes traveling back to James. "Yes," I whispered almost inaudibly.
James leaned closer. "What as that?"
"I said, yes." I responded louder, not able to hide the annoyance I felt in my voice.
"He said yes!" Mrs. Diamond squealed.
"My baby's getting married!" My mom's voice came next. The room erupted in cheers, and glasses were clinking, everyone started extending congratulations to my parents. Not James and I, the people who were just engaged, but my parents.
I sighed, looking to James who wore an unreadable expression as he slipped the ring on my finger. The moment felt strange. I wasn't as happy as I thought I would have been during this moment. I didn't feel anything close to how someone who just got proposed to should feel. James offered a small smile, and I tried my best to return it, but it was hard with all the guilt weighing down on me.
We left the brunch shortly after, using the excuse of wanting to be alone to finally convince our parents to let us leave. We rode home in silence. I knew I had to talk to James as soon as we got home. I couldn't keep this up any longer. I wasn't going to marry someone I didn't love, but James was acting especially odd. He was usually so talkative, talking about anything and everything that came to his mind—which, more often than not, had something to do with his clothes or his hair. I was curious to know what was on his mind.
As soon as we walked in the door, I decided to get to the point. "We have to talk."
That wasn't me. I was shocked to hear the words leave James' mouth before I could even open mine. "Yeah, we do." I agreed after composing myself.
"I don't want to beat around the bush with this, so I'm just gonna say it." James sighed, looking uneasy. "We're friends, Logan, and I care about you a lot..."
"I care about you, too, James, but..."
"I don't love you."
We stared at each other as if we couldn't believe that we the other had just said that. I finally laughed, feeling a weight lift off my shoulders. "You don't know how relieved I am to hear that, James."
"Same here." James smiled.
I sighed, falling onto the couch and letting my body relax. James joined me on the other end, looking much happier himself. "James," I spoke up after a minute of silence. The pretty boy looked to me with raised brow. "If you don't love me, then why did you propose?"
James laughed to himself, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "I had a plan to scare you off." I raised my brow at him this time. "I thought if I tired to take things to such a serious level, you would break up with me."
My forehead wrinkled in thought. "So, wait...that's why you always acted like such a jackass? Flirting with girls, ditching me, trying to seduce me? You wanted me to break up with you!"
"It was dumb, I know." James laughed. "I never wanted to really hurt you; you're my friend, but no matter what I did, you stayed. I thought you were in love with me."
"To be perfectly honest, James, only stayed with you because it's what our parents wanted." Logan sighed. "When we first started dating I thought that maybe I could fall for you, and over time, I still kind of hoped I would because it would be easier to marry you." James nodded in understanding, probably having gone through the same thing. "But James...I think I love someone else." I blushed, knowing it was way too early to be in love with Kendall, but I fell fast and fell hard.
James gave an incredulous look. "Who?" His tone sounded slightly jealous, but I knew he was just looking out for me. It was one of the great things about the real James, my best friend James.
I shrugged. "He's a guy I met, and he's so wonderful." I smiled to myself. "He isn't anything like the guys we know. He isn't spoiled or materialistic. He can find a reason to smile about everything and when I'm with him..." I hated the girly sigh I let out, but I couldn't help it. "It's just indescribable, James."
James was studying me with questioning eyes. If I could look at my own face, it would probably look like that of a love-struck school girl. I was surprised that James wasn't laughing at me. "So, do I know this guy?" James finally asked.
I shook my head.
James' brows knitted together. "I know every eligible bachelor in North Side. I have to. There can't be anyone prettier than me and giving me competition."
I snorted, shaking my head. "He doesn't live here, James. You're still the prettiest boy in North Side." I reassured him.
James chuckled before turning serious again. "Where does he live then?"
"South Side." I bit my lip.
James eyes widened. "When did you go to South Side?" He exclaimed.
I bit my lip again. "Last night."
Those hazel eyes were wide as saucers as he stared at me. "You've only known this guy for a day and you're already in love with him?" James' voice screeched. "You've known me your whole life!"
"And I've never been in love with you." I said with a smirk. I knew James wasn't jealous because I was in love with another guy. He was just being his normal, arrogant self, not able to accept that someone wouldn't fall in love with him. He only further proved my point when he started to pout. "Aw, James." I chuckled, giving him a friendly peck on the lips. "You're just not my type."
"I'm everybody's type!" James continued to pout.
I rolled my eyes. "Just think of it this way, you were trying to repel me. If you had given me the full extent of your charms, I might have fallen for you."
James looked thoughtful for a moment, then he face broke out into a grin. "I'm better now." I rolled my eyes again. A gently stroke of the ego and James was himself again. "So what now?"
I thought for a minute before standing. "I have to find Kendall."
"I have to explain to him that I'm not engaged and definitely not in love with you." I shuffled around to find my keys. I would have laughed at the look on James' face at the use of the word 'definitely' if I weren't in such a hurry. I finally found my keys and was running for my car.
"Wait," James was running behind me, jumping into the passenger seat. "I'm coming with you."
"James, you don't have to."
The pretty boy scoffed. "Like I'm going to let you go to South Side alone."
I laughed to myself as I started the car.
Like James would be any protection at all.
"This place isn't so bad." James said though his voice was high and panicked, and his body was tense as we walked into the diner.
I smiled to myself. James was such coward sometimes. When we first got here, I wasn't sure where to start to look for Kendall. I didn't know if Gustavo had him working for another catering gig or if he were still at work or if he went back home after the brunch was over. I didn't even know where his home was. I finally decided that his mom's diner was a good place to start. I looked around for a familiar face, which was pretty hard. I only knew a few other people, and didn't know the odds of running into any of them were.
"So, what does this Kendall guy look like?" James asked, peering around the room, probably looking for anyone who was just slightly better looking than him.
I rolled my eyes, ignoring James for now. My eyes continued to scan over the restaurant until they landed on a red-headed woman. I let out a breathe of relief when I spotted Kendall's mom cleaning off a table. "Jen," I called to her.
She looked up and I gave a small wave. "Hey, hun." She grinned widely at me. I wasn't expecting her to come right over and pull me into a tight hug. My own mother didn't even do that. Despite my surprised I managed to wrap my own arms around her and return the gesture. "How are you?" Jen pulled away, still smiling widely at me.
"I'm great, Jen. Thank you." I was still a little thrown off by the hug. "I-is Kendall here?"
"Ooh, are you here for another date?" Jen nudged me playfully with her elbow.
I blushed and before I could say anything James was over my shoulder. "Another date? You went on a date with him too?"
"James," I groaned, rolling my eyes again. I didn't have time for his ego. As much as I missed my ridiculous best friend, he was still ridiculous.
"Oh, who's this?" Jen gave a small wave to James.
"Jen, this is my friend..."
James once again interrupted me, extending his hand to Jen. "James Diamond." He gave his usually charming smile to the woman.
"Diamond?" Jen paused, raising a brow. "As in the son of Brooke Diamond of Brooke Diamond Cosmetics?"
"The very same." James was smirking now. He loved being recognized by the public.
Jen's eyes darted back to me, mouth slightly agape. "So, that would make you..."
I shrugged. "Logan Mitchell." Jen looked between us. I could see the gears turning in her head as she pieced together the bits and pieces of this meeting. "Look, it isn't like that anymore, and that's why I need to find Kendall. Is he here?"
Jen looked behind us when the bell over the door rang. James and I turned around also to see Kendall and Carlos walking in. Kendall's back was turned to us, telling Carlos about something. Carlos was the first to notice us, tapping Kendall, and pointing over his shoulder to us. Kendall turned around, eyes locking on mine immediately. His eyes shifted to James, giving him a glare before turning around and leaving.
"Kendall, wait!" I called, running behind him. I caught him easily, pulling him to a stop.
"What now?" He snapped at me.
"I'm not gonna marry James!"
I watched those green eyes soften and stare at me in wonder. "You're not?"
"No." I felt my lips turn upward into a smile at the look on the blond's face. "I can't be with someone I don't love."
"But what about James?"
"He doesn't love me either." I shrugged.
Kendall looked to still be processing the information. "So...it's over between you guys? ...Just like that?" He raised a large brow, making me giggle.
"Just like that." Kendall let out a breath, forehead wrinkled in thought. He opened his mouth again, and I was sure he was about to ask another question but I stopped him with a kiss. I smiled into the kiss when Kendall's body relaxed and his arms wrapped around my middle, bringing our bodies closer together. I pulled back, letting out another laugh at the look on Kendall's face. "I promise to explain the whole thing later, but the choice was obvious. It always was. I just didn't want things to progress with us before they ended with James. I care about you both way too much to hurt either of you. Understand?" Kendall nodded dumbly, pulling me into another kiss. I smiled into the lip-lock, feeling myself falling harder for Kendall with every passing moment.