Yes, I know, it's been a long time. I have no real excuse other than, in addition to stress in my university life, I did loose some interest in writing anything whatsoever for quite a while. Said interest finally came back around Christmas and I've been working on all kinds of updates since. I really hope this will be worth the wait - and I hope I'll be able to finish my "Dewford-Arc" with the chapter after this.

In this chapter we're faced with the first consequences of the great battle for Dewford Island.

Thx for the Reviews from...







Wind the Hedgehog 11



As well as all the Guests that left reviews.

As always, Pokemon doesn't belong to me.

R&R please.

An eerie silence had fallen over Dewford Island. It was as if everyone who'd been left held their breath. Fear and Horror hung heavily in the air, creating an oppressive atmosphere that left barely any air in one's lungs. Ash had to admit, the last few minutes of the battle had been truly frightening. And coming from him that had to mean something.

He'd almost had a heart-attack when Kyogre's tsunami had moved at the island. Tsunamis and flat slabs of land didn't tend to mix well. And then it had suddenly changed, with no warning whatsoever. When the how behind that occurrence had been revealed he'd been filled with such endless relief. And it had only grown once Lugia revealed himself to them.

The teen scanned his surroundings once more, grumbling under his breath at having to remain immobile against a wall. Well, on the other side of the square Lance was in the same situation, so at least he wasn't alone in it. Right now the last people were slowly being moved off of the island. Many Flying-Types and Water-Types only returned once more before remaining wherever their trainers had ended up. The only ones that kept coming back were the Champions' Pokémon as well as Ash's.

Those and that other Staraptor.

If Ash had to guess he'd say that one was Riley's. That was another worry for the teen. He hadn't seen Riley since he'd left the man to find his friends. He hoped he was alright.

Chancing a glance into once again cloudy sky, Kyogre and Rayquaza made sure there wouldn't be any more rain though, he just saw Latias pass overhead. The legendary Pokémon steered clear of the town for now and were circling over and around the island. This was to ensure the last escapees safety, but also to make sure no one but Ash, his friends, the Champions and Brawly were left on the island once they gathered again.

As terrible as this situation was, the empty wasteland that was remained of the once near-tropical island was perfect for them to hold a sort of war-council there.

Plus, if the words Ash caught from Brawly every now and then when the gym leader passed him were anything to go by, there would be an argument coming up. A big one.

A flash of red caught his attention and he smiled slightly. His Staraptor was just landing again, readying himself for his next passengers.


Ash blinked and slowly turned his head from where Staraptor just took off with a female trainer on his back. His heart skipped a beat, his still bright azure eyes going wide. Much like Ash's own head, Pikachu's was covered in red by now. Eyes flickering over his dear starter's features he soon found the reason for all the blood. It didn't make him feel any better though.

There was a deep cut in the Electric-Type's long left ear, some blood still trickling from it.

This was bad.

Pokémon had an amazing endurance. The fact that even in Champion-Battles Pokémon rarely ever even received the smallest bleeding wound spoke for itself. Those magnificent creatures were much more durable than humans, so it took a lot to inflict an injury from the magnitude Pikachu sported it now. Even if the small Electric-Type's long ears were among the most vulnerable parts of his body.

Still, said Electric-Type himself didn't seem all that bothered by it, but that was most likely because of his worry about the state Ash was in than anything else. That wound had to be at least as bad as it looked, if not worse.


The horror filled, breathy question prompted Ash to return his eyes to his starter's wide black ones. Said eyes were flitting all over his trainer's body, fear plainly visible at what the rodent saw. For a minute or two trainer and Pokémon simply stared at each other, then Ash shifted his weight.

Nothing special in itself, but his injured shoulder rubbed against the wall he was leaning against the wrong way. It drew a sharp, pain-filled gasp from the teen.

"Pikapi!", cried Pikachu and scurried the last few meters towards him. The mouse stopped just short of leaping into his lap, nose and ears twitching agitatedly. "What…what happened to you?"

Ash smirked weakly in answer and raised a hand. He moved it towards his starter's face and gently rubbed his right cheek, the one that wasn't covered in blood. Pikachu tried to squirm away, but Ash followed his movement and after a while the mouse finally sighed and allowed his shoulders to relax a little.

"I got into a mishap involving a Mightyena", the teen explained then. Pikachu's eyes widened again, but before he could start panicking Ash continued: "Staraptor showed up in time to save me Pikachu. Then he helped me make my way to May, Max and the Champions. They kept me safe."

The rodent nodded, his eyes thoughtful, before he asked: "Your eyes?"

The teen shrugged, then winced and groaned in his head; Why do I keep doing this to myself. "I've…got no idea. I had just about reached May and the others when…" And so Ash explained just what happened before and after he had passed out. Passing out was the best way he could describe this strange attack. Pikachu listened attentively.

Once the teen was done he allowed himself to slump against the wall once more and let out a heavy sigh, his eyes closing. By now his wounds and exhaustion were definitely taking their toll on him. Plus, that strange emptiness he'd felt while being unconscious had started creeping back in. It wasn't as bad as it was back then, far from it, but it was there and it unnerved the teen deeply.

It felt like something was nagging at him, telling him something was horribly wrong and punishing him with coldness and pain so long as he didn't respond. The problem was that the one Pokémon he could probably ask about this, and receive a proper answer from, was off who knows where and right now the teen couldn't send out his Aura to find him either.

At least not properly and safely.

"How are you holding up Ash?"

Upon reopening his eyes, he found a concerned looking Steven crouching in front of him. The man's Bisharp was still with him, but had now been joined by his Bronzong and Armaldo. His jacket was gone and the thin white shirt underneath revealed that the silver haired man hadn't gotten away unscathed either. He was still much better off than Lance or Ash though.

"C-could be better", answered the teen with a weak smile. "But hey, I'm still alive, aren't I?"

Steven winced at those last words, gaining confused glances from Ash and Pikachu. The rodent had dared to crawl into his trainer's lap by now, his tiny paws fisted in Ash's shirt.

Steven, catching those glances, sighed and explained: "You're too young." Ash opened his mouth to protest but fell silent when Steven raised his hand, a pained expression on his face. "You're too young for all this Ash. You are only just sixteen. At this age you should only have to worry about the next league and maybe finding yourself a girlfriend." Steven's eyes grew darker when he added: "We know you got involved with these kind of things when you were but eleven already, but that doesn't make it any easier for us to bear. To watch you put yourself into this much danger. For a good cause, an amazing and noble cause, but still danger. Quite frankly, I don't know how your mother does it." That last sentence came out in a rather wry tone, drawing a weak laugh from Ash. "What I'm trying to say is, this battle today truly drove home the severity of the situation we're in, our home is in, and to find you at the centre of all of this again, to see you this injured…it's more than just unnerving Ash."

"But I can take it", argued the teen now.

Steven chuckled darkly and answered: "Oh believe me, we know that, I know that, but that doesn't keep us from worrying and being horrified at it."

Ash couldn't really argue with that.

Quite frankly, he was surprised that none of his friends' parents had forced them to come home and stay out of this yet. Arceus knew that Norman Maple was protective enough of his two children. Yet Ash hadn't heard anything about him demanding May and Max return home. Then again, if he had called and demanded it there was also the strong possibility that May and Max refused and just didn't tell anyone.


Both humans were torn from their respective thoughts at the hesitant call and looked up.

May was standing nearby, rubbing her left arm self-consciously. Ash quickly checked her for new injuries but she seemed mostly fine. There were the scratches, scrapes and bruises all over her, but only those that he knew already. Her clothes were torn in some more places, but that seemed to be it and was self-explanatory as well. Everyone who wasn't too injured was helping search the island – or in the human's cases the destroyed town – and some torn clothing was to be expected.

Something had to be wrong though.

May's blue eyes were flitting around nervously and she was biting her lip.

"May?", Ash asked carefully. Steven remained silent, well aware that the girl was more likely to answer her friend than him.

"I…", she sighed. "Look Ash, I hate to say it with the state you're in but…we need your help. It is about your Pokémon after all." A wave of worry washed over the teen immediately and he tightened his hold on Pikachu. The small rodent responded by clinging tighter onto him as well, ears twitching nervously.

"Wh-which one?", the teen asked carefully.

May bit her lip again and answered: "Lapras, it's Lapras that has us worried."

"Lapras?", Pikachu whispered, looking decidedly thrown.

"She's not that far off the pier, but she won't come any closer. She won't even let any of your Pokémon closer to her either. Buizel almost got taken out by her Sheer Cold when he tried. We're all worried."

And for good reason, the teen thought, a frown on his features. Everything May had just said didn't sound like Lapras, at all. By her very nature, the Water-Type was a gentle, social Pokémon. Her acting this unusual was very worrying indeed.

"Alright", breathed the teen. "Alright. Help me up. If one of my Pokémon needs me, then I'll be there for them, no matter what." The expression on Steven's face when he bent down to help Ash up was an amusing mixture of understanding and exasperation. A strong arm wrapped around his uninjured shoulder and he was hoisted to his legs carefully.

"You work out or something?", the teen blurted out once he stood, drawing a chuckle from the man. He'd been put in a stable standing position in less than two seconds.

Using Steven as a willing crutch they made their way to the docks.

Pikachu had been thoughtful enough to take position on May's shoulder instead of straining Ash's injuries or making Stevens job more difficult.

Ash's progress was still slow, but at least he was moving, although he was fairly certain that those pink stars should not be dancing in the corners of his vision. Also, why pink? Why not blue or green or yellow or…and I should probably stop this line of thought right here and now – Ouch! New waves of pain rushed through him every other step already but now he had almost tripped over some lose asphalt.

A quick apology came from Steven and the man adjusted his grip on the teen. This sent a whole new wave pain through Ash but he gritted his teeth and fought on. He wasn't going to let some pain defeat him, even if the one that came from his out of control aura was steadily growing stronger now. But he wouldn't give in. Not when his Pokémon needed him.

A great feeling of relief did rush through him when he saw, there at the docks, Max and Riley among their own Pokémon. At least these two were alright.

Max, having noticed their approach first, waved to the three of them, drawing Riley's attention. The elder aura guardian in training looked up from where it looked like he was bandaging one of his Pokémon and immediately his eyes widened. Ash could understand that.

As opposed to most others, Riley hadn't seen him since they had split up when the man was rushing to help his Toxicroak. And Ash knew he likely looked even worse than he felt.

The next second, with a wave from Riley's hand, most of the Pokémon gathered around him and Max split up and pulled back, easily allowing Ash, Steven and May through.

"You look horrible", Max commented dryly when they reached him.

Ash couldn't help but let out a snort at that one. He felt pretty horrible too. "So, what's this about Lapras acting out?", the Kanto-native asked instead.

At this Max frowned but turned around and pointed out onto the water.

Following his gesture Ash easily spotted his Water-Ice Type. He also spotted Buizel who was circling Lapras in what seemed to be a set distance. Taking a deep breath Ash straightened up as much as Steven's hold on him would allow and called out: "Lapras!"

The female Pokémon's head shot towards him and their eyes locked. Ash almost choked at the shame and grief he spotted in her amethyst eyes before she lowered her head. Calling out to the Pokémon once more did the trick though and she began moving. But Ash couldn't shake the feeling of trepidation that was settling into his gut.

Something was wrong, very wrong.

It didn't help that, the closer Lapras came, the more his aura started to writhe and churn.

For a moment Ash was concerned it might accidently lash out at those around him, but despite him feeling the maelstrom of pain and power that was tearing at his very being, May and Steven, the two who stood closest to him, didn't even twitch, though Riley did glance at him in concern.

Ash ignored it.

The same cutting cold the Kanto native remembered from his blacking out during the battle started cutting through him again, making him audibly choke. Riley twitched, but didn't move closer, letting Ash deal with the situation as he saw fit. Steven on the other hand sent him a concerned glance now and even took a step closer, but most of Ash's focus was on Lapras and his Aura.

He didn't have the focus left to react to the former Hoenn-Champion.

Oh, he noticed what was happening around him, but he couldn't bring himself, couldn't even force himself, to react to it.

Lapras was but a few meters from the pier they were waiting on now and Ash could see clearer just how hesitant she was about approaching, how she kept her head lowered in guilt and shame. Guilt and shame for what, the teenager didn't know but it hurt to see his always loving Water-Type so…broken.

That was the word.

Lapras looked broken.

Forcing Steven's hold from him Ash limped forward on his own, despite the silver haired man's protests. Lapras, seeing this, winced harshly, but sped her own approach up a little.


Ash blinked when Lucario's voice reached him, but he none-the-less continued his approach. Lapras needed him right now so Lucario had to wait. Slowly but surely the two came face to face.

"Ash wait!"

Was that trepidation in the Aura Guardian's voice?

The teen reached up and gently held the side of the transport Pokémon's face. "What is it girl, hm?", he asked gently, rubbing his thumb comfortingly over her cheek. Lapras blinked tearful eyes at him and cooed sadly, before turning her head to her back, eyes focused on her shell. Ash was about to turn and look as well when something grabbed his wrist.

"Ash don't look!"

Snapping his head around and blinking away the new flurry of pink stars that had appeared Ash found himself locking eyes with Lucario.

The Aura Guardian's usually red eyes glowed in the bright azure colour that marked Aura and the he looked decidedly frantic.

His shoulders were heaving with his heavy breathing, indicating Lucario had run at top speed for quite a while to get to the raven quickly.

Ash found himself stunned. What was going on?

"Don't look."

This time the jackal sounded decidedly pleading and from the corner of his eye he saw Lapras wince harshly and lower her head. Immediately the teen pulled himself free and turned to Lapras, hoping to comfort her, when another sight brought him up short.

"Ash-" There on Lapras back was…


Lucario rushed past fallen trees and sludge filled craters with all the speed he could pull from his tired body. His Aura flared around him, following his commands smoothly and surging through his muscles and bones, enabling him to push himself to the limit. He had to get to Ash quickly. The teen could not deal with this on his own.

He silently cursed himself for not realising what his student's collapse meant and growled at his own idiocy of leaving the teen alone. Ash should not have to deal with this on his own.

He would not!

Lucario would be by his side, but he had to make it back in time.

After he had finished checking on Ash, once Dark-Groudon had left, he had joined the legendary Pokémon in patrolling the island. Picking off the last out of control Dark-Types – though most of them seemed to have calmed down the second Dark-Groudon left – and helping out the Pokémon that hadn't managed to flee during the attack.

Near the former mountain, which truly was but a sad little hill at this point as even the underground cave system was mostly destroyed, he and Blaziken, who had joined the patrols as well, had found a rather massive family of Seedot. The second they had freed the small Grass-Types multiple Nuzleaf and Shiftry appeared, worriedly checking their pre-evolved forms over and profusely thanking the two Fighting-Types.

Lucario's heart had clenched painfully when careful probing revealed that none of the involved Dark-Types had any memory of whatever happened while they were under Dark-Groudon's influence. After brushing off the many thanks as gently as possible, the two Fighting-Types had moved out again.

But, after a while of not finding anything else Lucario and Blaziken had split up again, the former moving towards the nearest shore while the latter made his way back to his trainer.

Lucario had found the nearest shore easily enough, despite the smoke and smog that was gathering near the edges of the island and rolling inwards, and lucky for him, it had had quite a few still standing rock formations jutting out of the water.

This was obviously one of the more remote shores of the island, not often visited by people and Pokémon. It was still quite amazing that these rock-formations had withstood the wrath of the land, curtesy of Dark-Groudon, and the sea, courtesy of Kyogre trying to stop her counterpart's Dark Side.

Climbing one formation and moving forward on them in calculated leaps Lucario had soon found one fitting for his purposes. He'd settled down and closed his eyes, evening out his breathing. Meditation had been something he'd sorely needed to keep himself together after the horrors of this battle. His Aura had been, and was still, a frenzied mess.

Of course his control over it did not waver but manipulating it took more effort and careful deliberation – the latter being hard to accomplish as exhausted as Lucario was.

He had stretched his senses while meditating, carefully increasing his Aura's range, always stopping or pulling back once it had started to give him an agitating feel. After a good hour or so his Aura had been spread over the island and the surrounding sea, still agitated and churning, but easier to manage. Lucario would've continued his efforts to regain control, had not something occurred to him.

Why am I only sensing...? He had refocused his attention and started counting. One, two, three…there's four to eight…but where is…? A dreadful thought had run through his head and he'd jumped up immediately. If this is…then Ash's collapse means…Arceus above NO! And he'd run off, pushing himself to get back to the town as quickly as possible.

Hitting the ground after tripping brought Lucario's mind back to the present. He threw himself into a roll and got back up, not losing momentum even once.

That he continued slipping and sliding on the sludge covered ground didn't matter, the dirt and ash and mud staining his fur didn't matter either.

All that truly mattered right now was him getting to Ash on time.

Ash could not, should not, deal with this on his own.

Speeding up even more once his paws hit cracked cement, Lucario raced through what remained of the town and towards the pier where he sensed Ash. The teen's aura was erratic and flooded with worry but he obviously hadn't found out yet. Lucario reached the pier within minutes and his eyes widened at what he saw.

Ash was carefully making his way over to Lapras. There was something on Lapras back, but it barely had an Aura signature anymore.

So I was right, thought Lucario and jumped forward, now I just need to…

"Ash!", he called out.

But despite the teen's Aura waving in reaction to Lucario's call he didn't stop. The teen had reached Lapras by now and Lucario was hallway across the square.

"Ash wait!"

Lucario was unable to strip his calls of his trepidation and fear while he watched how the teen carefully caressed Lapras' face. When Ash started to turn towards Lapras' shell Lucario put on one last burst of speed and caught the teen's hand.

"Ash don't look!"

Turning his head, the teen locked eyes with Lucario. At this point the Aura Guardian didn't care just what the teen managed to read from his gaze. He just had to get Ash to listen. To prepare him for what was about to come. Drawing in heavy breaths Lucario chocked out softly: "Don't look."

At least not yet. Just a minute Ash, please.

Lucario saw Lapras wince at his plea and he shot the Water-Type an understanding look. She surely must have tried her best.

Unfortunately Ash, seeing Lapras wince as well, pulled himself free from Lucario and turned to his Pokémon. Lucario jumped forward.


But too late.

The teen had frozen for but a second, his Aura churning slowly, before a maelstrom of emotions broke through. The teen staggered back, a chocked up scream of "NO!" ripping form his throat.

Lucario leaped forward once more, catching his apprentice's shoulders and lowering them to the ground when the boy's legs gave out underneath him. Ash's whole body was shaking and his Aura, wrought with pain and horror and disbelieve and so much more, tore at Lucario's own. Catching a glance at the teen's face Lucario's heart broke. Tears streamed like waterfalls from glowing azure eyes.


No it just couldn't be.

He couldn't be…

There was no way he was…

Ash chocked on a sob, trying to tear his eyes away from the sight in front of him. He didn't want to see this. Maybe if he looked away he could pretend it wasn't real. Maybe he could forget he ever saw it and pretend he was just somewhere around the island still. Maybe…

His vision blurred from tears and the strange coldness that had gripped him during the battle had returned, tearing at his very being.

Maybe that cold was doing this?

Maybe it was making him hallucinate?

That could be it, right?

Because there was no way, absolutely no way, that Ash was seeing what he was seeing right now.


Because if what he saw was the truth then…


Because if this wasn't a hallucination then…


Because then he truly had…


A dark paw appeared in his vision, gently wiping some of the tears away, only for new ones to take their place immediately.

"Can't be", the teen breathed out. A sigh sounded behind him and he was gently pulled against a warm chest, the heartbeat at his back both comforting and oh so unfair.

Because if the one behind him was here then why couldn't…

"Ash. Stop denying it." The teen chocked on his next sob. "It hurts, I know, but if you keep denying the reality of what has happened, you will only continue to hurt yourself. You've felt the effects for a while now. You know how long ago it already happened…there is nothing you can do. I…I'm so sorry, Ash."

The teen couldn't help the shudder that ran down his spine when a warm, comforting Aura touched his own icy one.

He didn't want to.

He knew what he had to do but…

He didn't want to accept that this had happened.

He had always thought that if someone…then it would be him first.

Carefully he pulled himself from the warm hold he was in, dark paws slipping of his shoulders and the heartbeat disappearing. Shaking from head to toe the teen unsteadily pulled himself forward, towards the edge of the pier, towards Lapras, towards a truth he did not want to face. He kept his eyes locked on the ground below, blurrily watching his tears darken the stone, until his hands clenched around the edge of the pier.

Raising his head he locked eyes with Lapras.

The Pokémon also had tears streaming down her face, driving the very likely chance that this was reality, a horrible, painful reality, home once more.

Ash let out a shuddering breath, more sobs rising up with it. He shook his head, ignorant of the dizziness and looked down to Lapras' shell.

A cry tore from his throat.


Why him?!

Why now?!

"S-Sorry", the teen cried out between sobs. "I-I'm s-so sorry. Sorry." The warmth from before had returned to his back, steady paws holding him upright while he screamed his pain to the heavens.


A massive group of people and Pokémon had gathered at the pier by now, Ash screams having drawn them closer. The raven haired teen's own Pokémon were frozen, tears of pain and disbelieve streaming down their faces as well.

Finally Lucario, who had been holding up the raven pulled him further backwards, prompting an agonized cry. Ash tried to surge forward, towards the limp form of his first Water-Type. The Fighting-Type held fast and threw his glance up to the group. Riley's Lucario nodded and jumped forward.

The Pokémon landed on Lapras shell and gently gathered the unmoving Water-Type in his arms, wincing at touching a being that, despite having been filled with life not too long ago, was now empty of any aura. He jumped towards the pier and lowered himself into a crouch in front of Ash, gently placing Wartortle's still form on the teen's lap.

Ash's arms moved immediately, cradling the turtle against his chest, more heart wrenching sobs coming fourth.

Lucario kept his steady hold on his student, providing as much comfort and strength as he could with just his presence. Riley's partner stepped back and that was a sign.

Pikachu was the first to move forward, crowding his trainer's side and clenching his tiny paws in Wartortle's soft tail while thick streams of tears dampened furry yellow cheeks.

Lapras followed next, stretching he neck onto the pier to be able to press her head against one of Ash's arms, her own tears dripping onto the pier.

The next to arrive was Buizel. The weasel had been close with the other Water-Type and despite his best tries, face set in a stony frown, he could not hold back his own tears either. He stood stoically next to his trainer, arms crossed tightly over his chest, until he was gently pushed forward.

Staraptor wrapped his wings around the entire group, nuzzling Wartortle's shell and simultaneously forcing Buizel to burrow himself in Ash's side. The weasel relented, curling against the distraught teen and wrapping his twin tail's around Pikachu's shaking form.

Riolu came next and pressed himself against his Aura Keeper. He hadn't known Wartortle quite as well as the others already there, but he knew loss and felt Ash's pain.

Finally, Kirlia, Froslass and Glalie joined, none of the three of them were crying yet, being the least familiar with the spunky Water-Type, but their eyes were dark with loss and grief. For the loss of a comrade, but especially the loss their other friends were feeling right now.

Glalie came close first, rubbing his head against Lapras' side, prompting a grateful if chocked coo from the Water-Type.

Froslass joined there as well and Kirlia squeezed his way underneath one of Staraptor's wings, gently holding onto his trainer's shaking form.

Ash barely noticed any of this though, the grief of loss still clouding his mind, bringing up memories.

Meeting Wartortle for the first time as a small Squirtle. The Water-Type playing prank after prank on him until they saved each other from Team Rocket.

He pulled the limp form in his arms closer when the scene of Squirtle joining his team came back to him. The small Water-Type taking off his sunglasses and jumping into the ten year old's arms, brown eyes shining with mirth and believe.

He remembered all the battles they were through together. Gyms and Conferences, Training and battles against Legendary Pokémon.

But Squirtle, and later Wartortle, had stood steadily by his side, spunky and excited until the end.

And now…

A new wail tore from Ash's throat when he realized that that was gone forever.

Never again would he get to experience Wartortle's excitable nature, his jokes and unshakeable believe.

Never again would he hear the Water-Type call out to him, hear him call him "boss" jokingly, but mean every word.

Never again.

Because Wartortle was gone. Torn from him, from the world, by the Dark-Sides wrath, never to laugh, or joke or fight by his side again.

He was just…gone.

Well, the battle is officially over, but now come the consequences.

Legendary Pokémon and Dark-Types that have so far (properly) appeared:

Mew - Dark-Mew

MewTwo - Dark-MewTwo

Celebi - Dark-Celebi

Manaphy - Dark-Manaphy

Suicune - Dark-Suicune

Raikou - Dark-Raikou

Entei - Dark-Entei

Articuno -

Zapdos -

Moltres -

Ho-Oh –

Lugia – Dark-Lugia

Latias - Dark-Latias

Latios - Dark-Latios

Kyogre -

Groudon - Dark-Groudon

Rayquaza -

Mesprit -

- Dark-Palkia

Darkrai -

- Dark-Shaymin