i will explain everything at the end, just read :)

Also, Trigger warning- talk about overdose and near death, also heartbreak.

we do not own Glee.

Blaine woke up and the room was spinning.

"What the fuck happened last night?" he murmured to nobody in particular.

He heard faint grunts from all around him and fought to open his eyes. When he did he was met with an hilarious sight. People were sprawled all over the floor, they had lost their clothes and most were only wearing one or two pieces of clothing. He spotted his sister from across the room and started laughing. Rachel was lying face down on the table in her bra and some shorts, her hair was a mess and she was wearing one sock; which looked like Finn's gym sock.

"Shh. Stop laughing." he heard someone whisper next to him and he turned to see Kurt dressed in Blaine's t-shirt and boxers

"c'mon lets take you upstairs to my room" Blaine said as he put one arm under Kurt's knees and the other under his neck and lifted him. he carried Kurt to his bedroom, placed him on his bed and pulled the sheet up to cover him up, he would leave him to sleep for a while. whilst he was up, he chanced a look in the mirror.

"Holy fuck."

He was only clad in his skinny jeans from last night and he was a mess. His hair was sticking up everywhere. It looked as if his lip piercing had been torn and he had blood trickling down his chin; and he was covered in hickeys. There was one on his left hip, one on his right rib cage and one on his collar bone. His eyes were bloodshot and his lips were still a bit swollen. By the look of it, he had rather a good night.

As everybody was still asleep he decided to jump in the shower and clean up a bit, as he got in the scorching shower and felt the burning water flow over his skin, he tried to remember what happened last night. He could remember the games they played, he also remembered Rachel running out the front door and into the road, lying down and trying to make a snow angel; there was no snow, she must have been really drunk. He remembered looking after Kurt whilst he threw up all of the contents of his stomach in the toilet. The last thing he can remember is carrying Kurt to the couch after he had passed out. From where he found himself this morning, he must have quickly followed as he can't remember anything after that. All in all it was a good night and Blaine didn't get too drunk, although things were a bit foggy, he could still remember the main parts of last night. He also didn't have a hangover; which was a positive.

He got out of the shower and dried off. The weather outside was amazing and really warm so he decided to only dress in a new pair of jeans, he would leave the top off for a while to cool down. He tended to his broken lip and found out it wasn't as bad as it looked and he could leave his lip piercing in whilst it healed. He sorted out his hair so it wasn't as wild as it was before and made his way downstairs.

To his surprise everybody was awake and had put on their missing pieces of clothing. They all still looked like shit and probably all had hangovers by the way they were acting. This would be fun.

"Helloooo dick heads! How are we feeling this morning? You all got rather wankered last night so how are your heads? Do they hurt?" he said a bit louder and chirpier than usual to annoy them. When all he got back were groans and people banging their heads on the table and covering them up with their arms to drown out the noise he was quite satisfied to decided to carry on his little 'act'

"Oh what a shame, I guess we all feel like shit. Am I the only one who can remember what happened last night? Yeah? Oh well. I'm going to have a fag, but can I just say. You might want to try and remember last night. It was one to remember" and with that he walked out the back door and lit up his cigarette.

About two hours later, everybody had remembered what happened last night with the help of each other and piecing together parts of their memories. Kurt had come downstairs and was nursing a cup of coffee and a headache whilst he was curled up on Blaine's lap.

"Seriously, how could you guys let me do that? I feel humiliated!" Rachel whined from where she was sitting in the armchair

"Oh quit your moaning frodo. Everyone does stupid things, just stop bringing it up and we will forget it. Unless you want me to taunt you with it for the rest of the night. In that case I would be more than happy to think up some new insults for you." Santana said in a snarky tone towards the brown haired girl.

Rachel immediately shut up.

The rest of the week was spent rehearsing for sectionals. The day before sectionals, Friday, they spent all day in the choir room perfecting their songs and dance moves. They went home that night and were told to get a good night's sleep.

The next day everyone met at McKinley at 8:30am to get on the bus to take them to sectionals.

"Why the fuck are we awake so early?" Blaine asked as he leant against his car, finishing his cigarette. The who glee club were standing together

"Get used to it, if we get through to regionals you have to be here at 7:00am" Mercedes laughed.

"Don't you mean when we get through to regionals?" Rachel asked.

Everyone nodded. Nobody was really in the mood to talk.

"Come on everyone we need to get going. Blaine you can't smoke when we get there" Mr Schue said as he rounded everyone to get onto the bus.

Blaine stubbed out his cigarette butt and wrapped his arm around Kurt's waist. He popped a piece of peppermint gum in his mouth and chewed a few times before turning to kiss Kurt.

"Hey babe" he murmured as he pulled away and let Kurt sit next to the window. He sat down and put his arm back around Kurt's shoulders as the other boy leant into Blaine's body.

"Hey, are you nervous?" Kurt asked as he wrapped his arms around Blaine's waist.

"No, not really. I just really don't want to fuck up my rap" he replied as he played with his lip ring.

"You will be perfect" Kurt smiled up to the boy.

"If I'm perfect, do I get a prize?" Blaine winked.

"What kind of surprise do you want?"

"Preferably your dick. In my mouth. You know this tongue bar creates miracles when I give blow jobs"

"Blaine..." Kurt whined "I told you I wanted to take it slow, I don't want to do anything I'm going to regret"

"Fine." Blaine huffed "I can wait"

"Don't do that, please?" Kurt pleaded; he didn't wait Blaine to be angry with him before sectionals.

"I'm fine, and I respect that you want to wait, it's just... I don't know... I've never gone this long without getting off... I mean I get off by myself but it's not the same"

"I know, you won't have to wait long I promise, but actually while we are on the subject... how long have you actually ever gone without... you know... sex?" Kurt whispered

"Ermm..." Blaine mumbled. "I'm... I'm a virgin?"

"WHAT!" Kurt shouted, when everyone turned around to look at him he realised how loud he was actually being

"Shit!" he whispered as he lowered his voice "But I thought... You're so confident!"

"Just because I'm confident doesn't mean I've had sex... I've done other stuff, just never gone the whole way... I want to, I really do it's just I want to do it properly, I want it to be with the right person" he said "I know I don't act like it but it is a big thing to me!"

"Do you... do you want to do it with me?" Kurt asked anxiously,

"I don't know, maybe, I feel like you might be the right person, but I don't know yet. Why do you?"

"I don't know, I feel like I'm falling in love with you Blaine, and I know it's only been two weeks; but I do" Kurt whispered

Blaine's whole body tensed at the mention that Kurt may be falling in love with him.

"Shit" he hissed "Right..." he drew out. He didn't want to hurt Kurt but this couldn't happen.

"Blaine what's wrong?" Kurt worriedly asked.

"N-nothing. I'm going to go and talk to Rach quick. Bye" he said as he quickly got up and walked over to his sister.

"Rach, we really need to talk! Like now." he said frantically as he tugged on the sleeve of her jumper.

"O-okay, Finn I will be back in a minute, Blaine go to those seats over there" She smiled as she pointed to the double seat at the back of the bus where no-body could hear them.

Blaine walked over and waited for Rachel to get there. when she sat down she looked at him with worried eyes,

"Blaine what's wrong?" She asked,

"Kurt's falling in love with me and I have to stop it" he whispered

"Oh Blaine..." she whispered as she pulled him into a hug. She knew what it would be like for her brother when this happened, she was just waiting, and she guessed the time was now.

"Why don't you let him? See if it works out?" she asked as she ran her fingers through Blaine's hair.

He pulled back to look at his sister through tear filled eyes,

"I can't do that Rach, I care too much about him, and I know if I let him fall in love with me I will fall in love with him. and then one of us are going to get our hearts broken, and I just can't let that happen, its happened to me before and look what happened; I ended up in hospital because I overdosed and my whole personality changed and I ended up becoming this. God! I used to be a straight A student that wore bow-ties and suspenders until I fell in love with Sebastian and he broke my heart" he sobbed "I can't let that happen to Kurt"

Rachel was crying too, she was by her brother's side every step of the way with Sebastian. She was there when Blaine went on his first date with Sebastian. She was there when he came home and told her about their first kiss. How perfect it was for them. She was there when he declared to her that he was in love with Sebastian. She heard the rumours about Sebastian but ignored them for Blaine's sake. But most importantly she was there when he came running home saying Sebastian had cheated on him. That very night Blaine took an overdose of drugs and alcohol to escape and Rachel was the one to find him lying unconscious in his bedroom; their parents were out so she called an ambulance. Blaine nearly hadn't made it. They paramedic said he had been minutes away from death when they arrived. She was there when their parents shouted at Blaine for being selfish and trying to kill himself. Blaine was in hospital for a week and when he came out he turned into this. Sebastian had destroyed the perfect, living up to everyone's expectations Blaine and replaced him with no less perfect (at least in Rachel's eyes) but broken and not living up to everyone expectations Blaine. The bad boy who got with anyone and everyone he could just to remove the pain of his broken heart. He shut down his feelings so he couldn't get hurt. She hated it; she helped him get through everything and she was determined to help him get through this.

"Kurt isn't like Sebastian, he would never do that to you. Ever." she whispered,

"Yes but what if I do that to him?"

"You won't, and I know you wouldn't Blaine, you know what it feels like and you have already told me you care too much about him to hurt him."

"But I can't take that chance, its better if I hurt him before he's in love with me, rather than break his heart right?"

"No definitely not, because you're breaking your own heart either way. Blaine I know it's hard but you have to overcome your demons. Sebastian is over and done with. I know he hurt you, and I know you're scared of doing the same to Kurt. But you won't, and I know you won't, because you love him. You may not want to admit it but I know Blaine. I see the way you look at him. I see the way you act around him. I love you Blaine and I'm doing this to help you. Tell him. Tell him you love him and see where it goes. But you can't stop yourself from loving him, you can deny it but you can't stop it." she whispered through her tears.

Blaine nodded and got a determined look in his eyes. "Thank you Rach... I love you" he said before hugging her and getting up to sit next to a worried Kurt.

He sat down with a big grin on his face and watched Kurt face him,

"Why are you smiling so much?" he asked anxiously,

Blaine leant in to kiss Kurt.

"Because I'm so in love with my boyfriend" he whispered against Kurt's lips

Eeeep! how was it?

right so my sincerest appologies, my computer deleted everything and i already had this chapter written so it would of been up earlier but we had technical difficulties so im sorry. as you can see im very bad at keeping to scheduling so we are just going to say we have no idea when the next chapter will be uploaded.

on another hand- did you guys like the chapter, i cried whilst writing it; mostly because i am an emotional wreck but i also channel characters when writing.

we dont even know what is to come in the next chapter (except sectionals results...) but it will be written by Em'n'm and it is a surprise so wait and see.

also- a little note my little Em'n'm- thankyou so much for the other day; i was feeling like complete shit and you cheered me up. you stopped me from cutting and i seriously thank you for that. you are amazing and i love you xoxo

now thats done. i love all of you whom have reviewed, alerted, favorited... etc. thankyou from the bottom of our hearts.

Chloe and Em (Chlo'Bo and Em'n'm : Just dont ask...) xoxo