Daryl threw four squirrels by the fire for Dale and Lori to cook up. Daryl spent most of his time in the woods since Sophia's death, some days we would return with nothing and others with squirrels, deer's, and once even a raccoon. He walked over to a bucket of water and started to wash the dirt and sweat off him.

Andrea walked behind him and handed him a towel, "Get anything good?"

"Thanks, nah…just a couple of squirrels." Daryl said wiping his face off and leaning on the fence. "Where is everyone?" Daryl said after scanning the camp.

"There all inside with Hershel, he thinks Otis must have found Sophia and put her in the barn." Andrea said almost annoyed.

"Figured as much, what's eating you?" Daryl said taking off his shirt and splashing water under his arms. Andrea had never noticed that he had so many tattoos. It didn't surprise her, she just was unaware he had so many.

"I just feel for Carol, and it seems everyone is more interested in how Sophia got in that damn barn. We really only grieved for Carol for a day, I just want to know how we all became so fucking selfish." Daryl looked hard at Andrea. He never really talked to her much, but when he did they talked about the important things. He didn't bullshit her, he didn't have to chit-chat with her, and he almost always agreed with whatever she was taking about.

"You noticed that too, did you? I'm trying to give her space, but yea, it's tough losing someone." Daryl said almost choking on his own words. He thought about what his brother would say if he heard those words come out of his mouth. Andrea could tell he wanted to be alone; she rubbed his shoulder and walked to her tent.

A little later in the day, Daryl was napping in his tent, when he heard a voice shout, "Daryl…can I come in?"

"Who is it? What do you want?" Daryl said, pissed that someone had woken him.

"It's Glenn, I just wanted to um, talk to you." Glenn said taking off his baseball cap and hitting it against his leg wiping the dirt away. We tossed his hair back and put the cap back on.

"Yea, come on in."

"Hey Daryl, I was wondering if you were going to go hunting tomorrow?" Glenn said taking a seat on the wooden chair on the side of the tent.

"You interested in hunting, Glenn" Daryl said getting up off his worn in cot and stretching and then rubbing his stomach.

"I just want to get out of my head for a little bit." Glenn said sitting at the edge of his seat, waiting desperately for Daryl's response.

"Can you calm down? Fuck kid, if I didn't know any better I would say you were a damn walker and I was your dinner, the way you looking at me like that. Yes, you can come with me tomorrow. I like to go at the first sign of light. So be ready." Glenn thanked him and jumped out of his seat at dashed out of his tent. Daryl muttered a slew of curse words to himself; he was so confused by Glenn's behavior.

The next morning Daryl opened his tent to find Glenn waiting for him. Daryl couldn't help but laugh, he was sure the kid was taking him into the woods to kill him. Whatever Glenn's reason for wanting to come with him didn't matter, but Daryl was for sure going to keep a close eye on him.

"Alright, you all set?" Daryl said adjusting his eyes to the sun.

"Yep, all set. Let's go."

It was a good hour or hour in a half before the two men, even said a word to one another. Then finally Glenn broke the silence, by saying the last thing Daryl was expecting. "Daryl, have you ever been in love?" Glenn said so easily.

"What the hell, I'm not into that shit." Daryl said taking a few steps back from him.

"No, no, no I didn't mean it like that. I think I'm in love and I just don't know what to do." Glenn said completely embarrassed.

"You're in love, Glenn, who the hell you in love with?" Daryl said like love was some made up thing that parents would tell children like how Santa Claus was real.

"Maggie, I'm in love with Maggie. We have been fooling around for some time, I think I may be in love with her, but I'm not sure what to do." Glenn searched Daryl's face for any signs he understood what he was saying. Daryl must have been a damn good poker player, Glenn thought, because he couldn't read him at all.

"I really don't know what to say. I guess good for you, little man." Daryl said scanning the woods for any signs of movement.

"Do you think it's even worth it? In this world, I could honestly lose her tomorrow. Maybe it's better to end it before the inevitable."

"The only thing, I think I can even say to you is…and I know its cliché. 'It's better to have loved and lost, than to never to have loved at all.'" Daryl said very smoothly and very silent. It was almost like a whisper. "If you tell anyone about this conversation…I will literally cut your dick off." Daryl made complete eye contact with Glenn. Glenn was scared out of his mind, since Daryl was holding a small pocket knife to his face.

The boys got up from sitting and made their way back to camp. Daryl broke the silence, "Why did ask me about this? Couldn't you have talked to one of the girls, or like Rick or something?" Daryl said very confused. He took a swig of water from his canteen. He then offered Glenn some.

"Thanks. I don't want a girl's answer, and I don't want a married man's answer. Plus it seems everyone has a lot on their minds, and I thought it would be easy for you to answer since you have Andrea. I thought you could explain it better and give me some good advice."

Daryl stopped in his tracks and stood there for a second without saying anything. "Wait, what?"

"You don't have to deny it, I know. I see you guys all the time. I even heard her talking to Maggie about you. Don't worry I won't tell anyone or anything." Glenn said handing him back his canteen.

"Glenn, you're shitting me right? I have no idea what you are talking about." Daryl said still so confused, he was not sure if Glenn was playing a joke on him.

"Are you saying you and Andrea aren't you know…'together'?" Glenn said trying not to offend Daryl by saying they were in a relationship or saying they were just having sex.

"No, we aren't 'together'. Where would you even get that idea?" Daryl said now facing Glenn.

"You haven't noticed?"

"Noticed what? That you are insane?"

"Daryl. When you are leave to go hunting, Andrea is always off looking at the woods, waiting for you. She will go around and slyly ask everyone if they have seen you. She always comes and starts random conversations with you; she even washes your clothes, it's all in her eyes." Glenn said.

"I thought she was with Shane?" Daryl said again very softly. He was staring at the ground, not wanting to make eye contact with him.

"No, I think for a little bit there they might have had something. I guess you didn't notice she won't even stand two feet near him."

They walked back to camp in complete silence. The camp was now in their sights, when Daryl asked just one more question. "You said you heard her talking to your girl about me…what…I mean like what did she say?" Daryl said he didn't even know where that came from. It was like he was a little school girl, wanting to know if someone had a crush on him.

"I could barely hear I shouldn't have even been listening. I think she was asking Maggie the same thing I was asking you." Glenn said waving to Maggie. "She wanted to know if Maggie thought it was worth it." Glenn said winking and walking away from him.