Teen Wolf

The Magus Chronicles Volume 1

The White Horse


Hi this is my first Fic.
It kind of grew on me when i wasnt looking.
I own non of the charecters excpet for Damion Magus and Sam Argent.
I could only dream of owning the others, so instead I play.
Please forgvre any grammer or spelling issues. My use of the english langue is not great even though it's my first languge.
Be gentle with the reviews. Constructive always welcome.
Also big thanks to Boy on Strings who gave me advice on structure and the courage to post this by saying it had intresting ideas. Also for wolf hugs that made their way in here at some point as well. Everyone needs a wolf hug.

I reloaded the chapters as seperate.. Well chapters. Make it a bit easier to read.



Prologue – A dark place:

Ancient darkness stirred, things were happening above it and it could feel the stars and moon moving. Soon, soon the sky would break and the door would be open. Then they would spill its darkness upon the world of light and consume it all.

Chapter 1 - Yesterday:

The stranger stood in the enclosing darkness of the woods at night. More than that, the darkness seems to engulf him making it more than impossible for anyone to see him. Ahead of him in a clearing stood a dilapidated house, the damage from a long ago fire evident in the crooked walls and the missing roof. Outside it a man holding a semi-automatic hand gun braced himself staring at the house, next to him a young woman crouched having just run from the back door. Inside the house was the sounds of a pitched battle, animal noises, growls, howls, and grunts of pain could be heard.

Suddenly one for the ground windows on the far side of the front door burst out as a young male was thrown from it. He bounced several times and recovered into a stance more akin to an animal readying itself to pounce than a human. He growled baring fangs and incisors extended and animalistic, his eyes flashing golden the blunt features of his face covered in a fine fur coating. He was a wolf human hybrid a Lycan, a Werewolf. From the broken window another Werewolf emerged, this one more animalistic than the first. From his extended muzzled he bared his teeth, red eyes flashing in anger and hatred he roared and charged the wolf.

As they were set to clash a Porsche screeched round the last bend in the dirt track that served as an access road. Two more teens emerged, one stumbling from the door in haste the other emerging more cautiously, both carrying a beaker full of an amber brown liquid. The first teen threw the bottle at the more beastly Werewolf, his accuracy and range spot on. While a normal person would have been hit by the projectile the creature snatched it from the air.

The young werewolf seizing the moment dived for a discarded compound bow and threw it to the Girl shouting "Allison" She realised what he wanted her to do, and took aim at the bottle with her last arrow. The beast also realising the train of thought began to pitch back to throw the flask at the girl and her father. She was fast; the arrow flew true and smashed the glass spilling liquid fire down the beasts arm. Howling in rage and pain the creature attempted to shake the burning liquid from his arm.

The other teen boy recovering his wit and realising the opportunity through his flask the beast, if the beast had not been on fire it may have caught it or avoided it but it was distracted and the flask smashed on its torso. The liquid fire engulfed the creature, burning hotter and faster than normal fire. Sensing its imminent loss the creature lunged for the girl. The young wolf reacts on instinct pouncing at the monster and delivered a stunning blow to its ribs throwing it backwards. Hurt from the fighting, engulfed in flames and dazed from the blow the creature stumbled to the side of the house, any attempt to flee failing as it collapsed reverting to a human form. Human in form, but not in look its skin was a charred blistered mess. Wounds that were healed seemed to open as any regenerative abilities it had were overwhelmed by the wounds it suffered.

In the clearing the teen wolf was on all fours prepared to rush the beast if it moved. The girl walked over and bent down to him, he turned from her as if ashamed by his appearance. She gently tipped his head upwards, and lent to kiss him, as she did he revert to is human form. "Why did you do that?" He has grateful yet frightened of what she might say.

"Because I love you" she replied as her father and the other teens looked on.

From the door of the house a figure emerged and walked over what remained of the creature. Standing over it he raised his hand and claws emerged from the tips of his fingers. The young wolf seeing this screamed "Derek! No, what about the cure! Her father's going to try and kill me!"

Derek looked at him, a pained expression flashed over his face; the creature seemed to enlarge as it tapped into some hidden reserve in its last moments of life "You've already made your decision! I smell it on you!" it growled and started to lunge at Derek his eyes glowing red.

Derek moved faster and slashed downwards rending the beasts' throat and spilling its blood over the forest floor. He slowly stood and facing the other, eyes glowing from blue to red, spoke in a growl "I'm the Alpha now!"

The teen wolf slumped to his knees at this, betrayal and pain radiating from him. The remaining teens gathered the young wolfs side, the girl embracing his shoulders. Her father walked slowly to her side and took from her neck a chain with a heavy pendant on it and walked into the house. He returned after several minutes and called "Allison, were leaving, now!"

Looking as if she would betray him Allison stayed next to the young wolf "But Scott..."

"Now Allison" her father said brooking no rebellion.

Scott looked at her and said "Go, I'll see you soon."

Standing and with a last look at the others she went with her father to an SUV and was soon gone.

Scott looked at Derek "Derek! Why did you betray me! I wanted to be normal to have a normal life and you've taken it from me" The betrayal etched on his face.

Derek looked over at him and slowly almost too softly to hear he said "That cure was legend Scott, more than likely it would have done nothing for you. You've been through several full moons, the transformations; the wolf is firmly entrenched in you now. I didn't lie deliberately, but I didn't have the full facts at the time. If you had killed the Alpha, you would have inherited the role from him. That would have made you worse, taken more of your humanity from you. Made you more of what you hate... I couldn't let you do that, not with the likely hood of success being so slim." He hesitated for a second almost as if he was unsure if he would finish what he started to say "... I also had to do it for Laura. He took her from me Scott. She raised me after our parents were killed, she kept me safe and gave me everything, and I had to do it for her as well." He stood there for what seemed like hours then turned and slowly walked back to the ruin that was his home.

Scott stood and faced him "Derek" Derek stopped but didn't turn around "I Understand why you did it... I can't forgive you yet, but I understand it." Derek seemed to nod and entered the building, closing the charred door behind him.

"DUDE THAT WAS SO COOL!" the spiky haired teen seemed to explode. "When I threw the bottle and he caught it and then you were like ALLISON! And she smashed it and then Jackson threw his... better late than Never!" looking at Jackson and back handing him with a snort.

Jackson looked from the house to the Teen and Scott "Stiles!" he hissed seeing the hang dog expression on Scott's face, almost the same sort of expression Pup would have when left alone. "Let's get out of here, Scott..." He started to help Scott up and Stiles realising his error lent to give him a hand. Jackson took one last look at the house and steered the other two over to his Porsche "This time I drive..."

"Fine, but were stopping for food, and I get to choose the music!" was Stiles response. A glimmer of a smile passed on Scott's lips.

As the Porsche drove off the hidden figure pulled thoughtfully at his lower lip, to himself he muttered "Could be interesting". As he turned to leave he placed his hand on the tree next to him, snaking outwards from his hand a neon red strand stretched and shaped itself into a sigil. He removed his hand and the sigil glowed once and faded from sight, stepping into the night he seemed to vanish into the shadows.