T h e d e l e t e d s c e n e . V~i~o~l~e~t H~i~l~l

So remember that time when I got transported into Percy's world at the same time as him? ( After Peeta. . .) Yeah, well, so do I. He went off with his Annabeth and I was left at the camp being the socially awkward teen that I am.

Above all, I just got the best feel of what Camp Halfblood can really be if I interact with the campers.

So I'll start from the top.

Once we arrived to camp it was about noon. So everyone was eating lunch. Rachel and I ate with Percy. Would have sat at the Artemis table if Thalia was here but they say she went back with the hunters. She also left me some more clothing in the cabin.

The table was dead quiet. Percy and Rachel had something up—don't want to know.

It all went downhill from there when that same old Apollo guy kept bugging me about meeting him by Zeus's Fist or something. Micheal Yew. I swear I was about to tackle and knock him dead if he didn't leave me alone. Percy didn't help either. He was too busy staring at Annabeth. Rachael ignored it.

I was practically ditched after lunch. Rachael went to go talk to Chiron about something urgent; which by the way I couldn't know. Percy magically disappeared with Annabeth.

I didn't ask to be here.. It's all Percy's fault.

I went to my cabin to take refuge. Thalia decorated the cabin a bit. She put posters of Green Day, Linkin Park, 30 Seconds To Mars, Snow Patrol, and all these other wacky names. She left me her "IPod" also. Saying I should listen to a "playlist" she made for me. It took me forever to figure out that you touch the wheel to move through the options.

...Now you move up and scroll clockwise! Never mind—counter clockwise. OK! So I never conquered the whole moving wheel. . . so I couldn't find out what a playlist even was!

I went outside like a total idiot to find anybody who would willingly help me with my "playlist" dilemma.

And I had to bump into Micheal Yew. (Out of all people.) Eventually I had to punch him to get him out of my face. After running off—these two boys "kindly" assisted me to my issue.

They stole the damn thing. Word around told me it had to be the stoll twins from the Hermes' Cabin.

So I barge into the Hermes Cabin. Some boys were undressing-didn't matter. I told them if they lay a single finger on me I will kick their filthy ass. I asked for the twins' where-abouts. No one "knew".

I got out of the Hermes Cabin, with the urge to punch the life out of Hermes himself. No one has ever messed with me like this. I feel so played with—not the whole romantic thing or Hunger Game experience, but actually played with. . .as if I had two twin siblings for real; and they were just waiting for the big sister to come beat the living hell out of their ass.

I walk down the cabin strip to find my eyes gazing to the blood red cabin. I smirked. The Stolls haven't won yet.

Inside was also a mess. I yelled and asked for Clarisse. The rest of her siblings looked at me and laughed. So they didn't recognize me. I guess I do look different without armor.

Clarisse came out of the shower.
"What hell is going on here?" She yelled in her coarse voice. One look at me and pointed. Clarisse gave me a smirk.

"Watcha need, Kitty Kat?" The other guys laughed—thinking Clarisse just insulted me.

"Shut up! She's the chick who won Capture the Flag for us the other night! Have some respect you assholes!" Lovin' the brotherly mood.

I told her my issue with the Stoll brothers (leaving out the part I didn't know how to use a damn IPod, that wouldn't have looked good.)

"Ahh. . .the bloody smell of kicking ass. . .you came to the right person Kitty Kat." She gave me a daring smile. "Come to the back with me. We passed by her siblings and they looked up on me. Finally—I feel superior.

"This is ye ol' Lassie II." She whistles and chuckles in her course laugh. She swivels the immense spear in her hand. "A gift from pops." The spear electrified and Clarisse's lip curled into a big smile. The electrified effect turned off though.

"Let's go, Kat." She turned to her siblings. "Finish the Christmas decorations! I want to win that no chores for a month thing!" She had yelled at her siblings. It stayed on my mind because I have not the slightest clue what Christmas is/was.

We set out to find the Stolls. We asked around, but no one knew. Then Clarisse decided to ask Katie Gardner, she had said she should be back to celebrate "Christmas" with us.

We approached the Demeter Cabin and went inside. Everyone was putting lights up. Plants everywhere, specifically a pine tree in the center. It smelled nice too, and it was clean. If Prim was a demigod, she would have been a Demeter kid.

Oh. . .Prim. . .

"Clarisse?" I look up from my short remembrance of Prim.

"Checking out the competition?" Katie laughed.

"Hah, you wish. Our lights are going to be way more badass." She cleared her throat. "This here is Katniss."

She took out her hand and we shook hands.

"Katie Gardner."

"Katniss Everdeen." Our hands separate.

"Yes, I've heard of you. You helped Ares win Capture the Flag. Best known as Percy's personal secretary." She smirked. That doesn't sound. . .reassuring. "But we all know you're just from the future. I'm a head counselor. Miranda updated me."

"Good to know my reputation precedes me." I say sarcastically. "So. . ." I look her in the eye. "You're familiar with the Stoll Brothers, correct?"


Katie bangs on the door of a tree house outside the Camp borders.
"Alright Stoll! Open up! Gardner is gonna kick your ass into next week!"

"Password?" A voice laughed from the other side. "Just kidding, Kate. You get one free entry from me." A bunch of locks click simultaneously.

"So make sure to not tell—" The "Stoll" looks at me and Clarisse shocked. ". . .Conner." He threw the door closed but not before Clarisse rammed herself through—knocking the door open again—knocking him down cold.

"Hello, Conner." I growled with my arms crossed and put one foot over his chest.

"I'm Travis?" He whimpered. Geez, what a sissy.

"I want the IPod. Now." I press my foot harder on him. "Heck, Zeus is going to bust your ass for taking Thalia's IPod." He gulps and slides out from my foot's grasp.

He gets up like a snake would.

"Look, I'd love to help you. But we just sold it on eBay for $500. The Classic is worth more now for some reason."

"Stoll, just give it back." Clarisse tempted.

"I c-can't!" He stepped back slowly—almost unnoticeable unless you're me.

"One step back and I'm rearranging your face. Don't press the button." I look at the oddly elevated floor panel—trap door.

He looked at me with a tinge of curiosity.
"Who's your parent? Ares? Athena?" His eyes traveled down my body.

Katie pulled him back ad threw him against the tree house wall—making it shake.
"I will hold you hostage till you give it back." She said sternly.

"Why would you care, Gardner?" He spat out to the side.

"Any rival of my rival is a friend." She said simply.
"Talk—or I will rub poison ivy on you while you sleep." He smirked.

"As long as you come in with me and snuggle, I honestly wouldn't mind, Gardner." Katie immediately blushed. Clarisse rolled her eyes. She took him by the neck and he rose a few inches off the ground.

"I will pulverize you and pulverize you over again until you talk. How's that?" She chuckled.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing, Tra-" Conner looked out from the next room.

"Shit." He ran back into the room he was in. Me and Katie exchanged glances and ran inside. I unstrapped Paggos Fotia. Fire charm.

"Cough it up, Conner." I told him as I had him at gunpoint.

"But it's worth-"

"I don't care!"

"Come on! I want Katie to hold me! Conner switch me!" Travis yelled from the next room. You know—before you heard a punch.

"Katniss go find the IPod." Katie held a vine whip. "I can handle myself." She smiled. I shrunk Paggos Fotia and went up a small ladder.

I had to crawl around on the top floor. The roof was a few inches above. Vies and other assorted plant life penetrated this area making it look like a jungle. What caught my eye as I crawled was that there was almost every object known to mankind. Anything-you name it. The end of the crawl space had a small glass case. Black Classic IPod. Bingo.

I figured it couldn't be this easy as I touched the glass—nothing. I gently opened the case. I sorted through a bunch of magazines of naked women until I hit my jackpot.

I closed the case and crawled back to the ladder, but it wasn't there. It shut off. I knew this was too easy. Paintballs were shot at me from the wall. It burned so much. I bet this is what a bullet shot feels like. . .just without the actual deadly part.

"Katie! Clarisse!" I yelled toward bottom. Gas dispensed from the roof. I coughed as I clutched the IPod.

I yelled again. Nothing. I yelled harder. Nothing. I yelled at the top of my lungs. Soon enough I heard someone coming up the ladder and banging on the ceiling/floor.

"Stand back!" He yelled. I wasn't sure where the trap door was so I scoot back near the glass case. My vision was getting distorted. Soon enough vines exploded through the floor. I dragged myself there—my eyes blinked uncontrollably. Strong arms pulled me down.

Everything was a blur. I could see a bit of blond hair but that was about it. He then put some cloth onto my face. I regained complete consciousness as I coughed miserably.

"What on earth were you doing in there? Or all the way out here for the matter?" I noticed his luscious blond curls as he stood next to me. I have no idea who he is or have ever seen him in my life. His violet eyes are beautiful. They look like the types of grapes you would want to eat on the spot.

"What's your name..?" I ask him—still sitting on the floor coughing.

"Pollux. Son of Dionysus." He gets up and offers me his hand. I take it.

"Katniss Everdeen. I don't have a godly parent." His eyes grew.

"Yeah, I recognize you from the counsel meetings. But I always thought you were some Apollo kid or huntress." I snorted.

"I doubt Artemis would let me join after everything I've done with men." His eyebrow raised.
"I meant like interacting." I look at my hand to see I'm still holding onto the IPod.

"You came for that?" It sounded funny if you said it like that.

"Yeah. . .they stole it from me and it's Thalia's." He nodded.
"By any chance was Clarisse de la Rue or Katie Gardner outside?" He shook his head slowly.

"Well I have to get going." He looked to side mysteriously.
"Are you seeing anybody...?" I was close enough to inhale his sweet wine smell.

"No...I am not..." I held onto my breath for a while.

"You love me? Real or not real?"


I exhaled. My heart ached. I was holding back tears as hard as I could until it hurt.
"Not anymore..." I added solemnly. I couldn't hold one bloody tear. I wiped it away before Pollux would notice.

"I understand..." He looked into my eyes.
"Did he break your heart that bad?" That killed me. A few tears went down and I shook my head.

"He was k-killed...!" Pollux's violet eyes grew.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to remind you. . ." I shook my head.

"It's fine. He died yesterday so I'm barely getting over it." He looked over and turned his back to me.

"My twin brother died about six months ago and I still cry late at night. We were. . . close." He said in a shaky voice.
"I couldn't say five words before bursting back into tears at his funeral." He looks back at me with red eyes.
"He was my best and only friend. You're. . .strong. . .if you really loved him that much. . ."

I felt empathy for him. Death. . .it burns so much. . .I wanted to cry again. But I know I can't.

"The only reason I got it over it fast was because. . ." I was hesitant. But I knew he would understand better than anyone on this planet.
"He came to me in a dream. Told me things I didn't want to hear yet needed too. . . It really helped to know what he wanted me to do. Live. For him." Pollux squeezed my hand.

"Wish Castor would do that to me." His eyes were dull. His face looked aged as well.

"Maybe he has...you just need to see it." He smiled.

"Yeah. . ." He then took my hand and we got out of the tree house. He let go once outside.
"You mentioned you were looking for Clarisse and Katie?" He called. I nod. He points over back at the camp.

It was like a battle. Travis vs. Katie. Conner vs. Clarisse. By the time Pollux and I got over there—night had completely fallen. And my girls had won.

"Good job, guys." I told them. They looked at me and beamed. But their faces dropped as soon as they saw my condition.

"Why does you shirt say 'All me ow'?" Katie asked concerned.

"What happened, Kitty Kat?" Clarisse growled.

"They had a trap." I spat.
"Paintballs and gas. Pollux got me out though."

"Pollux?" Katie wondered.

"Yeah he is right—" I looked around to see he was gone.
"Well he was right here."

"Sorry, Kitty Kat. They challenged us into a public battle and told us if they won—our cabins did would do their cabin's laundry...but if we won they would do half of Ares's and half of Demeter's." I smiled. "We didn't know they had security." I shrugged that off.

"Well I'll go wash up." The bell sounded for supper but I had ignored it. I wasn't hungry.

Percy met me back at the cabin. I don't want to discuss the next events.

This is Katniss recording events at Camp HalfBlood. Signed off.