Hey guys! So, I have no idea why I decided to write this. The plot bunnies were bugging me about it and wouldn't stop! So I finally decided to give in. It probably won't be a long story, but hey, gotta listen to them plot bunnies! Ya know what I mean?

Disclaimer: It's pretty obvious that I don't own Transformers. If I did, that would be pretty fragging awesome! Plus, if I did, Jazz would still be alive and Sunstreaker would have been in the second movie!


January 21, 2008 (Earth month)

Dear Diary

There had always been darkness inside my spark. Darkness that would sometimes smother me, taking my will with it. I sometimes wonder why I had been an autobot in the first place. I mean, the autobots seemed to be my friends, but really, I didn't fit in. I was evil and I hated humans.

Yes, in truth, the humans were pathetic, slimy, disgusting creatures who did mot deserve to walk in this world, let alone on the same planet as Cybertronians.

Not that I could voice my thoughts. I had pledged my loyalty to Prime a long time ago. Too long it seemed like. And I hated it. I knew if I voiced my opinions, then Prime would have me grounded. And though I wished sooo much to tell Prime and all the disgusting organics that they should die and rot in the pit, I kept my lip plates shut.

Of course, it's never good to keep your emotions bottled up. It could cause you to explode. That's how I felt, ready to explode and finally blast all the pit-spawned humans to pieces.

I didn't understand how Prime put up with them! Half the fragging planet didn't trust us or wanted to kill us, the other half didn't understand us or what we were doing here. We were trying to protect their slagging afts from the Decepticons.

The decepticons who which I wanted to join. I would be free of these slimy organics and annoying autobots for good.

So why didn't I? Why didn't I just defect and join the decepticons like I wanted to do so bad? Pride for one thing. And because I didn't trust half those slagging cons. Most of them would probably try to fragging use me for their own benefits.

And because it wasn't that simple, to just leave and join the cons. I know they wouldn't trust me for a long time. Then I'd have to deal with the autobot wrath. They they had been getting weak since joining up with the humans.

Maybe it wouldn't be sooo hard? I don't know.

Who I am? All of you reading this are probably wondering who I am and why I would be writing about this.

Well, my name is Fireshot. I'm what my people call an autocon. Once an autobot who defected over to the dark side. I decided to write about it in my own diary, I am sure many of you are wondering why I would leave the precious autobots- note the sarcasm- for the decepticons.

Well, I'm not a normal femme and now everyone knows it. I'm one of the most feared decepticon femmes on the whole planet. And I'm here to tell you why.