The Legend of Babylon

Chapter 12

Just Another Argument

Storm stared at the blank computer screen. For the last hour now, he had been scanning the surrounding area for any other unfriendly, 'manmade' objects, specifically Eggman's robots, taking frequent glances around him if one decided to creep out of the shadows. "Foolish of Sonic to even consider sleeping." he thought to himself. "How can he sleep in a time like this?"

"Up a little early aren't you?" A familiar female voice said from the doorway. He turned to see Wave leaning on the door.

"Never slept" he said, turning his attention to the screen again. "And you?"

"Couldn't sleep." She said approaching him, glancing at the screen with interest.

"That makes two of us." Storm admitted. "Everyone else?"

"Tails is up and Amy is crying herself to sleep," she said rolling her eyes. "That girl, what a drama queen."


She shook her head. "No. Checked on him a half hour ago. He's out like a light."

"Ugh. I don't see how he can."

"Hey, he needs it." She said irritated. Storm chuckled. "What's so funny?"

"Oh nothing." he said, still laughing lightly. "Just you kids take it slow now."

Wave rolled her eyes again. "Your not who you use to be. What happened?"

"Someone had to take the mature roll. And God knows that you or Jet wouldn't fit the mold."

"Not that, but you're…intelligent, Why is that?"

He shrugged "It just happened I guess."

"Alright then smarty" She picked up a dead spider droid, "Mind explaining this?"

"In general, with all Eggman's creations, the cruiser that was destroyed was the main control unit for all of his robots, like targets, objectives, descriptions of why this target or this objective, that being the key. When the ship was destroyed, the descriptions of targets were destroyed with it. However, the targets, and or objectives are still programmed. And we're the targets."

"So if any are left…"

"They'll kill us all." Sonic said walking in, hands behind his back. "Or at least they'll try to."

Storm turned, annoyed at the hedgehog "Weren't you asleep."

Sonic, glaring at the gray bird, reveled what was behind his back. Wave gasped, and Storm gave a look of disbelief. He bluntly placed the head of one of Eggman's drones on a nearby table.

"Was…" Sonic said without emotion as he walked by the two.

"Sonic?" Wave asked "What…"

"What happened" He responded before she could finish "Is this screw up here." pointing at Storm.


"What happened is that you failed to realize that these tin cans have radar capabilities that can track any electronic activity within a thirty mile radius!" He yelled. "Why do you think I use candles instead of electric lighting!"

"Well that was only one!" Storm exclaimed in his own defense "Surface scans show little signals of rouge droids!"

"And what of underground?"


"Or the sky? Have you checked that?"

Storm went silent. "How could he outsmart me?" he thought to himself.

"Look, if you want to make yourself useful, wake the others up and herd them in the basement."

"Fine…" Storm said walking off "I liked him better sleeping." he thought.

"Sonic?" Wave asked with concern.

"You should go and help him. Its almost impossible to wake Tails when he sleeps."

"Alright." She said hanging her head, walking out the door. "What happened to all us?" She asked herself as she walked down the hallway.