She didn't like it, she didn't like it all. The way he looked at her. The way he walked with her. Always protecting her. Reyna hated how she always batted her kaleidoscope eyes, not knowing. What a load of crap she was.
She didn't know why she expected for Jason to run into her arms. Tell her that he missed her, that she was the only thing that kept him going was her. But what was she a daughter of Bellona, compared to a daughter of Love and Beauty? Did she actually believe they would reunite and fall madly in love? No, there are no love stories for the daughters of war.
She turned and saw the Vulcan boy, Leo, staring at her. He was the builder of the Argo II. She hated to admit it, but he was brilliant and extraordinary and yet again Venus had cursed her. Thalia told her that was okay, she had a heart. She respected Thalia, she was a warrior.
"Reeeeynaaaa" someone yelled. She turned and saw that it was Piper. She bit her tongue and ran over to her.
"So we're, like partying today, right?" she said. Really? This is why she had been interrupted from her battle strategies?
"Yes." Reyna replied. She turned on her heel and left. They were going to celebrate the arrival of the Romans with a week of partying by the children of Dionysus and fauns/satyrs. Apparently they were respected at Camp Half-Blood. Although no one wanted to admit it, it was a party for Percy.
She was already at the Big House, in her room and ready to start strategizing, when she tripped. A sharp pain splint through her leg and she tried to get up, but it felt like someone stabbed straight through her ankle. She knew how that felt, it had happened before. She managed to turn over and have a look. Her ankle was definitely broken. No one was around. All probably already partying. All to do was wait.