Quinn Fabray was always an enigma to one Hermione Granger. Looking back on it, it probably started the moment she set foot into the seemingly empty compartment. At first she was startled at the fact that it was not, like she thought, vacant. No matter, Hermione prided herself on being quite the conversationalist. Or at least, she had a lot of topics to talk about. Though when she sat down across the solemn blonde, she was met with only a brief nod. Hermione had expected something more friendly, perhaps a smile or an introduction. Instead she was given an icy nod and an even colder shoulder.
Deciding to take matters into her own hands, she stretched out her hand in the hopes that she could start a conversation. The girl just looked at her hand for a moment, before sighing and taking the hand with her own.
Hermione smiled the best she could. "Hello, my name is Hermione Granger. Who are you?"
Raising an eyebrow that would become so familar in time, the eleven-year-old smirked. "I don't think I'll tell you my name if you ask for it in such a rude manner."
Offended, Hermione lifted her chin in haughty disagreement. "I did no such thing! I was the epitome of politeness!"
"'Who are you?'" The blonde mimicked with exaggerated bossiness. "Quite rude."
Just then a knocking was heard on the door, and a slightly chubby blonde boy slid it open. He seemed quite nervous as he was faced with the two girls, but he gathered whatever confidence inside and stuttered out. "H-have any of you s-seen my t-toad?"
Hermione's companion just snorted, which elicited a glare from the obviously mature one of the two. "No, I haven't. But I would love to help you find it. Anything to get away from this rude girl!"
Neville seemed to smile at the mention of gaining help, but paled at the insult. His eyes darting between two scary girls. The blonde in question just raised her eyebrow again, unaffected by the accusation.
Hermione humphed, before turning to the boy in front of her. Standing up, she outstretched her hand once again. "Hello, my name is Hermione Granger. Who are you?" She stated the last bit with a forceful emphasis that scared the poor boy in front of her. Hermione was not paying attention though as she was too busy glaring at the girl.
"Well its lovely to meet you Neville! Come; let's get away from this rude girl." With that Hermione grabbed Neville's arm with force and dragged him out of the compartment. Just as Hermione turned around to slam the compartment door shut she heard the girl speak up one last time.
"Quinn. Quinn Fabray."
Hermione slammed the door, and turned around with a huff. Quinn Fabray, what a stupid name.
It took a while for Hermione to settle in at Hogwarts. At first she was quite the loner, for no one could appreciate her intelligence enough to actually talk to her. What made her very mad was the sight of that damn Quinn Fabray at the Slytherin table. Everyone just seemed to adore her. Draco Malfoy was always seen in her company, and even some of the older Slytherins had taken her under their wing. It just wasn't fair! Here she was working her butt off and studying everyone night and yet she was the loner of Gryffindor! To make matters worse, Malfoy and his crew would always target her because she was a muggleborn. Even though Quinn Fabray was one herself! Hermione Granger hated that girl.
Hermione couldn't help but feel smug once she befriended Harry Potter. It was another thing to put on her list-yes she made a list- about why she was better than Quinn Fabray. Because now she was good friends with not only two boys, but one of them was famous! Of course that's not why she befriended him, in the very least. Harry was kind and loyal, and even though he didn't study much he was nice to her and that's all that matters. Ron Weasley on the other hand was quite annoying, but in a sort of endearing way.
To make things better, they defeated a troll together! Well, not really together because all she did was sit in the corner screaming her brains out. It wasn't her fault really; Hermione just wasn't very good in tight situations. She blamed the fact that her parents were dentists and weren't prone to let her experience any adventurous things.
All Quinn Fabray had were the Slytherins, and while Hermione didn't usually like to be biased, they were all evil. Especially Quinn, she was the worst of them all.
It was a while before Hermione next thought about Quinn Fabray, for she was quite busy with the whole 'Philosopher's Stone' business. Harry was just so adamant about the whole spiel, and to a point so was she, that Hermione couldn't focus on anything besides her studies and research. As the group genius she always had to be on her toes for answering questions that the boys didn't know. And let's face it that happened a lot.
So the next time Hermione had thought about Quinn Fabray was when Gryffindor had won the House Cup. Ron was yelling something along the lines of, 'in your face you dirty Slytherins!', and Hermione suddenly remembered that she had beat Quinn once again.
Smugness washed over her as she scanned the depressed Slytherin table for her self-proclaimed nemesis. When she finally found her she was surprised to find that the girl didn't look upset at let all. She was actually smiling a little bit, probably taking amusement from the rage of her housemates. When the hazel eyes of her enemy snapped to hers, Hermione couldn't help the look of outrage that morphed on her face. She wanted tears, she wanted pouting, anything other than this apathetic creature before her!
Quinn seemed to understand that Hermione was outraged at the lack of emotion she was expression. So the bloody girl smirked at her. Smirked! And lifted that damn eyebrow in rebellion.
That bitch.
Hermione Granger had a wonderful summer, if she said so herself. Her family had vacationed to France for a month, where she learned quite a lot of facts about both muggle and magical Paris. Also, she got a head start on studying for next year, because thankfully Ron's older brother Percy sent over a list of the second year syllabus.
In fact, she had such a good summer she only spent two hours total thinking of ways to beat Quinn Fabray at anything and everything. It was nice to know that she was moving on from the silly childhood feud she had with her.
That was, until she saw her again in Diagon Alley.
Things were going smoothly so far, her parents were enjoying the views of the magical world, and she was able to spend time again with Harry and Ron. Harry even had an explanation, however dodgy, about the reason he didn't respond to her letters. If it wasn't for the fact the he didn't respond to Ron's letters either, she would think it was fabricated tale to end their friendship!
Plus, Gilderoy Lockhart was signing books the same time she was in Flourish & Blotts! Fancy that! As a future scholar, she hoped that when Mr. Lockhart finally talked to her that they would hold quite the intellectual conversation she wasn't able to have with either of her friends. It was nice to know that there were people in the world who took learning magic to the same degree as her.
"Careful there Granger, your robes might get your drool on them."
Whirling around, Hermione was met with the familiar smirk that she had grown to hate.
"Fabray, what are you even doing here? Are you lost? Knockturn Alley is over there." She pointed to the ominous entrance located behind the Apothecary shop a few shops over.
Quinn shrugged and started running her finger over the binds of the books beside her. "Draco wanted to agitate Potter, and I just came for the ride. Nothing better to do you see." Tilting her head, she looked over Hermione shoulders to the crowd behind her.
"What's all the fuss about?"
Hermione huffed. "Well if you must know, a famous scholar is here."
Rolling her eyes, Hermione responded with her usual haughty tone. "Who? Well Gilderoy Lockhart of course! Only the most esteemed scholar of the last generation! The things he's done with magic are legendary. And to think that he is going to teach at Hogwarts this year."
Quinn was listening to the mini-speech with the raised eyebrow, her face showing no amusement except for her eyes. "You do know that Lockhart is a total fraud, right?"
"A fraud! He is no such thing!"
"Yeah, yeah he is. Draco said he steals other people's stories, and that when his father went to school with him that he was just a mediocre Hufflepuff." She stated.
Hermione crossed her arms in agitation. "Well Draco doesn't know anything! And you Quinn Fabray are nothing but a mediocre school girl yourself! And maybe if you stopped listening to Draco Malfoy like a sheep you would realize how brilliant Gilderoy Lockhart is!" If Quinn was surprised at the outburst she didn't show.
Before Quinn could respond, a loud bang was heard behind her. Pushing Quinn out of her way, Hermione stormed to see what the riot was about. All she found was Mr. Weasley and someone who appeared to be Mr. Malfoy pointing their wands at each other in anger. Hagrid was trying to break them up, but the fighting boys below him didn't help. It seemed that Harry and Draco were also in a tussle of their own.
Siding up next to Ron, who seemed to be trying to throw the occasion kick at Draco when he could, Hermione yelled. "What is going on here?"
Ron turned to her in irritation, before yelling back. "Malfoy is being a prat that's what! He comes up to us and starts bloody insulting my family. Of course his dad is also a prat and had to insult me too, so Dad came and confronted him. Than all hell broke loose." Finally sparing her a glance, he suddenly tensed when he looked behind her. Hermione turned around to see what he was looking at and was surprised to find Quinn staring at the fighting men in amusement.
"Where were you?" Ron asked, narrowing his eyes at the girl who had not yet realized she was being stared at.
"Just waiting in line to get my books autographed by Mr. Lockhart. That is until Quinn rudely interrupted me." At the mention of her name, the girl turned to her with a raised eyebrow and finally seemed to notice that, not one, but two people were glaring at her.
"Did I miss something?" She said, her face adopting a smirk once again. She always was bloody smirking.
"Why don't you go and get your boyfriend and get out of here!" Ron yelled, pointing his wand as a threat. It seemed that Ron wanted to get into a fight too.
Quinn was of course unaffected as ever, for she just smirked and replied, "I could say the same for you."
It took Ron a moment to get it, but when he did Hermione had to physically restrain him from attacking the girl.
"'Mione let me go! She just said I was a poofer!" He yelled, valiantly trying to break away from Hermione's surprisingly strong grasp.
"Ronald! You can't expect me to let you hit a girl."
An unknown voice, who appeared to be Ron's sister, piped up. "The Devils spawn has no gender."
At that Quinn let out a laugh, which immediately captivated Hermione. At the time Hermione thought she was so entranced by the sound just because she had never heard it before. All she knew was that it was a beautiful sound indeed.
A loud bang broke Hermione of her musings, and she turned to find Mr. Blott yelling at them with his wand waved. "Get out! Get out the lot of you! I won't have a ruckus going on in my shop." Turning back to her company, Hermione saw Malfoy Sr. straighten out his robes before curtly insulting the Weasleys once more and dragging Draco out of there. Draco stopped, only for a brief moment, to beckon Quinn along. The girl in question nodded, before turning to Hermione and saying goodbye.
Hermione chose to be petty and ignore it, but apparently Quinn thought she didn't hear it so she laid her hand on Hermione's shoulder. Only when she turned to her did she repeat, "Goodbye, Hermione."
Sighing, Hermione responded. "Goodbye."
"Not even saying my name? How rude." Quinn replied, smirking once more. She didn't wait for Hermione's reply as she brushed past them and out after Draco.
Hermione chose to ignore the tingles on her shoulder, and instead focused on how much she loathed Quinn Fabray.
"Given the fact that Headmaster Dumbledore is trying to encourage intermingling between Houses, I am forced to give pair you with someone from another House." Ignoring the groans from both sides of the room, Snape continued. "As such, I've decided to make this into a project. For the final exam you, and your partner, are to research a potion and then brew it for class. Now, here are your partners:
Parkinson; Parvarti
Malfoy; Thomas..."
Hermione waited diligently for her last name to be called. Inside she was repeating the same mantra though; 'not Quinn, not Quinn, not Quinn.'
"Fabray; Granger"
Of course. Sighing heavily, she gathered her things and moved to the back of the class to where the girl was seating. Taking Malfoys departed chair, she laid down her things and decided to pointy ignore the girl next to her. It was proving quite difficult however, as the girl in question was staring at her intensely.
After a couple of moments the blonde spoke up, "Are you going to ignore me for the whole project?"
She scoffed. "I certainly can try."
"That's very rude of you."
Hermione bit her lip in agitation. Quinn knew that Hermione hated to be called rude, especially by her. Ever since that fated train trip, being called rude was just one of the many pet peeves she has.
"I'm not rude!" Swiveling around, Hermione faced Quinn was such anger in her eyes that Quinn almost regretted saying it. Almost. "I have you know that I have won awards for my politeness, so just leave me alone!"
It took a couple of moments for Quinn to reply. "Who gets awards for being polite?"
Hermione nearly yelled out in irritation. "Look, I can do this project by myself. All you have to do is show up on the day of the exam, and we'll be peachy. No intermingling necessary."
Quinn tilted her head. "What if I want to mingle?"
Hermione rolled her eyes. "Well I don't! So you can just deal with it!"
"Fine. I suck at potions anyways." Hermione inwardly smiled another thing she was better at than Quinn Fabray.
The first thing Hermione worried about when she opened her eyes for the first time in months was about her studies. Since it is now the end of the school year, she had missed several exams. Unfortunately she was excused from all of them, except one. The Potions exam was a partner's project, so even though she was petrified, her partner still had to take the test. This also meant that she got the same grade as whatever her partner got.
This caused Hermione to track Quinn Fabray down like a hound to find out her grade. It was actually quite difficult to find her, but eventually she saw her in the library right before the Final Feast.
"Quinn!" She yelled as loud as she could without getting in trouble. The blonde snapped her head up at Hermione's voice, and seemed to smile at her.
"Hey, you're awake."
"Who bloody cares if I'm awake? What did we get on our potions exam? Poor? Dreadful? Please let it not be a Troll."
Quinn smirked. "We got an O."
Hermione gaped. "What?"
"It means outstanding." Quinn said dryly.
"I know what it means! I was just wondering how someone as daft as you could get an O all by yourself!" She gasped. "You didn't cheat did you?"
Quinn laughed again, and momentarily Hermione forgot what they were talking about. "No, I just studied really hard."
"Why?" Hermione asked. Quinn hated Potions; it was a common known fact to everyone.
Quinn shrugged. "It seemed really important to you." Before Hermione could say anything else, Quinn was up and out of the library. -
It wasn't till the Feast had started till Hermione saw Quinn again. The girl was clapping politely, while telling a joke to Draco who laughed. When their eyes met, Hermione glared at her, but Quinn just smiled.
It was another thing about Quinn Fabray that Hermione hated. Despite being enemies, Quinn was never once hostile to her. Bitch.