Disclaimer: I don't own Glee or any of this. But it would be cool if I did.
Hello all!
Here's my new story. Much lighter than the last one and I'm excited to write it. Finally have time to write again!
Summary: Sebastian wants Blaine. Simple as that. When his wish is granted, it isn't exactly how he thought it would turn out, but he could definitely work with it. Body swap: Kurt and Sebastian. Klaine, Seblaine
Chapter 1: The Switch
Christmas had just ended, and everything was returning back to normal. School started up again after the holidays and while the malls and stores weren't as busy anymore, they still had a lot of traffic due to people getting back to their normal routines.
It was a busy day in the Lima Bean, customers coming in one after the other. The baristas were running between them, wishing for a break. Most of the tables inside were full, and one table in particular was taken by Kurt and Blaine. They had dubbed it "their table" already, since it was the one they often took. Most of the regular customers knew it was their table. Once someone else tried to take the table and Kurt and Blaine didn't even have to say anything. Another customer pointed it out. Kurt and Blaine felt a little embarrassed but overall happy that it was something that could be theirs. Part of their relationship.
Kurt and Blaine became much closer since they finally had sex. At first, they were unsure if it would make them more awkward around the other, but it just made things more comfortable between the two. They touched each other more in public. A gentle caress, slight nudges; nothing as extreme as holding hands. It was still Lima. But it was apparent to those around them how close the two were. Just the way they looked at each other showed how much they cared about each other.
Today was a typical day and the two of them sat in the Lima Bean, their coffees between them and Kurt gesturing wildly to some story he was telling.
"And then, Rachel comes up to me and tells me I have to make sure I don't forget she's a vegan. Apparently, Finn has in the past. Truly surprising, because I do think he cares about her. But anyway, dinner's all set for her," Kurt said.
"I'm sure dinner will work out great," Blaine said.
"I'm sorry again you can't come. We'll have a dinner soon with all of us," Kurt said.
"It's alright. Having a family night, you know how those are," Blaine said.
"Yeah, you'll be fine. Made it through the others, didn't you?" Kurt said cheerfully.
Blaine smiled in return, gripping Kurt's hand over the table. Blaine had told Kurt about his family nights, the meals where his family tried to pretend they were still as close as they used to be. They were generally awkward all around, with everyone overly polite and on the lookout for any abnormal behaviour. Blaine didn't really like them but he managed through them. They were better than the alternative of his dad kicking him out. Instead, everyone was just silent and didn't speak much about their personal lives.
With everything that happened over the past few weeks, Kurt and Blaine had gotten closer. Sure, they still didn't know everything about the other, but there was little that was still unknown between them.
Kurt was happy. Truly happy for once in his life. He had never thought he would find someone like Blaine while he was still in high school. He thought it would be college at least before he found someone willing to date him. Blaine was just amazing.
He always felt so connected to Blaine and like they were both on the same page most of the time. But there were times he was nervous. As much as Blaine reassured him that he loved him, Kurt still expected him to find someone better. Maybe when he left for school the next year, Blaine would find someone who was closer, someone here who would be able to be there every day. Kurt had no idea.
And Kurt told himself Blaine would never be unfaithful. He was too good for that. As much as people like Sebastian tried to come between them, Blaine always said no in the end. But it still worried Kurt. What if one day, Sebastian came along and Blaine accepted. What if Blaine wanted more excitement and adventure? What if Kurt was too boring?
He tried to push those thoughts out of his head. Blaine loved him. He wouldn't leave him.
Kurt listened as Blaine started going over the last issue of Vogue. They had an ongoing battle of who could find the ugliest dress in the magazine. So far, Kurt was winning, with a horrible design that included feathers not only coming off the top, but also sticking out in the back. Kurt was amused as Blaine tried to add another contender into the mix. But Kurt didn't mind. He just loved spending time with Blaine.
Across the room, Sebastian watched them with a frown. He knew Kurt and Blaine hadn't seen him when they walked in. Sebastian had been there, staked out, and waiting for them, just like he had for the past few weeks.
He wanted Blaine, simple as that, and Kurt was in the way. He was going to find a way to get rid of Kurt and make Blaine his. They looked nauseating together, always touching each other's hand or smiling at each other. It was disgusting. Blaine should be doing that with him.
He had spent the last few weeks spying on Kurt and Blaine. Finding what Blaine liked. What Kurt did that made Blaine happy? He was going to become the perfect man for Blaine Anderson. He thought he had Kurt's actions down to a tee. Walk in the coffee shop, order coffee, walk over to Blaine with a smile, sit down, and grab his hand over the table. Then smile and chat amicably about god knows what. That bitchy friend Rachel, his step brother Finn, someone called Lord Tubbington. It was amazing what one could learn just listening to their conversations day in and day out. They were so enraptured with each other they never even noticed Sebastian was there. Well, unless it he decided to join them.
He wondered briefly what they did for Christmas. Did they go to each other's houses? Sing carols to each other, kiss under the mistletoe? It didn't make sense that Blaine Anderson would be with someone like Kurt Hummel. Sebastian was clearly the better choice for a few select reasons.
He was taller. Yes, sure, Kurt was tall, but Sebastian had the height Blaine needed to compensate for his own short stature. He was also a Warbler. Sure they both were before, but Kurt clearly didn't have the same formal education and vocal training that those at Dalton got. And yes, Sebastian had only just joined the Warblers, but he had still been there long enough to know what goes on.
Sebastian was also better at blending in. Kurt stood out. He brought attention to the couple. Sebastian would be able to be with Blaine without anyone commenting. Blaine needed that. He didn't need to be thrust into the spotlight with everything Kurt did.
And Blaine was better than Kurt. Blaine got the lead in the musical. Kurt didn't. Kurt didn't even have a song. And true, Sebastian hadn't actually heard Kurt sing, but he was completely sure he was a better singer than Kurt anyway.
Blaine Anderson needed someone superior. He needed Sebastian Smythe.
He watched the two of them, cringing at the way Kurt broke a cookie in two, passing one half to Blaine. Really? Was that necessary? You are both boys; get your own damn cookie.
He rolled his eyes, taking note of Kurt's mannerisms. Blaine seemed even more enraptured the more Kurt leaned in closer or flipped his arm through the air as he talked. Did he even know what Kurt was saying? Sebastian could bet that Kurt could say whatever he wanted and Blaine would still nod and smile; following after him like a lost puppy.
He scoffed again and they leaned in closer. Were they going to kiss in public like this? It really wasn't the place. He rolled his eyes.
Sipping on his coffee, he kept an eye on them. He was so busy watching that he was completely startled when someone said something behind him.
"They look happy, don't they," the guy said.
Sebastian rolled his eyes and turned to respond, the words leaving his lips before he could say them. The guy who talked to him was sitting at the table with him, and by the looks of the empty plate and coffee cup, had been there a long time.
How long had Sebastian been watching Kurt and Blaine that this guy had just snuck up on him?
He was dressed in a long cloak that seemed completely out of place despite it being winter. What era was he from? The middle ages? He had his hood drawn up over his face, so when he leaned over the only thing visible was his mouth. He was clutching a second coffee cup in his hands, but didn't drink.
Sebastian looked him up and down, a little wary, but still not actually worried.
The man's lips curled into a smile as he turned his gaze back to Kurt and Blaine.
"You've been watching them for a while," he said.
Sebastian turned back to them too, and replied, "Everyone needs a hobby."
"You want him, the one with the gelled hair," the man stated.
"I'll get him," Sebastian said.
"You sound so sure, yet you've been here, on the sidelines for weeks. Turned down by him more than once," the man said.
"Oh, so you're spying on me?" Sebastian questioned.
The man chuckled and waved him off finally sipping his coffee.
"So what do you suggest then, oh wise one?" Sebastian mocked.
The man placed his coffee down on the table.
"I can help you," he said.
"Really? How?" Sebastian asked.
Sebastian was really annoyed by now. Not only was this man interrupting his spying, but he was now spouting off lies. Help him get Blaine? Like he needed this man's help.
"If you want the help, I can make sure you will be with him," the man said.
Now he was being cryptic. Great. That wasn't what Sebastian had in mind He looked back to the table and saw Kurt and Blaine get up, throw their coffees out, and walk outside.
Since they left, he turned his attention back to the man at his table, trying to peer into his hood or find out something more about who this man was.
The man looked amused, if that could be seen from the slight upturn of his lip again.
Sebastian, however, was getting impatient.
"Look, if you aren't going to do anything, I'll just be leaving. Maybe peer through Blaine's windows again and hopefully catch him changing," Sebastian said, although he didn't know why.
He had actually only done that once, and felt a little wrong doing it. He would go only so far to actually see Blaine and that was getting a little on the creepier stalker side.
The man said, "You want Blaine Anderson? It will be done."
"Yeah, fine whatever," Sebastian said, getting up.
He put his jacket on and turned back to the guy, ready to speak his mind, only the guy was gone. He turned around, looking to see if he left but there was no evidence he had been there at all.
Sebastian walked up to someone at the next table and said, "Hey, did you see where that guy went?"
The lady at the table over looked at him confused. "What guy?"
"The guy sitting at the table with me?" Sebastian asked.
Was the lady slow or something?
"You were there all alone, like you have been the past few days. Leave those poor boys alone, alright?" she said before turning away from him.
Okay, strange, but Sebastian wasn't going to let it bother him.
He walked to his car and drove back to Dalton, plotting his next excursion.
It only went so far, spying on Kurt and Blaine. He was going to have to make his move again sometime. The gay bar thing was a bust, but maybe he could convince Blaine to come out to Dalton again. See the Warblers perform or something.
The thoughts ran though his head as he walked back to his dorm, passing some of the other guys and winking at them as he walked.
He saw Nick and Jeff roll their eyes. They clearly weren't impressed by him. He had a feeling Nick felt like he was going to steal his solos. Nick only got solos this year because Blaine was gone, and Sebastian was a new up and coming Warbler. Nick had a right to be worried.
Sebastian gave a nod to some of the other students before he was finally back at his dorm. He roomed with Thad, who was such a Blaine worshipping guy it sometimes wasn't clear that he was straight.
It was quite easy to find out everything he wanted to know about Blaine while talking to Thad. He gushed with information about Blaine, from performances, to what he liked to do in his spare time, to his relationship with Kurt.
It was also quite funny how Thad had a giant poster of Blaine on his wall. Apparently it had been given to him by Blaine himself, and Thad had been trying to get it placed over the mantle in the Warblers practice room.
Sebastian lay in his bed, plotting his next move. Seduce Blaine first, or get rid of Kurt? Somehow, he felt it would be much more productive to get rid of Kurt. Without Kurt, Blaine would be lost, needing Sebastian to swoop in and make it all better.
He didn't even know. He skipped dinner, opting to stay in his room instead.
He finally fell asleep, and had a blissful night with no dreams, barely even noticing when Thad returned to the room.
When morning came, Sebastian awoke with a yawn. He must have been more tired than he thought the night before. He rubbed at his eyes and snuggled back into the bed for a moment, eyes only springing open when he noticed that he wasn't in his bed. It couldn't be his bed. His bed was a twin. This was at least a double, maybe a queen. The dorms at Dalton couldn't really fit more than the twins.
He looked down at the comforter and was confused. Who had a comforter like this? It was extravagant and completely unnecessary not to mention probably ridiculously expensive. There was also some kind of fur involved and that was weird.
Finally, he pushed himself out of his bed and looked around. Okay, he had no idea where he was. The walls were white and there were shelves filled with memorabilia all around him. He looked around more and saw a vanity in the corner.
He couldn't remember how he got there. He thought he went to bed in his dorm at Dalton last night but apparently not. Maybe he went home with a guy. That was cool, as long as the guy didn't ditch him there. But he couldn't have if he was in the guy's bed.
He looked down and saw he was dressed in pyjamas so maybe not. But they weren't his pyjamas and something was wrong. Those didn't look like his legs. They looked shorter.
Now he was confused, and he got out of bed, standing up. He was a little disoriented and he almost tripped. He was definitely standing at a different height.
He walked to the mirror to see what was going on and froze. Well, that was interesting.
Instead of seeing his own reflection staring back at him, he was staring at Kurt Hummel's. He gave a soft chuckle as he looked in the mirror, seeing Kurt chuckle as well. It sounded strange, a much higher pitch that he was used to, but apparently he was Kurt.
He had to have lost his mind. How was he suddenly in Kurt Hummel's body? This was not possible. He raised his arm and Kurt raised his as well. Well, this explained where he was then. He was in Kurt's room. That also explained the design of the place.
He tried to figure out what he would do now, and how to get his body back. Kurt was no doubt in his body. And he didn't want him in his body for long.
But then he thought about it for a moment. If he was in Kurt's body, he was Kurt. And that meant, he was dating Blaine.
He could definitely work with this.
True, he wanted to be dating Blaine as himself, but he would take what he could get.
"Well, it's not exactly what I had in mind but I can work with this," Sebastian said, looking at himself in the mirror, and plotting his next plan.
And… here's my new story idea. I don't know where this came from, but I thought it seemed interesting, so I'm going to go with it.
Let me know what you think….