Hey everybody

I'm going to be honest and say that I don't think I have done this to the best of my ability but I've had a bit of a stressful day and the last episode of my favourite programme was supposed to cheer me up but it was just a disappointing one. Writing has calmed me though so thank you.

I hope you enjoy this.

All mistakes are my own


What if the UNSUB had taken Emily in'Epilogue'?

Emily was searching her area of the lake, she let out a little sigh as she saw no visible signs of UNSUB being around the lake. She walked down the dirt path to find herself looking at the large lake, she had to admit that if it wasn't the current hiding place of the UNSUB she was hunting it would be beautiful place to visit. She smiled slightly when she saw Reid stumble slightly as he skidded down a small hill.

"Hey Reid, careful coming down the hill" Emily laughed slightly down the radio. Emily saw Reid look around before he was looking directly. She saw his stance change from relaxed to one of panic in a split second.

"Emily! Behind you!" Reid yelled down the radio.

Emily didn't have a chance to react as she felt a strong and fierce pain rush through the back of her head. She grunted in pain as she landed on the floor. She could hear the voices of her team screaming down her radio, she could have sworn that Reid's was the loudest. She felt her vision blur and every go dark.

She felt someone wrapping her hands when she stirred from her unconcious state, she opened her eyes and was painfully aware of the back of her head pounding in pain. She opened her eyes to see the UNSUB go behind her.

"Wait...Don't!" Emily shouted as she was dragged towards the end of the dock.

"I need to know what you see, I just need to know" he screamed at her before grabbing her by the collar of her shirt and throwing her into the lake. Emily gasped at how cold the lake was, she felt the UNSUB's hand on the top of her head and knew what he was about to do. She took a deep breath in just before pushing her under. Emily tried to shake the UNSUB off but found her efforts failing. Emily held her breath till her body screamed for more air, she held on for a few more seconds before she tried to breath.

She felt a cold sensation stab through her chest as the water filled her lungs. She looked up and saw the UNSUB before her vision darkened. She closed her eyes as her body became still, she felt her heart freeze and the life drain from her body.

Then it was strange.

Emily saw a small light, it was in the distance but a warmth coated her as she stepped towards it. She smiled as she felt the warmth and realised that her fate had changed. She wasn't going be trapped by the cold and darkness she had felt before. This was what Reid must have been talking about. That was another bonus to the warmth being around her. Reid would one day be with her.

Emily tried to take a small step foward but found herself frozen in her spot. Her heart burned with pain, Emily looked at the small light one last time before he she saw a flash of light.

Emily coughed violently as the water was expelled from her lungs, she took a few painful gasps of air in before her eyes flew open. She felt a few drops of water hit her face as the UNSUB looked down at her.

"What did you see?" he shouted in her face.

"I'm going to tell you" she said defiantley. She felt a sharp sting across her face as the UNSUB slapped her.

"WHAT DID YOU SEE?" the UNSUB screamed at her as he gripped the side of her side.

"Get off her" Emily heard someone scream.

Emily was shocked as she felt the UNSUB'S weight fall off her. She looked to her side to see that Reid had tackled the UNSUB and was now punching him. Emily had never seen anger of this degree in Reid, he was taking out his handcuffs when she heard new voices approach the dock. Morgan and Hotch raced to them. Hotch began to cut away the tape holding her hands together, she felt relief when the tape was off. Reid knelt beside her after handing the UNSUB off to Morgan. Hotch went over to Morgan to help with Unsub.

"Are you alright?" he asked her, he gave her a small smile of comfort.

"I'm fine. Reid it was like you told us. It was so warm and welcoming. It wasn't dark and cold like last time" she told him, she saw the look of anguish in his eyes and wondered why he looked that way.

"Emily, I know it was warm but it was death. I'm sorry I didn't get to you sooner. We lost you once, I couldn't handle it if you died" Reid said to her quietly, he didn't want the others to hear. They didn't know what it was like to die.

"I don't plan on doing it again anytime soon" she smiled.

So what do you think?

Is it just me or does anyone else want Emily and Reid to get together? They seem so perfect for each other.