Disclaimer: I don't own the Mentalist.

A/N: Hi, everyone I'm back in the Mentalist world! Check it out!

Chains that Bleed- Prologue

Teresa opened her eyes, wincing; she raised her hand to rub her throbbing head. She was surprised as her hand came up mid way blinking through her blurry vision she caught sight of the chain clasped around her wrist. She furrowed her brow as she looked around the darkened room. No furniture, walls were stained with cigar smoke and mould, the musky scent made her gag and cough. Suddenly her eyes fell on something familiar that brought her some relief, her consultant was evenly placed across from her still unconscious.

"Jane." she called quietly.

A moan answered her but it wasn't from her friend squinting she made out two more figures in the corner of the room. A man and woman, he was a dark brunette she more of a light brown, he moaned again rolling on to his back. Teresa grimaced as she tried to change her position but the chair was bolted into the ground clearing her throat she coaxed the man out of his daze.

"Hey, you ok?"

He let out another moan this time awkwardly coming up to a sitting position. He winced gripping the side of his head.

"Oye." he said at the pain coursing through his head. Blinking he caught sight of the woman in the chair across from him hands and legs chained.

"Huh…Hi." he greeted hoarsely through his haze not sure what was going on. He focused on the agent surprised to see that he was also chained; he looked at bolts connected to the wall. "I take it this is no slumber party."

Teresa shook her head regretting that action as her head screamed in protest. "Do you know where we are?"

The man pinched the bridge of his nose. "No…I was hoping that you might." he suddenly saw the prone figure lying beside him, alarm crossed his ruggedly features as he recognized who she was. He stiffly crawled over to her placing his hands on her shoulders shaking her gently. Teresa became concerned at the man's actions.

"Is she alright?"

He looked at Teresa with some relief. "Yeah, she's breathing but she hasn't woken up… he then caught sight of the other man in the room. "Is he ok?"

"I don't know I assume for the best."

"Good idea… he gently rolled over the woman beside him running a hand through his hair as Teresa once more scanned the room. Where the heck were they? Her badge was gone and her gun, with no memory prier to this.

"What's your name?"

She turned her attention back on the man. "Teresa Lisbon, I'm an agent of the CBI. You?"

He hesitated for a moment than answered.

"Richard…Richard Castle."

A/N: Worth reviewing?

Kindred Spirit.

P.S: I know it's short but sometimes that's a good thing.