N/A: It's short... SO SHORT! 765 words! GRR! Why did I not realize that before?

You know the drill! I don't own FMA or the characters! You should know who it belongs to! :I

"So what now?" the blond lieutenant asked. It was 2 in the morning and she was stuck with her 'favourite' colonel. Well what can she do? They tried calling for help but who could hear them? They had to face it. They were stuck... Together... ALONE... What can happen exactly? Apart from 'that' idea. Maybe the famous Roy Mustang can get the 'idea' though i doubt he'll offer the thought. What would you do if you were stuck with Roy Mustang or Riza Hawkeye?

"Well, what do you want to do?" the colonel asked with a fun smirk on his face. If Hawkeye hated anything about Mustang, it would be that smirk of his. There isn't a day that you won't see it.

"I want to go home sir, that's what i want to do." Riza tried unlocking the door again but failed again and again. She couldn't give up. Her poor dog might be starving!

"Give it up already lieutenant. Face it, we're stuck here until someone unlocks the door from outside. For the time being, why don't we do something fun?"

The lieutenant sighed and gave it a thought. She never really had time for fun. Even if Rebecca, her best friend, invited her out, she would always decline saying, that she has a lot of work to do. After a long time of thinking, she finally gave in. "Well the only fun thing you can do here sir, is to finish your papers... Since you have nothing to do..."

Little did she know that Roy was staring at her. Looks like someone found their 'fun' even though it gave the other a chill in their bone. Who knew staring at someone was a fun thing?

"Sir, is there something on my face...?" the curious subordinate asked trying not to embarrass herself. The man stayed silent and stuck his onyx eyes on the blond. After a minute, he smiled.

"Don't worry lieutenant, there's nothing on your face. You're somehow glowing... That's all..."

'Glowing? What does he mean?' Riza wondered if she should take that as a compliment or as something else. If you were her, would you take that as a compliment?

"Sir... I suggest that this is not the right time for compliments..."

"Ouch... That's a hurtful thing to say..." Roy placed his hand on his chest where his heart is. "It was just a 'friendly' compliment Hawkeye. Don't have to be so mean."

"That wasn't mean sir... It was simply a 'friendly' suggestion. Don't have to be so childish about it." a faint smile came across Riza's face. She just loves telling the colonel off. That was her kind of 'fun'. When Roy spotted his lieutenant's faint smile, he thought that his eyes were playing on him. But the smile was actually there. He considered himself a lucky man. The smile he just saw now... Was the rarest smile you will ever get from Riza Hawkeye...

'She smiled... Her smile... It's so... Bright'

"Something wrong colonel?" Riza then hid her smile again...

"hmm...? what...? Oh... Uh... Nothing! It's just that... You smiled..." After realizing what he pointed out, he regretted it. Thinking that he wouldn't see the smile anymore.

The blond lieutenant sighed and went to her desk packing everything. Roy stared at her again. Her bright amber eyes, her lips, her long blond hair that she would hide with her clip... These were the things he loved about about her. Wait...? 'Love'? Roy started mentally arguing with himself. 'I don't love her! Well as a friend yes... I think... BUT I CAN'T LOVE HER! And even if i did... WHICH I DON'T! She wouldn't have the same feelings for me... would she...? I doubt it... WAIT! WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING?

Hours past and it was now 7 in the morning. Roy who was sleeping on his desk... Was still sleeping and Riza was... sleeping as well. After a while the door creaked open.

"Well what do you know! The two didn't go home after all!" A tall blond man walked in quietly with a cigarette in his mouth. "Hey Breda... Come in... And don't make a slight noise..."

Another man though somehow bigger than the first one walked in. "Do you think it worked?" The 2nd lieutenant Breda quietly walked over to the colonel. "I'm guessing he didn't confess..."

"Yeah... Probably..." The two watched their superiors sleep. Then looked at each other. "Do you think...?"

After a while of wondering, the two laughed. But their laughter stopped until they felt eyes glaring at them...