Summary: Christmas is coming and Len just came back from Vienna. He was planning on a date with Kahoko but it was hard for him to ask her since Kahoko was somehow attracted to his butler, not to mention, the butler himself is Kahoko's home tutor…

Sequel of the fan fiction Magnet~ (You can read the fiction even if you haven't read my other fanfic Magnet)

Winter's Melody

~Chapter 1~

Len and Kahoko were in the living room. Kahoko's head was on Len's lap while Len sat comfortably on the sofa with a book on hand. For now they were completely alone in the Tsukimori mansion.

"Are you planning on staring at me for the rest of the day?", Len asked as he flips the next page of his book.

"Yup!", Kahoko answered.

It's been a month since the confession on the rooftop, and two weeks before Christmas.

Kahoko played with Len's tie. "Aren't you going to change?", Kahoko asked. She loosened Len's tie while she remained lying on Len's lap.

"It's bothersome", Len answered.

"But I think you should. And you better rest. You, after all, just came back from Vienna", Kahoko said.

Len closed the book and laid it on the sofa. He looked down to look at Kahoko. "Do you expect me to change my clothes and rest when you're the one unclothing me and are resting on me?", Len said, somehow amused.

Kahoko sat up and blushed. "I-I'm sorry!", she said, back facing Len.

Len pulled Kahoko back down to his lap. "Changing and rest can wait. For now I want to be with you and make up for the days I was away", Len said.

There was silence then Len spoke up again, "Your face is all red like your hair".

Kahoko turned away and hid her face using her hands. "You seem happy teasing me. Never did I think that the great Len Tsukimori would tease me", Kahoko said.

Len leaned back at the sofa and said, "I was only being honest…".

"I know", Kahoko said and looked back at Len showing him her smiling face. She sat back up and said, "You need to change and rest. How 'bout I come again tomorrow? You can make up for the days starting tomorrow. But I'll be coming after my classes".

Len stared at Kahoko and pouted. Kahoko got surprised and thought, cute. "You want to get away from me that badly, huh?", Len said standing up from the sofa. "I'll take you to the door then".

Kahoko's mind went blank for a while. After realizing what made Len look like that she stood up and grabbed Len's shirt. "I didn't mean it like that!", Kahoko said all worried.

Len nodded and took Kahoko's hand from his shirt. "I know", Len said and pushed Kahoko until she was out of the house. Once Kahoko was out, Len slammed the door in front of Kahoko.

Kahoko stared at the door. Wha-what have I done? That's not what I meant! "Len! You misunderstood!", Kahoko shouted and knocked at the locked door.

She heard the locks clicked. She stopped knocking and after a few seconds the door opened. Len surprised Kahoko with a kiss on the forehead. "I understand. You're leaving because you know that you're annoying to the point that I cannot have some peace and quiet and you know that I cannot rest with you around", Len said. He smiled and added, "Make sure you give me your time tomorrow, after classes".

Kahoko's face was all red and she stood there frozen in surprise. Len waited for her to respond.

"O-okay", Kahoko said and with that she started her way towards her house.

~Kahoko's POV~

I didn't think Len would change so much after a month. I mean, he's now brighter than before and he can even do stunts like smiling and surprising me with a kiss! I haven't kissed him before. The place where he kissed me still feels so warm. H-he kissed me! What should I do? My heart is racing so fast that I think it's going to explode. What more will happen to me if it were on my lips? Uwaa... I think my face is all red.

I tried calming myself. After the rooftop, confession… well I don't know if it were a confession, I had gotten surprisingly close to Len. But the next day, Len went back to Vienna with his friends. He has plenty of things to do in Vienna so he went. Before he left, we met at the airport. He was still the same Len I knew and he still wears that unreadable expression on his face.

While he was away I struggled to keep up with my academics at the same time I kept on practicing the violin. He would send me text messages everyday like, 'Good morning. Have a good day. Take care', 'Good evening' and 'Good night. Have a nice dream' and something in between. It first felt awkward but I was happy that despite the same messages, he thoughtfully remembers to send one to me. He even called me though it was only once and it was a short call.

He came back this morning and that's when I noticed the difference from the Len then and now. I saw him smiling when we met at the airport. He was now a bit talkative unlike before and he wasn't cold, well, he doesn't look cold and bothered all the time like before. And another thing that surprised me, I didn't hear him complain that he's wasting his time with me, I mean, before, he would tell me that instead of going to cake shops and eat, I should go practice or he should be practicing. Well, we did ate in a cake shop after the rooftop and he said that he's wasting his time but today he didn't and he looked fine eating a cake. He changed and I like the new him. It makes me more comfortable knowing that he too is enjoying, if he really is enjoying.

I reached my house and the moment I opened the front door, what awaits me was my mother, arms crossed with a glare she uses when I'm in serious trouble. Uh-oh… what is it?

I want to turn around and leave but that would make things worse. I closed the door and faced my mother.

"Your school called…", mother started. The way her voice sounded made the hairs on my neck stand up. I covered my ears. "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU DOING THESE PAST MONTHS? YOU HAVE FAILING MARKS? ARE YOU PLANNING ON REPEATING YOUR THIRD YEAR? YOU'RE A GRADUATING STUDENT FOR GOODNESS SAKE!", mother yelled angrily.

Now that she mentioned my academics, it made me remember my classes… especially math. I ended up having a mark of five out of a hundred items. Well, there is one reason to why I have that mark, and the reason is very unreasonable. I can't possibly say that it's a certain violinist's fault… that violinist made me think of him ever since he left. He was gone for a month so how am I going to explain the other months, the months when I'm not even aware of that certain violinist?

Mother continued to glare at me while waiting for my answer.

I started, "it's because of-"

"I don't want to hear your excuses", she said cutting me. "You are grounded young lady! And if it's because of that violin of yours why you're failing, I'll confiscate it".

"No! You're kidding me!", I whined.

"Does this look like kidding to you, Kahoko Hino?", mother said while pointing at her face. She looked funny but I couldn't laugh because that will make it worse, she'll be confiscating my violin?

I shook my head. "But not the violin!", I said, pleading.

"Fine, but make sure you pass your coming exam. Go study", mother said pointing at the stairs towards my room.

"Yes mother…", I said and walked my way towards my room. Hey! How did she found out that I have an exam tomorrow? Well at least she won't take my violin.

I studied in my room but ended up sleeping instead of processing the words in my book to my brain.

~Next Morning~

"Kahoko! Wake up! You'll be late for your classes!", I heard mother shout from downstairs.

I looked at the clock on my study table and found that I only have fifteen minutes left to get ready for school. I stood up, threw all the books on my table into my bag and ran to the bathroom.

After thirteen minutes of preparing, I ran out the house with bread on my mouth.

"Kahoko, make sure to come home as soon as you finish your classes!", mother shouted while I ran towards school.

Oh man! I have to see Len later. I guess I should give him a call later telling him I can't come today… I feel like mother will really take my violin away from me if I didn't come home early… speaking of violin, why do I have a feeling that my violin isn't on my hand? I looked down my hand and found no violin case…

I FORGOT MY VIOLIN! Uwaa… I can't go back now that I can hear the school bell ringing! Really? I really need to tell Len that I can't go back since mother will have my violin… I guess I'll tell him later at lunch.

~After School~

"Kaho, how did the exam go? It was hard and I can barely answer the application problems", Nao said as she stares at me.

"Looks like it didn't go well", Mio said patting my back. "Don't worry, everyone finds it hard".

Uuu… I can't believe that exam turned out like that, I mean, why did math have to be so difficult and why did all the major subjects had a long quiz at the same day? My essay on English class didn't do any good, the terms used in science didn't made sense and the problems in math, I can't even put it into words. What made it worse was after I called Len. 'I told you to make sure you give me some of your time today… its fine, bye', is what he said and I can't tell whether he's fine with it or not. Is he angry at me? I hope not. While taking the music exam… I CAN'T EVEN CONCENTRATE BECAUSE OF THAT! Kahoko you are so doomed! You're going to groundsville with the help of your mother! And splitsville with the help of Len… though I can't tell what kind of relationship we really are in.

"Cheer up Kaho, you just need to pass the next exam, if the teachers will give one", Mio said, trying to cheer me up.

"I'm doomed", I said.

After a few minutes of reflecting, I went home and found mother after opening the door, her hands were on her waist and she was grinning at me. W-weird… yesterday were a glare… and now a grin… what did I do this time? I hope she hasn't received any news about me failing all my quizzes on my major subjects.

"Kahoko I have news for you", mother said.

I tilted my head a little to the side. "What news?", I asked.

Mother smiled at me and then said, "Lucky for us I found someone who can help you. Starting today, you have to go home early and have lessons with your tutor".

"Eh? Tutor?", I asked surprised. I bet that person looks like a nerd with glasses and a book on hand. But I don't want a tutor! It's like bringing school at home!

"He's in your room. Go now and study", mother said and went towards the kitchen.

So that tutor is a he. I walked towards my room and stopped in front of my bedroom door. Is it safe for a girl to be in the same room as a guy? Well, if he's a nerd then it means he likes studying more but he's still a he so I don't know.

I found my sister peeking from her bedroom. She motioned to tell me to come near her. "You're one hell of a lucky girl!", she whispered. "I wish I failed my grades", she said. Easy for her to say, it's not great to have failing marks for your information dear sister. Why am I lucky? It's bad luck!

I shook my head and went towards my room. I can still feel my sister watching me from behind so I opened my bedroom door.

I closed the door behind me and looked at the guy sitting in front of my study desk. "Hello", I said.

The guy turned around and looked at me. Oh my… I was wrong about the nerd look, but I was right about the glasses and book. He looked like a guy who came out of a model magazine! He looks hot! No cute! No both! What am I thinking?

He has straight black hair that is comb nicely. His skin looked smooth and a bit pale and he doesn't look like a body builder but his body was something to stare at. That's not something to think about Kahoko! My eyes met his for a second and I felt something that made my heart race and made my face heat up. Somehow the way he looks makes me think of an angel… he looks like an angel without wings.

"Hi", he said in a soft manner. He stood up and went near me. He held his hand up and said, "My name is Silverylle Rozen. I'll be your tutor. I hope we can get along well".

His voice… what kind of voice is that? His voice is somehow music to my ears. First he has brains, obviously because he's my tutor, then he has a good face and body now his voice? I can't believe a perfect guy existed! If he were rich, that will make him a guy that every girl dreamed of!

I saw him take his hand away from me. "Sorry, I must be too sudden", he said and he gave an expression that made me guilty for not shaking his hand.

"N-no! It's just that I'm surprised. I'm Kahoko Hino", I said and took his hand.

He suddenly took his hand away like he got electrified. "I'm sorry", he said and held his hand towards me again. I shook it. "Let's start your lesson then", he said and led me towards my study table.

Haha I'll be writing about Yuu and Sakura again :D

I've missed writing! :D I bet my writing skills have rusted o.O Sorry for the wrong grammars and spellings if you found one (Couldn't find them o.O).

Hope everyone would like this fanfiction!

See ya!