Dimitri's P.O.V

"God, I wish we could spend all day like this," Tasha said as she reluctantly got off my desk. I smiled at her as I zipped up my pants and straightened them out. Tasha buttoned up her blouse but had it down just enough to show her assets, just the way I, and half of the office, liked it. She smiled at me before giving me a peck on the lips and walking out of my office as if nothing happened. Christian came in seconds later with Adrian behind him.

"Dimitri, you know the office rule. No sex unless Adrian gets some," Christian joked. Adrian shot him a glare.

"Don't remind me that all I have is some out-dated playboy magazines at home and haven't got any in over three months," Adrian said and dropped some files on my desk.

"I bet you still remember the last time too," I said.

"Like it was yesterday, if only, right?"

"Hey it's still better than me – I can't even remember the last time I had sex," Christian said.

"I'm always busy with work now that we're getting the hard cases."

"You had to say hard cases? Really Christian?" Adrian asked.

"Come on guys, let's clear our mind of any sex, or sex related comments," I said.

"This coming from the guy that just tapped one of the hottest girls here."

"Hey! That's my sister you talking about!" Christian said. "I don't like it when people refer to her as 'hot'."

"But she is, her body is so fine that all I wanna-"

"Hey that's my fiancée you're talking about." I said interrupting Adrian's teasing. It was no doubt that Adrian liked any lady that walked by him but he had a certain fetish for the office ladies. He liked Tasha because he knew it bugged the shit out of Christian and me. He was talking about Christian's older sister and my new fiancée. Adrian rolled his eyes.

"Every girl in here is either married, about to be married or has some sort of crazed boyfriend," Adrian complained. "It's like I'm a fat kid with chocolate all around me yet I can't taste, nor touch."

"Wow that must be torture," Christian said sarcastically. I chuckled.

"So what do you guys want, since I suspect you barged into my office for a reason."

"No, no reason we just wanted to bug the hell out of you," Adrian said. Christian rolled his eyes.

"No we have a reason." Christian said, all seriousness. "We've been selected to pursue the murder of Natalie Dashkov. The meeting is in an hour."

"Hold up – that's just a regular murder, why they calling us in?" I asked. Even though it was a 'regular murder,' this murder was the death of an eighteen year old girl; I knew it was brutal and bloody. This girl had her life ahead of her and some carelessly took that away from her.

"They think it isn't a regular murder, they believe it might have to do with the Royals." Now this caught my attention. The Royals, as known by the city, and the country, hell the world really, were a bunch of families of mobsters, trouble makers who deal with the worse kind of business. Drugs, murders, human trafficking, you name it, they do it.

"Don't you recognize the name? The Dashkovs, they're 'royal'. Not one of the most powerful in the bunch but still, royal is royal." Christian explained.

"This might be our big chance – to take down the royals! We'll be known as the best fucking F.B.I agents the world has ever known, plus think of how many lives we'll save!" Adrian said.

"Agreed," Christian said. I was about to say something when Tasha came back in the room.

"Look who's up for round two?" Adrian said. Tasha gave him a smirk before turning to me.

"I'm not here for that. I'm just came to alert you three that Hans is moving up the meeting."

"Till when?"

"Like in five minutes." Adrian and Christian gathered the files they had on my desk before and all of us headed out to the conference room. When we got there it was only three other agents in the room, plus Hans. The conference room was square with a large oval wooden table that can comfortably seat around one hundred people. So it surprised me to see it this empty – especially with this case, since they said it was so serious. However, I took a seat without word.

"Okay so everyone knows why we're here right?" All nods.

"Good – so now we must get into business about the Natalie Dashkov case who as you all know are part of the Dashkov family, who are part of the Royals," Hans recapped. "Therefore making this murder a little more special than the rest. It might be our key to figuring out the Royal games and be able to end this charade once and for all."

"What about the murder? Are we going to solve that?" Adrian asks. Hans nods.

"Yes, we have two lead suspects. Two girls, both nineteen and have major connections through their fathers," Hans said and then took some of the files that were at the head of the table and looked through them. "The first one is Vasilisa Dragomir, here's her photo," Hans said, passing the photo around the table.

"Vasilisa, or as our contacts says Lissa, as she prefers to be called, is nineteen and graduated her homeschooling with all honors and got accepted into all the major colleges in the country but didn't take any of them." I looked down at the photo of Lissa Dragomir. The picture obviously was taken when she wasn't looking. Lissa was standing next to a brick building with a purse clutched in her hand and her face with a nervous anxiety look, like she was waiting for someone. She had long pale blond hair and pale green eyes, to match her fair skin.

"Her suspected crimes are kidnapping, armed robbery, arson of public and private property, drug dealing - selling and consuming - and murder," he continued, giving us the list and more details on paper.

"Her partner in crime is Rosemarie Mazur who as you know is part of the Mazur family, who are in charge of the Royals." The Mazurs weren't considered royal because they controlled the royals which I'm guessing making this Rosemarie person even more dangerous. "She also happens to be the daughter of satan himself. Her charges are very similar to her friend here but the only difference is she has burglary and public indecency." Adrian laughed at that.

"Here's her photo."
The picture was passed down to me. Rosemarie in the photo was talking on the phone while walking down a crowded sidewalk. Her dark hair was being blown around in the wind and she seemed also nervous. She was beautiful though. Those eyes seemed...haunted though.

"Okay here's the mission, Cadets." Cadets was the name Hans gave us. "We need to seduce these girls. An undercover mission to try to weasel information out of them so we can get to their dirty little secrets and take out the Royals."

"So who's going undercover?" I asked.

"I chose at a random order; Christian Carter," Christian groaned at this. "Adrian Rinaldi," Adrian smiled at this. " And Dimitri Belikov." I did nothing – I didn't really want to do this, but I had no choice really. Well I could always say no but then I'll pretty much be backhanded to the bottom of the line again and me being so young and getting where I am is an accomplishment that I don't want to mess up.

"Adrian you'll be the target, it'll be known that you're working on the case while Dimitri and Christian will be in the shadows doing that actual work." Hans explained.

"What! So I'll be the one they're after?" Adrian asked, panicked.

"Correct, but you'll have guards on you 24/7 and once they realize that you're not getting anywhere with this case they'll leave you alone." Adrian settles down – a little bit.

"So when do we start?"

Rose's P.O.V (Two days later)

I plugged my earphones and blocked out everything. Living with sixty other people in a giant mansion away from all the craziness of New-York might sound okay to some people. The sixty other people may be a dealbreaker for some but others might like it. All the luxury, money, clothes right at your fingertips all you have to do is say it and it may appear. My father provided me with everything except the thing I craved the most – peace.

It was always war here – if it isn't between one person and another it between another duo. For me my likely pinch point would be Andre Dragomir. He rules us with an iron fist full of cruelty and unfairness. Most stay out of his way – except Lissa and me. Lissa because she's his brother and if Andre ever hurt 'daddy's little girl' there would be hell to pay. He's stays out of my way because of my father – who's the boss/business partner of his father. The Dragomir family is the highest and deadliest of the Royal's as people call them. My father, well he runs the whole operation. He didn't consider our small family as part of the Royals, to him we were above that – we were gods.

I didn't want to be god – I wanted to be human. Is it too much to ask for to be born normal? Like a regular girl who can wake up to the smell of bacon and eggs that her mother is cooking and come down stairs to her father reading the newspaper and a plate of all my favorites on a little plate with a glass of orange juice at the side. Not wake up to the smell of blood and decaying bodies the smell rising from the basements because Andre or someone else decided to have fun with their enemies or random drunks on the street.

I wanted to see my father everyday, if he was normal that is. Instead of seeing him every year – if I'm lucky enough and he's not here to give me hugs and kisses, it's to discuss business.
I just wanted an escape – a lovely escape!

I turned on my bed so I faced my window that looks out into an endless field, which has our 'morgue/torture chamber' about a story under the grass. But sometimes I pretend nothing is under the ground, just an endless sea of clean dirt with worms here and there. Sometimes I wake up and just to put a fake smile on my face I pretend I'm in my dream world – somewhere in Montana.
Ever since my parents took me to Montana, the only family trip we really had by the way, I was totally in love with the grassy fields, Ice Cap Mountains and fresh air. A lovely break from New-York. Ever since then I kept a book – right under my bed that held pictures I took when I was in Montana and others I found on the internet. I look at it when I'm hopelessly depressed.
It was my solace – my whole room was. It was like a typical teenager room, even though I'm considered an adult now I still stay close to what I always believed in. Like fragile peace – the closest peace I've ever gotten. The words 'Fragile Peace' was put on the ceiling on my room so everyday I wake up I see them. The rest of the room was white with not many posters on it except for pictures of me and Lissa and some of our other friends. My room had my bed placed across the wooden double doors and was sitting on a little platform. Many windows were in my room unlike most rooms here since I don't have anything to hide unlike my roommates.

It was late – around eleven' o'clock and this is usually when the 'royals' are in full swing. Business meetings are conducted at midnight so now people are usually getting the prostitutes ready for their 'business' those prostitutes usually range from 15-30 year olds. Having fifteen year olds doing the walk of shame isn't something to be proud of – yet none of these girls are forced to do it. Most are runaways and rejects of society though. A knock on my door sent my thoughts out. I opened it to see my best friend and literal partner in crime, Lissa.

She was wearing a low-cut black dress that clung to her body like second pair of skin it was short so the wrong movement could create quite a view. I bet her ass of a boyfriend Aaron made her wear it. Aaron was second in command to Andre and is less of an ass than him but an ass is an ass. Aaron is also controlling, abusive and unpredictable with flashes of pure anger that sometime is directed at Lissa. He usually makes Lissa wear revealing clothing when all her bruises are healed. He'll know since he practically rapes her everyday – she never wanted to give it up to him. He was compelling though and once she did he couldn't get enough of her. The second time when she said no it resulted in a black eye and a few broken ribs. Her father didn't believe her when she told him.

That's why I never date anyone here, hell I've never had a boyfriend and every day I lock my doors so no creeps can come here and feel me up. Also I make my own meals so I know no poisons are going in them. I've only had one kiss with Mason my guy friend who was killed about a year ago with a bad drug deal.

"Hey Rose," She said as she walked into my room. I peaked out into the hallway before closing the door and locking it. "I wondered if you knew what this meeting was about. Aaron's been acting uptight and weird about it." She said as she made herself comfortable on my couch.

"It's probably something that has to do with more dealings and such. I wouldn't worry." I said.

"Aaron told me to have you wear something nice." Lissa said.

"I'm not dressing like a tramp." I said to harshly. Lissa shifted on the couch uncomfortably and tried to pull her dress down. I was about to apologize but Lissa start talking before I could.
"We can make do without you looking like a tramp." She said but I saw the hurt in her eyes.
We end picking something that didn't make me look cheap or like a slut. It was a dark red dress with a one shoulder and a black belt around the waist and it went about mid thigh, so it wasn't cheap. I straightened my hair and put a sparkly pen in it and some lip gloss along with light makeup.
I wore black pumps to top it all off. Lissa was a fashion extraordinaire. If Aaron let her pick out her own clothes she would look elegant and beautiful – like a real royal.
By the time we were done it was time to head out. I hid my room's key under my dress and when we were out I locked the door and slid it under my dress again without Lissa noticing. We made our way down stairs; several more people were coming down as well. Including a good friend of ours, Mia.

Mia was like a Barbie doll with curly blond hair and skinny frame. She was a little on the short side, so about as tall as me. Mia wore silver spaghetti dress with little frills on the dress and she had a white designer bag to make it not look trashy. Mia probably picked out her own stuff. She and Aaron are also sleeping together. You'll wonder why Lissa and Mia are such good friends then, if I had a boyfriend I'll be beyond piss if I knew a friend was fucking my B.F. The first factor is that Lissa doesn't love Aaron or even like him and if he's screwing with Mia it means he isn't with her. Other reasons are Mia makes Aaron calmer which means less lashing out at Lissa.

Mia isn't 'royal' she's one of the regular families here – these families usually are doing the dirty work around here. Mia first came here alone out of prostitution when she was fifteen. Now she doesn't do that much dirty work since she's screwing Aaron. Now three years later she is actually 'well respected' mainly because she's screwing Andre too. Again Lissa couldn't care less.

We all chatted while going to the meeting room. The rectangle hard wood table was already filled with people, most were quiet others were talking loudly, most likely high. People who don't really do anything and is just here to look pretty sit in the back, which is where we're headed. When Aaron and Andre entered the room everyone shut up.
Since Andre was the leader of this particular clan (Yes there are many get-up like this all over the world – these asses happen to run this one) he usually managed the meetings with sideline guidance from Aaron.

One time I asked my father why I didn't rule a coven like Andre since my family was higher than his. He told me that this was armature start for someone like me. When my time comes I'll be in his seat – ruling the world. It sounded much more fun when I was a little girl – now it seems like a death trap.
With a clearing of this throat Andre started the meeting. "Today we're here because we have a major problem brewing here in New-York. We all know about our dear friend Natalie Dashkov, since it was orders of her death we've all moved on, onto more important matters. Sadly the F.B.I didn't. From our sources they hired Adrian Rinaldi for the case of her death." Mia shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Adrian was her brother who she hasn't seen since she ran away three years ago. Adrian and her father took care of her, till her father died of heart problems, then she ran away

I wonder if Adrian did this on purpose – in hopes to find his little sister.

Andree continued to speak. "So this brings us a problem since we can't let the whole system crash because of this. Before we plan anything rash we are sending surveillance out on Adrian to make sure he doesn't get anywhere. But as we all know the F.B.I doesn't reveal all their plans to the media so we're sending two of our people who will be chosen here at this meeting to spy on two other agents to get some Intel." Aaron then spoke.

"Agents Christian Carter and Dimitri Belikov are close to Agent Adrian and are supposed to be close so they might know something. We're sending Vasilisa Dragomir and Rosemarie Mazur on this mission."

"What!" I shouted jumping up from my seat and Lissa was right on my trail as I walked up the front of the room. "Why the hell are we learning about this now?"

"Because we didn't want you two to weasel your way out of it. It's already said and done girls." Aaron said with no emotion in his voice.

"Meet after this meeting in the sub-conference room for more information." Andre said. "Now if you don't mind we have other things to discuss here – please take seat ladies, or the guards will do it for you." I sensed it before I felt him. One of the guards roughly grabbed me while pushing Lissa to her seat as well. I huffed in my chair and while the meeting was going on I just kept thinking and thinking.

Maybe this could be good – on this mission I don't have to be Rosemarie Mazur, the boss's daughter. I can be someone else, which is all I ever wanted.

- Beta of this chapter is Tatiana Belikova