A/N. This is a new story. I wrote the first 2 chapters a long time ago and I've finally decided to finish it. Since I'm writing a bunch of other fics at the same time I don't think the updates will be regular, sorry :(

It's set after the Scheherazade Job.

The Surprise Job.

Nate entered his apartment breathless. He quickly took off his T-shirt drenched with sweat and threw it across the room where it landed on top of the sitting room sofa.

Still listening to the music from his Mp3 player he went to the kitchen and opened the fridge.

"Orange soda, orange soda, orange soda" he mumbled " I can't believe it! Is there any water?"

He finally found a small bottle stuck at the back. He turned around and bumped into someone.

He soon recognized her perfume, a sweet fragrant that often kept him awake at night.

"Sophie, you've nearly made me jump!" He took off his earphones "What are you doing here so early?"

Sophie stood there shocked. In front of her was a shirtless Nate. He was wearing only a pair of shorts, socks and trainers. His hair was wet because of the sweat and she was so close to him that she could almost taste his salty skin.

'God, he's sexy!' she thought. She hadn't realized she was openly admiring him until she heard him calling her name again.

"Hmm?" she was speechless.

Nate smirked, perfectly knowing the effect he was having on her.

"I asked why you were here so early"

Sophie quickly recovered. " I was hoping to actually get to eat your breakfast. This time without interruptions."

"As you can see, I'm not in the right state to cook. You'll have to wait for me to have a shower first."

"I can see that." Still admiring his body. "Where have you been?"

"I went for a run". He drank from the water bottle.

"Since when do you go jogging?" she asked surprised.

"Well, in prison I started doing some exercise and I wanted to continue. You know, stay fit."

"It's certainly working" she noticed his firm abdominals.

Nate blushed at her flirty smile. Then her look changed, from a playful one to a more serious one. He felt her fingers delicately trace his latest scar sending chills up his spine.

"Is this from when you were shot on the Maltese Falcon?" She can still remember that day like it was yesterday. His desperate call. His words. The ones she so longed to hear. And then his crazy decision to get himself arrest to save the rest of them.

"Hmm.. yeah. At least that time I got treated in a hospital. It wasn't as bad as it looks." He tried to reassure her "The scar it's still a bit fresh. Soon you won't even notice, like this one" He pointed at the gunshot wound he got during their scam in a bank.

"I still can't believe it that during our goodbyes you were bleeding to death" she was slightly angry. If at the time they had known his was injured, they would have tried to rescue him a lot sooner.

"I bet that now you regret slapping me" He joked.

She smirked. "Oh no, you deserved that slap!"

They stood there smiling looking into each other eyes.

Nate shook his head. "Well, I'll better go have that shower or no breakfast."

The moment was gone. " Ok, I'll wait here for you"

"You could start helping with something, you know" came his voice from upstairs.

"Where's the fun in that!" she smiled.

Fifteen minutes later he came back down wearing a pair of jeans and a white shirt still undone.

Sophie looked surprised. 'He's really enjoying this half naked look' she thought. 'Not that I'm complaining'

"Ok let's start" he clapped his hands "What would you like, madam?"

She tilted her head "Hmm.. let me think"

"I've been gone for nearly 20 minutes! You could have at least thought of something"



She nodded. "Or are they too difficult for the chef?" she challenged.

"No, no. Pancakes it is. What flavour?"

"Surprise me"

"But I'm doing everything on my own. You've got to help"

So they started cooking, laughing and joking. Occasionally their hands touched and they would look at each other embarrassed. Sophie slipped on some flour on spilt on the floor.

"Careful" Nate quickly but his arms around her. They stood still. Their lips just inches apart.

That's how the rest of the team found them when they entered the apartment.

"Hmm… are we interrupting something?" asked Eliot smirking.

Yes! They wanted to shout. But like teenagers being caught by their parents they immediately separated.

"No no" said Nathan. "We were just cooking breakfast"

"Do I smell pancakes?" Hardison sniffed the air.

"Yes, there's plenty for everyone." Nate took the plate full of pancakes on the table.

"Wow" Parker noticed the undone shirt. She went closer to Sophie who was still blushing near the kitchen counter. "Are you sure we didn't interrupt anything?" She whispered to the other female.

"Unfortunately no" she sighed.

"Nice chest." Parker admired.

"I know! And before he was even shirtless." She moan thinking about his skin under her fingertips "I was going to let him suffer a bit more, but if he keeps teasing me with his body and flirting I don't know how much longer I can still resist."

"Just surrender!"

Parker went to join the others. "Hey Nate, nice abs!" she shouted smiling.

Nate looked down confused. Shocked he quickly started butting up his shirt. "Hmm.. let's eat" he blushed.

The team of thieves enjoyed the cooked breakfast.

Suddenly "Can you hear that?" asked Eliot.

The others stop talking. Nothing

"Hear what?"

Then a cry. "That!"

The crying continued "It's coming from outside"

Hardison quickly went to open the door followed by Parker and Eliot.

What was waiting outside surprised them.

"Is that what I think it is ?" asked Parker.

Lying down in a baby carrier was a year old baby boy. He looked up and gurgled.

"Ehm.. Nate, is there anything you would like to tell us?" Hardison l glare back at the older man.