So, this is going to be my second Brittana fic. I was planning on fabrevans again but from the image released of them hugging and mash-off I had to start this fic. Oh, and I tried writing in first person. I felt like I needed a change but my English class doesn't really ever use it so sorry if it doesn't make sense :P


Everyone looks at me different now. I'm re-thinking my plan of joining a lesbian colony now more than I was when we were in New York. Finn is such a jerk, no matter how many insults I throw at him, he shouts out one thing and my whole life is ruined.

It's winter now, the whole senior year is getting ready to go on the field trip of all field trips. The trip that the second you walk through the doors on your first day of high school you can't wait to go on. I wish I could have enjoyed it more, but, all I can think about is that the teasing might get worse.

I know I'm Santana Lopez and I rule this school - I still do - but I've really lost a lot of confidence. I shouldn't let one thing ruin the best field trip that ever existed.


I closed my diary and stuffed it behind my desk where it belonged. No one ever found it, and with some of the things written in it, they shouldn't either. Even before she came out, anyone reading her diary would have realized it, so that's why it stays hidden.

It's the day before the entire senior class leaves for Colorado. The school always rent out a gigantic lodge for the students and teachers going. And from the stories that come back, it is always a nice lodge.

I walk to my closet and pull out my cheerios uniform and cheer shoes. I slip those on effortlessly, careful not to mess up my hair and make-up. I then, silently make my way downstairs, grab a granola bar from the cupboard and slide out of the door and into the snowy weather.

At this time of year, the cheerios wear stripy knee high socks with the usual shell and skirt along with the body liner and jacket. I shivered from the snow falling as I got into my car to drive to Britt's house.

Britt, being her normal cute self opened the door and sat in the passenger seat. She lent over the works between us and kissed me on the cheek. I gasped but still enjoyed it for those brief seconds her lips were on my skin.

"So, San, how excited are you?" Britt said.

"Extremely! Have you packed?" I replied.

"No, I can't find a bag."

"I'll help you look after school, we need to be at school for 4 am so we can catch a ride to the airport."

"Okay, Did you get the letter yesterday? About who we were rooming with?"

"Yep. Looks like your with me for a week!"

"Yes! It's so cold outside. I can't wait to go skiing and skating and sledding and drinking hot cocoa all the time!"

"Me neither, Britt, me neither."

In 3rd hour we were all told to go to the auditorium where we would be told what was happening. We had to be at the school for 4am, we were leaving at 5am, an hour and a half on the buses, 15 minute check in and then boarding the plane by half past 7 am. There was a five hour flight and then landing at half past eleven. The lodge was a 15 minute drive from the airport which left it at lunch time that we finally would get there.

After the assembly everyone was talking animatedly fast about the trip. As I passed Finn and Rachel in the hallway I stopped before them. Even though Finn outed me, I still like to torment him.

"Oh, hey, Rachel. I heard you and Finn finally slept together, was he as sloppy as he was with me and I hope that his pyramid nipples didn't poke you in the eye."

Before they could reply, I walked away, my shoulders high like I didn't give a shit about the looks people were giving me. After lunch, we had the troubletones practice in which we practised a guns 'n' roses number. We were trying something new to mix up the song selections.

By the end of 6th hour everyone one was ready for that trip. But, being a cheerio, we had cheerleading practise. It was a quick practise, only going over what we already knew.

Britt's house is always fun because it's loud, not like my quiet, boring house. I followed Britt up the stairs and into her room. I plopped myself down on her bed and waited to see what she was going to say.

"Well, I couldn't find my bag but Lord Tubbington got what I'm taking ready with me. That's over there…"

"Okay, well, Have you checked in the cupboard under the sink in your bathroom?"


"How about the cupboard under the stairs?"

"No, let's go look!"

Britt grabbed my hand before I could even breathe. Sparks shot through my arm and I smiled to myself. We went back down the stairs and to the cupboard under the stairs. Britt stuck her hand in the black cupboard and came out with a suitcase and matching carry-on. It matched mine because we had bought them together.

"Looks like the princess can go to the ball." I said jokingly but the look on Britt's face meant to took it seriously. I just waved it away and smiled.

Britt threaded her fingers with mine and walked up the stairs, me in front and her dragging the bags behind her. Together, we quickly packed her things which took us to seven pm.

"Why don't you sleep at my house tonight?" I asked.

"That's not a bad idea…" Britt stepped closer to me.

I lent forward and pressed my lips to hers, it wasn't a rough kiss, but more a sweet kiss. It had a message behind it. Telling her to save it for later.

Britt said goodbye to her parents for a week and the two of us loaded her things into my car and set off back to my house. "I seriously can't wait to hit the slopes.." I said

"Me neither! We are going to kick butt!"


"I want to see the rooms too."

"Me neither, I hope they are nice, I packed my pillow just in case."

"Well, you know I did."

"I sure do."

We stopped off at subway for some dinner. I ordered a subway melt while Britts ordered a turkey breast. We ate those in the car, along with some soda I bought.

The drive home was quick and very chatty. The conversations ranged from what we would do on the trip and then what we would do at home. We planned to have a bath, get everything ready for tomorrow and then get our sweet lady kisses on before going to bed.

When we got into the house, I lead the way into the family room and announced that Britt was staying the night. My parents were getting ready to go out for dinner together so I said that we would be in bed when they got too.

I ran us both a bath in the main bathroom and got us the towels sorted while Brittany went and brought her bags upstairs. I put some cold water in just to cool the water down a little. My parents left a few minutes after that and after saying goodbye, I called Britt in saying it was ready.

"Ooh, yay! I love your baths!" Britt said running in and taking her cardigan she had put over her uniform off. I shut the door and turned back to Britt. She had already gone and taken her skirt off which made me suck in a sharp breath. I breathed deeply and began stripping with her.

I was stood in my underwear as Britt slipped into the bath completely naked. She grinned at me and I returned the gesture with my own grin. I took the rest of my underwear off and followed her lead by sitting across from her.

We laid back and enjoyed the relaxing sensation of a hot bath. What made it better was the fact that Britt was sat across from me. I always found peace when I was around her.

I let the water drain out as I twisted the water out of hair into the bath. My towel was wrapped securely around me and Britt was across the room combing her hair out. I smiled at her and let my damp hair fall around my shoulders.

I brushed my teeth and washed my face as Britt did the same before we both went into my bedroom and put our matching pyjamas on we always wore at sleepovers.

I blow-dried my hair as Britt went and got snacks for our movie. It didn't take long to blow-dry my hair because it was already nearly dry. Britt moved onto her hair while I sorted the movie out. I put it onto play but didn't really pay attention to it. I moved around my room, re-checking my suitcase for everything before zipping it up and putting it near the door with Britt's.

We both moved around the room organizing what we needed for tomorrow. I had my carry on sat on a chest of drawers open as I tried to think as to what I could pack in it.

Britt and I finally fell into bed with the chips and dip in the middle of us, we finally settled into watching the last song which made me hold back my sobs.

The two of us both fell asleep, Britt curled up to my back and my arm protectively over her body.

So, I hope the smut wasn't too much… I just thought what the heck and added it in there. I've already wrote chapter two by the time this chapter gets put up because I'm obsessed with this story. I'll put the next one up when I have 5 reviews ^_^