Meister of the Leaf
Summary: What if Kyuubi was really Asura after a 9000 year sleep due to almost being destroyed by Maka; and Naruto meets Asura on his sixth birthday due to a run in with a mob that causes him to never be able to use chakra for jutsu's and what's this no whiskers? Well read and find out. Takes place 9000 years after the end of soul eater.
Disclaimer: No I don't own Naruto or Soul eater, if I did Naruto wouldn't be that big of an idiot or that clueless, and Asura would appear more in the series.
A six year-old blond haired boy with torn and bloodied clothes ran down a dimly lit street in the village of Konoha, terror and fear etched on his little face as he ran his name was Naruto. A small mob of people chased after him, each one equipped with a different weapon such as pitch forks, two by fours, and a machete. The blond ran until he came to a dead end in the form of the village's giant sixty foot tall wall, flipping around he slowly backed up until he was up against the wall as the mob surrounded him. Tears fell freely from his horror filled ocean blue eyes as the mob got closer until they were just three feet away from him.
"W-why ar-are y-y-you doing th-h-this?' The six year-old stuttered as the mob readied their weapons to strike the boy.
"Because you're a DEMON!" One of the mob members yelled before hitting the blond across the face with a two by four.
"Wait!" a man in a doctor's mask yelled before walked up to the front of the group and kneeled in front of the battered boy. The doctor took a syringe out of his pocket with a viscous black fluid in it, "I've been working on this concoction for 5 years! It prevents the recipeint to lose the ability to use jutsu's!"
Naruto's eyes widened to the size of plates as the man jabbed the needle into the blonde's stomach and into his chakra coils, pushing down on the stopper all of the black liquid drained into the boy's chakra coils. The second the last drop exited the needle, Naruto let out a blood curdling scream that echoed across the village. The mob, realizing that everyone in the village could have heard that scream, quickly dispersed to their homes, Naruto passed out from the pain a few seconds later.
[Naruto's Mindscape]
The blond slowly opened his cerulean blue eyes as he floated in murky thigh deep water. He sat up until he was in a sitting position and looked around. 'What happened?' he thought before the memories of what had happened before he passed out returned and his face adopted a look of sorrow, 'what did I ever do to them?'. He quietly cried to himself for a moment before standing up and wiping his eyes, looking up he saw a couple of blue pipes and a red pipe, each one simultaneously flickered black ever five to ten seconds.
"Which one should I follow?" Naruto asked aloud as if expecting someone to answer him, after a few minutes he decided to follow the red pipe. As he waded through the thigh deep water the silence in the air was palpable, he continued to walk and felt something other than silence had become heavy in the air. After a few more minutes of walking he entered a large chamber with cage like doors on the other end, both seemed to be held closed by a piece of paper with the kanji for 'seal' written on it, the inside of the cage seemed to be filled with darkness
"H-he-hello?" Naruto stuttered.
"Come closer boy." A thunderous voice echoed throughout the chamber as three eyes appeared behind the cage doors, all three had blood red irises however the two horizontal ones had slit pupils while the vertical one had no pupil what so ever. Naruto cautiously walked over as a small scarf like appendage slithered through the bars and out of the cage; it came to a stop in front of the boys before lightly touching his forehead. Naruto froze as his entire life flashed before his eyes, from his birth to what happened just a few moments ago, after the images stopped the scarf like appendage receded back into the cage like a snake would if it were hiding from a predator.
"Why do you fight, wouldn't it be easier to just give up?" The voice asked as the darkness inside the cage faded revealing a rather young looking man with pale grey skin, he wore a pair of black pin stripped pants and a red sports jacket, and on his face were the three eyes Naruto had saw behind the cage doors when he had first walked into the water filled chamber. The man's hair was black with what looked like vertical white eyes at the ends of every bang, and out of his back were nine, scarf like appendages that ended with three 'teeth'.
"It would, but then I would be a failure, and that is never going to happen," The blond said before looking curious, "Uh, who are you and where are we?"
"Well, we are in your mind, and I am the Demon God Asura, or as your people call me 'the Kyuubi No Kitsune'," Asura said and the look on Naruto's face went from curious to scared as he to a unconscious step back, "no need to worry child, I will not hurt you like those villagers." Asura spat out the word villager as if it left a bad taste in his mouth and his eyes seemed to darken. A few seconds later he looked at Naruto, the faint glimmer of an idea in his red eyes. Asura snapped his right pointer and middle finger and the chamber; each one had a weapon in it that wound shift into a person every five seconds and above each bubble were different names, above Asura's head floated a bubble that didn't shift, it held a picture of a man's head. He had white hair, grey eyes, stitches going from the middle of his forehead under his left eye and ended under his left eye, he had a large screw through his head, and above his bubble the words 'Dr. Franken Stein' Hovered in a creepy font.
"First I will tell you my story, then you chose three," he said gesturing to the bubbles outside of his cage, "along with teaching you my way of fighting as well as this man fighting style." He pointed to the bubble above his head, Naruto nodded before sitting down and waited for Asura to start his story, a creepy mile long smile appeared on Asura's face. 'This is going to be fun!'