A/N: Because I needed a happier Tom and Alex interaction. Set after Crocodile Tears (no spoilers) and before Scorpia Rising. My timeline might be off.

"Get…off…" Tom grunted. Alex only grinned good-naturedly, although Tom couldn't see it.

It was finally the weekend. After three tests and two projects being due on Friday, it had been an exhausting week. It also marked three weeks where MI6 had left Alex alone after the events of Kenya. Currently, Tom was over at Alex's house, lazing around. He wanted to hang with Alex as much as possible. Another unsaid reason was because of his parents arguing again. Tom wondered when they would just get divorced already.

They had played video games on Alex's xbox for three hours, but stopped when Jack, who was currently out of the house due to having a date, called for lunch. After lunch, the two teenagers were inside Alex's room, bored out of their minds. The xbox had already lost its sparkle after playing it for three hours straight. There was nothing good on TV, and they had checked every channel, and it wasn't as if they were going to read or anything like that. So, they were in front of Alex's computer, looking at funny videos on youtube.

As there were two chairs, both of the boys had their own chair. However, there was only one comfortable chair. Alex had snagged it with the excuse that it was his house and his chair. Tom pouted and tried to make himself comfortable in the creaky chair. However, after ten minutes of sitting in that chair, Tom's back was already starting to ache. With a wide grin on his face, Tom shoved Alex off of his chair and sat in it himself. Alex was left on the floor, dazed. However, he didn't stay dazed for long. With a wide grin on his face, Alex tackled Tom off of the chair. With a yelp from Tom, both boys were thrown onto the floor. Tom put up a good struggle. It helped that Alex wasn't trying to pin him for real, but Tom soon feel to Alex's superior physical strength. Currently, Tom was face down on the floor, Alex pinning his lower back with his knee. Alex landed soft punches, punches that Tom could barely feel, to Tom's sides.

"Nah, I don't think so," said Alex with a wide smirk.

Tom, hearing the laughter in the other teen's voice, struggled more. Alex only pinned harder.

"Want to cry 'uncle' yet?" questioned Alex.

Tom pouted. "Uncle," he said.

With the verbal surrender, Alex got off of Tom and helped Tom up.

"That wasn't so hard, was it?" Alex teased.

Although Tom had been screwed over, he couldn't help but smile (internally, of course) at the happy look in Alex's eyes. Alex's eyes had continuously gotten darker with each and every passing mission. Tom had seen the scars that came from the latest mission: huge burn scars on Alex's shoulders. Not only that, but he had visited Alex in the hospital. He looked bad then, even after staying in the hospital for a week. Tom couldn't imagine how bad he looked like when he first got in; it was inconceivable. Tom felt like he was slowly losing his best friend to the missions, to MI6. Oh, sure, he was still Alex, but he was getting tenser, darker, and colder. Tom knew that if Alex went on one more mission, his friend might be gone forever. Tom didn't want that to happen.

Tom huffed. "Of course it was!"

Alex elbowed Tom good naturedly. Tom faked a wince.

"That hurts!" Tom exclaimed.

"Suck it up," retorted Alex.

Tom rolled his eyes.

For now, Tom would try all that he can to make Alex smile. Even if that meant losing at wrestling.

A/N: Of course, I manage to add in some form of angst. I'm such a noob…