Astie: Hey everyone! *poofs in lettuce and Pai*

Lettuce: Hey Astarte!

Astie: Hey lettuce

Lettuce: Where is Kish and Ichigo?

Astie: Back in my Konekochan's a real kitty

Lettuce: But that means…

Astie: This fan fic is about you!

Lettuce: YAY!

Astie: By the way, where is Pai?

Lettuce: He refused to come

Astie: Oh is that so? *travels to Tokyo mew mew land, invades Pai's lab, knocks him out and is dragged back here*

Lettuce: Let me guess, you knocked him out.

Astie: Yeah

Lettuce: Let me guess, with a fish?

Astie: No, with a mini shark

Lettuce: Sharks are fish

Astie: No they are not!

Lettuce: Yes they are

Astie: But I thought they were cousins to the dolphin?

Lettuce: They are

Astie: So, sharks must be a mammal

Lettuce: Look at these * Hands me two pictures* the shark has gills so they can breathe under water, but dolphins do not, they need air.

Astie: *Looks at the pictures carefully* you so photo shopped this.

Lettuce: Astarte, I am infused with a dolphin, I know what I am talking about

Astie: Prove that a shark is a fish.

Astie/lettuce: *go to an aquarium*

Lettuce: *Points at a shark, then to a dolphin* see

Astie: Come on lettuce, asking the feeders to paint on the gills, that was so low

Lettuce: Oh my god!

Astie: Just admit it I am right and you are wrong

Lettuce: Whatever. So how are we supposed to wake him up?

Astie: He will wake up in due time. Why?

Lettuce: Because, I want to make him admit he loves me.

Astie: Do not worry your pretty little head lettuce; you will get your fluff

Lettuce: Good

Gertrude the fish: glup glup glup

Astie: sorry I do not speak fish lettuce?

Lettuce: since when could?

Astie: since I said you can

Lettuce; okay, she says can you please stop hitting Pai over the head with her face

Astie: Okay * throws her back in to the sea

Gertrude the fish: glup glup

Astie: lettuce?

Lettuce: What?

Astarte: what did she say?

Lettuce: what, oh, she says thank you

Astie: Now would you like to do the disclaimer?


Astie: Now on with the first chapter

An unexpected plan is born

Normal POV

Pai was flying over Tokyo's sky line, searching for any sign that there was blue aqua in the area.

"Mmm nothing on the radar yet." He sighed. The longer this mission took, the less time his people had any chance of survival left. Suddenly, the radar began to beep, and the radar showed up a faint signal of blue aqua, when he floated down to investigate, he quickly spotted the green mew.

"Lettuce." Pai muttered under his breath, "If she is here, that must mean the others are here." Pai crept closer to the green mew, and soon realised that she was in fact alone. He then got an idea on how to gain the planet.

"Sorry little mew mew, but I am afraid this may be the last time you see your planet again." H

Lettuce POV

"What a day!" I sighed. It was my day to have a day off. It is about time Ryou let you have the day off, but then again, she was actually pestered to have the day off, I mean, who would want to be away from Ryou Shirogane. He was the perfect gentlemen; well he was to me any way. I Went to the library and got a book out on history so I could study for this week's final, went shopping for my mother and took a stroll through the park on the way home. "I am beet," I checked my pulse. "I really should exercise more. I sat down on to a bench, took out a wrap and began to have a little rest before I began walking home again. I watched little kids playing on the playground, kids playing football and yep you guessed it, kids playing with kites.

"I wish I had time to fly a kite." I looked up at the clear blue sky, the sun shining in the corner of my eye, warming up my entire body.

"What a beautiful day!" I said cheerfully out load.

"If you think this day is beautiful…."

"W-WHOSE THERE!" I jumped up, startled. I heard a rippling noise behind me.

"Then you may need some stronger glasses little mew."

I tried to run, but he just teleported in front of me. My attempt to scream was cut off by his hand been whipped on to my mouth. His other arm wrapped a round my waist.

"Shh, do not fret," Pai hushed, "I will make sure your stay with us is a pleasant one. He teleported me away, leaving the abandoned shopping behind.

Pai Pov

I teleported me and lettuce to my bed room, purposely landing on my bed so I was on top of the screaming mew, I pinned her to the bed, which was for scaring purposes only.

"Get off of me please!" Lettuce mumbled under Pai's hand as she attempted to wriggle free.

"While you are in your human form, you cannot over power me, however, play you cards right and I will not take away your virginity, well, I will not, but I am sure Kish will jump at the chance, Am I clear?"

She nodded, fresh tears started to well up in her eyes.

"Good, now, I am going to remove my hand from your mouth, scream and I will have no choice but to kill you, okay?"

She nodded again. I slowly removed my hands, and she kept quiet.

"How ever, I do want to take one of your firsts, how about a kiss?

"Excuse me?"

"Have you been kissed before?"


"Well then, close your eyes,"

I do not know why but she obeyed and closed her eyes. I say close, she actually squeezed them shut. I whispered in her ear, "Lay down so I can get on top of you,"

This time she had some thing to say.

"You are already going to take away my first kiss; I will not however let you back on me!"

"I believe you have no choice." I forced my self on her.

"Get your filthy hands off me!" She demanded.

"I thought I told you not to scream."

"I am not screaming, I am shouting, there is a difference, look it up!"

"Right that is it, I gave you a chance, but you have completely ruined your chances of survival."

I summoned my fan and put it to her neck. "Any lasts words mew?"

"My name is Lettuce."

"Like I care!" I raised my fan and got ready to strike.

Astie: I smell a cliff hanger!

Lettuce: Firstly, how can you smell a cliff hanger and two, I DO NOT WANT TO DIE!

Astie: First it is an expression and secondly you cannot die because this is a five chapter story

Lettuce: that is all right then, how come Pai is not awake yet?

Astie: How would I know?

Lettuce: How hard did you hit him?

Astie: As hard as I could, No one can hide from Astie *poses like a super hero*

Lettuce: Is he breathing?

Astie: Yes

Lettuce: I have an Idea

Astie: And what is that

Lettuce: I will kiss him!


Lettuce: *Kisses him any way*

Pai: Frozen in place.

Astie: I cannot guarantee that I will update during the holidays but I will do my best. 5 reviews plz see ya
