A/N: Hello all! I'm back after yet another 'hiatus', and I've decided to do a bit of an experimenting. After reading a fanfic from another TV show, I've decided to try my hand at a drabble (or more like short stories), a series of drabbles focusing on Rade. I'm thinking that it could be chronological, starting with the 'Bird Scene' and continuing to 'A Christmas Tori.' Hope you will like.

As for the ever-obligatory disclaimer: Victorious belongs to Dan Schneider.


Robbie Shapiro felt himself aching all over in a certain part of his body that he felt too embarrassed to discuss or even to think about - although the pain there certainly made him think about it. The pain that is.

"Tsk, all the lengths you go to impress some pretty girl." Rex laughed. Robbie let out a soft sigh. The reason for the pain was because he had tried to impress a pretty girl in his ballet class by doing a complicated dance with Andre Harris. It didn't end well.

"Rex." Robbie sighed.

"No, really! You should've simply introduced me to her. We would've hit it off!"

Robbie glared at his puppet best friend, but then groaned as pain shot out from his certain part of his body. He felt a hand on his arm, and turned to see the concerned eyes of a certain Cat Valentine, a ditzy redhead that he admittedly thought was pretty cute.

Pasting on a smile, Robbie nodded. "Yeah, I'm okay" at the same time Rex piped up with a "No, he's not."

"Rex!" Robbie fixed Rex a glare. Cat's concern deepened. Robbie noticed that when he turned back to Cat.

"Seriously, I'm okay. Don't listen to Rex." He patted Cat on the shoulder, causing the redhead to nod and smile brightly.

Robbie let out a mental sigh as he looked at Cat for a couple of seconds before he noticed something out from the corner of his eyes, and angled his head to get a better look.

It was Jade West, sitting next to her boyfriend of two years, Beck Oliver. But what was surprising was that she was looking right at him, and even more surprising was the fact that she looked...concerned, kinda. It didn't show exactly on her usually emotionless face that much, but it showed in her blue eyes.

'Are you okay?' She silently mouthed.

Despite his surprise, given the way Jade had usually treated him over the years that he had known her, Robbie nodded slightly. Jade seemed to be satisfied with the answer, giving a flicker of a smile before turning her attention to Sikowitz.

He didn't know why, but Robbie felt warmth fill his chest, feeling...touched that somebody, even one as dark as Jade West, cared. True, Cat showed her concern, but she was like that for everyone. He felt his lips curl up a bit as he turned to listen to Sikowitz's random ravings of a lecture.

The pain suddenly wasn't so bad now.

A/N: R/R. Let me know what you think, this is my first attempt at a drabble (and a series of drabbles at that).