The Dark of the Matinee

Chapter One

A note!

The Dark of the Matinee is a fic I began working on like… October of 2010. I spent pretty much that entire time up until I started For Gentlemen Only on this fic. FGO wouldn't have happened if the first chapter of this fic's file hadn't gotten corrupted. I've tried for a while to repair it but nothing's working. It was 40 pages long and full of some long winded exchanges that I personally loved but knew I'd have to cut up. It's been pretty frustrating trying to deal with it.

Anyway, I've become really quite fond of FGO and my interest in Dark of the Matinee has absolutely waned. However, I'm still proud of some of the writing and have decided to post up the bits that I did write. This is sitting in place of chapter 1 just in case I ever get the desire to revisit this or by some miracle found a back up copy of it you can bet I'll post it up.

Let me summarize basically what happened in the first chapter! It is a CraigxKyle fic. The guys are in their second year of college in Denver. Kyle is a Chemistry major and Craig a film major. Kyle, Stan, and Kenny live in an apartment together and those two are an English and Archeology major respectively. Kyle needs a non-major elective still so his roommates convince him to sign up for a Literature to Film class. Surprise, surprise: Craig and Clyde are both in the class as well. Craig and Clyde are roomies and one of the first assignments they are given is to do a group research project on a particular film that has been made based off of a book. The group chooses The Princess Bride because… it is an awesome film.

Anyway, the entire time Craig's really interested in Kyle but Kyle has had zero interest in dating in the past. He's a little interested and Craig tries to convince him they should date. Stan gets in the way for a little bit but ultimately gives his consent.

That's a really, really brief summary of what all happened in the first chapter but it's enough for you to read on if you'd like. It isn't complete even though I'm also posting the sort of Epilogue I wrote and… I hope you guys like what I've managed to get done. (And if you happened to catch snippets of familiarity you aren't going crazy – I pulled bits from it into my other stuff.)