Doesn't it seem like Nick and Jess are going to get together every episode? Well, what if they did. For every episode, there will be short unconnected branch offs from the show, where at some point the possibility of them getting together was plausible.


They were sitting at the bar both bummed out about their current relationships, or lack thereof, but Jess hid it better than Nick.

"I could pretend to be more like you, Jess, and live on a sparkly rainbow and drive a unicorn around and just sing all the time." Nick mocked turning a dirty glass around in his hand as he mindlessly cleaned it with a rag.

Jess stared at him for a while finally crossing her arms over her chest. "Don't get mad at me Mr. Grumpy face."

"Why shouldn't I Jess!" He said raising his hands above his head and almost dropping the glass. He caught it in time, but didn't forget his rant. "Let's face it. I am stuck in this horrible cycle with Caroline," He whined.

"You don't have to." Jess said taking the glass from him and walking around to the other side of the bar.

"You can't come back here Jess." He tried to say, but she didn't listen.

"Look Nick. You were fine before Caroline and you can be fine after."

Nick shook his head and buried his face into his hands. She never understood how much more complicated it was.

"There." Jess said giving him back the glass that she just been properly cleaning.

He turned it around some more before hanging it on the rack behind him. "It's not so simple Jess. We have a past."

"Oh, a past." Jess replied in a funny deep voice as she air quoted 'past'.

Nick shook his head some more and walked away trying to get some work done and be productive.

"Nick!" Jess screamed from the other side.

"Just leave it go Jess." He said feeling a major migraine coming on. "There is nothing you can say that will make this any better.

"I know." She said awkwardly, now standing behind him.

"Then why do you persist on bothering me?" Nick asked.

This question stumped her for a while. "I... I care about you Nick."

"You barely know me Jess."

"I would like to know you better though." Jess was all puppy dog eyed and pouting; just too much for Nick.

"Alright, alright. Gosh, don't make that face."

"What face?" Jess said sticking her tongue out and going cross eyed. Nick laughed before she did another.

"Yeah, that one right there." Nick said pointing to the one that looked like an angry old man.

They stood there letting their laughs die out slowly before awkward silence ensued.

"So are you going to that club tonight?" Jess asked tapping her fingers against the bar countertop.

"Only if you come with me. Truthfully, those Native American girls scare me a bit." Jess bit her lip and nodded.

"Is it like a date?" Jess asked shyly.

"Is going on a date considered moving on?" Nick wondered.

"I am pretty sure." Jess replied in another one of her awkward yet friendly voices.

"Alright then. Why not."

Nick called the guys over and they all walked out together; Schmidt eyeing the girls in front of him, Coach watching Schmidt suspiciously and Nick with his hand on the small of Jess's back, just light enough to tell her that he was there for her.

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