A wail broke through the silence quite sharply.
A door was promptly kicked off it's hinges. "Screw this! Until Aria stops crying, I'm going back to the COMSUBIN/CEDEF dorms!"
Colonello ran after Lal hurriedly. "Wait for me, kora!"

"Luche-nee, is it ok," Skull yawned, rubbing sleep out of his eyes, "if I go sleep with the Carcassa tonight...? I have a test in the morning."
Luche nodded tiredly. "Yes, go ahead, Skull-kun."
Skull dragged himself out of the dorms still in his pjs.
Viper was busily mumbling into her cell. "Oi, I'm sleeping over at the spare Varia room, Bel-No, I do not miss you, Aria just wont shut up. No, you sadistic prince, I will not sleep in your room-"
Fon snatched the phone out of Viper's hands. One could see his eyebrow twitching as he spoke into the phone. "Bel-san, I will be coming with Viper as well, I have no other place to sleep tonight..."
Viper only sighed and left with a pat on the head to baby Aria, Fon hurrying behind her. Reborn turned to Verde.
"And you?"
"Lambo doesn't have a roommate, so I'm going to sleep in his dorm." Verde said, leaving as Luche rocked a crying Aria, trying and failing to get her to stop crying.
Reborn soon walked closer to Aria and rubbed her head comfortingly, much like how he did to his mother. After about twenty minutes, Aria was asleep again and was brought to her nursery.
In the Arcobaleno dorms, there were about nine rooms, one for each flame, the incomplete Arcobaleno, and the last one, only the Arcobaleno knew about and even their memories were a bit dingy when remembering that room. The occupant of that room was not present so they redid the room in a way that Luche deemed fit for her little angel. AKA, Viper's worst nightmare. In cash.
Reborn smiled fondly at Aria when helping Luche to bed. The little girl didn't go through a single night without screaming her head off, she went through more diapers than Verde through experiments, and she went through clothes just as fast, what with vomiting and spitting all her food onto it.
Yet he loved her like she was his own child.
Parenthood was strange, restless and scary, Reborn decided finally, laying on his bed for a much needed rest.
The next day, Luche let the Arcobaleno bring in their charges to see Aria. Tsuna had thought the girl was pink and wiggly and weird-looking when she was first born but he was happy to see that she was now an adorable little baby. Kyoya looked over the girl and vaguely wondered if she would have her mother's ability to scar children for life. Hayato wasn't one for enjoying being in the presence of a child, but came to please his boss. Ryohei was reminded of when his sister Kyoko was first born and happily greeted the baby, who giggled. Lambo didn't like sniveling brats but came because his Midori-nee said to be nice to Verde for the time being due to the fact they had a project to do and he had a stronger flame than her. Takeshi smiled and was ignorant as Colonello had to pry Aria's hand off of Takeshi's numb finger. The pineapple twins looked at the baby in interest.
"Mukuro-nii," Chrome started, "Where do babies come from?"
Mukuro smiled. "From their mommies of course!"
"But how do they get in their mommies, Mukuro-nii?" Chrome asked. Mukuro frowned.
"I don't know..." Mukuro turned to Luche. "Arcobaleno, how are babies made?"
Luche smiled. "Ask Viper,"
Viper flinched. "Why me? I'm a virgin here."
Hayato vaguely noticed his martial arts tutor let out a breathe (of relief?) at these words.
"What's a virgin, Colonello-nii?" Takeshi asked the blonde, who glared at Viper.
"Someone who uh...Lal, you tell 'im, kora!"
Lal glared. "A virgin is someone who's never had se-mmph!" Lal was cut off by means with a Luche glaring at her and Reborn covering her mouth.
"What's se?" Tsuna asked, wide eyes blinking as he turned to Hayato, one of the more knowledgable children in the Family.
Hayato thought hard. "I'm not really sure, Jyuudaime, but it must be a long and hard procedure to create life!"
Verde pushed his glasses up. "Well the creation is actually happening progressively over the pregnancy, and the 'se' is the starting point. Like planting a seed and pregnancy is like the seed growing."
Luche was satisfied that the explanation didn't go too into details and didn't bodily injure the scientist.
Reborn looked at Viper. "Wait, you're a virgin?"
Viper looked back pointedly. "Half the school believes I'm male."
Reborn nodded. "Good point."
Mukuro then laughed. "Kufufufufu, the little baby is quite cute, like my Nagi..."
Mukuro then turned his mismatched eyes at the child. Aria met his eyes.
At that moment, time stopped.
Then, instead of screaming or crying or wailing her head off, Aria did one of the least likely things one would expect:
She giggled and pat Mukuro's pineapple head.
Reborn was so, so happy he had those cameras installed to catch his daughter's childhood-ahem, catch any intruders.
Because that face was just so, so adorable.
Tsuna immediately smiled brightly at the child. "Hehe, Aria-chan's do cute!"
Luche smiled down at Tsuna. "Ne, Tsuna-kun, I suppose this makes you her Nii-chan huh?"
Tsuna blinked at Luche repeatedly before breaking into a wide smile. "Really? Thank you, Luche-nee! Nice to meet you, Aria-chan-ah, imouto!"
Aria gurgled happily, Mukuro's pineapple hair still in her grip.

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