Summary: Damon thought Elena would be the number one contributor to all the Christmas joy, hell he even half expected her to waltz right into the Grill and slap the holiday spirit into him. Merry Christmas TVD Delena fans! My First TVD fanfic!

Holy crap! I wrote a oneshot!

So here it is! My first (Published) The Vampire Diaries fanficiton!

Of course it's Delena because that's just how it should be. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: No, I don't own the Vampire Diaries which also means I don't own Damon Salvatore…damnit. -.-

My Paper Mistletoe

A Vampire Diaries Fanficiton

By CaptainFlyingSparrow

No matter where Damon Salvatore went in the small town of Mystic Falls; he couldn't escape the holiday cheer.

The town square was decorated to perfection, a large tree standing in the middle, lights flashing from its branches and illuminating the ornaments that adorned it. The town's hotspot restaurant, the Mystic Falls Grill was also decorated for the season; lights hung from the ceiling, wreaths from the walls, and a beautifully decorated Christmas tree sat off in the corner by the bar. Even a toy train rolled on its railings around the tree, making whistling noises every now and then.

Mayor Lockwood was preparing for her annual Christmas Party scheduled for that Saturday night at her Mansion, while the Mystic Falls Highschool was preparing for the Christmas Parade that was scheduled to happen later on this very night.

Damon let his head fall onto the table before him with a groan, his forehead touching the cool wood. He should have just locked himself away in the Boarding House for the rest of the month. New Years he could deal with, but Christmas?

No way in hell!

Was it wrong to want to rip Santa's throat out? Tear Rudolf's glowing red nose off his face and shove it down the reindeer's throat? Or take a torch and melt Frosty the Snowman?

Damn, maybe he really was as twisted, psychotic, and vindictive as Caroline Forbs liked to say. He actually relished the idea of overthrowing Christmas one day.

He didn't notice as the very perky blond he was thinking of took a seat before him in the booth.

"Oh Damon!" she said sarcastically in a sing song voice. Oh, he would kill her too if he had the choice.

Damon raised his head again, but let it fall back to the table as his eyes caught site of her.

Son of a bitch! He thought what he could do? If only he could run, maybe hide. Well shit! He was screwed!

"What the hell, do you want Caroline?" he asked, causing the blonde to raise an eyebrow.

"What's wrong with you? You're not the one who normally acts all…broody." She asked as she cocked her head to the side, a smile spreading across her face. She was clearly amused by his mood.

Damon lifted his head his ice blue eyes glaring angrily at her. "I'm not brooding." He snapped.

"Oh, ok whatever you say." Caroline replied sarcastically receiving another glare from the vampire before her.

"What do you want Vampire Barbie." He asked, her nickname falling off his tongue like venom before he took a sip from his drink, growling when he noticed it was empty. He needed to order a new one, and fast!

Caroline was clearly frustrated with something, her hands folded neatly but tightly before her, as her mind went into motion.

If she had a glass in her hand, Damon was sure it would shatter into a million pieces.

Caroline carefully chose her words as she started to speak with a calm tone; well at least she thought it was calm.

"Elena!" she said throwing her hands in the air. "I understand Christmas isn't her thing anymore but damn!"

Damon's eyes widened slightly, as the blonde babbled on before him, her voice slowly starting to get higher with each word she said.

"Elena promised that she would help with the Christmas float this year! She promised! Now that it's finally time she locks herself in her room and she won't come out!"

Damon shook his head for a moment, clearly taken aback. He would have thought Elena would be the number one contributor to all the Christmas joy hell he even half expected her to waltz right into the Grill and slap the holiday spirit into him.

"What?" he asked his voice laced with confusion. "Why?"

Caroline sighed sitting back in the bench. "Duh! Damon Christmas is a family thing, which Elena doesn't really have anymore. Also, her vampire ripper boyfriend just disappeared off the face of the earth. I understand she's depressed and very un-Elena like, but she can at least keep her promise and help! She doesn't have to stay for the parade! Even though I think it would do her some good."

Damon felt a ping of sadness in his heart at Caroline's words, Elena did have a family. Maybe not the one she wished she had back, or a normal human family but ether way she had a twisted family that cared about her. Wasn't that enough? What the hell was he thinking, of course it wasn't! Elena deserved so much more than all the shit that was handed to her on a daily bases.

Caroline shook her head as she ordered herself a drink from the waitress.

"Me, Bonnie and Jeremy have tried everything." Caroline continued, snapping Damon out of his thoughts. "But nothing is working; she won't come out of her room. She just yells that she wants to stay there and watch old Disney movies all day. I swear she's watched Bambie about seven times already since yesterday."

She shook her head again, thanking the waitress abruptly for her drink before continuing on. "She says she's fine, but of course she's not. Elena isn't just fine anymore." Caroline sighed sadly before adding "None of us are."

"Why not just let her mope and brood?" Damon suddenly asked causing Caroline to glare at him.

"Because Damon, its Christmas, the "Most Wonderful Time of the Year" a time for family and friends, a time of giving, a time of being happy."

She then chuckled in a very sarcastic way, lifting her hand up as if a dawn of realization had come over her.

"Why the hell am I trying to explain this to you? Like you even care or understand what I'm saying. You don't know what any of this means, family, friends, giving, and selflessness. Why must I always forget that you're an ass?"

Damon glared angrily at Caroline, his blue eyes narrow as a small growl erupted in his throat causing the blonde to stop her constant chatter.

For the first time, in a long time he saw a little bit of the old Caroline before she was a vampire. The scared little girl he used as his personal plaything. She stared back at him with wide blue eyes as he abruptly stood from the booth and threw down a couple dollars to pay for his drink before throwing down a couple more.

"There." He snapped "Time of giving right? Well there's some money for your drink."

Caroline stared up at him; mouth slightly agape as she watched him walk away. His eyes deadly as he roughly pushed open The Grill's front door before venturing out into the parking lot.

Damon didn't stop as he walked across the street to where his car was parked. The sun was starting to set, causing the Christmas lights of town square to shine brightly above him as he angrily threw open his car door before climbing inside and slamming it shut behind him.

Any other day or holiday, if Caroline were to say those words he would have brushed them off ignoring her completely. He might have even said something sarcastic back.

But not around this holiday, those words only made it worse than it already was.

He drove quickly to the Boarding House not caring much for the speed limit. His hand gripped the steering wheel tightly, so tightly in fact he was shocked that it didn't shatter under his grip.

What the hell did Caroline know? She didn't know shit about him! Of course he knew about family, giving, and caring! Isn't that what he has been doing for the past year?

He rolled his eyes dramatically, maybe he should go kill a few bunnies then everyone would forget all his bad moments and forgive him.

Yeah, right.

His grip on the steering wheel loosened slightly as he pulled into the driveway of the Boarding House, he pulled the car to a stop but made no move to turn off the ignition.

He let his hand fall from the wheel onto the seat beside him, leaning his head back on the head rest as he closed his eyes.

Just three more days. He thought to himself. Three more days and Christmas will be done and over with. This damn holiday will be gone for another year.

There was a time when Damon loved Christmas, when he would sit and wait, counting the days as they past, waiting for Christmas morning when he would run across the hall into Stefan's bedroom, waking his little brother.

Stefan's big green eyes would sparkle at the very mention of Christmas; he would bolt out of the room Damon right on his heels before bursting into their parent's room, not caring about the glares their father would send them.

Their mother, long black hair and big blue eyes would smile brightly as she climbed out of bed. Damon's hand in her right, Stefan's in her left as the two little boys almost dragged her down the stairs of the old Salvatore mansion, right to the living area of their home where the large Christmas tree stood decorated in all its glory, presents around its bottom waiting to be opened, cookies baked, and a large fire burning in the fireplace.

If Damon knew that would be the last Christmas he was going to spend with his mother, if he would have known that exactly one year from that time she would be gone forever, he would have paid more attention, enjoyed it more. These were the moments when he wished video cameras were invented in the 1800's, because he wanted nothing more than to spend this Christmas and every Christmas replaying that one video, and that video only.

He quickly shook his thoughts away, his mind thinking over what Caroline had said earlier at The Grill.

He wasn't the only one not in the Christmas Spirit, of course brooding wasn't really Damon's thing, but considering that he didn't have to be alone in not enjoying this horrible holiday he might as well be with someone he actually liked being around.

Well liked wasn't really the right word when it came to Elena Gilbert.