I've no words to say how sorry I am for taking so long. I just... I lost myself at the story, and as the show continued I lost the feeling to keep writing this story, but I didn't want to give up of it. So I waited. Now, after so many requests, here I am with the last chapter of it. It's not beated or anything, so disconsider the grammar mistakes. I hope you guys enjoyed the end I gave, it's not the best, I'm still unsure of it, but it's not a bad one. Thank you for everyone of you that had followed this story, that had left me reviews and comments about it, that read and liked the story. I said I wasn't going to quit, so here I am. Please, enjoy the chapter, and comment if you want to, it will make me happy.


Chapter 10 (the final)

While Regina was out, driving Henry to school, Emma had some time to think. She walked through the house, feeling oddly comfortable at that house. Everything seemed where it was supposed to be. She wasn't familiar with that kind of feeling. She walked into the living room, sat at the couch, waiting impatient. She couldn't stop wonder about what was like to be in a family like that. It was quite unusual for her, but it was good. She laughed again by the thought of her dream, and how everything happened just the same, or almost the same. After half an hour the brunette was back.

Regina entered the house, leaving her case and coat near the door. Emma watched her with a small smile on her lips. The brunette smiled back, trying to read the blonde's expression as she came closer. She sat on the couch right at Emma's side, still in silent. While on the car she had thought a lot about their situation, about her feelings and what she was supposed to do. Inside her mind, she thought about taking step by step and speaking calmly with Emma, but the sheriff cut her off, as always.

"So… What did you want to talk?" Emma started, gazing Regina's eyes.

"Well… There are a lot of things we need to discuss about…"

"Alright. Let's do it. Shoot!" she seemed a little bit anxious.

"Miss Swan, it's not that simple…" the brunette smiled. It was always like that with Emma, but nothing in Regina's life was quite simple.

"I'm here, I already told you. I'm not gonna runaway…" she shrugged.

"Yes, I am aware of it." A little smile appeared on her lips as she remembered all the times she tried to make Emma leave, failing at all of them. "Listen, I am glad you want to stay, and that you want to take care of Henry, and everything, but this cannot happen." She pointed to them, assuming that familiar cold and indifferent expression.

"What do you mean?" Emma was taken by surprise. That conversation was not going as she expected. "But, Regina… Last night, we…"

"Yes. I know what happened last night. But I assure you it won't happen again."

"No, you're kidding me. I don't believe you." She smiled, trying to seem like if she understood the joke.

"You can believe in whatever suits you. But this is over." Regina got up, stepping ahead, as if proving a point. "It will be easily if you just accept it. You can still have dinners with us, and you can see Henry as much as you want to. He's your son too. But that's it." She never thought it would be so hard to say those words to Emma. Although she knew she needed to. She was used to give up of what she wanted. Even hurt, she remained calm and breathed.

"No. It can't be! I love you, Regina! And you love me too! You said it!" the blonde got up too, opening her arms in a desperate sigh. "And even if you didn't had say the words, I felt it!" what could be happening? Why Regina was acting that way? She was confused, lost inside her mind. She didn't want to give up of what that new and amazing life could be. She knew they could have a good thing together.

"Emma, please, don't make it harder…" her voice was low, rough. Spending so much time with Emma made her soft, the tears were already accumulating on her eyes, but she couldn't let her see them.

"No! There's something wrong. What the hell is happening? Please, tell me…" she dared to take some steps closer.

"There is nothing wrong. I just…" she sighed. She couldn't tell Emma what was wrong. The whole thing was a lie. That whole town… Their jobs, their lives… Emma wouldn't understand. She would be against her, as everybody ever was. She cursed them. She was the Evil Queen. She was supposed to be alone. And Emma was the savior, supposed to beat the Queen. "Please, go away."

"I'll not leave this fucking house unless you tell me what's wrong! I know something is off. I know you're lying. There's a reason you are doing this."

"I told you it's…" she couldn't finish the sentence because Emma was now right behind her.

"Liar! C'mon! What are you afraid of, Regina?" the blonde was angry, with her hands on her lips, breathing heavily.

Feeling Emma so close to her, made all her body shake, her teeth gritting, her hands closing in fist, all her rage taking control over her. "Everything!" she yelled, her voice now lower and deeper. She turned to face Emma, her brown deep eyes shining. "Do you want to know what's wrong, Miss Swan?" a smirk appeared on her face.

"Regina, what's…" for the first time she seemed scared, and a lot more confused.

"You wanted the truth, didn't you Miss Swan? So now you shall have it!"

"What are you talking about?" Emma stepped back, with her eyes wide open.

"Henry is right, did you know that? Everybody used to greet him about his wonderful imagination… All fool! How stupid these people can be to not believe in a child?"

"What do you mean…? So… Are you… the…" Emma couldn't complete the sentence. She opened her mouth a couple of times, in disbelief.

"Indeed I am." Regina smiled, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"I don't believe you! It doesn't make sense! How could you…? I mean… I…"

"A curse. Are you so naïve to never have thought about it, Miss Swan?"

"Well… Hum… I thought it was a children's thing… I mean… it's just… Crazyness!" she laughed, nervous, with her hands in her pockets. It was hard to believe. No… It was impossible. "If… If it was true… Why would you do that?"

"Why, Miss Swan? I spent my whole life feeling sorry for existing! I was never enough to my mother. She was disappointed with me! She regret having me, you didn't know that, right? She told me I wasn't worthy her love, her effort to make me a queen. I had a true love once… Do you want to know what happened to him? My mother ripped his heart out. Oh her regal daughter wasn't supposed to fall in love with nothing more than a stable boy. She raised me with nothing more than rules, and hard words, no love, no caress… I just wanted to be free!"

Emma blinked a couple of times, breathing heavily, paying attention at the brunette. "And why didn't you runaway?"

"Didn't you think I've tried?" she snapped. "There was no way to escape from that hell, especially after meeting Snow White…" her upper lip lifted, and her expression got anger.

"She was your chance, Regina… Why did…"

"What are you implying?" Regina cut her off, her tone a little higher. "My chance? The chance to be ruined, you mean. She was the reason to Daniel be killed! Her father married me, but I was nothing more than a puppet for him, a beautiful trophy wife to be exposed. He forced me. And my mother forced me to live with him to be a queen. It was the right thing to do. She wanted that. Snow wanted a mother. The king wanted a wife. They wanted me to be so many things… They wanted me to be evil. To be a queen. To be darker. But did they ask me what I wanted?"

Green eyes gazed brown as Emma asked.

"What do you want, Regina?"

Tears fell from her eyes, and a smile opened in her red lips as she answered.

"I just want to be happy!"

Green eyes shined, as Emma smiled, gazing the brown, a warm feeling invading her body, and she opened her arms.

"So be it!"

There was a huge shake, as a purple smoke started to consume the whole town. A whiff of air washed them, as it was pure air entering their lungs, breaking the curse. Regina fell on her knees, sobbing uncontrollable, and her whole body shaking. Emma was confused, as her memory started to get back, with flashes of a past life popping into her mind. She looked at Regina, getting that conflicted feeling inside of her.

"What the hell happened? Regina… You really…" her voice cracked.

"You broke the curse." She said defeated, without moving, her eyes down. "I just don't understand… How could you…" the queen was confused, trying to assemble the puzzle.

Emma stepped forward, kneeling at Regina, holding her chin and lifting her head. Gazing their eyes. She smiled, saying in a sweet voice. "Are you happy, Regina?"

The brunette sobbed once again, her brown eyes shining, and she smiled. "Yes, I am."

Emma suddenly hugged her tight, crying happily. "I said I'll never leave you. I'm here." She whispered at the brunette's ears. "I love you, Regina."

The door opened and an excited Henry ran inside the house, yelling "I knew it, I knew it!" when he stopped speechless with the scene. His eyes grew big wide, as he tried to speak. "Emma… Mom… What's happening? I mean… You're the Evil Queen! And she's the Savior…"

"No, kid." Emma smiled back, still beside Regina, holding her shoulders, as the brunette remained quiet. "She's just Regina. Your mom." She quickly looked to Regina, encouraging her to do the same. Still unsure, she managed to speak.

"Yes, Miss… I mean, Emma is right. And she's just Emma. Your mom." She paused for a while, taking a deep breath and then saying, "And my happy ending."

He stood there for a while, digesting what he just had heard, while outside the door there were people screaming in happiness, finding each other, but they weren't paying attention. Henry looked from Emma to Regina, and as a smile opened wide at his lips, he ran to his both moms, holding them tight. "Now we are a family. And now we are happy."

Tears fell from green eyes when Emma heard those words. Her dream passed through her mind once again. 'They were happy. She knew it, she saw it.' She laughed, thinking about destiny.

Real people in real life weren't just good or just bad, or in fairy tales. They were a mix of it. Everyone had a side that nobody had seen yet, backup stories that nobody had heard of. Everybody was worth a second chance. And more important of everything, it was never late to be happy. And now Regina was.

The End