Disclaimer: I own NOTHING to do with American Horror Story! This is a new story that I will be working on after I finish Captivated by the Dark. I wanted to release the prologue to get some feedback from you, so please read and review. Let me know what you think!

It had been 15 years.

15 years since the Harmon family tragedy had occurred in the Murder House.

15 years since Vivian had died while giving birth to her son.

15 years since Ben had shot himself in the head after the death of his wife.

15 years since Violet had overdosed on sleeping pills.

The news had reported the two deaths of Vivian and Ben in the same fashion, but they said that Violet had run away when her mother was sent to the mental hospital. They reported that the daughter had never been found. They reported that the Harmon's son was sent to Florida to be raised by his Aunt.

It had been 10 years since someone had lived in the Murder House. The house had been on the market for 5 years before a rich man bought it and turned it into a ghost museum. You know, one of those buildings where teams of people go and "hunt ghosts"? The upside to this was that the house was always furnished, and the ghosts, such as Elizabeth and Travis, got to have their 5 seconds of fame whenever the teams came to investigate the house. Those two ghosts loved to flicker the lights and whisper to the living.

It had been 5 years since Constance had passed away. The doctor's report said that she died peacefully in her sleep.

It had been 2 months since a new family moved into Constance's house. It had taken a long time to sell because no one wanted to live next to a ghost museum. The new family was young and vibrant. The mother was a slender blonde that always seemed to be dressed in designer clothes and high stilettos. The father was a muscular brunette that owned a nation wide chain of gyms. Their son looked to be around 17 years old. He had sandy blonde hair, a mixture of his parents' hair colors. His hair fell into his eyes and brushed the top of his neck. He was always dressed in v-neck shirts and skinny jeans.

It had been 3 weeks since Violet had taken notice of the boy. The first time she had seen him was when he was walking to the mailbox. Violet had been standing at her window, and the blonde hair had caught her eye. After that day, she a taken to watching out of her window in the hopes to see him again.

It had been 2 weeks since the boy had noticed the beautiful blonde girl that was standing in the window of the ghost museum. The first time he had seen her, he thought that he was hallucinating. He was convinced she was there the second time he saw her. He could have sworn that he saw her smile when his eyes met hers.

It had been 15 years since Violet had spoken to Tate. She ran into him in the hallways occasionally, but she just brushed past him without any acknowledgement of his presence.

It had been 15 years since Tate had lost his way. When Violet banished him from her life, he had fallen off the edge. He lost his sense of humanity and had gone back into the darkness.

It had been 1 hour since Tate had silently watched Violet as she looked out of her bedroom window.

It had been 1 hour since Tate's heart broke all over again for his lost love.

This is going to be a Violate story. Eventually… HaHa