Who doesn't like frozen yogurt?

This was all Amy's fault. It really was. You see Amy had suggested that they get frozen yogurt after their defeat of the vespers, and so they did. It was fun at first, they talked, and they laughed, and enjoyed fussing over the hostages. But then Jonah had to open his big mouth and say "Well I personally think that I was a HUGE part in recovering the hostages." This ticked off Sinead to say the least.

"Oh really. Tell me Jonah do you ever get worried that your ego will simply explode? Because I would be worried if I were you." She said with fake concern. "Do I detect sarcasm from an Ekat? Well Sinead if I may point out your ego is equally big if not bigger!" He said taking a bite of her frozen yogurt and smiling triumphantly at her frustration. As soon as he smiled she took her frozen yogurt and plopped it on his head.

This led to Jonah trying to hit her and failing, then all the Cahills were fighting with yogurt. They had booked the entire frozen yogurt place so now on else was there. Sinead noticed Jonah sitting under a table so as not to get hit. She went under the table too barely missing some vanilla that was aimed at her. When she was under the table she turned to Jonah.

"You started this!" she said crossing her arms. "I started this? I wasn't the one who dumped frozen yogurt on someone's head!" He said looking indignant. They were always like this, constantly bickering and arguing in a slightly flirty manner. "Yeah well you ate my ice cream!" Sinead said, Jonah looked at her and said "It's frozen yogurt, not ice cream!" He said because he couldn't think of anything else.

"You pig-headed, arrogant, basta-"Sinead was cut off by Jonah kissing her. And to not on his but her own surprise she kissed him back. "Wow" She said "wow" Jonah agreed. They just stared at each other before realizing that the fighting had stopped and everyone was staring at them. Sinead blushed and looked down, Jonah however maintained his cool and said "What are you looking at, you're covered in frozen yogurt."