The exciting conclusion of Dinner with the Family {insert dramatic music}
Pff~ Anyway. Enjoy!
Ichigo was thrown to floor by the force of Aizen's back hand, hitting the top of the large desk on the way down. He hit the ground hard, papers fluttering about him and a heavy, glass paper weight shattered near by.
In the back of his mind, Ichigo warned himself to be careful of the broken glass but his thoughts were sluggish and the room seemed to swim. From somewhere in the office, probably on the other side of the wooden desk he had just tumbled over, the Handler heard Aizen speak.
He didn't care what the man had to say. Ichigo ignored the don, thinking that he was probably telling him to behave again or demanding information Ichigo wouldn't give him.
The orangette struggled on the floor, finally managing to pull his legs under him and sit up on his knees. He tried to rub at the back of his head, where it had hit the top of the desk, but his hands were still bound. The duct tape pulled and dug cruelly into his worn, raw flesh. The flash of sharp pain seemed to help clear his mind and Ichigo instantly spun around, nearly falling back to the ground in the process.
He crawled backward until he was pressed against the wall and watched Aizen round the large desk with wide eyes.
An enraged growling, not unlike that of an angered animal, filtered through the office. The sound was slightly less menacing coming through the small speaker of his collar, but it still carried the same threat. "Don't you fuckin touch him." Grimmjow growled from the other end of the line.
Grimmjow? Ichigo's fear filled eyes widened. Grimmjow was a smart man when it came to these sorts of things, damn near a tactical genius. He wouldn't have tried reaching him with the collar after all this time of remaining silent unless he was near. The Handler put the pieces together and quickly surmised that his lover had to be in the mansion somehow. Desperation and hope made him scream out as Aizen grabbed hold of his wrists.
More snarling filtered through the collar. The sound was followed by a sick slicing, ripping sound and Ichigo instantly recognized it as the sound of Grimmjow's blades tearing into a body.
The Handler continued to shout, hoping against all odds that Grimmjow would be near enough in the large, winding mansion to hear him through more than just the speaker of the collars. He fought Aizen as best he could, struggling and kicking out with all his dwindled strength. A calm voice cut through his mind; a voice that kept his hope alive as Aizen hovered over him.
"Ichigo. Where are you, can you tell me?" Grimmjow's words were calm and even, not belaying any of the panic he felt. They were an anchor for Ichigo to cling to and he shouted out an answer as he scrambled to his feet.
"T...The office! Aizen's office!" Ichigo didn't know how that would help Grimmjow, but he hoped the Hunter would find him soon. Grimmjow was good at what he did, he had always known that. If anyone could sneak into Aizen's mansion, fight and claw his way through the halls and find Ichigo's trail, it was Grimmjow.
"Lead the way." The man's deep voice rang through the speaker again, this time not addressing the Handler or the don. It screamed with threat and the promise of things worse than death should whoever he was speaking to go against him.
Aizen paused as he heard the Hunter speak, his small smile falling to a just as slight frown. Ichigo seized his moment of distraction and scrambled for the door. He wrapped his bound hands around the knob to find that Aizen had locked the door. He cursed and jerked on it anyway. Desperate and terrified, he fumbled with the small locking mechanism of the door with trembling hands.
The don's distraction didn't last long. He calmly walked up behind the frightened Handler and wrapped a strong arm around the man's neck, pulling his forearm firmly across Ichigo's throat. He locked his arm in place with his other and dragged the struggling man away from the door, thoughts in over drive of how to salvage this situation.
Ichigo gasped for air and pulled at the don's arms, trying to free himself. Aizen's body was pressed firmly against his back, his heat oppressive in the worst of ways and his still half hard member rubbed across the top of his ass through the man's slacks. Ichigo whimpered, trying to hold back his tears as he continued to struggle.
A heavy object thudded against the door from in the opposite side, causing both men to freeze and look expectantly at the portal as the door shuttered with the force. A grunt from the hallway was the only sound and mere moments later a dark, crimson pool seeped below the door, soaking into the wooden planks of the floor.
"Grimmjow..." The word was whispered as Ichigo still struggled to loosen the arm around his throat. He twisted against the tape binding his wrists and managed to drive his elbow back into the don's stomach. Aizen grunted and doubled slightly, his grip loosening. "Grimmjow!"
A growling was his answer as the Hunter pounded on the wooden door from the other side, his brute force shaking the very frame as the door groaned in protest. The pounding paused and Grimmjow spoke from the other side of the door, his deep voice dark and commanding. "Stay back, Ichi"
A split second later a thick, curved black blade splintered the wood around the door knob. The blade twisted before being pulled back through, only to re-pierce the wood immediately after. Again, the blade was pulled back, but this time, Grimmjow slammed his fist through the damaged area, uncaring as the wood splintered and cut into his knuckles.
"Stay back or I'll kill him" Aizen stated calmly as he watched the Hunter reach through the broken door and calmly unlock it.
Grimmjow pulled the door open and peered inside. His lip curled and his blue eyes widened as they instantly landed on the abused, battered Handler. What had they done to his Ichigo? A possessive anger welled inside Grimmjow as he quickly assessed the situation.
"No you wont." He told Aizen as he stepped through the door way, unmindful of the bloody mess he was walking through. His voice was quiet and too calm. "You'll be begging for death quicker than you ever thought possible."
Ichigo felt Aizen tense up behind him as the man shifted, obviously recognizing the promise for what it was. His heart pounded painfully in his chest at the sight of his lover, blood smeared and angry, the man he never thought he would see again. He watched the hidden emotions swirl behind the predatory chaos that flooded cool azure.
"It seems we are at a stalemate, then." Aizen said, his voice calm and unwavering as he stared down the blue haired beast in front of him, all the while his mind raced to find a way to keep the Hunter down. He had seen the man take half a chamber of bullets and still struggle enough to kill one of his best men. But then, Aizen had mostly just been toying with the Hunter at the time.
"Let him go and I'll make your death swift." Grimmjow growled out at the don. It took every ounce of control he had to not throw himself at the baster don but he didn't want to hurt Ichigo any further and Aizen still had a hold of him.
Ichigo felt as Aizen's weight shifted again, leaning to one side almost imperceptibly. He trembled with fear, exhaustion and adrenaline but he knew the don was up to something. Habit formed over the years of working with his Hunter made the Handler's eyes dart in the direction Aizen was leaning toward, searching out clues as to what the man was planning so that he could better assist his partner. After a moment of searching, Ichigo found what the don had seen.
A gun lay amidst the broken glass and papers Ichigo had knocked from the desk when he had been thrown across it. His eyes widened and he looked back up at Grimmjow. Still tugging at the arm pulling against his trachea and threatening to choke him, he waited for the Hunter to glance down at him. Ichigo raised two fingers, the digits held close to each other in a mock shape of the threat, then looked back to the gun.
"It is you that should be hoping for a swift death, creature." Aizen said, his tone superior and haughty. He did well at hiding his concern and seeming confident.
The silent information passed to him by his Handler didn't slip Grimmjow's understanding and his crystalline blue eyes narrowed slightly as he looked back to Aizen. His head tilted slightly and he bared his teeth, flipping the blades in his hands in a circular motion once, just for the threat factor. He watched the don's eyes flick down to the blades before looking back up to his face.
"Nah. You couldn't kill me before." Grimmjow said quietly as he took a stalking, circling step toward Aizen. The direction he circled toward brought him closer to the gun Ichigo had indicated and forced Aizen to step away from it in order to maintain the distance between them.
"You two really make a magnificent team. It's a shame I can't keep you both. You know, I could pay you more?" Aizen said. He suddenly released Ichigo, shoving him hard toward the Hunter. He pulled a different gun from a holster on the back of his unbuckled belt and trained it on the stumbling Handler. He knew threatening the bluenette directly wouldn't get him anywhere, but threatening his partner seemed to work well.
In a protective motion, Grimmjow wrapped his arms around the smaller man as Ichigo stumbled into his solid body and began to fall. He turned his back to Aizen, placing himself between the threat and his lover as the gun went off. Hot lead dug a furrow across the muscle of his shoulder and he reacted with quick, instinctual movements.
The bluenette pushed Ichigo to the ground and toward the desk, nearly throwing him behind the large, wooden object as he spun around. Before he had even completed his turn, he planted his back foot and dove at his target.
Aizen tried to dodge to the side, headed for the door. An almost silent curse escaped him as he was tripped up by the Hunter. He spun back to face the man as a thickly corded arm wrapped around his waist from behind.
The gun went off again, harmlessly discharging toward the ceiling as Aizen was tackled to the ground. The don tried to redirect the weapon at the Hunter. Grimmjow dropped one of his blades and grasped Aizen's wrist. He twisted and slammed the man's gun hand to the wooden floor so that the weapon pointed at the wall.
Aizen dropped the gun and used his free hand punch the large Hunter in the face. The bluenette's head snapped around, his jaw snapping shut loudly with the force of the strike. A growl left the man's throat and he slowly looked back to Aizen, a slightly unhinged grin creeping across his face.
Blood trickled from Grimmjow's split lip, dripping down his chin in thick, crimson drops. He bared his teeth in animalistic glee at finally getting his hands on the man that had taken his lover away. Grimmjow raised his head away from the pinned don, smile firmly in place. He fisted a hand in the front of the man's button up shirt.
"You should have let him go when I told you too." Grimmjow said, his voice dark and filled with a malevolent, primal threat. He snapped his head forward, snarling a deranged laugh as he heard the man's nose crunch before Aizen's head slammed into the hard floor below them.
Blood streamed down the lower half of Aizen's face, his nose crooked and obviously broken. Grimmjow climbed off the man, snatching up his discarded second blade, and kicked the gun away. He dropped to a ready, half crouch and motioned the still laying Aizen toward him.
The Hunter wanted a fight, he wanted blood and screaming and guts. He wanted Aizen to beg for death as he watched life slowly drain from those calm, cynical brown eyes. He wanted to bring the don so near death that he had to revive him so that he could kill him all over again.
The don clutched at his bleeding face as he staggered up right, eyeing the dangerous man before him. Aizen's mind raced as he searched for a way to defeat the crazed, blood thirsty beast of a man. The two guns in the room were both too far away for him to hope to reach. His pager rested in his pocket. It wouldn't take long for backup to arrive if he hit the speed dial but something told him that if he moved to retrieve it he would set the Hunter off. And he had high doubts he could match the man's physical strength or speed.
In front of the don, Grimmjow sneered as his nearly inhuman hearing picked up running footsteps from down the hall way. He watched the brown haired man flinch slightly as his calculating eyes watched Grimmjow's every move. A moment later, Aizen's slight smile returned as he too heard the footsteps. Grimmjow pivoted as the footsteps drew nearer, turning his body so that he could watch the door and Aizen.
"Aizen-sama! There's been a breach..." The speaker's words died as he rounded the corner and the big, blue haired man came into view.
"Ah, wonderful timing" Aizen said, being careful to not make too many quick movements that would set the dangerous hit man off. Let his guard die in his place, the man would ultimately do something stupid anyway. Like he was now.
The guard pulled a gun from it's holster inside his coat as he stared at the famed, blue haired killer. There was no mistaking who this man was. The Hunter's muscled body tensed as he drew his weapon and trained it on the man. A smirk curled his lips and the bluenette began stalking forward, shifting the black blades in his hands with ease.
"No, no! Him!" Aizen told the guard, his voice the loudest and closest thing to a shout the man had ever heard. The don pointed to where Ichigo was still crouching on the ground, where his Hunter had shoved him to keep him safe from Aizen. "The orange one, aim at him!"
The guard, hands shaking slightly as the deranged killer crouched slightly and readied to attack, eyeing him with too blue eyes that swirled with a tainted hunger, did as he was told by his boss and swung the weapon to train on the beaten captive.
The change in the Hunter was instant. His grin turned to a sneer and a menacing snarl left his throat. Grimmjow edged toward Ichigo, once again determined to place himself between his lover and the threat. Off to his right, he heard Aizen move about and watched as the guard's eyes shifted to look at his don.
Grimmjow chose the opportunity to spring at the guard. He leapt forward, throwing his large body weight into the man. The two tumbled into the hallway, the guard squeezing the trigger as he fell.
A growl was torn from Grimmjow's throat but he ignored the burning lead that cut through the flesh of his upper arm and slashed out with his curved blades. Cruel metal sank deep into the man's chest and a strangled, pained yell shattered the silence of the corridor.
Grimmjow ripped the blades from the man's body and brought one down in a sweeping arc, slashing the man's throat wide and spraying blood in a fountain to paint the halls. Spinning around, the Hunter shot to his feet again and skidded to a halt in the office, his boots slipping slightly in the bloody mess in the door way.
Aizen looked up from inspecting some of the dirt on his once perfectly pressed shirt. He casually held a gun in one hand, trained at the Hunter's abdomen. "Oh, finished already?" He asked, a feigned amusement shining in his tone.
Grimmjow growled, hardly surprised that the don would take the opportunity to find one of the guns that were floating around the room somewhere. His hatred for the man was raising by the second and it was never good to be on the blue haired Hunter's bad side.
"Ichigo, darling." Aizen called softly, mockingly. A sickly sweet smile curved his thin lips, subtle yet noticeable all the same. "If you don't come out I'm going to kill your partner." For emphasis, the don cocked the gun and discharged the spent shell he had fired minutes ago. The shell bounced on the floor with a hollow sound and rolled toward the edge of the desk.
Grimmjow's growl turned into an enraged snarl as he felt his control slipping. "Ichi. Don't care what happens, you stay right where you are unless I say otherwise." He said in a calm, commanding voice, not taking his deadly, glacial gaze from Aizen. In his peripheral he saw the Handler nod slightly, one eye wide, the other nearly swollen shut and ringed in dark purple.
Ichigo wasn't suppose to look like that. It wasn't so much the physical abuse that his Handler had taken that bothered him; the man had gotten his fair share of ass beatings just like the rest of them, that was part of the job. What really set the bluenette off was seeing him look so fearful. It stirred something unsettling in the pit of Grimmjow's stomach. The sight angered the Hunter further and he let his hatred for the man who had dared lay a hand on his lover take over.
Grimmjow took a stalking step toward the don, uncaring of the gun trained at him. He would gladly take a few bullets if it meant sinking his teeth into the bastard. The thought of Aizen's blood running down the back of his throat appealed to the Hunter a little more than it probably should have and he let a grin eat the lower half of his handsome features.
The Hunter decided he might as well get the show on the road and took a running step toward the don. His long stride brought him nearly directly in front of Aizen in the smallish room and brown eyes widened briefly before going back to their normal calm. The gun trained at Grimmjow went off and the Hunter accepted the hit, grunting as the bullet bit deep into his flesh but he was able to keep his forward momentum, his rage pushing the pain he should have felt to the back of his mind for him to deal with later.
His larger body size over powered the don and the two men crashed into the wall, denting it and cracking the perfect white paint. Grimmjow pulled his arm back and drove his forearm hard across the don's chest.
Aizen gasped for air at the stunning hit. He wasn't the hand-to-hand combat type and knew he was in trouble. The enraged Hunter would tear him apart if he didn't find a way to deal a serious wound to the man.
As he tried to bring the gun to aim at the Hunter again, a powerful hand wrapped his wrist. The strong grip tightened until his fingers started to go numb, all the while cold blue fire burned into his cynical gaze. Aizen felt the gun begin to slip from his numbed grip as the big hand continued to squeeze.
With his free hand, Aizen drilled the bluenette as hard as he could across his jaw. The Hunter's already bloody lip began to seep again but it wasn't enough to deter the bluenette. Aizen followed up his attack with a well placed knee, figuring even if the Hunter hardly seemed human, he was still a man and right now, the don couldn't afford to be proper or picky.
Blue brows furrowed and Grimmjow's lip curled. "Fucker" He snarled, his grip on Aizen's wrist loosening enough to allow the man to jerk his arm free.
Aizen gave him a small, one sided shrug and lashed out. He swung, attempting to hit Grimmjow with the butt of his gun while he reached for the pager still in his pocket. The Hunter brought his arm up to block. The sound of his metal blade clanking off the gun rang through the air. Using his none blocking arm, he punched out and heard as much as felt as the serrated edge that ran across his knuckles tore through the fabric of the don's shirt.
The article of clothing was enough to lessen the biting, cutting effect the shot had, but Aizen was still forced to take the solid strength of the bluenette's hit.
As the two struggled and fought, Ichigo sat behind the desk his lover had told him to stay behind and listened. He couldn't believe Aizen didn't have men crawling all over the place by now and he wished Grimmjow would hurry up and quit playing around. It was almost as if the Hunter was purposely not using the sharp edge of his deadly blades just yet. He wouldn't be happy with a quick, clean kill like he usually was. The Hunter wanted to play with his prey, to make Aizen realize what he had done.
A deep, malevolent chuckle emanated over the sound of the two men's struggle. Ichigo couldn't help the slight tilt of his lips at the sound. The Handler pulled at the tape binding his wrists and winced as it dug painfully into his bloodied and raw flesh. He sat up on his knees and began opening drawers to Aizen's desk. Surely the man had a knife or even a letter opener somewhere that he could use to cut the tape.
Another gun shot split the air of the office and echoed down the hallway. Ichigo froze, listening until he heard Grimmjow's snarl. Heaving a sigh of relief, he glanced out the door toward the hallway before going back to searching for something to cut the duct tape with. If only Grimmjow had thought to give him one of the many knives the man was surely carrying.
He heard the clanking of metal followed by a grunt and the crashing off bodies and Ichigo knew Grimmjow had dropped his blades in favor of forcing Aizen to grapple with him. It was probably a wise decision considering the gun Aizen still had.
Gritting his teeth and groaning in frustration, Ichigo pulled the last of the desk drawers open. Nothing. How could the head of a powerful crime family not have a blade of some sort in his desk? It made no sense. It was obvious that Aizen always carried at least one gun on him, most mafia members did, but why wouldn't he have a knife in his desk? They came in handy for all sorts of things. Then it dawned on him. Aizen had used a knife when he cut Ichigo free and rebound his hands in front of him.
Ichigo shot to his feet, ignoring the protest of all his injuries and tired, weakened muscles, ignoring the warning Grimmjow had given him, and shouted to his lover.
"Grimmjow! Knife! He has a knife!"
The Hunter's snarling growl was cut short just as he heard the shouted warning. Grimmjow took a step back, away from Aizen and raised his hand to the blade sticking out of his chest, just below his collarbone. He wrapped his fingers around the handle but the lancing, sharp pain rocketing down his arm and across his chest kept him from pulling the knife out as the edge dug into his clavicle.
His swirling blue eyes snapped back to Aizen's form. The don was scrambling for one of the guns and Grimmjow reacted, ignoring the knife. Reaching down, he scooped up one of his hooked Saberclaws as he neared the man.
Aizen raised the gun, his brown eyes darting over to Ichigo as he swung the weapon to bare on the Handler; seemingly this blue haired monster's only weakness.
Grimmjow snarled and launched himself at the don. He drove Aizen to the ground, a gunshot shattering the silence. Enraged howling left the Hunter's throat and Grimmjow brought his blade down with all his strength.
Blood welled to the surface, staining the man's white shirt around the hooked dagger. Grimmjow pressed on the curved metal, sinking it deeper into the don's stomach. He leaned over Aizen's prone body and snarled in his face, his blue eyes ablaze with more rage and hatred than should be possible.
Swirling, irate blue met stunned brown and the Hunter savagely yanked the blade out of the don, pulling bits of flesh and large intestine with it. He couldn't form words passed his anger and unbearable pain. It wasn't a physical pain, but somewhere deep in his chest had sank and drowned when he had seen Ichigo stagger backward in his peripheral vision.
His blood dripped the length of the handle that jutted from his chest to mix with the don's below him and Grimmjow wanted more; more blood, more pain, more screaming. He ripped his prey's shirt apart before he fisted his hand in short brown locks and yanked Aizen's head back as the man chocked on his own blood and clawed at the Hunter's corded forearms.
Grimmjow reversed his grip on the curved blade and dug it back into the soft flesh of Aizen's abdomen. He carefully and slowly peeled flesh away from muscle as Aizen's screams filled the office. No doubt the man's agony would draw his minions to them like a moth to a flame, but Grimmjow didn't care. He didn't care about anything except for making this man suffer.
Something wet and clear dripped to mix with the blood staining his hands but he didn't pay attention to it. He didn't want to think about it. He was an animal, the perfect killer, a Hunter.
He growled and stared into shocked, muddy brown eyes as he began cutting through muscle, his blade catching on the bone beneath here and there. Aizen's screaming died as the don struggled to breath in quick gasps around the blood pooling in the back of his throat. He deserved more than this and Grimmjow was determined to make the don feel everything as he slowly gutted him for touching his lover.
The Hunter parted the fleshless muscle below his fingers and cut away sinew and cartilage and tendon to get to the organs below. Blood pooled on the floor below them, seeping between the wooden floor boards and growing out to touch against the base of the white walls. Grimmjow didn't notice as the don fell still, his gurgling, wheezing breaths going silent. The man didn't deserve to die quickly.
Something sloshed slightly in the blood around him but he only vaguely registered it. A warm weight settled on his shoulder and the Hunter's lips pulled back to reveal over sharp teeth in a threatening, animalistic display.
Ichigo had never seen anything so beautiful as the blood spattered Hunter. He had thought he would never get to see Grimmjow again and all he wanted was to wrap his arms around the man. He edged closer to the bluenette, blood slowly trickling down his arm from the bullet that had grazed him. As he settled one of his still bound hands on the man's shoulder, a sob choked up the Handler's throat, nearly silent.
It was enough for the Hunter to hear, though. Vivid, gorgeous and dangerous blue eyes snapped over to lock with his own, cutting through him and piercing Ichigo's very heart.
"G...Grimm..." Ichigo's voice was rough and scratchy, barely above a whisper. He watched some of the blood lust and madness clear away, a much softer, almost pained look settling in it's place.
The blade dropped from Grimmjow's hand to clatter on the wooden floor as he sat frozen, looking at Ichigo, his panting breaths sounding harsh in the suddenly quiet room. So very slowly, the Hunter tilted his head slightly and turned to face the orangette.
Ichigo reached up, winching as the tape cut into his wrists and carefully brushed away the stray tears that ran down his lover's handsome face. The Handler didn't think he had ever seen his Hunter cry before. He never wanted to see it again. A slight smile pulled at the corners of his lips when Grimmjow's eyes widened slightly and he looked down at Ichigo's wet fingers.
The bluenette's hands slowly reached up to grasp Ichigo's own and Grimmjow gently traced his fingers across the tape binding his lover's wrists. Blue brows creased and the Hunter reached down and pulled the combat knife from his boot. He carefully cut the red flecked duct tape away before climbing to his feet, pulling the orangette with him.
As Ichigo stood up, hands held tightly within the Hunter's larger ones, he was brought nearly eye level with the handle of a knife still piercing the chest of his lover. "Jesus, Grimm..." Ichigo murmured as he looked at the wounds the man had taken for his sake. At the moment, however, the knife worried him the most. The simple fact that the Hunter hadn't yanked it out on his own meant something.
He carefully reached up, ignoring the slight burn caused by bending his wrists, and gently touched the handle. The Hunter let out a quiet grunt and Ichigo instantly retracted his fingers, looking up into the man's eyes. "Alright" He said with a slight nod.
Multiple sets of running footsteps sounded from somewhere down the hall and Grimmjow bared his teeth, a growl filling the quiet room. The Hunter snagged his Saberclaws, tucking one into the sheath across his lower back and grabbing Ichigo's hand. He darted to the door, pulling the Handler with him but making sure Ichigo stayed behind him and out of harm's way. He maneuvered Ichigo so that he was standing beside the door frame and pressed against the wall. Hard, blue eyes told the Handler to stay exactly where Grimmjow put him and the Hunter reached over and flipped the light switch, plunging the room in deep shadows.
The light from the hall way illuminated part of the room, but the deep shadows still made it hard to distinguish details about the space. Grimmjow positioned himself on the other side of the door way, so that he was facing the direction the footsteps were coming from. He reached behind his back and quietly pulled the second blade free of it's sheath as he seemed to disappear into the shadows. The Hunter's previously heavy breaths evened out and went silent and if Ichigo hadn't watched the man move into position he wouldn't have even noticed him.
As the footsteps approached, Grimmjow bared his teeth and leapt from his concealed location. He was faced with two guns leveled at his face. The weapons almost sent the Hunter, still in an over protective and predatory mode into a frenzy and he almost attacked.
Ichigo heard the sound of shoes skidding on smooth wood and quiet curses but the sound of an attack never came. Instead, he heard a quiet sigh and Don Shiro's watery voice.
"Shit, Grimmjow, ya scared the piss outta us." The Don said quietly as he lowered his gun. "Nothin' like have a crazy, knife wielding, blue haired guy jump outta the dark at'cha ta get yer heart goin'."
Ichigo stepped away from the wall, and rounded the door frame to exit the room. His legs shook unsteadily under him and the longer he was in Grimmjow's company, the more tired and light headed he got. He felt safe, even in the enemies mansion, just being near his lover again. But he couldn't give in to the rest he desperately needed just yet.
His brown eyes locked onto a pair of slowly widening, liquid golden ones. The Don's eyes quickly flicked over his form before a smirk spread across his pale lips.
"Ya guys match pretty well, ya both look like shit." Shiro paused and let the smirk fall from his features as he looked back at his favored Handler. "It's good ta have ya back, Ichi." As he took in the Handler's condition, he was glad Grimmjow had insisted they leave sooner rather than wait until he was healthier; Ichigo may not have been able to survive here for another week. It was obvious they had put him through hell.
The man that was accompanying Shiro cleared his throat in the most dignified of ways, drawing everyones attention. "I would like to suggest that we get out of here before Aizen gets around to searching his inner mansion."
Grimmjow grunted and leaned over to flip the light in Aizen's office back on before turning to Ichigo. The Hunter grabbed his Handler's hand and headed toward the entrance he had previously used.
A quiet cackle reached them, Shiro obviously pleased with what he saw. When the two dons rejoined the hit men, Shiro was wearing his customary grin and Byakuya looked a bit pale, though just as dignified and calm as ever.
Evacuating the mansion turned out to be easier than they had planned. With Aizen not in position to order his henchmen around, the mansion's occupants were in chaos. The other teams Shiro had brought with them scoured the hallways and kept most of the heat away from the escaping Don and his three men. And any trouble they did run into was easily dealt with, as Grimmjow insisted on leading the way through the corridors. His silent, stalking steps had allowed him to sneak up and take several of Aizen's lackeys by surprise.
Grimmjow climbed into the Don's personal vehicle and turned to help his lover in as well. Shiro and the lower ranking don climbed in after them and Shiro informed the Hunter and Handler that he had another car hidden closer to the main entrance for the other teams to evacuate to. He twisted in his seat and tapped on the tinted partition. The car was instantly brought to life and took off down the street.
The night had seemed so long and yet they had only been in enemy territory a few hours. Shiro smirked as he watched his Hunter wrap strong arms around the abused Handler and bury his face in messy, orange locks as the vehicle rolled down the street.
The man shifted nervously, looking from one to the other as he tried to reason with the hit men. One; a lean built man with kind but stubborn features, the other; a beast of a man at six foot something with a muscular build that strained at his tight shirt. Both men in front of him had an air that screamed danger and he knew he had taken the wrong job. The money had been too good to pass up, the security seemingly too lax to not get away with it.
Crossing his arms over his expensive, tailored suit clad chest, one of the hit men cocked his slim hip and shook his head in a mock display of sorrow, a slight frown turning pink lips down at the corners. His orange locks, tied into a low tail at the base of his neck, swayed slightly with the motion and hard, brown eyes remained locked on the man before them.
"He's a fuckin' liar." A deep voice snarled through the quiet space. "I hate scum." The Hunter sneered at the man, just another weak prey item trying to line his pockets with the Don's money. What was worse; the man not only thought he could get away with dealing in the Don's territory, but now he was trying to deny it.
Don Shiro didn't take well to gangs trying to weed their way into his city. And it was his city now. This one and the next; both belonged to Shirosaki, though Shiro sent Byakuya to run the smaller of the two while he reigned over Karakura. His family was ever on the rise and after the fall of Aizen's family, there was no one left in his way to really pose a threat. Only a few months had gone by and already Shirosaki was the name everyone feared and respected.
"I know you don't, Grimm." The Handler addressed his partner.
"Grimm? Ain't that kinda corny for a killer?" Two sets of cold, swirling eyes; one set of brown, the other a brilliant blue, snapped to the man that had spoken.
This boy just didn't know when to stop. Ichigo sighed and gave a slight shrug before turning an almost apologetic look to the thug standing a few feet away from him. "He's all yours" He said to his partner.
The Handler turned and walked from the small abandoned house he had cornered the dealer in, leaving the poor man's fate up to his ever blood thirsty Hunter.
", I...I didn't do it...Please!" The man's begging floated to him as he approached his vehicle but it was his Hunter's reply that brought a slight smile to Ichigo's face. The driver opened his door and bowed as he held it for the Don's top Handler.
"Pathetic." Grimmjow sneered as he stalked toward the lowlife he had just been given permission to kill. A wicked grin split his handsome face, flashing white teeth and pulling more pathetic begging from the target slowly backing away from him.
Grimmjow pulled the butterfly knife from the back pocket of his dark jeans and pounced. The man screamed and tried to run, all the while begging the Hunter to spare his life. The bluenette grabbed hold of the back of the retreating target's hooded sweatshirt. Cold steel plunged through the material and sank deep into warm flesh, just to the left of the spine.
Blood welled to bloom across the sweatshirt's surface as Grimmjow yanked the man from his feet. He kicked the crying target over so that he lay on his back before descending upon him. The Hunter chuckled at the look of pure, unrelenting terror on his prey's face and brought his blade in a clean sweep across the man's throat.
As the target grasped at his opened trachea and fought to breath through the warm liquid filling his lungs, Grimmjow rolled the man back over. He sliced the hooded sweatshirt open and peeled it away, exposing the man's tattooed back.
"Decent artist" Grimmjow commented in an almost friendly way as he carved the message he was supposed to be delivering into the man's back. No one fucked with Don Shirosaki.
The Hunter stood from his handiwork and left the building, slipping back into his coat as he did so. He was met by his driver not far down the road and the door was held open for him.
As he slid into his seat, he was handed a white handkerchief and the Hunter began wiping some of the blood from his hands as he leaned back on the plush leather seats of the expensive car.
"That didn't take long" Ichigo said, watching his partner clean some of the blood away. He was always so messy in his work, like a cat playing with a mouse.
The car pulled away from the curb, headed north and toward the mansion. They weren't far and the drive would only take a few minutes.
"Tch. When's the Don going to start sending us on more challenging missions again?" Grimmjow asked, a smirk on his full lips at the look he could feel his lover casting over him. "This shit's getting boring."
"Hmm, guess we shall find out. Shiro wants to speak with us when we get back." Ichigo's answer was a distracted one, his smooth voice taking on a slightly husky edge. He crossed one leg over the other and quickly averted his eyes from the tempting man seated before him.
The mansion's gates rolled by as he stared out the window and tried to ignore the thick, cloying scent of the blood staining his lover's hands and shirt. He gratefully stepped from the confined space as the car was parked and the door was opened for the Hunter/Handler team.
The two men walked up the large, low stair case and the door men opened the doors quickly. As they strode through the main entrance and into the foyer, the Don's secretary hurried over, pushing his glasses up his thin nose.
"You are to await the Don in his office. He is indisposed at the moment, but shall be back in a few minutes." Uryu told his boss' team. He glanced at the Hunter's soiled clothing before turning on his heal and quickly taking his leave.
"Wander what Shiro's upto that he'd keep his best team waiting." Grimmjow commented as they walked down the hall toward the Don's office.
"You still think we're at the top?" Ichigo asked quietly. They had been out of commission since the incident with Aizen. Even as Grimmjow had healed and was able to begin his training again, he was unable to go into the field without a Handler and Shiro didn't dare try sending him with anyone other than Ichigo. Not that any sane Handler would take the offering, no matter how infamous and note worthy the bluenette was.
"Of course. You can't dethrone the King that easily." Grimmjow said, a smile full of perfect teeth consuming his face. He opened the unlocked door to Shiro's office and let his lover in first.
Ichigo rolled his eyes and chuckled as he took a seat in one of the chairs that sat in front of the large, stainless steel desk. He watched Grimmjow shrug out of his trench coat and start to take a seat next to him. "Don't get blood on the Don's furniture."
Grimmjow paused for a moment, trying to decide if his Handler was being serious. He hadn't really even gotten that messy, just his hands mostly and he had wiped most of that off. He looked down at himself, noticing the arterial spray across the front of his shirt.
He smirked and grasped the bottom edges of the offending item. "Ya know. If you wanted me to start taking my clothes off, all you had to do was ask." He said as he pulled the shirt over his head.
The Handler started to retort but as more golden, smooth skin was revealed, the words died in his throat. It was a complete backfire. He had only been giving the man shit, but now he had to stare at his lover's gorgeous body while they waited for Shiro.
A few still healing marks stood out against the rest of Grimmjow's flawless torso, making Ichigo's heart leap into his throat. The things the Hunter had done and fought through to come after him amazed the Handler and made him feel guilty all at once.
Ichigo stood from his chair and let his fingertips dance around the still bruised and puckered edge of the stab wound just below Grimmjow's collarbone. The knife had been deep and had ground against the bone, slicing nerves and putting the Hunter through immense pain if the man's controlled silence that night had been anything to go by. And Ichigo knew him too well to think it anything else. That wound was still the angriest looking of them all.
Grimmjow stood still and let the Handler explore, humming at the soft touches of warm, gentle fingers. When molten, chocolaty eyes looked up at him, a deep apology shining in their depths, the bluenette couldn't help himself.
He wrapped his arms around the Handler and pulled him into a gentle yet passionate kiss. Ichigo had nothing to apologize for and he never would. Grimmjow would go through it all over again if he had too.
The orangette melted against him, pushing Grimmjow backwards as tongues danced about. The Hunter, quickly deciding he didn't much care where they were, grabbed his lover's hands, locking their fingers together, and pulled them behind Ichigo's back as he wrapped his arms back around the man.
Ichigo tilted his head as Grimmjow's lips trailed down his chin and feathered across his jaw. Teeth sank into the side of his neck and the Handler felt his tailored slacks tighten. He finally wrestled his hands free and splayed them across Grimmjow's muscled chest, dragging them down his pectorals and feeling washboard abs before he pushed the Hunter backward again.
As they parted, Ichigo saw that he had managed to get blood from Grimmjow's hands onto his own and smear it across the man's chest. The sight only made his length harden quicker as the bluenette bumped into the Don's desk.
Grimmjow reached out and grabbed Ichigo by his suit jacket and quickly reversed their positions so that the smaller man was pressed back against the desk. He peeled the jacket away from his lover's body and didn't bother unbuttoning the white shirt below as he began pulling at that too.
Ichigo fumbled with the buttons as his Hunter tugged at the clothing, managing half of them before the last few were torn from the shirt and the article was discarded. Large hands traveled his abdomen, teasing at his nipples and ghosting over bruised muscle while the man pressed his face into Ichigo's neck, growling his need and want. A slick tongue reached through parted lips and ran over the shell of the Handler's ear, forcing a shiver down Ichigo's spine as he arched into the teasing hands of his lover.
"Grimm...we...we're still in the Don's office..." Ichigo panted but he couldn't bring himself to actually put a stop to what was happening. This was so much different from what Aizen had been trying. This was ok, this was right and he wanted more of it.
"Don't care. Pants." Grimmjow purred into the orange haired man's ear, his fingers finding the edge of Ichigo's waist band to be in the way.
As the bluenette palmed his already hard cock through his pants, Ichigo found himself complying with the request and quickly unbuttoned his pants.
Grimmjow reached around behind himself and dug into his back pocket, right next to his butterfly knife. When he brought his hand back around, Ichigo rose an orange brow at the small tube in his hand.
"Ask later" Grimmjow said as he squeezed some of the lube out and made quick work of plunging his pointer finger into Ichigo's inviting entrance. The man arched into him, a gasp falling from his lips. His molten eyes darkened and a soft pink tinted the bridge of his nose. Gorgeous. Grimmjow licked his lips and spun the orangette around to face the desk.
He pulled the pants the rest of the way down, letting them pool around the Handler's feet and added a second finger. He scissored his fingers and stretched the man further.
Ichigo bit down on his lip, trying desperately to stifle the sounds trying to tumble from his lips. Quiet moans escaped as he began pushing back against the fingers impale him. He heard Grimmjow's aroused growl and shivered at the deep baritone.
"Oh teasing." The Handler demanded in a low voice.
The Hunter chuckled and pulled his fingers from Ichigo's entrance. He dropped his own pants and pulled his rigid length free of blue, silk boxers. Using the last of the lubricant from the small tube, he slicked up his cock before lining up.
The Hunter paused, tilting his head slightly before crossing the space and locking the door. At least it would keep Shiro's annoying secretary from interrupting. Grimmjow returned to his lover, gently pushing Ichigo to lean forward a little further before slowly pressing forward.
Ichigo cried out as his lover's heavy member slowly slid into him, only stopping once fully inside. He grit his teeth and held his breath as he tried to relax and adjust. A warm hand rubbed circles across his lower back soothingly before hot lips and a slick tongue started kissing and teasing at the back of his neck. Ichigo let his held breath out, a moan issuing from him as he slowly pulled away from Grimmjow.
The Hunter's own moan matched the smaller man's as tight heat slowly pulled at his length. Grimmjow wrapped an arm around Ichigo's middle, letting his hand caress a toned chest and once again tease the man as he slowly thrust forward again.
He was rewarded with another delicious moan from the Handler. The sound spurred him on and Grimmjow quickly found a deep, brutal pace. He growled and moaned his own pleasure, the sounds mixing with Ichigo's in the office.
"Wanna...hear ya, Ichi..." Grimmjow ground out as he continued thrusting into his lover. "Scream for me"
The purred words had Ichigo's eyes rolling back as he thrust back against the Hunter, giving as much as he got. So lost in the mind blowing pleasure, he couldn't care less that they weren't in their own suite and he cried out as Grimmjow's cock struck his prostate.
"That's it..." Grimmjow growled quietly. He sank his teeth into lightly tanned skin and angled his hips to hit the same sensitive spot again.
Ichigo cried out again and fell forward onto the desk as the Hunter thrust even harder. His vision pulsed white with pleasure and he moaned and gave voice to that pleasure, letting Grimmjow know he was doing well.
His voice carried through the thick door of the office, but just barely and pale brows drew together as Shiro paused at his office door, hand hovering over the door knob. He was a little later than he had meant to be, but he had been attending to matters that demanded his attention.
A growl emanated softly through the door and Shiro shrugged, twisting the knob. It wasn't that unusual of a sound coming from the blue haired hit man. The Don let a smirk slant his pale lips as he guessed Grimmjow was getting fed up with the amateur missions he had been sending the team on.
The door knob didn't budge and Shiro's smirk faltered ever so slightly as he began digging in the inside pocket of his white jacket for his keys. He found what he was looking for and pushed the door open. Then he froze, liquid gold eyes wide as he was unable to tear them away from the sight before him.
Ichigo clawed at the smooth surface his upper body was resting on. Strong hands gripped his slim hips, surely adding to the bruises he was still recovering from. As he heard the door latch click, he pried lust heavy eyes open to see the Don staring slack jawed at he and his lover.
"ffff...fuck..." The Handler said quietly. "Oh, haaah...hey...Shi...Shirooo!" His panted greeting morphed into a loud cry as Grimmjow grinned behind him and wrapped his hand around Ichigo's till then neglected cock.
"Ya shouldn' saying other men's...names...while I'm fucking you, Ichi" Grimmjow stated, ignoring that the Don was still trying to wrap his mind around what was happening on his desk.
"Grimmnnn..." Ichigo cried out, his vision pulsing and his release rocketing toward him at the added sensations and stimulation. "I'm...ganna come, Grimmjow..."
Shiro finally snapped out of his dazed state and quickly spun around. "Fuck! Sorry, I guess!" He quickly yelled as he closed the door to his office and walked away as quickly as he could, eyes still wide and the image of his favored team fucking forever burned into his mind. Not that it had been a bad image.
From the direction of his office, he could just make out as Ichigo cried out, signifying the Handler's release and could just imagine Grimmjow's deep voice growling out his own orgasm.
"Well...guess they're healthy 'nuff fer regular missions again" Shirosaki mumbled to himself.
I've gotta tell you guys, I had a lot of fun writing this one! Expect more bloody, violent fics in the future 8D
Now, back to Monsters and Men~
Well? What did you think? Good story? Ending?