Since Christmas is, like, my FAVORITE holiday ever, I am going to write a Christmas story! Hopefully it's as good as "We Need To Talk."

Disclaimer: I own nothing...not even Christmas :(

Ever since Blaine had come out to his dad, Blaine had never really had the best Christmases. Christmas was usually a time that brought families together, and while it did bring all of the Andersons to Blaine's house, it was no longer fun for Blaine. Because now Blaine's dad would invite friends from work, asking them to bring their daughters with them, giving Blaine a wide selection.

But this Christmas was going to be fantastic. Kurt had asked if he would like to spend it with him and his family, and Blaine had happily accepted. He was even going to be spending the night from Christmas Eve to New Year's. It had taken a lot of convincing, but Blaine had finally won his dad over.

Now, Blaine was standing on the Hudmel's front porch, overnight bag slung over his shoulder. He knocked.

Not a minute later, Kurt swung the door open. A beautiful smile broke over his perfect lips the moment he saw Blaine.

"Blaine! You're here!" he cried, throwing himself into Blaine's arms.

Blaine laughed happily, wrapping his arms around Kurt's waist and pulling his warm body tight against his own.

"So is Rachel here?" Blaine asked as Kurt pulled away.

Kurt gave him a quick kiss before answering. "Well, Finn invited her, but she said she'd come the day after Christmas. Since, you know, she's Jewish and doesn't actually celebrate Christmas."

Blaine laughed again as he followed Kurt into the house. Their hands were laced between them. This was already turning out to be a wonderful Christmas.

"Blaine!" Carole pulled him into a hug the moment he stepped into the living room. Blaine was surprised when Burt did the same thing after Carole let him go.

"Thanks so much for having me stay," Blaine said, retaking Kurt's hand.

"No problem, Blaine," Burt said, smiling at him. "You and Kurt can go upstairs and get settled. Dinner will be ready in a half hour."

"Okay, thanks, Dad!" Kurt called, already pulling Blaine towards the stairs. Blaine smiled his thanks as he allowed Kurt to lead him.

Blaine was surprised when Kurt shut the door behind them. He cocked an eyebrow, and Kurt grinned at him.

"My dad agreed to you sleeping in my bed, so I'm sure he'll have no objections to having the door closed," Kurt said, walking towards Blaine.

Blaine dropped his bag at the end of Kurt's bed and pulled Kurt into his arms. He felt a big smile turn up the corners of his lips as he thought about the fact he was allowed to sleep in Kurt's bed. He would be able to fall asleep with Kurt in his arms and wake up in Kurt's arms. They had had sex since their first time, but nothing had to happen during vacation. His parents, Finn, and Rachel would be in the house, after all.

Kurt laid his head on Blaine's shoulder, pressing his face against Blaine's neck. His lips moved against the skin there as he talked, causing Blaine to shiver.

"I'm so glad you get to stay with me," he whispered. "You're all mine for ten whole days."

Blaine's smile grew, and he buried his face in Kurt's silky hair, sighing contentedly. He sucked in a breath as Kurt started pressing feather-light kisses on his neck. Kurt slowly kissed up and along his jaw, stopping at Blaine's chin.

"I love you," he murmured before pressing their lips together.

The kiss was slow and lazy. They had an entire week and a half to hug, kiss, cuddle, and whatever else they wanted to do. They broke apart to crawl onto the bed. The moment Blaine laid back against the pillows, Kurt curled into his side, laying his head on Blaine's chest.

"I love you, too," Blaine said, lacing their hands together and using his free hand to run Kurt's hair through his fingers.

"Blaine, my hair's going to be ruined for Christmas Eve dinner," Kurt complained, but made no move to remove Blaine's hand.

Blaine chuckled, dropping his hand to trace patterns on Kurt's back. Kurt hummed, snuggling closer. Blaine dropped his head to press a kiss to the top of Kurt's head, but Kurt's hair smelled too good to move back from.

They spent the time talking about unimportant things, just enjoying the feeling of being together.

When a half hour had passed, Finn knocked on Kurt's door.

"Hey guys, dinner's ready."

"M'kay, thanks, Finn," Kurt mumbled.

Finn left, leaving the door open. Kurt pulled away from Blaine and sat up. Blaine whined at the loss of contact.

"No, come back," he said.

Kurt laughed and smiled fondly down at him. "We have to go eat, Blainers."

Blaine's heart warmed, just like it did every time Kurt used that nickname. He followed Kurt off of the bed and down the stairs. The table was set beautifully, and Blaine's mouth watered the moment he set eyes on the ham in the center.

"Carole, this looks delicious," Blaine said as he sat in the chair Kurt pulled out for him. Kurt kissed his ear before sitting down next to him.

Carole beamed at him. "Thank you, Blaine!"

Blaine couldn't help but grin as everyone broke into happy chatter while they served themselves. Blaine blushed as Kurt took his plate and served him before serving himself.

"I could've done that myself," he whispered to the taller boy.

Kurt pressed a swift kiss to Blaine's lips. "I know. I wanted to do it."

Blaine ducked his head to hide a smile. Kurt started up a conversation with Finn, and Blaine chose that moment to look at Kurt. As always, his boyfriend was beautiful. His dark hair was still styled, only slightly mussed from Blaine's fingers. His glasz eyes sparkled as he laughed at something Finn said. Right now they were more green, as they usually when he was happy about something.

Suddenly, Kurt's hand was in his, lacing their fingers together. Blaine smiled down at them, meeting Kurt's eyes when he looked back up.

"Don't think I didn't notice you looking at me," he said, smirking. But Blaine could see the slight blush to his cheeks.

Blaine kissed their knuckles. "Just admiring the view."

Kurt's blush darkened as he turned back to his food. Grinning, Blaine turned to Burt and Carole, joining in on their conversation.

Christmas Eve was already turning out wonderfully.

After dinner was over, Kurt, Blaine, and Finn did the dishes and cleaned the table before joining Carole and Burt in the living room. Burt had started a fire, so Kurt and Blaine curled up together in front of it as Finn took the couch.

"I wish Rachel was here," Finn said, looking enviously at Kurt and Blaine.

"She'll be here day after tomorrow, Finn. Just be patient," Kurt said, laying his head on Blaine's shoulder.

"Easy for you to say, you've got Blaine here now," Finn mumbled.

"C'mon, Finn, lighten up," Burt said, leaning over to shake Finn's shoulder.

Finn cracked a smile. "Yeah, whatever."

"You're so moody," Carole teased.

Blaine had to smile again at the genuine warmth of the Hudmel home. All four members laughed and joked and talked and cared for each other. Blaine was glad he could be a part of this, if only for a short while. He felt Kurt's arm wrap around his waist, and he returned the favor by slipping his arm around Kurt's shoulder and drawing him closer into his side.

Around eleven forty five, Kurt started yawning. Blaine noticed his eyes were drooping, and he smiled fondly down at him.

"C'mon, Kurtie," he whispered in his ear. "Let's get you up to bed."

To give Kurt some credit, he did try to stand up, but he was way too tired. He was so adorable when he was tired. Grinning, Blaine got up on his knees, wrapped one arm under Kurt's knees and one around his waist, and stood up. Kurt tightened his arms around Blaine's neck and let his head roll into the crook of Blaine's neck.

"Good night everyone," Blaine said, laughing slightly.

The three said good night, Burt and Carole grinning.

Kurt was surprisingly light, so it wasn't hard carrying him upstairs. He kicked Kurt's bedroom door shut behind him before sitting down on the edge of Kurt's bed, Kurt in his lap. Blaine pulled down the covers and laid Kurt down. He laughed as Kurt immediately pulled him down next to him. Blaine spooned him and pressed a kiss to the back of his neck.

"Good night, Kurt," he whispered.

"Mmm, night. Love you, Blainers."

Blaine smiled. "I love you, too."

Okay, so halfway through this story, this turned into another chapter fic. So there shall be more!

Review! (Please)