Hi. My name is Axel Sinclair. I'm a senior in high school. And I officially hate Mondays. And Tuesdays. And Wednesdays. I pretty much hate the entire school week. I'm usually late to class, so the teacher's automatically label me a troublemaker. I guess my spiky hair and facial tattoos really don't help either. So once again I was running down the sidewalk, late for class on a Monday morning. Surprise, surprise.

I didn't even see him turn the corner. But, man, did I feel the impact. "Ow….", I mumbled as I picked myself up off the pavement. I checked myself over for injuries. I had a new tear in the knee of my jeans and a small scrape on my palm, but other than that I was ok. I turned to look at the moron who had just attempted to run me over with a skateboard.

He sat up on the sidewalk, rubbing his elbow. I felt my jaw go slack. Man, this guy was cute! His bright blonde hair was spiked on one side like he had slept on it wrong or something. His big, blue eyes sparked with annoyance as he got up off the ground, dusting his jeans and t-shirt off. After readjusting his messenger bag strap, he glanced around for his skateboard.

"Uh, looking for this?", I said, bending down to pick up the black and white checkered skateboard the had come to a stop near my foot. I mentally slapped myself. Could I sound any more stupid? He nodded and took the board. "Thanks.", he mumbled. "So, where ya heading off to in such a hurry, short stuff?'', I asked, smirking. His face flamed almost as red as my hair. "I'm trying to find the school. And I'm not short!", he said a little bit louder. "Oh really?", I said as I stepped closer. The tip of his blonde spikes barely reached my shoulder. "Well, it's not my fault we all can't be abnormally tall!", he said defensively.

I chuckled softly. "I'm just messing with ya, kid. So, what's your name?", I asked. "My name is Roxas and I'm not a kid.", he said, his blush going down to a much cuter shade pink. "Name's Axel. Got it memorized?", I said, smirking and tapping my temple with one finger. The blonde rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I guess so." "Good.", I said, smiling, "So, ya need some help finding the school or what?" He nodded. "Yeah, I do.", he mumbled, his blush returning somewhat. This kid was just too adorable. Wow, that sounded like one of those cheesy love-at-first-sight kinda things. Oh well. "Well, come on.", I said and began walking in the direction of the school. I smiled as he tucked his skateboard under one arm and walked quickly to catch up with my long strides. Maybe Mondays weren't so bad after all.