Sorry if you clicked on this because you thought it was 'complete'. It was only meant to be a one shot but I was asked to continue.

Anyway, here's the little conversation between Superman and the Titans. This should be the end ok

Don't own anything


Clark Kent arrived at the Titan Tower now dressed as Superman again. He had left Richard to sort himself out and wander around the town. It had been the first time he had wandered around the town he saved without his Robin costume on so he took the opportunity to enjoy himself.

Looking in one of the windows Superman saw Beastboy and Cyborg eating any leftovers in the kitchen area while Starfire was still putting up decorations for the celebration that evening and Raven was sitting in a seat reading something on demons and dark magic. (Superman only knew their names because of how frequently Batman was checking up on his ward. His only response when asked what he was doing was "I'm not stalking" and the conversation would be ended)

Superman knocked on the window for the second time that day and all of the young heroes looked up. Raven, the closest to the window, opened it and allowed Superman in.

"Robin hasn't come home since he went out with you," Raven said curiously jumping to the conclusion he was hear for Robin.

"I know," Superman said, "I came to talk to you"

He pointed at all the young heroes

Each one looked back at the man of steel with confusion covering their faces.

"Um..." started Beastboy, "but what do you, Superman, a Justice League Member, want with us?"

Beastboy said this out of curiosity but also felt a huge sense of joy, a real, major, Superhero wanted to talk to him, well his team as well but still.

Wow he thought to himself

The man of steel waited as they all took seats around him, Starfire decided she was more comfortable hovering in the air.

"I wanted to talk to you guys about Robin," he said nervously, he wasn't much of an improvised public speaker especially not to teenagers if you make an exception for Young Justice.

He sighed and decided to just say what he was thinking and hopped it would come out right and explain what needed to be explained.

"Robin has been crime fighting since he was eight years old," he started, "most of the league hated to put this cute little boy," he smiled at remembering how small Robin had been, "in danger. Batman would come into the watchtower with a half dead Robin almost once a month but every time Robin made a mistake Batman would make him practice again and again until he had learned how to avoid injuries by attacks like the one he had just received. As time went by Robin came to the tower dying less and less. He was improving. When he was thirteen he and a group of sidekicks/partners made Young Justice. Robin was the youngest and the smartest, let's just say he was better than the others in most ways. Still Robin had no powers. Batman was very though on the boy not telling his secret identity and finally when he was given permission Robin told them. Although they all knew how strong and smart Robin was, knowing that he was actually a person made them feel he was vulnerable," Superman watched as the younger heroes squirmed in their seats. Feeling guilt he thought, "Robin had fallen out with Batman and had been staying at Mount Justice, when they acted like he was just a kid and not a crime fighter, not allowing him to join in as much and being over protective. Robin then left and went solo. We next heard he was in Jump and had his own team. That's you guys. You're lucky to have someone as skilled and as good a leader and friend as Robin but if you become like Young Justice did then you won't have that anymore."

Superman went quiet and thought over what he had just said making sure that he included all he needed to include to get the message across. He stayed quiet to let the message sink in.

Finally Beastboy spoke up

"I guess we did go a bit over the top..." he said slowly

"I agree," said Starfire sadly, "we kicked all the butt not allowing friend Robin to kick any"

They all murmured and nodded in agreement and Superman smiled. He had got the message across and talked to Robin's friends just like he had promised to do.

"SEE YOU LATER RICHARD!" he shouted very loudly and flew out the still open window

A moment later, after all the Titans wondered what was going on, Richard Grayson walked into the room.

Starfire ran over and hugged him continuously apologising and all the others stumbled over and mumbled apologises.

"Wait," said Raven after mumbling her own apology, "were you listening to that?" she asked.

Dick laughed and shook his head

"No," he said, "I only heard the last couple of words. I had gone wandering around the town and decided to head back and he was still talking to you"

After that the day went quite smoothly.

With only about ten minutes to midnight Starfire disappeared to the toilet and in the time she was gone the rest of the Titans ran around the tower making it look better, decorations wise, mess wise no one could be bothered to clear up.

Starfire came back and couldn't understand where her decorations had gone while her friends had just been sitting in the same place the whole time. Dick had to hold back a little laugh

Come the countdown to midnight they each had a party popper and a drink and were standing on the roof of the Tower and when New Year struck they pulled the party poppers and their cheers were drowned out by the loud fireworks being released around the city. While his friends all celebrated Richard went quite for a second and whispered

"Thank you Superman" and smiled knowing that somewhere Superman would hear him and would be smiling.

Is this a good, bad, ok ending?

Please review, I would love to know what you thought, thank you