Unwanted Wings

Chapter Thirteen

Harry's Father Resurrected

It was dark by the time Harry and Draco had manage to walk back to Hogwarts. The moon was out. It was a half moon, and it was lovely. The moon wasn't white, though. It was a faint red, almost a pinkish color. This made Draco aware that he didn't have long before all of Hogwarts would know what he was.

Gripping Harry's arm tighter, Draco drew closer to his mate's body as they walked through the darkened corridors. All the students were either in their common rooms or heading to them. The students who saw them shot curious looks or disapproving glares at them. Draco nearly hissed back at some of them. But Harry had just squeezed the grip he had around the blonde's waist a bit in comfort and reassurance.

Harry didn't think he could let Draco return to his common room. He felt protective of the blonde now for some reason. He didn't know if his body would release Draco. But he had a feeling Draco felt the same, if his tight grip on Harry's arm was anything to go by.

Stopping their walk, Harry turned to face Draco, not releasing him. The blonde looked at him curiously with his silver eyes and tilted his head to the side slightly, silently asking him why they stopped. The raven haired teen paused in thought before voicing his thoughts. "I don't want you to return to the Slytherin dorms… I want you to stay the night with me."

"But I'm not allowed in the Gryffindor common room." Draco stated softly, an edge of bitterness or jealousy in his voice, Harry could not tell which. His silver eyes reflected both of those emotions, though.

Harry suddenly grinned and said, "I thought you were a Slytherin. Why don't we just sneak you in."

Draco opened his mouth slightly surprised. Then he closed it. He looked into Harry's eyes, his own eyes shining with admiration and a bit of mischief. "How very Slytherin of you, Harry. How do you suppose I do that, then?"

Harry's grin just widened when one of Draco's blonde eyebrows arched in question. "We use my invisibility cloak." He smirked. Draco blinked. Harry had one? Interesting…

Suddenly, questions popped into his head. "Who gave it to you? Do you use it often? Have you ever spied on the Quiddich team?"

Harry laughed. "My dad left it for me. Yeah, I'd say I use it often. I use it to sneak off to Hogsmeade. No…? I'm on the Gryffindor team. I don't need the cloak to spy on them changing."

Draco's cheeks tinted slightly. "I meant on us. Not on them changing!"

"Oh…" Harry said, sheepishly. He scratched the back of his neck. Draco looked almost… jealous for a moment. But maybe Harry had imagined it.

"Anyway… do you have it on you?"

"What? Oh the cloak. Yeah." Harry nodded. He pulled it out of his pocket and unfolded the silken material. It shimmered, catching light. It wasn't invisible currently, probably as a result of it moving. When it was visible it was a light maroon color that shimmered and sparkled in a puzzling way.

Draco touched the material. It was smooth and soft. Images of flowing water and shoot stars flittered through the blonde's mind as his fingers stroked the silkiness of the cloak. Looking back at Harry, Draco said, "This is incredible! Put it on."

The blonde forcefully shoved the cloak at Harry. The Gryffindor laughed and stumbled back a step. He then put the cloak on. He disappeared from Draco's vision.

The Slytherin laughed. He was delighted. Harry's head reappeared as he poked it out from under the cloak. "Well… you gonna join me or not?" he grinned as a hand poked out as well. Draco smiled and took the hand. Harry pulled him under the cloak, and they both vanished.

They had to stand close together, very close. The cloak barely covered them. Draco found that he was pressed chest to chest with Harry. His breath caught inside said chest as his heart skipped a beat. It was breathtaking to be so close to Harry in such a small space; it was almost like claustrophobia, but the difference was this was intoxicating not frightening.

Harry gently turned Draco and murmured in his ear, "Hold on to me. I'll guide you."

The blonde nodded and took a hold of Harry's sleeve. Draco noticed that his mate's skin was soft and warm where his fingers brushed the bare skin of his bicep.

Harry started to walk, slow at first to help Draco get in step with him. Their footsteps were almost silent. Without meaning to, Draco's magic cast a silencing charm on their feet. No one, not even them, could here their footsteps anymore.

"Draco." Harry's soft voice spoke quietly, "We are about to climb up a set of stairs."

Draco nodded, his grip tightening on the fabric of Harry's shirt. Slowly, they advanced up the stairs. When they reached the top, they went through a few more hallways before they reached a portrait that Harry stopped them at.

Stepping out of the cloak, Harry spoke quietly. "Hey. Fat Lady. Wake up."

The lady on the portrait was indeed fat, Draco thought. He watched as the lady woke up grumpily and looked at Harry. "Oh, Harry. It's you again." She sighed, "Why must you always go out at night."

"Sorry, Ma'am. But let us in. The password is Unicorn horns and pixie wings."

"Alright. You may proceed."

The portrait swung open, and Harry discreetly gestured for Draco to follow him. The Gryffindor stepped into the common room, followed closely by an invisible Draco. Hermione spotted Harry and rushed over. She began to chide him. "Where have you been, Harry?! You weren't at dinner! I thought you said you'd be back before then. Is Draco safe?"

"Yes. He's safe. Where's Ron?"

"Oh. He went to the bathroom. He insisted he couldn't wait." she rolled her eyes. "Boys."

Draco was amused by Hermione and Harry's conversation. Just then, Ron walked into the room, talking to Hermione. "I'm sure Harry's safe, 'Mione. He sneaks out all the time. Let's go to bed. He should be fin- Harry!" His blue eyes landed his raven haired friend. He grinned wildly, "Blimey, Harry! You had 'Mione crawlin' the walls with worry."

Grinning back, Harry said, "Yeah, I heard. I didn't mean to. I was just out at Hogsmeade when Draco and I-"

"Draco…? Is that who you took to Hogsmeade?" Ron's noses wrinkled a bit.

Uh oh… Draco thought. He could envision some yelling going on soon.

"Um… yeah… You didn't know?" Harry asked, wincing as he awaited the oncoming storm. Ron frowned. "No… No one told me…"

"Sorry, mate. I thought 'Mione would."

"And why would I, Harry?" Hermione huffed, "You're the one dating the bloke."

Draco bit his lip. Harry looked to Ron. "I really am sorry, Ron. I should have told you."

Ron looked at Harry. "It's alright… I just… I need time to think 'bout it. Don't expect me to become his friend though."

Harry grinned widely. "Thank you, Ron!" He threw his arms around the ginger and hugged him. Draco had to hold back a hiss, though a slight noise, sounding similar to the crackle of a fire, did manage to escape. Hermione turned her eyes to him. They looked directly at him. Draco's breath caught. Could she see him? No. Of course not. But then, something flashed in her eyes before she looked away, leaving Draco unsure if she knew he was there.

Harry released Ron and smiled blindingly. Draco felt a twang of jealousy. His Angelus Humane side growled inside his heart. He had to use all his control to hold back his emotions, to stop himself from revealing he was there and snatching Harry away possessively.

Ron grinned then said, "Alright, mate. Let's go to bed. Everyone else is already."

Hermione looked to Ron. "Why don't you go ahead? I need to speak with Harry."

He shrugged. "alright." Then, he went up the stairs to the seventh year dorm rooms. Harry looked at Hermione curiously. "What is it, 'Mione?"

She turned to Harry and said softly, "Draco… you can come out now."

Startled, Draco swept the cloak off him. She's good.

Harry blinked. "How did you know he was there?"

She smirked and glanced at Draco. "He made a sound when you hugged Ron."

The Slytherin blushed slightly. Damn it! He must learn to control himself better. Harry looked at Draco. Hermione giggled softly and spoke, "Well… go on. Why don't you two go up to bed." She phrased it as a statement not a question.

Harry grinned and said, "We will." he took a hold of Draco's hand and yanked him gently. "Whoa!" the blonde exclaimed as he was pulled along, the cloak thrown over him, leaving only his hand to be seen.

Harry had gone to change and get ready for bed. It only just now hit Draco that he did not have pajamas or clean clothes for the next day.

He had stripped to his silver boxers, folding his clothes neatly and folding the invisibility cloak around them to hide them. He had found his tie in his back pocket. A smidge of his Slytherin tie stuck out of it to alert Draco where his clothes were. He had also set the bundle under Harry's potion book.

Draco stared up at the ceiling, the red curtains drawn closed to hide him from view. He could hear the snoring of Thomas and Finnegan in the other beds. He could hear the sounds of the Weasley getting ready for bed as well. Sighing inaudibly, Draco closed his eyes and began to think.

He never thought he'd ever end up in the Gryffindor common room, let alone in a Gryffindor's bed. He had always thought he'd grow up to be something like an Auror or a Potions Master and marry whom his parents chose out for him, some pureblood bird who would just produce him an heir and who probably only wanted his money. But he was going to be with Harry. He could only be with Harry. He hated that. He hated that he didn't get to choose Harry out of his own free will. His fate had already been determined. If Harry didn't accept him… he'd die.

Suddenly, the harsh light of a 'Lumos' spell was in his face. His eyes squeezed shut as he released a soft groan. Harry murmured, "Nox." and looked at Draco apologetically.

"Sorry." he whispered, setting his wand on his bedside table. He took off and folded his glasses, setting them on top of his potion's book. Harry climbed into the bed and closed the curtains. Wandlessly, he murmured a silencing charm and a Notice-Me-Not charm. Draco felt Harry's magic settle over them.

"I didn't know you could do wandless magic." Draco said softly, keeping his voice low even though the silencing charm is in place. Just in case. You never know when magic will fail. Harry turned his face to look at the blonde. He smiled softly. "Yeah. I can do wordless too, but I'm too tired to."

The blonde smiled softly. Draco watched Harry. His emerald eyes looked even brighter without his glasses. They gleamed and shined extravagantly, giving off the impression of real emeralds. He was beautiful, and Draco was surprised he thought so. That's when Draco realized that Harry was only clad in boxers as well. The blonde tinted slightly, averting his gaze from where it had wandered to Harry's chest. Sitting up, Draco looked at Harry.

Harry propped himself up on his elbow, watching Draco curiously. The blonde felt his wings begging to be let out, his shoulder blades itching terribly. He rolled his shoulders, hoping to relieve the itch. Harry's gaze noticed this. "You alright, Draco?"

Draco nodded curtly, but he could tell Harry didn't believe him. Pursing his lips, the blonde debated telling Harry. Of course, his Angelus Humane side was demanding him to not keep secrets from his mate, but it was easily ignore as they weren't bonded. But Draco did want to tell Harry, his human side.

Sighing, Draco said, "It's just… my shoulder blades."

Harry sat up, worried. "Oh? What's wrong? Do they hurt? Are they okay?"

The blonde smiled. "They just itch. I'm fine, Harry."

Relaxing, the Gryffindor nodded. Draco bit his lip. Then, he asked Harry, "Can I… Do you think I could… um… release my wings?"

Those emerald eyes blinked once. The blonde released his lip and waited anxiously. The itching was so damn annoying! Harry's eyes focused and met the silver ones of Draco. "Yeah. Just be careful. I don't want you to get hurt."

Draco nodded, fighting to contain an excited grin. He failed as it broke through his composure. Then, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes in concentration. He willed his wings slowly out of his skin. They obeyed. They popped out gracefully, slowly and quietly. Harry was in awe. The blonde let his wings drape around him comfortably. He looked at the raven haired teen with his silver eyes.

Harry subconsciously reached his hand out to touch the feathers on Draco's wings. The wings turned from feather-like to silken in a matter of seconds as it registered its mate's touch. It felt like heaven under his finger tips. Harry couldn't help the wide smile that nearly broke his face in half at the feel and the knowing that only he could cause this to happen to the wings.

Draco closed his eyes and shivered as Harry's fingers brush through his feathers. The white feathers tinted lilac and silver around the edges. Lilac for affection, and for silver for love. It appeared that even in the color of the tips of his feathers didn't follow the same code as did the Angelus Humanes with black wings, which was were the type they were learning about in Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Harry allowed his hand to do as his instincts told him. He began to preen Draco's feathers. As he did, he allowed his thoughts to wander. A question popped into his head and he felt he had to ask.


"Hm?" Draco acknowledged him, his eyes still closed in bliss. Pursing his lips, Harry said curiously, "Will a beak pop out of your nose like your wings popped out of your back?"

This caused the blonde to open his eyes. He looked at Harry and blinked. He didn't know. "I don't know… I would hope not…"

The Gryffindor grinned and said, "I'd like ya anyway."

Draco smiled softly at him.


Harry returned to preening Draco's white feathers. The blonde hummed in appreciation. Then, he gently took a hold of Harry's wrist and halted his movements. Confused, Draco's mate gave him a frown, unsure why he had been stopped. The blonde laid on his side, folding in his right wing against his back. Harry's eyes flashed with understanding, and he laid beside Draco, facing him, their noses so close they were almost touching. The blonde's left wing remained outstretched and graceful. It draped over Harry, gently pushing him closer to Draco.

Harry looked into Draco's slightly blurred face. He lifted his right hand and gently touched Draco's face. He caressed the blonde's cheek, barely touching it. Draco had to suppress a shiver, but he couldn't help that his eyes closed.

Harry liked that he could have this affect on him. He liked the way Draco reacted to his touch. The thought of anyone else touching him made his blood boil and his toes curl, not that anyone could truly. Maybe… bonding with Draco wouldn't be so bad…

After a moment of warm silence, which consisted of Draco occasionally sighing contently while Harry stroked his wings, Harry decided to voice his thoughts. He gently sat up, without hurting Draco's wing.

Draco sat up to follow him, confused. His blonde eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Harry…?"

Harry looked at Draco, his green eyes full of determination. A spark of stubbornness also dwelled in those depths. He took a deep breath and said, "I want to go through with the bond."

Draco's breath left him. He felt as if he was suffocating. His heart began to pound furiously. Did Harry understand what he was saying?! They would be bound forever!

That's what you want, isn't it? For Harry to agree to be your mate? Don't deny it, Draco. You long for this.

Draco tried to ignore the Angelus Humane side of his brain and focus on his mate. "H-Harry…?" he cursed himself mentally when his voice wavered, "Are you sure about this? Do you even know what happens and how the bond is created?"

"No… Tell me." Harry said. Draco swallowed thickly. Should he tell him?

Nodding, Draco bit his lip and began, "Well… to create the bond…" he blushed slightly, his silver eyes flickering away from Harry, "we'd have to make… have sex." he changed the phrasing right before he said it.

Draco's eyes darted back to Harry's. He nodded, as if accepting this. "Alright."

"You do know what that would mean, right…?"

"Yes…. No." Harry admitted. Draco nodded and looked at his hands, taking a breath. Then, he said, "You would never be able to kiss or date or… have sex with anyone else. You'd be bound to me, body and soul. My heart would be yours."

The Gryffindor looked determined still. Harry nodded. "Alright, what else?"

"It would mean we'd crave each other's touch. I'd need your touch daily to live and thrive off of. I would literally need you to live. You would be my life, my entire being, my everything." Draco said softly.

Harry took one of Draco's hands into his and brought it to his lips. He kissed it softly. Draco took that as reassurance. He continued, "You would become my mate. We would be one in mind and being."

"I'd like that, Draco."

Nodding slightly, the blonde looked into the emerald green eyes of his mate. Harry pressed their foreheads together and grinned. Draco had to smile back. "Alright, Harry… I believe you."

Harry gave a little 'whoop!' of joy and excitement, causing Draco to laugh softly. Those emeralds had probably never looked brighter.

The Gryffindor laid back on the bed and patted beside him. The blonde smiled softly and took his spot next to his soon-to-be bonded. Draco uncertainly settled his head on Harry's chest. His left wing curled around them while his right wing refolded itself against his body. His wings just wanted to be free. Draco soon found his eye lids heavy and his breathing slowing. The next thing he knew he was lulled asleep by the rhythmic beating of Harry's heart.

Draco awoke to someone yelling his mate's name.

"Oi, 'arry! Wake up, mate!"

The blonde jolted up, his whole body tense, and shook Harry's shoulder, hastily. "Harry!" he hissed in a whisper, urgently.

Harry just grumbled. Draco fought to stay calm. He couldn't pull his wings back in if he was panicked.

Shit! Harry won't wake up! And his friend, Weasley, is coming over here! He'll see me!

Draco got an idea. He let his hand go outside the obnoxiously red curtains and reached for the invisibility cloak he had left on Harry's nightstand. Draco didn't notice his tie fall out as he hurriedly unwrapped his clothes and threw the cloak over himself, just as Ron Weasley opened the curtains.


The ginger shook the sleeping Harry rather roughly. Draco had to bite his hand to keep from squawking possessively like a furious falcon protecting her young. Harry grumbled and began to talk groggily. "s'op… sleepin'…"

Ron laughed. "Come on, mate. 'Mione's waitin' for us. We told her we would go to the library with her. She wants some wacky book on those angel creatures-" he moved his arms in a wing like formation, "we are learning about. The bloody thin's… I bet they like to eat worms."

Harry by this point was awake and putting his glasses on. He smiled at Ron's completely off guesses and said, "Are you sure you are listening in class and actually doing the homework?"

"Um… no." Ron shook his head, "Half the stuff goes in one ear and out the other."

Harry laughed. Draco did growl this time.

Ron jumped. "What was that?" he looked around terrified, "Did you 'ear it, Harry? It was like… a dog… growling…"

Harry's eyes widened when he heard Draco's growl. Knowing the blonde couldn't help it, he replied to Ron, saying "That was my stomach. I didn't eat dinner, remember? I'm starvin'."

The ginger easily accepted the answer and relaxed. "Oh. I thought I was going bloody mad!"

Harry smiled and glanced casually around the room (since of course Ron had basically ripped his curtains off his bed). Where was Draco?

"Let's go then. You need to get breakfast before he go find 'Mione in the library." Ron told Harry. Harry nodded. "Alright. You go ahead. I need to change."

"Alright. I'll wait for you in the common room."

He left, leaving Harry and Draco alone in the dorm.

After a few minutes of complete silence, Draco swiped off the cloak and looked at Harry. The Gryffindor grinned and said, "That was a close one."

Draco nodded, eyes wide a bit. Then, he climbed back over to where Harry was on the bed. He sat on the edge, his feathers brushing Harry's bare shoulder.

"You should get dressed." Draco told Harry, eyeing him casually. The Gryffindor grinned and said, "Like what you see?"

The blonde tinted slightly and mumbled something Harry's ears didn't catch. Assuming Draco was saying 'yes', Harry grinned wider and said, "Good." Then, he hopped up and waltzed away to the change, his clothes swept up into his hand.

Draco sighed slightly and decided he should dress to. So, he did, still not noticing his tie was missing. Once he was dressed in his clothes from yesterday, he realized no one could see him in the same clothes. People would get suspicious. Hastily, he dug through Harry's clothes.

Finding a pair of skinny jeans that looked way too small for Harry's nicely toned legs and an odd black shirt sporting a logo that said: the killers, Draco swiftly dressed in them. As he was pulling on Harry's shirt, Harry walked out of the bathroom.

Harry's eyes widened slightly. He never thought Draco would ever wear such muggle clothing. The clothes he had wore yesterday may be muggle or may not, but they looked like designer clothes. Harry's clothes… well they were far from designer.

Draco froze in the middle of putting on the shirt when he heard the bathroom door open, the shirt just around his arms. He turned to look at Harry, silver eyes wide. "U-Um…"

"You're wearing my clothes?" Harry more like asked than said, as if this notion confused him. Draco's pale cheeks tinted in humiliation. He had been caught. "Y-Yeah… is that okay?"

"Yeah. It's fine." Harry said, surprised, "I just… I didn't think you'd let such cheap material touch your skin…"

Draco huffed, unable to deny what Harry said. Though, he didn't mind this time. But only because they were Harry's. "I…" Draco paused the continued, "I don't mind."

Harry smirked, but he didn't say anything. Draco scowled at him, his cheeks a bright pink. Harry laughed, his eyes sparkling, and then he said, "Now let's go."

So the two teens left. Draco under Harry's cloak and Harry leading him, humming softly only a few feet ahead of him.

Draco gave Harry his cloak back once outside of the Grand Hall. After saying goodbye and sharing a brief innocent kiss, Harry entered the Grand Hall and Draco left to go to the Slytherin dorms. He had to retrieve his books for Alchemy, or Advanced Potions.

The moment he entered the Slytherin common room, Pansy was on him. "Who's clothes are you wearing?" She got in Draco's face, her eyes hard and determined. She wouldn't let Draco get out of this one easily.

Shit! Draco thought as Blaise pulled their best friend (Draco thought of them three as the Silver Trio, since Harry and his friends were the Golden Trio) out of his face. "Calm your self, Pans. You don't want to get on his bad side."

Draco glared halfheartedly at his best mate. Then, he started to say, "Thank you, Blaise. Anyway… Pansy, I happen to be borrowing these from the person I'm bringing to the Yule Ball."

"But they are guy clothes… At least… I think they are anyway. But they are muggle! Why would you let that come near to your skin?!" Pansy practically shrieked the question in horror.

The blond had to smile at his friend. Same old, Pans. Draco laughed softly and said, "They are muggle clothing. But I think these muggle jeans make my arse look nice."

Draco then posed and flaunted his nicely curved behind to his best friends. Blaise just laughed while Pansy giggled. "You're right, Draco! They look absolutely ravishing on you!"

"Thanks, Pans."

"Who are you bringing to the Yule Ball, Draco?"

Draco and Pansy both looked at Blaise. He was watching Draco curiously. The blonde thought for a moment. Was it safe to tell them? Especially since Blaise already knows what he is? What is he went after his mate?

Draco's mind began to argue with itself, his human side and his Angelus Humane side.

They're my best friends. Surely I can trust them with this, even if they are Slytherins.

Of course you can't! The voice spat at him. They will hunt our mate! They will kill him.

No! They wouldn't!

And how do you know that? Mad-Eye Moody is ready to kill you.

They're different!

Prove it.



"We've been calling you for like five minutes. You zoned out on us. You okay?" Blaise asked, concern written all over his face. Draco took a slow breath and nodded, "Yeah. Sorry."

"It's alright. You sure you are alright, though? Because you never zone out."

Draco sighed. "I'm alright."

"Then tell us who." Pansy insisted. Draco rolled his eyes. Of course. Always like Pans to care more about information than my own well being.


Draco's eyes widened. Maybe… Maybe his Angelus Humane half was right. Maybe he shouldn't tell them. "Um… You'll just have to wait and see at the Yule Ball."

"Awwwww." Pansy said, "You're no fun."

The blonde just smirked. "So, Blaise, did Greengrass say yes?" he asked, turning to the darker of the three.

"Astoria? Nah. But I asked her older sister, the one in our grade. She said yes. I think her name is Daphne." Blaise replied. Pansy nodded, "Yeah. Her name is Daphne."

Draco smirked ad he asked. "You gonna try and take her to bed then?"

"Of course! Why else would I date her?" Blaise smirked, amusement passing between the two as Pansy looked completely outraged. "You boys are terrible!"

"Like you're any better. You've bedded every Slytherin aside from me and Blaise. And you've also bedded most of the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws." Draco scoffed.

Pansy didn't have a replied. Draco smirked in victory. Blaise thought for a moment before grinning and saying, "Did you finally lose your virginity last night then, Mr. Save-It-For-Marriage?"

This caused a lovely rose color to coat the blonde's cheeks. "Why would you think that?" he demanded, trying not to sound humiliated. Blaise laughed, "Well, because of the clothes you are wearing."

Draco blushed deeper and looked down at Harry's clothes. "Uh… no… I didn't… Happy?" he crossed his arms over his chest and huffed, his cheeks still a lovely shade of red.

Blaise laughed at his friend. Draco released a groan of humiliation and frustration. "Why am I even friends with you?!"

"Because I'm sexy!" Blaise replied, still smiling ridiculously. Pansy started to laugh. "You are not! I am!"

Draco groaned and said, "I'm leaving. Unlike you two, I want to graduate this year."

The blonde left his two best friends in the Slytherin common room, and as he ran up to his dorm to get his books he heard them still laughing and making jokes about 'how pure and innocent' Draco was.

After going to the library with Hermione and Ron, Harry left them to go do his homework outside. He sat under the tree by the lake and got out his Divination book. He really hated that class. His homework assignment had been to predict three events before they happen through looking at his reflection in water because 'the eyes are the window to the soul'.

So, Harry set his parchment and quills to the side. He then got on his knees and peered over the lake, looking at his reflection. His brows furrowed as he concentrated. After a few minutes he sighed. Figures. He didn't think he could predict the future. But Harry's attention was caught by something as a new reflection appeared above his.

His emerald eyes widened as his eyes met the brown ones of the reflection. Whipping around so fast he almost fell in the lake, he looked to see if what he was seeing was true. His father caught his arm to keep him from tumbling back-first into the lake.


"Hello, Harry. My how you've grown!" James Potter grinned widely at his son. Harry swallowed thickly, fighting the tears he wanted to cry. To think he had a father! Oh! The emotions he was feeling right now!

Harry fought with his emotions. He felt overwhelming joy and unsurrendering rage, along with suspicion and uncertainty. His joy won out. He stood up and threw his arms around his father's neck. He didn't care if he was seventeen. His father was alive! He was back! He was here!

"Oh Merlin! I've missed you." Harry murmured into his father's shoulder before releasing his dad from the tight hug. James Smiled softly at his son and fixed his glasses. "I've missed you so much. I can't believe I've found you."

"Where were you? How come you only just now came to me? Why are you alive?" Harry choked a bit on the words that spewed out of his mouth. He couldn't control himself.

"I'm sorry, son. I know I should have come straight away, but I've been under a spell cast accidentally by You-Know-Who. He thought he had killed us but your mother's love spared us. We fell into deep magical comas. Your mother is still in one, but I awoke last night. Blood Moon power broke the coma on me and awoke me."

Harry's eyes lit up, all doubts and suspicion leaving him. "Mom's alive too?" he asked excitedly.

"Of course, Harry." James smiled softly, "So, is my boy the best seeker alive or what?"

"Of course I am! The only challenge for me is Draco Malfoy." Harry grinned widely. James smiled, "Ah. But you beat him?"

"Always." Harry nearly laughed in amazement. His dad was back! He had parents! He wasn't an orphan!

"Oh! You have to meet Ron and Hermione. They're my best friends. Ron is a Weasley. He has a ton of siblings. Hermione is a muggle born. I don't know her family, and I never will since she erased their memories of her when we had to go to war against Voldemort and hunt horcruxes. And… I'm rambling, aren't I?" Harry laughed sheepishly.

James Potter laughed as well. "It's alright, Prongs jr. I feel the same."

Harry beamed at his father. The two of them cleaned up Harry's homework and went inside Hogwarts so that Harry could introduce James to everyone he loved.

A/N: What do you think? Is it getting interesting? : ) I hope it is.