HI I am very happy to be writing this cause it has been in my head for days. So I hope you like it as much as I liked thinking about it. I do not Own anything!


Robin stirred awake and saw that he was in a chair and looked around to see all his team mates and Red Arrow. He looked at them and found they were stirring awake too.

He saw that he was in a white room, no doors, no windows, just endless. He also saw no one was tied up but there was nowhere to escape.

"Guys do you know where we are," Wally said as he woke up and looked around. Everyone looked around and was confused then a voice rand through the room but no one knew where it came from.

"Hello can anyone tell me what is called when someone is helpless and alone without their mentors helping them." Robin then knew who it was.


"It seems that the shadows thought you needed to get to know each other better you see if you look to your left there will be balloons pop the balloons inside is a secret you match the secret to the suspect why don't you go first Robin"

Robin then noticed the balloons and a pin and popped the green one "hickory dickory dock your boyfriends is a rock but no one knows you are together what a shock."

Megan then turned wide eye to Connor who was staring back. Artemis then smiled that one's easy Megan and Connor are together no big secret.

"Really now my girl well now that was only a starter there is not much they really know about Earth and not a lot they have kept. Megan you pop a balloon and read". Megan did as told a little shocked that Artemis knew about it but then again at least it was out there.

She popped the balloon with a squeak at the loud noise and read, "Hey diddle, diddle you were played like a fiddle, your parents are dead, and you almost lost your head, almost killing a man dead."

Robin they looked around and stood up, "I was eight years old when this man Zucco killed my parents I wanted revenge, but I didn't kill him that's when Batman adopted me and I became Robin."

Wally then thought for a second and Artemis asked, "Wait I remember hearing about a boy when I was 12 he lost his parents but that was probably another boy. 'Cause the boy's name was um what was it," She said trying to remember.

"Richard Grayson" Wally replied.

"Yeah how did you know that?" Artemis asked amazed.

"I have known him since I started out and Roy, him and I are great friends but I only know him because-" Robin then removed his mask and said, "My real name is Richard Grayson, foster child to the billionaire known as Bruce Wayne or Batman."

He then popped the balloon and read, "Over the river and through the shade your girlfriend is an evil babe and the heroin is was tuff but you were saved."

Everyone was in shock that had been on drugs but who could have no one knew.

Everyone looked at Robin "Hey don't look at me I already had my turn also I would be a dead man if I was once on drugs and had an evil girlfriend."

Roy then stood up "I was on drugs and I am in love with Cheshire." Everyone had shocked expressions on their faces and Roy went on, "Yeah Dinah and some of the league helped me through it and I am all right now but it was hard to tell anybody."

"Good now we are getting somewhere ok Roy your turn."

"You B*****" Roy said to the room and then popped the balloon and read, "Run, run as fast as you can but your father will catch you yes Rudolf always let you bruised and with a bloody tan."

"Well who can that be, Artemis?" Robin said but Artemis shook her head no "Kaldur" no "but that only leaves Wall-" he then saw the shocked expression on his friends face. "Wally is you ok?"

"H-how does he know all of this h-how does he know about him." Wally said frightened.

Artemis was confused, "Wally who's Rudolf I thought Flash was your dad?" She said.

Wally then let out a sigh, "No Flash is my Uncle Rudolf is my father, you see when I was about five my mom died or left no one told me the truth but after that Rudolf was abusive. He would hit me, kick me, sometimes through empty beer bottles and cut me. I, when I was six, got tired and scarred he starved me didn't bathe me nothing so I walked miles to get to my Aunt and Uncles house. They took me in and let me stay with them." He then looked up and saw everyone's eyes on him.

"Wally how can you always be so happy and cheerful, how did you hide that pain in your life, I would have never guessed you would be an abused child." Artemis said sorry for some of the thing she done to him.

"It's ok it doesn't hurt as much anymore, but I try to always find something funny in life if I would have never been abused I would have never been able to become Kid Flash just like Robin would have never been come Robin if his parents did not die."

"Good, Good you are almost done pop the last balloon Wally."

"But there are two more people unless there in love too," Wally said looking at Kaldur and Artemis who were also confused.

"Just read the note." The voice of Riddle said.

"Jack and Jill went up the hill your family's are out for the kill, they are evil, but you are true, yet they still live with you?" Wally then dropped the note and looked at the two shocked faces.

"W-what does the note mean?" Robin said.

Kaldur then stepped up. "AS you know I am not the son of
Aquaman but I am the son of Black Manta and I do live with him but I will always be loyal with my king." Kaldur then sat down and looked at Artemis.

Artemis then spoke, "Yeah well for one my dad's Sports master and well my sister is…Cheshire" Roy then almost fell back in his chair. "WHAT"

"Yeah I know and he does live with me and my mother who used to be an assassin until after an accident but like Kaldur said I stay loyal."

Everyone then looked at them both not knowing what to say until they all fell unconscious.

When they woke up they saw there mentor and ex-mentor was leaning over them.

"What happened?" Megan asked her Uncle.

"It appeared we were talking and you all just fell uncounsouse are you all alright?"

"Yes I think so um guys can I speak to you in the um kitchen" she then looked at the mentors "Um if you don't mind alone?" she said in a sweet voice.

Batman nodded and it seemed drugged the worried mentors away.

"Did all that really happen?" Robin asked

Artemis then said, "All depends your name really Richard Grayson?"

He nodded and everything fell silent.

"Well I guess we can um work out some issues we all have?" Wally said

"I agree maybe we should tell the adults?" Kaldur said.

"No they will try to know what are secrets are and that could become bad." Roy said.

"Roy's right but at least there is nothing to hide now right?" Artemis said.

"For now" The mysterious voice sad from nowhere.

Thanks for reading hope you liked it and if you R&R i will give you a Virtual WHALE