Indigo Fire*

Invocation of the Muse:

The voice that spreads from my lips,
is not mine to begin with.
It comes from a distant place.
One far from this earth.
It is carried to this world,
And whispered into my ear
at night.
This voice is not mine.
It develops from sweet nothings,
sung from moonlight,
Dancing over darkness,
And filling my head.
The words are not mine,
for they have been said before.
My ideas float on wings,
Gliding to this world like a feather,
Falling in the wind.
My heart is filled with idle words,
Waiting to be molded.
All the words are there,
But inspiration shapes them.


                The room was empty; lifeless, and not so much as a dust bunny fell. The atmosphere was constant tension, even when safety was ensured. Each and every article of importance was a prisoner behind a wall of glass; enchanted a hundred times over. The room was dimmed, and the lighting from inside of the cases gave it a feeling of high stature. Children were not allowed to set foot in here. Even though the artifacts were secure behind glass, wards, and guards at every exit, there was still a lurking fear that a five-year-old could undo ten years' work of fully trained wizards and let something priceless fall to a quick and painless death by shattering on the concrete floor.

            This was life at the British National Museum of Magical Artifacts. The guards and on-duty Aurors strolled the premises on constant alert for things gone wry. A tall young man with a goatee growing in nodded curtly to a weather-beaten, dilapidated, spalagidated hag entering the red room. Her one good eye, the left, winked its thanks at the guard and looked into the room. The hag hobbled over to the Mermish case and stood, hunched over for hours in front of the display, just looking. Her feathery gray hair flew out from under her sleepy pointed hat at odd directions, but for the most part, she appeared a normal patron of the Museum. The guards found her stance a bit peculiar, but paid her no heed.

At closing, the old hag hobbled out onto the quiet avenue outside of the museum. Taking a piece of parchment and an inkless quill out of the infinite folds of her robes, the hag sat down on a bench and began to draw a perfect blue print of the Mermish case. As her left hand scribbled over the page, her sleeve shifted in the wind. If someone had cared to pass by at that moment and look, they might have seen a serpent tongue sneering at them.

Of Laughter, Larceny, and Little Girls

The Alley was filled with students, parents, and patrons. Vendors pushed carts through the bustling crowds, and the morning sun began to peek over the rooftops. Time seemed to freeze for a moment as a group of voices rang out.

"We're off to see the wizard; the wonderful wizard of Oz." Three girls skipped down the cobble-stoned streets; arms linked and smiling. People moved aside in fear for the safety of their purchases, and the girls continued to sing until someone stepped in their way.

Cleary the leader of this insanity, a very pretty girl with brown hair and greenish eyes walked forward and tapped the boy on the shoulder.

"Excuse me, sir, but you seem to be blocking our way." She said, keeping her voice level. The boy turned to face her, and vivid blue eyes pierced her own.

"Yes?" The boy asked, crossing his arms.

"We'd like you to move." The girl continued, trying to keep the anger away.

"Fine." The boy said, coming to an accord surprisingly fast. The girl smiled back at her friends and motioned them forward. The insanity seemed to have passed, because the three girls walked calmly down the streets of Diagon Alley.


A short eleven year-old girl with black hair and pale skin walked through the Alley alone. Her ebony hair was the color of a dark, moonless night and her skin shimmered with slight iridescence. Her small build left the impression of constant frailty, even though there was very little. The girl's eyes were like ice-blown sapphires, turned and turned through the decades, set into place with a gentle touch and carefully glazed over with every blink.

Her name was Adelyn, and she was left to do her school shopping alone. With only enough money to buy her supplies, Adelyn wandered through Diagon Alley. Occasionally she would stop to look at a prize broomstick or pet a stray cat. Adelyn kept to herself.

Adelyn lived with her older brother, but he was always away at the school she'd be attending this year. It'd be different now, right? For once in her life, she wouldn't have to worry about where tomorrow's dinner was coming from or when the Social Services lady was going to bring the check.

Adelyn sighed and stepped up to a formidable looking building with dusty windows and a sign that said "Ollivander's." This would be a lot easier if her brother were here, but Merlin only knew where he was. Adelyn pulled open the door (with great effort) and stepped inside, squeaking when the door slammed behind her.

"Excuse me?" Adelyn called into the darkness behind a counter. She walked up and stood on her tiptoes, trying to peer over. It was failing miserably when a head popped up from behind the counter, causing Adelyn to falter backwards.

"Ah! A first year. You'll be needing a wand." The emerging man declared; his white hair flying in odd directions. He looked nice enough, Adelyn concluded.

"Yes sir." Adelyn said quietly, putting four galleons on the counter. "That's all I have, sir." The man smiled warmly at her and drifted off into the blackness. When he returned, his arms held numerous boxes.

"Here are our used wands, dear." The man said, pulling out the first one. He handed it to Adelyn. She waved it, causing dust to fly out from the end. "Not this one." The man said, tucking it back in its box. He pulled out another one.

"Ash, nine inches, made from a dragon heartstring." The man said. Adelyn took the wand and waved it. A pile of books fell on the floor. "Nope." The man said quickly, taking it back.

After trying the whole pile of boxes and wands, Adelyn finally saw the last box emerge. The man looked at it in curiosity and pulled out the wand, handling it very carefully. He handed it to her without an introduction.

Adelyn bit her lip and waved the wand. Almost immediately, warmth filled her left arm and side. The wand emitted gold sparks. Adelyn smiled victoriously. Her smile dropped as she saw the anguished look on the man's face.

"What is it?" Adelyn asked, setting the wand down.

"Nothing." The man said, forcing a smile. "There's your wand. It belonged to Esmerelda VonPatten. It's a good wand." He said, pushing her money back to her. "Go on, you can have it." He said, handing her the box. "Take care of it." Adelyn nodded her thanks; still very confused, and left the wand shop.

"Be careful, little girl." The man warned under his breath after Adelyn left. "Only danger can follow."

~ * ~

The Ice Cream Parlor was crowded, but Callie finally managed to find a place for her friends and herself to sit. Callie was staying at the Leaky Cauldron, and pretty much sick of the food there. So, the group had opted to eat here.

"Erg." Liane said, scrunching down low in her chair. Callie noticed that the Diggory family had arrived. Amos, the older brother, had graduated two years ago. Arnold, however, was a sixth year and madly in love with Liane. It was a summer development after she said 'hi' to him at a Quidditch game. Now Arnold followed her around 'like a sick puppy'.

James and Sirius sputtered ice cream and looked over at the Hufflepuff. Their faces broke out into identical smirks. Liane tried to stop them, but it was too late.

"Hey, Arnie boy!" James called. "Come sit with us. Our treat!" Liane wanted to die. She wanted to murder James Potter and die. Burying her face in her hands, Liane muffled a scream. James was oblivious.

"Hey guys." Arnold said, sitting in between James and Sirius. Liane kicked James, hard, under the table.

"Hey Arnold." Lily said, squeezing James' hand. They'd been going out for a while now and basically were inseparable.

"Yeah, hey." Callie said, nudging Liane. Liane muttered 'hey'.

"What have you been doing this summer?" Remus asked, taking a sip of his strawberry-peanut butter milkshake. His sandy blond hair fell into his face, and he was looking well for once. Callie smiled.

"Oh…not much." Arnold said, shrugging. "Just messing around with broomsticks. I've been working over at QQS." James' eyes lit up.

"Really? That's so cool. How'd you get a job there?" he asked, letting the waitress refill his mint-flavored soda. The waitress pulled out a pad and a quill.

"You ready to order, darlin'?" She asked Arnold.

"Sure. I'd like a frazzleberry sundae with two cherries on top." Arnold said. The waitress nodded and walked off, muttering something about picky teenagers. 'One cherry isn't good enough…has to have two.'

"Anyway…the store." Jen reminded him. Arnold nodded.

"Right…I got the job in June because my brother had to stop working there. They needed a replacement, and I was key for the job." Arnold said, smiling. His brownish blond hair dusted his eyebrows, and constantly had to be pushed back. Liane remained silent.

"I was looking for a job around that time." Lily said. "Liane and I looked together. She couldn't find one, though." Liane mentally cursed Lily for drawing attention to her.

"Um…yeah, well…" Liane said.

"Did you ever find one?" Arnold asked, moving aside a bit so that James and Lily could leave. Liane shook her head.


"Oh…well…maybe I could get you a job?" Arnold suggested. Liane shook her head again. Callie dropped her spoon and she and Jen ran off to find a waitress to get another.

"I don't think so. It's almost time for school anyway." Liane said quickly, frowning deeply as she found that Sirius and Remus had escaped to spy on Lily and James. Liane and Arnold were completely alone.

"Well, I'll find out about next summer." Arnold said, not noticing the absence of six people.

"Um…sure." Liane said. She looked around. "Where'd they all go?" She asked. She knew…and they'd all die for it too.

"I don't know." Arnold said, noting the empty chairs for the first time. Liane got up and walked toward the door. "I'll see you at school!" Arnold called after her retreating figure.

~ * ~

Liane found Sirius eating a sugar quill and watching James and Lily kiss on a park bench. Liane kicked him, hard.

"What?" Sirius hissed, ducking out of sight of his two engrossed friends.

"You frazzleberry!" Liane hissed back. Sirius raised an eyebrow.

"It was the worst thing I could think of off the top of my head." She told him. Sirius pulled her to the ground behind a trashcan and hushed her.

"Be quiet! You'll ruin it." He said, pointing. Liane crinkled her nose.

"This is your idea of fun? You're sick." Liane declared, starting to stand up. Sirius pulled her back down.

"Come off it. Remus is behind those bushes over there." He said, pointing to a group of bushes behind the bench.


"So…we put it on their ice cream." Sirius whispered. Liane watched in confusion while James and Lily continued to kiss. After a few minutes, Lily started to pull away. Except, she couldn't.

"You didn't!" Liane whispered in amazement.

"We did. Grafflegart's All-Purpose Glue." Sirius whispered, stifling laughter. James (and Lily…in a way) was looking around frantically. He couldn't quite say anything for obvious reasons.

Sirius stood up, and Liane followed suite. Remus rolled out of the bushes, laughing hysterically.

"I guess you're stuck with her." Liane shrugged. Sirius laughed even harder. James pulled his wand, but couldn't say anything to help his situation. Too bad for them it was at this moment that Katie Bird, a snooty sixth-year Ravenclaw chose to walk by. She saw James and Lily's predicament and grimaced in disgust.

"Oh my gosh…get a room!" She said, muttering an Ungluing Charm. James' eyes flared and he rushed at Sirius, who darted off. Lily blushed furiously and sat down on the bench.

~ * ~

A man in a dark cloak walked through Diagon Alley, muttering under his breath. In his hand was clutched the Daily Prophet. The article was crinkled over and over, but yet still there.

MUSEUM ROBBED By: Marvin Mibbs

On Friday night at 9:00, the British National Museum of Magical Artifacts was robbed. This was just before closing, but no one was seen. When asked if their security was getting lax, the museum curator slammed the door in this reporter's face.

The curator would not tell us what was missing, but reliable sources say that the Mermish display case is missing an item. Since no one really pays attention to boring Mermish stuff, no one knows which item.

The man laughed softly to himself, but knew better. The Aurors knew. The Aurors always know. Someone didn't want the information getting out. Someone wanted it kept secret. This just went to confirm His suspicions. In just a few short days, the world would be in His control. The man shook his head. Pathetic fools. No one can conquer Him. The man scuttled off to take It to his boss.

As he turned the corner, a stone fell out of his pocket. The man did not notice and continued on. A small, frail-looking girl stepped out of the shadows and picked up the stone, looking to call after the man. But he was gone. She tucked the stone in her pocket without a second thought.

~ * ~

Sirius and Liane did their shopping for books together. Lily and James weren't speaking to them, and Remus had escaped to the robe shop. 'He needed new robes' Sirius thought.

"This is ridiculous." Liane said, looking at their book list. "I can't believe we have to read all of these!" It was true. There were twelve books listed on the required books.

"Stop complaining and get your books." Sirius said, uncharacteristically. Liane raised an eyebrow, but conceded and did as she was told.

"Sirius?" Liane called. Sirius was right beside her, but staring off into space it seemed. Liane followed his eyes to a pretty girl with long black hair and blue eyes. Ah. That explains it. "Earth to lover-boy." Liane said, tapping his shoulder. Sirius snapped out of it and laughed.

"Ready?" He asked. Liane decided not to press the matter further and nodded.

"Let's go pay." She suggested. At the counter, they each paid three galleons for their set of books.

~ * ~

After they got their books, it was almost dark. The group was all going to stay at James' mansion for the next week. Callie had been staying at the Leaky Cauldron, but she'd be heading over there as well. Peter was AWOL, and Sirius had been staying over there all summer anyway. It was a good plan.

The group was going to stay in Diagon Alley until after dinner, when they would Floo back to the Potters' mansion. Liane supposed Jen was helping Callie get her things. Sirius put out his arm in a snazzy sort of parody of a "gentleman". Liane laughed and accepted it, and they walked in the nearby park.

"I don't fancy staying in a room with James tonight. Not after what happened. It was most unfortunate that Katie had to see. James had a crush on her back in third year." Sirius babbled. Liane nodded and laughed in all the right places. Her mind was wandering. She was thinking about how best to get her friends back for ditching her with Arnold. Grr.

"Really?" Liane asked.

"Yep. And then Elsa, Sierra, and Roni…" Sirius continued, naming off James' love interests. Liane wondered why he paid so much attention. "I reckon he liked every girl at Hogwarts at one time. Or they liked him."

"I never liked him." Liane said, nudging Sirius lightly on the shoulder. He grinned and pushed his black hair out of his eyes.

"He liked you, though. Back in fourth year. Until he saw Cammi…but that was short-lived." Sirius said. Liane giggled.

"I'm so very glad. That girl is wretched! She dumped Aconite all over me in Potions in second year. Ergh." Liane shook her head.

"I'm surprised he's stayed with Lily this long." Sirius said, smirking as they passed The Bench. "I guess they're meant to be."

"Yep." Liane agreed. "And what about you?"

"I don't know. I really like Emily. It's just…harder now." Sirius said, his voice softening.

"I know."

"And I feel guilty."

"She understands, Sirius." Liane assured him.

"But does she? It's hard liking someone that's not alive. I wish we could just be friends." Sirius admitted. Liane nodded.

"It's hard for her, too. She calls it an 'emptiness.'" Liane told him.

"Liane." Sirius stopped, and turned to her. "You can't tell her. I have to tell her myself."

"I don't want to get in between you guys anyway." Liane said.

"Promise me." Sirius demanded.

"Fine, I promise." Liane said.

An awkward silence passed between them, and Liane looked up at the sky. It was dark, and a starry blanket had spread over it.

"Let's go." Sirius muttered. Liane nodded, and they walked back to meet the group.

~ * ~

That evening, the group ate at a restaurant in Diagon Alley called Centaur Bend. Mr. Potter was a patron of the restaurant, so the manager let them in with nothing more than a hiss to 'keep it down.'

The seven friends sat in a corner booth, and tried to keep their laughter down.

"And two oranges were sitting on a fence, swinging their legs…" Sirius began. "And the punch line is: Oranges don't have legs!" Sirius started laughing hysterically, as did James. Lily giggled, and Remus smirked. The laughter was contagious, and eventually the whole table was laughing.

"What would you like to eat, sir?" A waiter asked James. James looked at his friends, and back at the waiter.

"We'd like the hippogriff platter." James said factually. When the waiter left, Callie raised an eyebrow.

"Hippogriff, James? Isn't it illegal to eat hippogriff?"

"Callie, dear, we aren't eating a hippogriff. The platter is so called because it has enough food to feed a hippogriff." James said, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, Cal-lie!" Sirius teased. She kicked him under the table and slipped her hand into Remus'. Jen sighed and suddenly felt all alone.

Getting up without much ado, Jen slipped out of the restaurant and went for a walk. She stepped out into the night, and looked at a little creek that ran behind the Centaur Bend. Humming to herself and skipping a rock, Jen didn't notice the footsteps behind her…

~ * ~

That night, the Potter's mansion was bustling with excitement. Emily had Flooed over from Hogwarts, and Peter had returned. The whole third floor was given over to the gang, and it was a scene.

There was a huge pillow fight between the guys and the girls. Emily was refereeing. Pillows zoomed around like mad, some enchanted and some not.

"James!" Liane screamed after James bashed her with an enlarged pillow. It came at her back at full blast, sending her flying into Sirius. Then, she got slaughtered by Sirius as well. It was amusing.

"Erg! I give up!" Lily said after being hit nine consecutive times.

"And we take prisoners!" James said, pulling her into a deep kiss. The events of the afternoon lay forgotten and the glue had worn off. Lily giggled.

Five minutes later, the nine teenagers lay in an exhausted heap in James' room. Feathers flew in different directions, depending on who breathed.

"We win." Callie said weakly, falling back on Remus' shoulder. He patted her head without protest.

"Peter, buddy, you aren't supposed to nail your own teammates." Sirius said as an afterthought. Peter shrugged.

A few minutes later, the group had split up. Lily and James had snuck off to kiss somewhere, and Callie and Remus went for a walk through the gardens. Jen had gone to bed early, to everyone's shock. Peter and Liane ran after James and Lily, with the infamous Grafflegart's Glue in hand.

Sirius and Emily were alone.

"How's your summer been, Sirius?" Emily asked. Sirius smiled and shrugged, a bit distracted. "Mine was boring. The Bloody Baron snores, you know." Emily laughed, but quickly stopped when Sirius was unamused.

"Emily…are you okay?" Sirius asked, quietly.

"Of course I'm okay." Emily chirped, doing the Egyptian.

"No, I mean…okay with us?" Emily's hands dropped and she frowned.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean…it's hard." Sirius said, not meaning what he said and not knowing what he meant.

"Sure it's hard." Emily sighed and into her eyes came a look of understanding. "Are you tired of me, Black?"

"No…it isn't that…it's just that..." Sirius stuttered.

"If you want to dump me, just say so!" Emily said loudly.

"It's not like that!" Sirius matched her volume. With a glare to kill, Emily turned on her heel and fled from the room. 'Damn…I think I was just dumped by a ghost!' Sirius realized

~ * ~

"You LOST it?" He demanded, pushing his chair back and standing up. He strode to the window of a high tower, looking out at the fields. "You lost it and you dare come back to face me?"

"I'm sorry, my Lord." The servant stuttered. "I'm s-sorry."

"Where?" He demanded lowly. His voice dripped with malice, and the word hung like an icicle in the air.

"Diagon Alley, sir." The servant said quietly, wincing.

"Insolent fool!" He roared, turning around, wand in hand.

"No! N-no!" The servant fell on his knees, stumbling over to kiss the hems of his master's robes.

"Spare me." His eyes flashed and he muttered the words, kicking over his servant's now lifeless body.

~ * ~

Author's note: I hope you guys liked this chapter. This is about six months' worth of work. This is the third draft of this story. Let's hope this time it works, eh? Thank you to Harmony Slytherin for being my beta on such sort notice. You rock, girlie! Hopefully it will not take so long for chapter two to come out. Next chapter: Train ride and the Sorting. We'll find out more about those footsteps when Jen was outside. Arnie boy will make another appearance. The Marauders will have some fun with the hook-nosed Slytherin we love to hate!