Teen Titans copyright DC Comics/Warner Brothers

Batman copyright Bob Kane/DC Comics

On Dark Wings...
Chapter 01: Bird of Prey

it was late at night at Jump City, the home of the superhero team known as: The TEEN TITANS.

standing upon a small island near the metropolan city was a large, "T" shaped town...the home base of the Teen Titans.

the tranquel silence of the night was interrupted when a small, black submarine rose from the waters and surfaced near the island.

the hatch opened, and out rose a dark figure.
he leaped from the sub and stepped onto the ground.

this figure looked to be a male young adult.
he was clad in a dark red body armor, long black pants and, wore a short, hooded cape that drapped over him.

curiously, he ALSO wore a yellow utility belt, black guantlets and boots a black, wing-like domino mask that cover his eyes and had a Bird Emblem on his chest.

at first glance, one would THINK this was Robin...
Batman's former partner and leader of the Teen Titans.

but, this was only HALF true...
this figure was indeed "a Robin"...but, not the same Robin that led the Titans.

the new Robin brushed his brown bangs of hair from his eyes and looked at the tower.

"(Long Whistle) now THAT'S a tower..." said Robin

(("CAREFUL, Max...")) began a voice over Robin's intercomm

(("if I know Dick, he's probably had "Cyborg" instal some HEAVY security."))

Robin snickered.

"Riiiight...cuz' we wouldn't want this to be TOO EASY."

Robin pressed a hidden button on his domino mask.
his white lens flashed white, activating a "Detective Vision Mode"

Robin saw hidden motion detectors on the ground surrounding the tower.
"whoa...these guys ain't joking."

(("their Superheroes, remember?")) said the dark voice again

"right, I keep forgetting...
SO, any advice in how to get past this?"

(("you'll never get to the door with those motion sensors-"))

"yeah, who uses doors anymore?" said Robin, sarcasticly

(("there's ALWAYS another way in...LOOK FOR IT."))

Robin surveyed the area, looking HARD for a way in.
he soon spotted ONE possable route: a large, ventilation shaft

"that Air Vent looks promising."

(("then, use the Grappel to tear the cover off.
you can THEN, grappel to the shaft without setting off the sensors."))

"yeah-yeah, I KNOW.
I've done this HUNDREDS of times in the training simulator..."

(("but, THIS isn't training."))

Robin ignore the voice and took out his grappel gun.
he aimed it at the vent cover, and squeezed the trigger.

with a loud, popping sound the gun launched a claw attached to a strong cable towards the cover.

the line travel clear across the field until the claw made contact with the cover and clamped onto it.

"bullseye..." said Robin with a smile

Robin tugged hard, ripping the cover off it's hinges.
after retracting the line, Robin fired his grappel AGAIN.

THIS TIME, he propelled himself towards the shaft his body "gliding" above the ground (and, motion sensors)
until he finally made contact with the shaft opening and crawled inside.

"ugh...quite a TIGHT FIT!" grumbled Robin

(("just count yourself lucky it was big enough for you to crawl through..."))

"oh, yeah...lucky ME."

After crawling for quite some time Robin reached the end of the shaft and saw another Vent Cover.

he took a look through it and, could see what appeared to be a large room.

wasting no time, Robin pressed his boot against the cover after a couple of jerks, the cover began to unhinge off the wall.

Robin then gripped it with his gloved hand and, carefully pryed it loose, until the cover was off, hanging off a single bolt.

Robin silently exited the shaft, and landed on the floor.
he looked around, surveying the area around him.

He could see he was atop a metal stairway.
he looked down from the balcony, and could see LARGE, Metal door.

he figured THAT was the front door.
and, luckily for him...he was right above the Laser-Trip Wires on the floor.

Using DETECTIVE MODE, he looked around to see if there were anymore traps awaiting him...he couldn't get caught NOW.

Luckily for HIM, the stairway was CLEAN.
and, rather than RUN up the stairs...Robin decided to take a shortcut.

He took out his Grappel Gun and fired it upward.
the claw soon latched onto something, and Robin propelled himself up several flights of stairs.

Robin soon leaped over the rail to the top he then approached a small, metal door...which was LOCKED.

Robin then spied a security console.

"Hmmm...Custom Made.
this may get a little TOUGH."

Robin then pressed onto his mask.


(("What is it?"))

"I'm at the door to the main room...but, it's LOCKED.
I see a Security Console, but it's definently NOT "WayneTech"..." began Robin

"PLEASE tell me, that your "Hacking Device"
can get thru the Titan's Security Mainframe..."

(("I ALWAYS come prepared, Robin...

when I learned of Dick's new friends I took the liberty of learning EVERYTHING about them.

including the Technology of Victor Stone, AKA "Cyborg"
so, the Crytographic Sequencer SHOULD be able to bypass his security."))


(("It's never been tested, before."))

the Hooded Robin groaned.

"alright, Bruce...I'm TRUSTING YOU.
but, if an alarm goes off, and I am caught...I'm blaming YOU."

Robin took out a hand-held device.
the device split apart into a screen and a console.

aiming it right at the Security Console he established a connection to the mainframe and began to hack into it.

After a few minutes, the device beeped.
the Security Console's red light turned green, and the doors opened.


"You got lucky...THIS TIME." said Robin, who put the device away

Robin then entered the large room.
it consisted of a small kitchen and a ridicuously large Television Screen.

Robin figured that THIS was the Titan's main headquarters.
where they either did their important Crime Fighting work...or, just "Fooled Around"

and, judging my the candy wrappers, leftover Pizza crusts the DVD and Videogame cases and various other trash and clutter...

Robin figured they MOSTLY did the latter.

Robin immediatly activated his DETECTIVE MODE.
he identified the TV Monitor as his target: the Titan's Computer Database.

but, he ALSO more Laser-Trip Wires on the floor.

"ugh...I REALLY don't have time for this!"

Robin took out ANOTHER device from his belt.
the device fired TWO cable lines: one behind him, and one forward.

the device raised him up and carried him forward, HIGH above the lasers.
Robin then dropped down onto the Stone Couch...right in front of the television monitor.

Robin was NOW close enough to the database.
he crouched down and immediatly took the Cryptograph Sequencer out, activating it.

"Hmm...security for Computer Access is TIGHTER (heh, no surprise there)"

(("Keep trying...we NEED the Titan's data."))

"You don't need to tell me twice!"

Robin began to hack into the computer...
he ran into a few snags (mostly "dummy codes" and "false passwords")

but, the device eventually beeped...indicating success.

the computer soon turned on...and, the security system deactivated, as well.
Robin stepped down from the couch and approached the large monitor.

"Okay...I'm in."

now, keep the Cryptograph ON...I need a stable link to download the files."))

"make it fast...I DO NOT want to stay here anymore than I have to."

Robin laid the device on desktop.
after several minutes passed, Robin's InterCOMM activated.


"What?, What is it!
is something wrong?"

(("kind of...
I'm detecting intruders infiltrating the Tower."))


(("they may give us problems, you'd better take them down."))

Robin narrowed his eyes.

"(deep sigh) it's never EASY, is it?"

Robin immediatly took out his grappel gun he fired and propelled himself to some rafters at the cealing.

once he was perched at a proper vantage point Robin saw several men dressed in Black and Bronze uniforms walk in.

Robin activated his detective mode.
he identified Seven human hostiles, all armed with assault rifles.

"what the heck are they doing here?" whispered Robin

(("probably some SAD attempt at taking down the Titans while they sleep...
don't worry, I've locked down the doors leading to their rooms: they won't be getting to them."))

"good...then, it's just ME vs THEM."

(("Remember what I taught you..."))

"this isn't my first "round-up", Bruce...I can handle these idiots."

Robin stealthly walked down the beams above the armed men.
he used his COMM, and listened in on their confronsations.

"I thought you said this would be EASY." said one thug

"I DID!, I mean, it IS!"

"Then, WHY aren't they here!
you said we'd get the drop on the Titans!"

"How was "I" suppose to know that those KIDS would actually be sleeping, tonight!"


"(Grunt, Groan) I'm...TRYING!"

Robin spoted TWO MEN at locked door leading to the Titans...
One was trying the open the door, the other was watching him.

BOTH were looking at the door, their backs turned.

Robin grinned.
he then looked around to make sure no one was watching.

TWO Men were in the kitchen, Two others were at the monitor One last one was at the main door, being the lookout.

Robin knew the Lookout would be a problem.
so, he took out a grenade with a "Snowflake" brand on it.

he quickly tossed it at the lookout.
the grenade exploded, quickly flash-freezing him in place.

The Thug was silenced, and no one noticed.

Robin then leapted off the rafter, extending his cape out like wings.
he glided silently towards the two men at the locked down and silently snuck up to them.

in an instant, he grabbed their heads and BASHED their skulls into each other, HARD.
they fell to the ground, completely out cold...

this, however made noise.
Robin quickly grappeled back to the rafters.

the four other gunmen ran to the noise and found the two KOed men.

"oh, god...WHAT HAPPENED!"

while the four men were occupied, Robin grappeled to another rafter.
he was now RIGHT ABOVE the frozen lookout...right where he wanted him.

Robin hanged from the rafter and lowered down using his grappel line.
he grasped the frozen gunman, shattering the ice and quickly rose up.

Robin was now grasping the now conscience thug by his throat, glaring right at him.


Robin punched the thug, knocking him out cold.
he then dropped the thug down from the rafter, and quickly grappeled to another location.


one of the gunmen looked and saw him.

"oh, god...I FOUND ANOTHER ONE!"

the four men ran to their KOed teammate.

"w-whose doing this!" said a frighten thug

"It must be the BIRD."

but, I thought he was asleep, like the others!"

"guess not..."

one of the thugs cocked his gun and gritted his teeth.

"ROBIN!, Can you hear me!
you keep doing this, and, we'll FIND YOU!"

though the thug was TRYING to sound tough Robin knew that from his heartrate, he was close to a Panic Attack.

"three down, FOUR TO GO..." muttered Robin, silently

Robin watched at the four gunmen searched around form him.
their hands shaking, heartrate increasing...Just as Robin wanted.

"Found him yet?"

"NO!, not yet..."

"well, SOMEONE must know where he is!"

Robin watched his tagets like a predator...
he KNEW he had to get them sepperated, pick them off One-by-One.

Robin drew out an oddly shaped Birdarang.
he surveyed a location, one least FAR ENOUGH and SECLUDED enough.

Robin found one: The Kitchen.
he tossed the Birdarang, which embedded firmly into the ground.

the Birdarang then emitted a faint, pulse.
which got the attention of ONE of the gunmen.

"What's that noise!"


"alright-alright, SHEESH!"

a lone gunman walked carefully into the kitchen...just as Robin wanted.

"what IS this thing!"

Robin dropped down, his his cape to parachute his drop.
he snuck up the the gunman, and instantly grabbed him

the man struggled, but Robin slammed his face HARD on the ground.
THIS made noise and got a thug's attention...but, Robin wanted this.

he crouched against a wall and waited for a thug to approach.
one ran over to the kitchen to investigate the noise...but, Robin intantly grabbed him.

he held him down, his hand clamped against his mouth.
the thug soon passed out and Robin laid him down easily.

Robin then grappeled back up to the rafters.
NOW, only TWO Thugs were left...it wouldn't be long, now.

Robin drew out a device from his belt: a Disruptor.
it targeted one of the thug's assault rifles.

he pressed the button and held it down.
the device soon beeped, indicating he had successfully JAMMED his gun.

Robin then leapt, glided and dive-bombed towards the other thug.
he impacted him, grabbed his body and slammed him against the ground...knocking him out cold.


the othet thug aimed his gun at Robin and pulled the trigger.
BUT, just as Robin expected: It DIDN'T Fire.


Robin quickly grabbed the thug, disarming him.
he slammed him against wall, pinning him down.

Robin glared at him.
he then punched the wall, his fist CLOSE to his head.

"Face or Legs...which one do I BREAK first?" Threatened Robin, his voice DARK

The thug was now terrified.

"oh, god, PLEASE...don't hurt me!"

"then, TALK!
Who sent you to do this, WHO ARE YOU WORKING FOR!"


Robin tightened his grip on the thug.


I work for Slade, HE sent us to ambush the Titans!"

Robin brought his souless eyes to him, glaring.

"Leave NOW...and, don't you EVER attack Titan's Tower, again.
If you try this again, I WILL find you...and, your BOSS."

The thug nodded.
Robin then punched him HARD, knocking him out cold.

(("Download complete...
NOW, go get the Cryptograph Sequencer and get out of there"))

"WAAAAY ahead of ya'"

Robin walked over to the monitor and took the Cryptograph.
he deactivated it and put it back into his belt.

"WELL...looky what we have HERE!" said a voice

Robin looked back and saw several Black-and-Bronze suited thugs.
NONE of them had guns, but SOME were armed with Crowbars and Baseball Bats.

"We're gonna CLIP-YOUR-WINGS, "Bird Wonder!"

Robin's expression lacked emotion.
he then grinned, then cracked both his knuckles.

"you want some?...fine by me."

Author Note: This is the start of a Teen Titans Crossover that I have been working on for quite some time...

This chapter, I based on BATMAN: ARKHAM CITY
where Titan's Tower is essentually a "Predator Challenge Map"

The "Hooded Robin" featured here is NEW
He is NOT Tim Drake (Nor is he Jason Todd, Damian Wayne and OBVIOUSLY not Dick Grayson)

Good Luck figuring out his identity...